Randy Orton- General Thread

My thoughts on Randy Orton are as follows :

He was the future of the company. I say this because he hasn't been booked well since his feud with the Undertaker. That feud is what gave him his notoriety. The way he is being booked now is just horrible.

His promos are awful and his ring work is not like it used to be. Everyone will say it is because of his character but I don't care. I believe that even if he is supposed to be " The Viper " that he can still do everything he used to. Why not incorporate " The Legend Killer " into this gimmick. Then we will see how he works out. And you know ... everyone says Cena has " the 5 moves of doom " .... but yet all Orton does in his matches now are the same every time. Constantly we see headlocks and stomps. Middle rope DDTS and backbreakers. Then if he is going to win the match we see the RKO.

In my opinion they need to find him a new gimmick or make some changes to this one. This current gimmick is doing nothing but drag him down. He's gone from the future of the company to being absolutely boring. People used to preach on here that the Age of Orton was upon us. If this is the Age of Orton .... I have one viable comparison....The Age of Orton = The Recession.
The sad thing about Orton is that he because he emerged after the brand extension in the wwe he has to face the same guys over and over again which is boring for the fans and his wrestling style.

The guy only faces Triple H, Cena and Batista regularly and two of them could be on Smackdown soon and Triple H is in Dx so his talent is used sporadically.
His "monotone" promos and slow in ring work is because of his character people that ignore that don't know wrestling. For god sakes look at any wrestler that's had a gimmick change and it's the same deal. You can't be a Viper who slowly stalks his prey before quickly striking (the RKO) if you jump around the ring Orton's ground and pound style is how his gimmick works.

People that hate Orton hate his character, not Orton himself once Orton bashers get this straight they can be taken seriously until then I'll assume they are ignorant to the ways of wrestling.

He plays his character to perfection and it's earned him one of the top spots on the WWE's flagship show and he is the companies top heel and the reigning WWE champion.

To the guy who said he was getting booed during his Legend Killer gimmick you couldn't be more wrong. He got little to no reaction everywhere he went, and his promos came off as cheesy and fake. The only time he got a reaction was against the Undertaker after he burned him alive in their casket match at No Mercy 2005 I believe. The burning of the casket was more Viper esque if you will as well the Legend Killer gimmick was nice when he was killing legends when he was facing regular guys he was no different than MVP,Swagger, Masters, Carlito etc.

He was a cocky arrogant young heel that gimmick has a shelf life and it's very short granted Orton did it much better than any of the guys I mentioned above but still. Orton knew that he needed a new gimmick a more refined modern one to get him to the top the Viper gimmick did that the WWE felt he was good enough to be given the WWE title five times as the Viper compared to only one title reign as the Legend Killer that lasted all of one month.

Orton is the best heel in the WWE today he is only 29 and is 3-4 years away from hitting his prime. He and John Cena will be leading the WWE as the pioneers of the next generation Orton has cleaned up his act and I believe Triple H has groomed him to take his spot.
His "monotone" promos and slow in ring work is because of his character people that ignore that don't know wrestling. For god sakes look at any wrestler that's had a gimmick change and it's the same deal. You can't be a Viper who slowly stalks his prey before quickly striking (the RKO) if you jump around the ring Orton's ground and pound style is how his gimmick works.

I know it is his character, so don't try to school me on that. I'm saying that his character is boring. His matches are boring, his promos are boring. If it's because his character has evolved then that is all fine and dandy but it doesn't make him any less boring. He has the type of character that makes me turn off the TV and go to bed, not the type that has me glued to the TV, regardless of how much this character has evolved from the past.

People that hate Orton hate his character, not Orton himself once Orton bashers get this straight they can be taken seriously until then I'll assume they are ignorant to the ways of wrestling.

I haven't seen his bashers say they hate him. They bash him because he is boring. I don't see why you can't take a person seriously just because they are not entertained by a guy who wrestles like he is half dead.

He plays his character to perfection and it's earned him one of the top spots on the WWE's flagship show and he is the companies top heel and the reigning WWE champion.

And it also is why RAW itself is so stale. Boring champ = boring show.

To the guy

I'm not a guy, I'm a chick

who said he was getting booed during his Legend Killer gimmick you couldn't be more wrong. He got little to no reaction everywhere he went, and his promos came off as cheesy and fake. The only time he got a reaction was against the Undertaker after he burned him alive in their casket match at No Mercy 2005 I believe.

He was definitely getting a heel reaction in 2007. Even though he was facing Cena during a time when the Cena hate from the crowds was much stronger than it is today, he got strong heel reactions. During today's product the audience is much more pro-Cena due to the younger audience, and yet Orton's getting face pops ALL THE TIME. Back in 2007 the only times he got regularly cheered was when he did his little arms-outstretched pose on the turnbuckle and girls would cheer.

The burning of the casket was more Viper esque if you will as well the Legend Killer gimmick was nice when he was killing legends when he was facing regular guys he was no different than MVP,Swagger, Masters, Carlito etc.

Yes, he was similar to MVP, Masters and Carlito in the sense that he wasn't getting face reactions. Unlike The Viper.

He was a cocky arrogant young heel that gimmick has a shelf life and it's very short

Then why does almost every single midcard heel in the WWE have that gimmick? Cody Rhodes has that gimmick, and he gets booed. Swagger has that gimmick, and he gets booed. Miz has that gimmick, and he gets booed.

Orton has the gimmick of being a guy who tries too hard to look like he's crazy, but really just walks really slow. And he gets cheered. Maybe he should go back to being the cocky arrogant heel.

granted Orton did it much better than any of the guys I mentioned above but still. Orton knew that he needed a new gimmick a more refined modern one to get him to the top the Viper gimmick did that the WWE felt he was good enough to be given the WWE title five times as the Viper compared to only one title reign as the Legend Killer that lasted all of one month.

Orton is the best heel in the WWE today he is only 29 and is 3-4 years away from hitting his prime. He and John Cena will be leading the WWE as the pioneers of the next generation Orton has cleaned up his act and I believe Triple H has groomed him to take his spot.

When Orton actually starts getting more boos than he gets cheers, then I'll consider him the best heel. The guy comes out to cheers, then there is a "you suck" chant only when he begins one of his boring promos. There is no way you can call that being the best heel in the WWE, especially now with Vickie Guerrero back.
1. Definitely not, WWE is establishing him as the top heel in the company.
2. He's a pretty good in-ring performer, he cuts decent promos, does decent mic work, but I hate how he takes 5 minutes to walk down the damn ramp and I hate how he just stares people down which makes him look ridiculous.
Here are my thoughts

Whilst I do not enjoy him as much as Punk and most of time Jericho, he is a very good heel

He has been booked like crap since mania in stale feuds with HHH and Cena bordering on torture and a guy he had no chemistry with in and out of the ring in Batista

His Viper Chracter is not everyones cup of tea, I personally like it but can see why others do not

I dont see the workrate hate his matches with Cena have been good the past few months and has had soom top notch matches over the years, the one with Rey Mystereo at No Way Out 2006 and Backlash 2004 with Foley are class examples of what of how good Randy can be in the ring weather straight singles or gimmicked, the one with Mystereo espicially was a world class heel performance riling up the crowd in that match

He also helper Jeff Hardy on the way to the main events in early 2008 and made Ted Dibase look his equal in Teds best WWE match to date

Simply put Randy has a lot of upside to him, as a worker and as a chracter
Orton takes a long time getting in the ring, but his ring work and mic work really works well with his gimmick. He slowly wears his opponents down, and then out of nowhere strikes you down and claims victory. He's being built up to become the top heel. He's doing a hell of a job now and he's over with the fans. Those who hate Orton for the most part just hate that he's "slow" in the ring. The guy puts on good matches and the fans eat everything he says.
I know it is his character, so don't try to school me on that. I'm saying that his character is boring. His matches are boring, his promos are boring. If it's because his character has evolved then that is all fine and dandy but it doesn't make him any less boring. He has the type of character that makes me turn off the TV and go to bed, not the type that has me glued to the TV, regardless of how much this character has evolved from the past.

I haven't seen his bashers say they hate him. They bash him because he is boring. I don't see why you can't take a person seriously just because they are not entertained by a guy who wrestles like he is half dead.

And it also is why RAW itself is so stale. Boring champ = boring show.

I'm not a guy, I'm a chick

He was definitely getting a heel reaction in 2007. Even though he was facing Cena during a time when the Cena hate from the crowds was much stronger than it is today, he got strong heel reactions. During today's product the audience is much more pro-Cena due to the younger audience, and yet Orton's getting face pops ALL THE TIME. Back in 2007 the only times he got regularly cheered was when he did his little arms-outstretched pose on the turnbuckle and girls would cheer.

Yes, he was similar to MVP, Masters and Carlito in the sense that he wasn't getting face reactions. Unlike The Viper.

Then why does almost every single midcard heel in the WWE have that gimmick? Cody Rhodes has that gimmick, and he gets booed. Swagger has that gimmick, and he gets booed. Miz has that gimmick, and he gets booed.

Orton has the gimmick of being a guy who tries too hard to look like he's crazy, but really just walks really slow. And he gets cheered. Maybe he should go back to being the cocky arrogant heel.

When Orton actually starts getting more boos than he gets cheers, then I'll consider him the best heel. The guy comes out to cheers, then there is a "you suck" chant only when he begins one of his boring promos. There is no way you can call that being the best heel in the WWE, especially now with Vickie Guerrero back.

Where to start with this first of all you contributed nothing different from your first post you just responded to mine with equally wrong stuff.

It's pretty obvious the "smarks" all boo Cena and cheer Orton because Cena is public enemy number one. The poster child for this awful pathetic "PG era", that attracts women and children and gives the middle finger to old school long time wrestling fans as well as young adult males.

Orton meanwhile is the light at the end of the tunnel the "smarks" all cheer him mainly against Cena. Because they see the old school style in him when he punted VKM it was instant support from the "smarks. It was like SCSA to them because it's the closest we can get to the glory years. Now we get a suck up wannabe movie star that might as well be the microphone Vince uses, little leprechauns running around and an overall terrible product see where I'm getting at here ?

By the way that whole section of your post was a big contradiction you criticize Orton for getting cheered yet ignore Cena's boos ? Tsk tsk that just doesn't work here they should both get equal treatment your bias hatred towards Orton is showing.

To blame the woes of Raw all on Orton is completely asinine and laughable and it just shows that you can't give a good opinion on Orton because you obviously hate him with a passion. How about creative and the inability to create new stars as well as awful booking ? But I'm sure in your deluded world all wrestling's problems can be directly related to Randy Orton.

Look I take every posters opinion on here seriously but you have shown me that you refuse to accept that it's Orton's character you hate you have danced around that statement quite well.

While you turn off your t.v. millions of others watch so obviously the powers at be feel he is the best for the job but I'm sure you know who could be a better champ. Your avatar is a Kennedy one figures a botch monkey who was always hurt and now is crying and whining his way to TNA.

Haha your making this too easy every "mid card heel" that's not the top like I said in only takes you so far see Orton's IC title reign and god awful WHC reign. MVP, Masters Carlito are all doomed to the mid-card for life Orton wisely changed his gimmick and perfected it.

Reading through your post I finally found some sense of acceptance that Orton's gimmick is what you hate it took some time but maybe just maybe you will understand.

I really can't go anywhere else here you just repeat yourself the whole time saying that Orton is boring. While there was a small acknowledgment it's his character most of this post just reaffirms my initial belief going in that your not very wrestling savvy.

How do you think a Viper acts ?? Does a Viper chase his prey around does a Viper jump around ? Or does a Viper slowly stalk his prey (stomps, rest holds, rope assisted DDT, slow ring entrance etc.) Before delivering the final blow to finish off his prey (RKO or Punt). You claim you don't need to be educated on wrestling (I highly disagree but I digress) but maybe you need some education on the animal kingdom instead ?

Anything else ?
Where to start with this first of all you contributed nothing different from your first post you just responded to mine with equally wrong stuff.

That's because you ignored most of the points in my original post. Oh and based on how the majority of my post was opinion (saying Orton is boring), I don't see how that could be "wrong stuff"

It's pretty obvious the "smarks" all boo Cena and cheer Orton because Cena is public enemy number one. The poster child for this awful pathetic "PG era", that attracts women and children and gives the middle finger to old school long time wrestling fans as well as young adult males.

Yeah, okay, now you're going to blame Cena for why Orton gets cheers. Like I already said in my last post, Orton and Cena feuded in 2007 and Orton got way less cheers compared to today, even though the crowd was much more anti-cena back then.

He's getting cheers because his gimmick is "cool". Not because the crowd hates Cena.

Orton meanwhile is the light at the end of the tunnel the "smarks" all cheer him mainly against Cena. Because they see the old school style in him when he punted VKM it was instant support from the "smarks. It was like SCSA to them because it's the closest we can get to the glory years. Now we get a suck up wannabe movie star that might as well be the microphone Vince uses, little leprechauns running around and an overall terrible product see where I'm getting at here ?

Exactly. Apparently somebody thought it would get Orton heel heat if he were to kick an old guy that nobody likes in the head, get a cool new theme song, and make him pretend he has a mental condition. Orton isn't going to get a lot of boos because the crowd thinks the "sadist" heels are cool. That's why, for example, Kane always gets cheers even though he's a heel.

The gimmick stinks. He gets cheered for being a cool heel, and yet he bores the hell out of the average viewer who isn't a fanboy/girl for him.

By the way that whole section of your post was a big contradiction you criticize Orton for getting cheered yet ignore Cena's boos ? Tsk tsk that just doesn't work here they should both get equal treatment your bias hatred towards Orton is showing.

My bias hatred? I already said that I don't hate Orton, I'm just not entertained by him at all.

The reason why I didn't go on about Cena's boos, is because this thread is called RANDY ORTON, not John Cena. I find Cena boring as well but it would be off topic if I talked about Cena in a thread called Randy Orton, you know?

To blame the woes of Raw all on Orton is completely asinine and laughable and it just shows that you can't give a good opinion on Orton because you obviously hate him with a passion. How about creative and the inability to create new stars as well as awful booking ? But I'm sure in your deluded world all wrestling's problems can be directly related to Randy Orton.

Well it would help RAW if their champ could keep me awake through the main event. And again, I don't hate Orton, he's just boring.

Oh and as long as Orton has so much say in who gets fired/hired by the wwe (coughEugenecough) I don't see why I shouldn't blame the "inability to create new stars" at least partially on him.

Look I take every posters opinion on here seriously but you have shown me that you refuse to accept that it's Orton's character you hate you have danced around that statement quite well.

Yes, I danced around that. Even though in my last post I flat-out said that I knew it was Orton's character. And that it just so happened that I am not entertained by his character. So if you convince yourself that it's fun to watch a guy stomp around for a whole wrestling match or that's it's fun to watch him take twelve minutes to get to the ring, simply because it's his character, then you have fun watching him but we obviously have different tastes.

While you turn off your t.v. millions of others watch so obviously the powers at be feel he is the best for the job but I'm sure you know who could be a better champ. Your avatar is a Kennedy one figures a botch monkey who was always hurt and now is crying and whining his way to TNA.

Please tell me how the possibility that Kennedy is crying right now affects the fact that Orton is boring.

Haha your making this too easy every "mid card heel" that's not the top like I said in only takes you so far see Orton's IC title reign and god awful WHC reign. MVP, Masters Carlito are all doomed to the mid-card for life Orton wisely changed his gimmick and perfected it.

Well maybe that's because the three guys you listed aren't cocky young heels any more. MVP is a face, Carlito looks depressed and they don't give Masters any mic time so you can't exactly call him cocky. Besides I disagree with you that they are all doomed to the midcard. Any one of them as main eventers would be more entertaining than Orton. (though that is a completely biased statement because I am a fan of all three of them)

Reading through your post I finally found some sense of acceptance that Orton's gimmick is what you hate it took some time but maybe just maybe you will understand.

I really can't go anywhere else here you just repeat yourself the whole time saying that Orton is boring. While there was a small acknowledgment it's his character most of this post just reaffirms my initial belief going in that your not very wrestling savvy.

How do you think a Viper acts ?? Does a Viper chase his prey around does a Viper jump around ? Or does a Viper slowly stalk his prey (stomps, rest holds, rope assisted DDT, slow ring entrance etc.) Before delivering the final blow to finish off his prey (RKO or Punt). You claim you don't need to be educated on wrestling (I highly disagree but I digress) but maybe you need some education on the animal kingdom instead ?

You are misunderstanding me completely. I never once said that Orton doesn't play his character well. Because that would be a flat-out lie, he plays his character great.

I AM SAYING THAT HIS CHARACTER SUCKS. Just because he is playing his role well doesn't mean that I'm entertained by it.

Anything else ?

Quit telling me I need an education, that's degrading
I like Randy Orton right now, but he was great RR - WM 25. I want Randy Orton to slowly develop into a Voldemort type of Character. I think Ortion can pull it off with his psycho path character.
Why would anyone want Orton to be face, He is THE top heel in WWE right now, He is a great athlete, good mic skills, very young, but the best of all...He is Unpredictable!

What we need is a Orton Vs. Dibiase fued and then we will see some Ratings !:lmao:
We have HHH, HBK, and a Cena thread so why not have a thread dedicated to the Legend Killer. Discuss whether you absolutely love him and can't wait to see what he does next or if you hate him and think's he is boring. Does he have the potential to be one of the greatest of all-time or not?

This is a non-spam thread so no spam.

Have fun.
Randy Orton is the most overrated heel in recent memory. Is anyone actually entertained by Orton when he gets on the mic. He is so stale and monotone. And when he does his viper gimmick in a match, he looks like a ******ed snake. What was with his head in that iron man match, it kept bobbing around. And why is it when he pins someone he lies on them with his back and keeps sliding up and down? Orton was much better as a cocky legend killer than a mentally challenged viper.
Overrated???, I dont think so Randy Orton is very very very good at what his character is which is a psychopath who will do anything to stay on top.

His promos arent supposed to excite they are meant to scare and warn the opponent, His ring work is very very good, he almost looks flawless at times in the ring, overrated doesnt do that. Im not even a huge Orton mark but I appreciate talent when i see it.
Thats just my opinion
To put it simply...Orton is the best heel in the business today. Yeah, I'm including the recently re-minted Heel Batista in that. Randy is able to play his character to perfection, both on the stick and in the ring. Exciting promos shouldn't belong to heels. Were CM Punk's heel promos exciting? Nope. The ran you down for being a Hardy mark, for not disdaining any and all foreign influences on the body. Did people say his promos sucked? Nope!

The Rock was one of the few heels where exciting promos worked, and that was because, no matter what, once he dropped the Rocky Maivia gimmick, we wanted to cheer for him. His excited, memorable heel promos didn't change a whole lot when he turned face, he just stopped calling the fans trailer park trash. There was still the SmackDown Hotel, his opponents were jabronis, and he was still gonna shine something up real nice, turn it sideways, and shove it straight up someone's candy ass.

Orton's promos are meant to be psychotic. To older fans (and by this I mean those who can tell the difference between the real world and what WWE gives us), we need to understand this and enjoy it from an educated viewpoint. For the younger fans who are easily held in the sense of disbelief about the WWE (i.e. Cena is superhuman, the Undertaker really is a dead man), Orton's promos are probably scary...as they should be. He's nuts, and it comes across on the mike.

As to his in ring skills and adherence to the Viper idea...yeah, it does sometimes look stupid. At the same time, if we take Orton's character at face value (that would be an egotistical nutjob), then it makes sense. The rocking and clawing at his face, the imitation of a viper before he hits the RKO...it all makes sense if we accept he's out of his mind.

At this stage, I have no problem saying Orton is the best heel in the business in all facets of the business. He should still get better, barring injury. Orton is gonna be a big part of the future of the WWE, and I, for one, am glad that he will be.

Baby oil or not :)
Randy Orton-
In a way, he reminds me of Mr.Perfect. He is very good at having that "demented" look. I think randy is an awsome heel. You can't help but to hate on him. I think Randy will have a great next few years, mostly by pushing midcarders(Ted Kofi Cody)
Randy Orton is the top heel today in the WWE, he's proven that. He's a 6-time champion, and leads his own stable. For a young superstar he has accomplished alot. and he still has many years ahead of him. He may be monotone and slow, but that's his style based on the viper character. He even said it in a video, that it's his style, if the ppl boo, then he's doing his job, so it don't matter to him if ppl say he's boring in the ring, bc that's what he wants. He's doing a good job and has definatley matured as a person too.
Randy Orton is the best heel in the WWE bar none, he is only 29 and in wrestling terms that means he isn't even in his prime yet. He will only improve and along with John Cena will take the torch from the triumvirate of HHH, HBK, and The Undertaker.

Some say Orton is boring but he is just doing his job he is a Viper he stalks his opponent (stomps DDT's etc.) Before delivering the final blow to his prey (the RKO) he has perfected his art and his gimmick and has in ring psychology
mastered. When people say he is boring that means he is doing his job perfectly and the WWE loves it.

At 29 he has accomplished a lot and will accomplish much more he is a six time world champion and is leading his own stable.

Long live the Legend Killer the Viper long live Randy Orton.
This year was not the best of orton but was on of the best year in his career he is the best heel ever in wwe history orton is perfect
I think orton could easily be considered one of the best in his career when his career is over. Heres why

- He has only been in wwe for what 6 or 7 years? In those years he is a 6 time champion and the youngest world champ in history.

- He is arguably the best heel in wwe.

- I saw an interview where he said he planned to wrestle another 15 years. He could retire now and have a pretty impressive career imagine what it will be like in 10 years.
i like randy orton. i like wat he has become. he is skilled in the ring. and his character sells imo. he is supposed to be crazy as hell. i like how he almost slithers in the ring. i dunno it just sells to me. sometimes he has this look on his face like he is really thinking something psychotic. overall i think he could be one of the greats. as long as he keeps up his psychoticness and takes it into other possible fueds. i think he'll be properly hated because he is a heel but undeniably liked because of his skill. only problem orton has is his mic work. he's very....i dunno...elementary. "And THIS sunday I am walking out W....W....E CHAMPION". and its kinda like alright buddy heard that 340958 times already.
Randy Orton is the best heel in the WWE bar none,

Nope, he's not, he's become stale. He's predictable in the ring and out of the ring. Why is that? Because it's pg he's not going to do anything completely outrageous. Like Austin or Rock, because can't. I'll give you the fact that he was great in the iron man match, but that was last time since before Mania that he was.

You want the best Heel? Look no futher than CM Punk. A heel that actually gets heat. And has done more over the last three months than Orton has. Had better matches, better promos and better feuds. What feud has Orton had that was better than Punk's feud with Hardy? None, his feud with Trips became a drawn out clusterfuck that made no sense. What about matches? Sunday was his first good match of the year. While Punk has been going out and putting on good matches night in and night out. In one week he had arguably the best one on one TLC match, and a really good cage match.

All throw another name out there. Miz, least he can get heat, and he's entertaining. Where Orton still struggles to get heat. Now I'm not saying Miz is better, but he soon will, if it keeps up.

he is only 29 and in wrestling terms that means he isn't even in his prime yet. He will only improve and along with John Cena will take the torch from the triumvirate of HHH, HBK, and The Undertaker.

He's 29 and he's been in wwe for over 5 years, and his best feud was 4 years ago. What has he done over the last couple years that has shown that he's improving? Like I said he might have a one great match a year, but that's it.

Some say Orton is boring but he is just doing his job he is a Viper he stalks his opponent (stomps DDT's etc.)

So it's his job to be lazy in the ring, and be boring on the mic, and take longer than the Undertaker to get the ring.... He does have the ddt, I'll give you that. He also has 25 different variations of a headlock that he uses. I understand that a heel is suppose to be boring, but Orton is lazy in it. Least JBL was boring, but still did more in the ring.

Before delivering the final blow to his prey (the RKO) he has perfected his art and his gimmick and has in ring psychology

Since when was being lazy doing your job? Sunday night was the first time that I had seen him actually not be lazy in a match. His ring psychology? It's not mastered, you want mastered ring psychology look at 'Taker... He has the best psychology in the business. Orton isn't even near his level. Explain how he has it mastered, because he doesn't.

When people say he is boring that means he is doing his job perfectly and the WWE loves it.

No, when I say boring, I mean he bores me, he does nothing to entertain me, he's lazy and doesn't have quality matches.

At 29 he has accomplished a lot and will accomplish much more he is a six time world champion and is leading his own stable.

He has his own stable at the age of 29... So did Triple h, but on the same note Triple h's stable actually looked strong! And like a stable, not Orton and some goons. Yes he is a 6 time champ, but how many of his reigns were decent? First one was shit. Second, lasted 10 minutes. His third might be his best, and it wasn't spectacular. Forth, he didn't even win it in a singles match. and it lasted over a month were he looked the weakest he had almost all year. Fifth, was alright once again nothing spectacular, no good feuds or matches. His sixth, was pointless and did nothing for him.

So how the hell is Orton that good, I've been wanting him to be for years, but he hasn't been... That a fact!
I like Randy Orton too he is my favorite wrestler and I just can't believe how Vince had him lose to stupid Cena tapping out with 5 seconds left WTF. Oh well they could have had Cena lose and be off TV for a few weeks to shoot his new movie or whatever and then when he comes back find some stupid excuse to keep him on RAW. And as for Survivor Series it should be Cena vs HHH vs HBK vs Orton or maybe take out HBK and put Swagger cause Swagger has a lot of potential and Orton has his rematch clause and HHH won last week so that should earn him the right to be in the title match. Or maybe HHH vs Cena vs Swagger and winner (obviously cena) faces Orton and make it this simple so the feud doesn't keep on going if cena loses he can't compete for WWE title as long as Orton is champ and reverse for orton if cena wins. Sorry I went off topic but yeah Orton is my favorite hes a great heel, a lot of potential and plays his character perfectly as well as his theme song fits his character perfectly too.
Don't you mean "The Viper" Randy Orton? ;) All of that aside, I love Randy Orton. I think he brings that great heel vibe to RAW that it seriously lacks. I'm kind of halfway on one thing though; his movement in the ring. I get that it's supposed to be slow, calculating and deliberate to fit the character. I just don't care for it too much. It's like he moves too slow sometimes, and I get bored instead of like "Oh shit! Look how ruthless he just stomped him!" That's my only real gripe.
I like Randy Orton the wrestler. I hate Randy Orton the character. He is a great wrestler, no I'm not saying he is the best of all time or anything like that, I just mean he is better then what his gimmick allows him to be. Which brings me on to the thing I don't like.

Randy Orton's character/gimmick on Raw was great at first. Then when his promos became long and dragged out is when I found him to start getting stale. I felt there was no energy behind anything. He comes out and talks so slow.

And the second part of his character is his ring work. It's really lacking right now. All we see from him lately are the same couple of moves. The most notable ones being the second rope DDT, the inverted headlock backbreaker, and everyone's personal favorite, the wrenching chinlock. Ever since this he started this gimmick he has to done little to nothing great in the ring. It always constantly those moves followed by a spree of offense for the opponent to win or his RKO for him to win.

I believe the solution for this is to tone down his gimmick. Make him into less of a psycopath. I believe they should mesh the old " Legend Killer " gimmick with his current one. This way he can be the cocky, arrogant heel, but have energy behind him. He'll have emotions in his promos again. He'll do more in the ring and show more of his ring skills again.

Everyone says he is one of the top heels on Raw if not the entire company. Well that is because he has no competition really, but that is for another thread at another time. I also believe that his booking is shit. They have not given him anything noteworthy in a very long time. The last time I enjoyed Orton was in 2007 right up until he broke his collarbone.

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