Randy Orton- General Thread


Dark Match Winner
hey everyone i thought i would start a thread on the topic of Randy Orton

As we all know he is probably the top heel in the company along side jericho but where do you all really see orton in a year from now will he still be a heel or do you think he is going to have another face run.

So i actually have two questions for you all.

1. Do you think orton will be a face again in less than a year

2. What are your general thoughts on orton

Thanks everyone!
Orton will not be a face for at least three years or maybe even longer. He's WWE's top heel right now, and is doing a great job at it. Besides, Orton has commited way to many evil deeds this year to put things in motion for a face turn.
  • He almost destroyed the entire Mcmahon family
  • He threatened Linda, and Vince's grand kids
  • Took out Batista twice
  • Wanted to sue WWE, so that there would be no Wrestlemania 25
  • Orton also bullied almost every Raw special guest host this year
Orton is on his way to being one the greatest heels of all time, and because of that, we will not see him as a face for a very long time.​
You want to talk about Randy Orton, then you need to be prepared to read stuff like I am going to post.

Otron is getting to the level of horrible. Does anyone realize how long it as been since he has had a decent program? The list time that he had a decent program was with The Undertaker in 2005. That is over fours years without a noteworthy program and we have this guy as the main heel on Raw? That's ridiculous.

He is ok on the mic, I've see worse. But he isn't among the elite on the mic. He has a monotone and you can't really tell when he is supposed to mad, sad, glad, or any of that. Sometimes, I can't stand to listen to him talk on the mic.

His in ring work is getting horrible. This slow crazy viper thing is crazy. All of his matches consist of are stomps, headlocks, middle rope DDT, backbreaker, RKO. That's it. Sometimes we don't even see the backbreaker or middle rope DDT because he wastes too much of the match doing stomps and headlocks. Sometime, it is too boring to watch.

I happen to think that he was a lot better as the Legend Killer. His mic skills were better and so was his in ring work. I don't know if he ever will become a face again, but if he does, I hope that he goes back to what he used to be before the Viper days.

That is all...........for now!
hey everyone i thought i would start a thread on the topic of Randy Orton

As we all know he is probably the top heel in the company along side jericho but where do you all really see orton in a year from now will he still be a heel or do you think he is going to have another face run.

So i actually have two questions for you all.

Ok, fire away.

Question #1 said:
Do you think orton will be a face again in less than a year

I think someone created the same thread when I started posting on this website in January and it's pretty easy to see where Orton stands in the WWE as of now. I doubt things will change. In order for him to step down as the top heel on Raw you will need someone to take his place that will be as (if not more) effect. Who do they have? No one.

Question #2 said:
What are your general thoughts on orton

Absolutely incredible heel. Granted, his style is a bit slower and more calculated than previous heels, but he really knows how to make the people geniunely hate him. For every person that posts negative remarks about him on this website and others like it, they don't realize how many employees of the WWE are smiling from ear to ear.

Orton's job is to MAKE us hate him. The Jim Cornette said it best in an interview that I saw a bunch of years ago on one of the WWE's DVD's... if you can geniunely manipulate the audience's emotions as a babyface or a heel then you're doing you're job right. It's easy for people to watch a television show and cheer the good guys and boo the bad guys. But when you watch a bad-guy actor, actress, or character on television and just feel a deep hatred towards them, you don't realize how well they're performing their job.

Orton has come a long way and I don't feel that he'll turn babyface for at least 3 more years.

Thanks everyone!

You're welcome! :lol:
Otron is getting to the level of horrible. Does anyone realize how long it as been since he has had a decent program? The list time that he had a decent program was with The Undertaker in 2005. That is over fours years without a noteworthy program and we have this guy as the main heel on Raw? That's ridiculous.

You don't think his program with doing his part in building up the Legacy has any importance? Or his feud with Triple H and the rest of the McMahon family? Or his current feud with John Cena? It's making TONS of money for the WWE right now. You can't state your personal opinion on Orton and ignore the facts.

He is ok on the mic, I've see worse. But he isn't among the elite on the mic. He has a monotone and you can't really tell when he is supposed to mad, sad, glad, or any of that. Sometimes, I can't stand to listen to him talk on the mic.

So is the Undertaker. If I have to hear his bumbling about "souls" and "resting in peace" one more time I'm gonna puke all over myself. It's like he's cutting the same promo over, and over, and over, and over, and over again. Orton's "monotone" promos are what differentiates him from other guys that cut promos. And at least he changes the subject now and again.

Orton is calm, collective, and serious. It's just a part of his character.

His in ring work is getting horrible. This slow crazy viper thing is crazy. All of his matches consist of are stomps, headlocks, middle rope DDT, backbreaker, RKO. That's it. Sometimes we don't even see the backbreaker or middle rope DDT because he wastes too much of the match doing stomps and headlocks. Sometime, it is too boring to watch.

Speak for yourself. I think his matches keep getting better. The stories that he tells in the ring are awesome. He remains evil, while stalking his prey and making calculated attacks. And I think he has some of the best in-ring facial expressions in the business right now. He can just make a face and we all know exactly how he's feeling at that point in time.

I happen to think that he was a lot better as the Legend Killer. His mic skills were better and so was his in ring work. I don't know if he ever will become a face again, but if he does, I hope that he goes back to what he used to be before the Viper days.

I think he was great as the "Legend Killer", as well. It told better storylines on TV. However, there comes a time when you run out of legends to pick on and the whole angle becomes stale. It did, and here we are.

That is all...........for now!
LOL... is this, like, your "calling card" saying or something? It cracks me up when I read it.
im gonna have to agree with undertakers1fan he is way boring with the constant stomps and has no real wrestling move except for the rko middle rope ddt and tha inverted backbreaker he does i think if they tought him more moves he might just be the greatest heal right now but jericho gets way more heat and can actualy wrestle altough i belive jericho is way overrated he's def no hitman,malinko or so on
You want to talk about Orton, well get ready....

Otron is getting to the level of horrible. Does anyone realize how long it as been since he has had a decent program? The list time that he had a decent program was with The Undertaker in 2005. That is over fours years without a noteworthy program and we have this guy as the main heel on Raw? That's ridiculous.

I agreed with almost everything on your post, but this. Orton was looking scary good going into Mania. Do we not remember that? Everyone was huge on him after the rumble. He was being booked as scary heel that couldn't control what he was doing. He couldn't be stopped. He punted Vince, then destroyed Shane in a match. Then going on to rko Steph... Followed up handcuffing Trips to the ropes. While kissing his wife... He was one most unpredictable characters. He was a scary heel that each of us thought was amazing.

Since Mania however, he has been made to look as one of the weakest heels I've ever seen. It is pretty bad when you can take your most over heel in the company, and turn him into the weakest heels seen in the last ten years. The man couldn't even win the title by himself..... He had to win it on a 3 on 3 tag match. He lost the title only to win it a week later. Then he's had these series of clusterfuck matches with Cena, that have either been overbooked or underbooked. Or well we don't know how to keep this going so we're going to give him the title back. I don't know what to think about it.

Now Orton has never seem to me that he was one of the better men in the ring. He's boring and lazy in the ring. Does the least possible amount of work ring to get by. He has like 15 versions of a headlock. He hasn't been good in the ring for a couple years now. The last time that he had a worth while match that actually lived up to the hype was SummerSlam 07 the main event with Cena. You know the one where they were actually allowed to have a match? Yeah that one!

When you actually think about it, the only time that Orton has had good to great matches have been when he was in the ring with a solid in ring performer. Cena. Arguable the best performer that wwe has right now. Then before that he was in a triple threat with Angle. Which was an awesome match. Then before that he was carried to a great series of match by 'Taker. Before then it was with Foley, and Edge. He hasn't done that much on his own.

His gimmick is boring. He's not exciting he use to come out and threaten people and then follow through. Taking Cena's dad out. Taking the entire McMahon family out. He was scary as a character, because you didn't know what was coming. Now he's boring you can't go to that extreme, and then cut him back as much as they can and try to keep the same gimmick. Everything is slow with him. He comes out and sucks the life out of everything. I'm not sure who said this, but it's true. Cena will come out and get the crowd fired up. Everyone is ready for the match. Then Orton comes out, 3 minutes later we are bored to tears and ready to turn it off. The crowd is dead, and uninterested in the match. He's the only guy that does that.

Simply Orton needs help. He has to change somethings up. He needs to be able to either go sadistic heel like he was or go face. Then come back with a new heel gimmick. He has to work on what he thinks is a good match. Because whatever it is.... isn't working. People say that he's the best heel. That isn't true. That title still belongs to Punk. He's been fresh, and continues to be fresh were Orton doesn't change anything.
I sometimes dont get the hate Randy Orton gets, This guy is very very good almost great at his job, he makes almost all his moves look flawless and as far as mic skills and emotion

I love it its his character a psychopath who wants the belt and will do whatever he can do get it, as the legend killer he did that brilliantly. A face turn is Not what he needs, some people are just natural heels his dad was and so is he. The point is he is the best heel in a while to be this dominant and hes meant to be hated by ALL.
Hes supposed to maybe kick a child in the face to get heat (i would love that if it ever happened).
D-Man is exactly right on this. Orton plays his character to perfection.

A Viper seeks out his prey searching for its weaknesses taking its time. Thats exactly what Orton does. He tells a story in the ring and does a god damn good job at it. His expressions are priceless and everything Orton does in the ring is played perfectly.

His mic work is all golden. The monotone voice fits the character well, and it proves how versatile Orton can be. From Legend Killer to Viper is two completely different character and Orton was great on the mic and in the ring for both, showing why he is the best in the business today
If anyone says Randy Orton is the best in the business today.. I agree 100%

I actually seen it coming.. From his debut to Raw to the long IC title Run, to the Youngest Heavyweight Championship Reign! And now what is he like 5 time champion already?

Orton has also made Legacy Relevant.. I dont know Where those two will be in the WWE right now if they didnt create Legacy.. Probably on ECW losing to Yosi Tatsu!

My overall thought is... Besides HBK being my favorite of all time Randy Orton is my favorite wrestler to watch right now on Raw!
Yea there is know way in hell that Orton can be a face anytime soon. He has done way to much stuff and is the best heel in the WWE right now. When he does try to make a face turn I think it will be very hard for him to do because of all the stuff he did.
He took out all the McMahons
Tried to end Batista, Cena's, and Triple H's careers
And he walks around and talks like he is the best and no one can beat him.

It will be a long time till he can even attempt to become face.
Orton will not be a face for at least three years or maybe even longer. He's WWE's top heel right now, and is doing a great job at it. Besides, Orton has commited way to many evil deeds this year to put things in motion for a face turn.
  • He almost destroyed the entire Mcmahon family

  • Yep, most years in the WWE that is not a bad thing, heck most of the time doing this would make you a face.
    [*]He threatened Linda, and Vince's grand kids
    Yesh, really not that big of a deal

    [*]Took out Batista twice
    And this is a bad thing WHY???????

    [*]Wanted to sue WWE, so that there would be no Wrestlemania 25
    Don't you wish he had won that case??

    [*]Orton also bullied almost every Raw special guest host this year
    Once again, not neccesarily a bad thing. And besides Seth Green and Freddie Prince, it's been Jericho who has been bullying (or trying to) most of the the guest host
Orton is on his way to being one the greatest heels of all time, and because of that, we will not see him as a face for a very long time.​

Besides the WWE can make anyone a face. Heck Undertaker has a heel once kidnapped Stephanie Mcmahon, alligned himself with the evil Mr. Mcmahon and Crucified Stone cold, and he is now one of the most popular wrestlers ever
You want to talk about Randy Orton, then you need to be prepared to read stuff like I am going to post.

Otron is getting to the level of horrible. Does anyone realize how long it as been since he has had a decent program? The list time that he had a decent program was with The Undertaker in 2005. That is over fours years without a noteworthy program and we have this guy as the main heel on Raw? That's ridiculous.

He is ok on the mic, I've see worse. But he isn't among the elite on the mic. He has a monotone and you can't really tell when he is supposed to mad, sad, glad, or any of that. Sometimes, I can't stand to listen to him talk on the mic.

His in ring work is getting horrible. This slow crazy viper thing is crazy. All of his matches consist of are stomps, headlocks, middle rope DDT, backbreaker, RKO. That's it. Sometimes we don't even see the backbreaker or middle rope DDT because he wastes too much of the match doing stomps and headlocks. Sometime, it is too boring to watch.

I happen to think that he was a lot better as the Legend Killer. His mic skills were better and so was his in ring work. I don't know if he ever will become a face again, but if he does, I hope that he goes back to what he used to be before the Viper days.

That is all...........for now!

Wow where to start with this absolutely atrocious post ?

Your personal opinion is fine and dandy although it's way off the mark Orton hasn't had a interesting feud since 2005 with taker' because your a Undertaker mark plain and simple. Most of everybody else realizes his Mcmahon family feud among others have been pure gold literally and figuratively.

Another "monotone" complaint sigh this is how you can tell the people who really know wrestling from those who can't. You do realize the WWE loves your reaction towards Orton right ? You hate his guts so he is doing his job and is currently the WWE's best heel for making people like you hate him.

You know if you want high flying acrobatics and no in ring psychology try ROH it just does the wrestling and nothing else. Wrestlers have to do a lot more than look "flashy" in the ring they have to be showmen and keep the crowd in the palms of their hands something Orton does exceptionally well.

The people who think Orton was better as the Legend Killer are certainly entitled to their opinion, however his promos were more cheesy and off the mark. He also would get face reactions for it, now his Viper gimmick has truly brought out some of Orton's best work. He's won the WWE title five times as the Viper so I think this is working out better for him.

I've heard and seen the same stuff as you have written on this board for so long it's beyond redundant. Try coming up with something outside of "monotone" and "slow style" Orton bashers ?

It's obvious to me he is doing his job so well right now he has no equals. He will be a heel for 3 more years at least because nobody in the WWE can dream of taking his place as Raw's best right now or in the near future.
Another "monotone" complaint sigh this is how you can tell the people who really know wrestling from those who can't. You do realize the WWE loves your reaction towards Orton right ? You hate his guts so he is doing his job and is currently the WWE's best heel for making people like you hate him.

The "monotone" argument is always brought up because it is a valid reason why people are uninterested in him. His fans seem to think that Orton being a snoozefest makes people hate him. I can tell you that I do not hate Orton, I only find him boring, and I stop watching RAW when the main event starts because he's involved in it and I don't want to watch him.

It's obvious to me he is doing his job so well right now he has no equals. He will be a heel for 3 more years at least because nobody in the WWE can dream of taking his place as Raw's best right now or in the near future.

I wouldn't call Orton the best. Another thing all of his fans seem to be ignoring is the fact that the guy gets more cheers every week. They still claim that he makes everybody "genuinely hate" him, even though he gets a good amount of chants/cheers in EVERY city they go to.

He consistently draws reactions from the crowd that a heel shouldn't be getting. When he was the "legend killer", he was getting WAY more heat than he is today. Seriously, when the guy tried to be over as a face he failed miserably, and as his current state as a heel, he's getting way too many cheers. The crowd is hardly 'eating out of the palm of his hand' as some people are claiming.
Randy Orton has become a very interesting case in the WWE as of late. Ever since he began his program with the McMahons, he seems to teeter between an unstable, power hungry bully and a genuine psychopath

Personally, I like him better as the psychopath. Lately he has been one-upped way too much. The HIAC incident with Cena on RAW (even though Orton won at HIAC) getting pinned by Ted

And thats one thing ive noticed

Ortons pushes seem to be stalled whenever Legacy is looking hot. The last two PPVs, Legacy has had the better match in my opinion. Orton always seems to perform well in a PPV, then during the span between them he looks mediocre. I will say this though.. WTF was up with his "punt" at HIAC? Was it me or did he botch it horribly?

Orton always seems to be below the line of average or close to perfect as a heel. If they could consistently play him as a dangerous maniac who could destroy any employee (Yes, employee. Personally, before Lillian left RAW, I was hoping Orton would punt her and that would be how she left. He could do this to anyone. Hell, what happened to Stan?) then he would no doubt be the uncontested top heel

Anyways, my ending point. As a maniac, Orton is fantastic. As the bully, not so much. His monotone voice and slow, sinister ring style adds to that mysterious air around him that gives the hint of another snap like with vince

At some point, hopefully, WWe will pick a personality and stick with it. For Ortons sake, I hope its the Orton that cuffed HHH and kissed Steph
I used to like Randy but I just find him as a boring transitional champion, he will never live up to this psycho ruthless guy they want him to be because of this new PG rating. Its hard to be ruthless well u cant bust someone open or cuss. Besides that randy has great in ring skills but he is a dud as a champion he doesnt possess whatever it is that jericho and Edge has that allows them to be successful in todays business as a heel.

or maybe its just the fact that he has to carry cena thats slowing him down
1- I think that he will turn face when hes done with legacy after that like all great heels he will turn face and will be very over as a face

2- My thoughts on orton is that he is great

He plays his character to perfection he has be the best facial expressions in the bussines one of the best as far as telling a story in the ring.

wrestling skills are great, as of right now his skills are putted aside for him to play that character greatly like he does but the talent is always there

mic skills- ortons mic skills can be really really good but can also be very boring hopefully he will find a balance and cuts promos like he did on the road to wrestlemania
Orton is my favorite wrestler right now. He is the WWEs top heel along side with Jericho, but them turning him face? Why would they want to turn him face? I don't see a good reason for it. He's such a good heel. Turning him face would be a travesty. He is a great heel and I still cheer for him. He has a bad ass character right now, turning him face would just ruin it.
Randy Orton and Chris Jericho are the 2 best heels in the business today. For those of you who constantly bring up Randy ortons monotoness let me ask you a question. HOw many times have u heard Jake the Snake change the tone in his voice? He didnt need to because his demeanor spoke volumes for him. Id he was yelling a screaming during his promos do u think his character would have got over as much as it did? Sma thing applies to Randy. His demeanor and tone when he speaks highlights his Viper-like psychotic character. And another thing thats holding him back for being even better on the mic is the PG rating thing. If he was able to say half the things they were able to back in the Attitude era he would be ridiculous....

Now on the other side i do agree that Ortons in-ring work has declined dramatically since his legend killer gimmick. Back when he was in Evolution, he showed that he was a hell of an athelete. Now alls he kinda does is stomp around, but at the same time, thats just the nature of his character....but if u look throughout the wwe, how many ppl can u say really put on wrestling clinics? the list is short. I was watching matches on youtube between HHH and The Rock. When u watch matches like theirs, you actually see what they mean about how wrestling is spose to tell a story. In my veiw Rock and HHH were the best at it......but as far as 2day goes u dont get that anymore,so orton is not alone in that respect.

Overall i still think that Orton is the best thing going in the WWE at this point
I think Orton can become a face sooner then you think but I see no reason to as he is the best heel in the company and is doing great if he did go face he would need to get faster in the ring and I think the best way to turn face is to turn on Legacy to destroy the monster he created and he could become a great face he has great talent but like I said he is such a good heel that there is no reason to change.
Some of Ortons matches are getting stale. orton vs hhh, if i see that one more time i will put a bullet in my head.Cena vs Orton is the only possible main evernt feud right now because they did not give guys like MVP a big enough push yet. DX is a team so they cant wrestle in the main evernt. So Orton right now i think is definatley one of the greatest acts in the wwe and raw.definetly gets the most heat.

and he is a great wrestler but i can understand when you mean when u say it gets boring because the stomps realy do annoy me.

Comment on My thoughts!
You want to talk about Randy Orton, then you need to be prepared to read stuff like I am going to post.

Otron is getting to the level of horrible. Does anyone realize how long it as been since he has had a decent program? The list time that he had a decent program was with The Undertaker in 2005. That is over fours years without a noteworthy program and we have this guy as the main heel on Raw? That's ridiculous.

He is ok on the mic, I've see worse. But he isn't among the elite on the mic. He has a monotone and you can't really tell when he is supposed to mad, sad, glad, or any of that. Sometimes, I can't stand to listen to him talk on the mic.

His in ring work is getting horrible. This slow crazy viper thing is crazy. All of his matches consist of are stomps, headlocks, middle rope DDT, backbreaker, RKO. That's it. Sometimes we don't even see the backbreaker or middle rope DDT because he wastes too much of the match doing stomps and headlocks. Sometime, it is too boring to watch.

That is all...........for now!

Dont you think this is due to the way his characters evolved? He was great in 04-05 with his in ring ethic and abilities. Im not going to argue the point that he was not.
The way he is booked is a selfish ,angry ,miserable character and everybody and everything annoys him. The fans dont respect him and he is not afraid to not do anything to get his way.. Thats how I see his character. Its wwe's choice to start the 'viper" concept and name. He does the stomps and off rope ddt's to draw the angry demented character in him.

What are my general thoughts on Randy Orton? I have quite a few.

I think Randy Orton is one of the best in the WWE. From the start of my wrestling-watching career, I saw something in Randy Orton that just got me hooked. He was my favorite member of Evolution (during the times that Evolution existed). I thought his reign as Intercontinental Champion was great, but could have been handled better with more title defenses. But a 7-month reign is a 7-month reign. I wasn't very upset when he became the youngest World Heavyweight Champion in history, even though I literally wanted Chris Benoit to be the champion "forever" (I was only 10 years old). I liked his face run while it lasted. He was one of the only people that I didn't completely mind defeating The Undertaker, something he did 2 times during their fued. After the fued, I wasn't really sure he'd succeed for a while. He competed for the World Title in 2006, never won it, went to Raw, feuded with Carlito, and then won the World Tag Team Championship. One of my favorite teams was Rated RKO, and their fued with DX kept me waiting and wanting some more. I was ecstatic when Orton was awarded the WWE Championship at No Mercy 2007, but I was mad as shit when he lost the title just 20 minutes later. But, I regained my composure when he regained it the same night. His "Age of Orton" reign was beautiful. I loved it, which is why I'm upset that with 3 title reigns since then, he's never had a title reign nearly as good.

Do I think he will turn face any time soon?

That's hard to say. Randy Orton has been doing a very great job as one of WWE's greatest heels. So, a face turn... especially in just a few months, would be a waste of all those actions. However, if it's true that Edge will return as a face, then anything is possible. Randy Orton's face turn is not something that is imminent to happen or anything like that. It may not be a very easy thing to do, but it could happen, as he still manages to get a lot of cheers. Myself included.
I'll admit.i use to hate orton.hate him with a fucking passion.but after his fued with undertaker his slowly started to win me over.after his first dominate title reign, he won me over. Now hes one of my personal favorites to watch.

will he become a face in less than a year?hellz no.maybe in 5 but not as soon as a year.

general thoughts? Ok, well like i said i like him.like others have said hes calculating in the ring. intense and serious outside the ring. yes he does a few moves he repeats a lot.its called a move set.look into it.everybody has them. cena and his 5 moves of doom.hhhs moveset isent as diverse as it use to be.come to think of it.taker as a few the he keeps doing over and over.its called a moveset...the set of moves the become yours in the ring.fucking duh!

as for his monotone voice. i have to say it really dosent bother me.just because hes monotone dosent means he cant cut a great promo.which hes totally capable of doing.thats like saying jack swaggers horrible on the mic because of his lisp.hes great facecial expressions.in the ring and outside.any of you ever notice how his veins stick right out when he screams.his face goes red.his muscles even twitch.which i find cool.its all a very important part in his character

his ring work can get stale at times.but its still half decent compared to others. i think orton always manages to tell a great story in the ring.him and cena have that kind of chemistry. just look at their breaking point match.nice story telling.

if you hate him good for you.obviously hes doing his job right
Randy Orton has perfected his character, and I feel that given enough time and good booking he could be a Hall of Famer some day.

I think he has the potential to be far greater than his father and leave a true mark on the wrestling world. In the ring he is perfect for his character, on the mic even more so and the crowd truly hates him.

Just My Opinion

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