Randy Orton and WrestleMania

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Pre-Show Stalwart
- This post includes a possible spoiler for events that went down during the March 8, 2010 edition of RAW -

....So, Legacy def. Randy Orton in a handicapped match. We also heard that as part of Steve Austin's (next week's guest host) Wrestlemania recall night, Orton will go one on one with Triple H.

Where do you guys think WWE is going with Orton/Legacy as we head toward Mania. Will it be a one-on-one match? Handicapped again? Or does the match between HHH Vs. Orton next week change things up?

The way it is looking to me, HHH/Orton next week will be interesting because they are obviously working with Orton as a face at the moment but he will be a heel next week again when facing the game. So, I suspect Legacy will come out and try and beat up Orton. What happens next? Perhaps HHH helps him out, in which case Sheamus comes out to take out HHH?

We could be looking at HHH/Orton Vs. Sheamus/Legacy the following week on RAW or perhaps even Mania. And if not, what does WWE do with Orton and Legacy for the actual PPV.

You guys try and book it before WWE does...:)
Its gonna be a triple threat match between Rhodes, Dibiase and Orton. I see it like this. Dibiase and Rhodes will have tension during the match and perhaps leading up to Mania, and Dibiase will go over on Rhodes. After that, Rhodes gets traded to Smackdown, and Dibiase goes on to feud with Orton up until around June. And somehow, Ted will come out the face as much as the so called "WWE Universe" wants to cheer Orton. Remember when Ted got beat on by Orton and he got a face reaction? That may play into it...
You have a point there. To be honest, I have no interest in seeing either match happen at WM 26. Both of those matches seem like time fillers that just take away from other deserving superstars on the card. However a 3 on 2 tag match may make things a bit more interesting. To be honest, I think I'm more interested to see if Kofi Kingston is going to be on the WM card this year. Combining these two matches may prevent some star from getting the WM snub.
Its gonna be a triple threat match between Rhodes, Dibiase and Orton. I see it like this. Dibiase and Rhodes will have tension during the match and perhaps leading up to Mania, and Dibiase will go over on Rhodes. After that, Rhodes gets traded to Smackdown, and Dibiase goes on to feud with Orton up until around June. And somehow, Ted will come out the face as much as the so called "WWE Universe" wants to cheer Orton. Remember when Ted got beat on by Orton and he got a face reaction? That may play into it...

This really doesn't add up to anything though. Did you see Rhodes/DiBiase tonight following the match? Mocking Orton with his signature pose? I doubt they are going to have a triple threat. For one, it makes no sense storyline wise with only 2 RAW's left before the PPV. Secondly, Rhodes and DiBiase are on the same page now more than ever before.

And in terms of the draft, I think Legacy sticks together and if anything, Orton is traded to Smackdown (as a face). Regardless, I am going off topic and this is about the upcoming PPV and what will happen. I just don't think WWE is going to go for a triple threat match considering what we saw tonight. If the three men were at odds with one another, then yes. But this is very much a Legacy/Orton feud with Orton as the good guy. The mocking of his pose cemented that for me.
Its gonna be a triple threat match between Rhodes, Dibiase and Orton. I see it like this. Dibiase and Rhodes will have tension during the match and perhaps leading up to Mania, and Dibiase will go over on Rhodes. After that, Rhodes gets traded to Smackdown, and Dibiase goes on to feud with Orton up until around June. And somehow, Ted will come out the face as much as the so called "WWE Universe" wants to cheer Orton. Remember when Ted got beat on by Orton and he got a face reaction? That may play into it...

Exactly, it'll be a Triple Threat and I was looking for Ted & Cody to break down tonight, but really they dont HAVE to.

Orton can challenge them both at Mania to a Triple Threat knowing he'll win when neither of them can agree on who'll win. Ted & Cody may try to agree to stay on the same page OR break down before Mania

Likely they wont start getting in a heated fight until WrestleMania leading to Ted vs Cody at Extreme Rules

I just cant see a 2nd Triple Threat at that event, Orton may move on from there to a title match or some bigger bout

Ted & Cody will ultimately split at Mania is what I'm counting on though.

I know it's a lot of matches at this year's Mania and I too wondered if Orton would team with HHH as he was his leader in Evolution, but it wouldnt make sense on 2nd thought

Looks like there will be about 11 matches cause a Divas match must take place, The Legacy Triple Threat & CM Punk vs Rey Mysterio in hopefully a Hair vs Mask Match

So no, the 3 on 2 Handicap Match will be the week after next week not Mania
I think we are going to see Orton & Kingston vs. DiBiase & Rhodes at WM26.

They won't rehash Orton vs. DiBiase, Orton vs. Rhodes, or Orton vs. D&R. They have given away those matches (more or less) on free TV.

DiBiase and Rhodes are a legit team so we won't see a Triple Threat.

Kofi is w/o a match at the moment and he won't be in MITB. He is just too over not to be on the show. And Randy is getting face reactions. So, Kofi might help Randy in the future, or Randy might have to make amends with Kofi and ask for his help. It'd be an interesting dynamic, and both would get huge reactions at Mania. "Can Orton and Kingston put the past behind them?"
This really doesn't add up to anything though. Did you see Rhodes/DiBiase tonight following the match? Mocking Orton with his signature pose? I doubt they are going to have a triple threat. For one, it makes no sense storyline wise with only 2 RAW's left before the PPV. Secondly, Rhodes and DiBiase are on the same page now more than ever before.

And in terms of the draft, I think Legacy sticks together and if anything, Orton is traded to Smackdown (as a face). Regardless, I am going off topic and this is about the upcoming PPV and what will happen. I just don't think WWE is going to go for a triple threat match considering what we saw tonight. If the three men were at odds with one another, then yes. But this is very much a Legacy/Orton feud with Orton as the good guy. The mocking of his pose cemented that for me.

But, its something fresh and something that we have not seen before. Last week we got Ted/Orton. This week we got Legacy/Orton. Obviously their feud is going to culminate into a match at Mania, but to be perfectly honest this is all they can really do. It draws because of Orton's presence, yet they can still use it to get Ted over by beating Cody and ultimately win the match. I just think that Ted is too good to keep tagging with Cody. Tag teams can only get so over in the WWE, and holding Legacy together will hold both guys back. If they do go the route of keeping Orton face, at least put the Million Dollar Title on Ted, as that ought to generate some heel heat.

Kofi is w/o a match at the moment and he won't be in MITB. He is just too over not to be on the show. And Randy is getting face reactions. So, Kofi might help Randy in the future, or Randy might have to make amends with Kofi and ask for his help. It'd be an interesting dynamic, and both would get huge reactions at Mania. "Can Orton and Kingston put the past behind them?"

Yeah I thought that Kofi would be in MITB for sure. Not only that, but he was my pick to win it as it could have been what gets him to the next level. And while it may sound incoherent for Orton to team with Kofi vs Legacy, it would make for a great story. That could very well happen. And as characteristic of Orton's character, he could keep his heel heat by handing out an RKO to Kofi after the match. Good idea.
I think we are going to see Orton & Kingston vs. DiBiase & Rhodes at WM26.

They won't rehash Orton vs. DiBiase, Orton vs. Rhodes, or Orton vs. D&R. They have given away those matches (more or less) on free TV.

DiBiase and Rhodes are a legit team so we won't see a Triple Threat.

Kofi is w/o a match at the moment and he won't be in MITB. He is just too over not to be on the show. And Randy is getting face reactions. So, Kofi might help Randy in the future, or Randy might have to make amends with Kofi and ask for his help. It'd be an interesting dynamic, and both would get huge reactions at Mania. "Can Orton and Kingston put the past behind them?"

Interesting. Have Legacy vs. Orton/Kofi at WM, have the faces win then have Orton give Kofi an RKO to keep him heel. Or have Kofi accidentally cost Randy the match, then give Kofi an RKO. That way Legacy keeps some kind of momentum going and keep Orton heel.
All good ideas but it all hinges on WWE's decision whether or not to keep Orton a tweener/heel. To be quite honest, I really think they are going toward a babyface role for him at the moment. The cheers, chants, signs... it is all well and good when he is facing another face because heels get those types of reactions a lot but when you are facing a heel and get that reaction (week after week), it slowly becomes too difficult to keep the person a heel when the entire "Universe" is screaming face.
I thought that this thread was BOOK THE MATCH BEFORE WWE DOES........

First off I was mislead into thinking this was a TNA booking a match that WWE didn't. But I can forgive that especially since I did not know what forum it was located under.

Secondly, it's book the match not book the next 3 years.......I mean sheesh.......enough is enough and its time for a change.

What I think that is going to happen is that at next week's Raw it will be Triple H saving Orton from Legacy an Shameus thus setting up Orton vs DiBiase and Triple H vs Shaemus at WM26.
Heres how it should be, Orton Vs Dibiase one on one. yes i know it was on free tv (in america) but its wrestlemania, so it'll be more than average. So heres how i think it should work. After next weeks supposed HHH Vs Orton, legacy comes out and attacks Randy, but randy knocks out dibiase and punts rhodes. Like a really good punt though. that would build heat and keep him heel, while ted could be face defending his friend. That way, its one on one without cody interfering or making it awkward or whatnot.
Given the current state of things, here's how'd I'd do WrestlingMania:

I'd keep the core of the card, like Jericho v. Edge for the Dinnerplate, Cena v. Big Dave for the shitty-looking title, HHH v. Sheamus, HBK v. Mustard-Taker, and Bret v. Vinnie Mac


I'd alter the shape of the Money in the Bank a bit. I'd replace MVP with Kofi Kingston and I'd replace Fatt Hardy with R-Truth. Whatever the case there, I'd have Christian win the suitcase and cash it in on Edge at some point during the summer.

I'd then have a singles match between Miz and MVP for the US Title. I really liked their little mini-feud earlier in the year, and it's a shame the WWE all but took it's legs away. That program really had some good momentum behind it. Or, better yet, have ShowMiz fight MVP & Mizark with both the tag straps and Miz's US title on the line.

I'd have Rey Rey from Mexifornia fight Punk in the much bally-hooed Hair-v.-Mask match.... but I'd have Punk win. 90% of wrestling fans remember Rey went over a year without a mask back in WCW anyway... and it'd continue to make Punk the top heel in the company. Imagine Punk running around with Rey's mask as a token of the superiority of straight-edge...

I'd have Orton fight Cody & Ted in some sort of 2-on-1 gauntlet match (kinda like what Jericho did last year with the old guys). I'd have him beat Cody, but Ted (who clearly has the brighter future) would use some vintage heel tactics to steal the win.

I'd have Drew McIntyre defend the Intercontinental Title against John Morrison. Right now Drew McIntyre isn't on the card for 'Mania. Now, that could/should change, but a guy with THAT awesome of an entrance needs to be showcased in some fashion at Mania.

I'd have the Divas do some sort of screaming banshee tag match that would give me just enough time to take a quality dump. Or, if they wanted to be serious, I'd have Maryse fight Mickie James to unify the two Women's titties... i mean titles. There's no need for two, especially since the Diva's Title is worthless.

As for other entertainment, I'd fire Hornswoggle out of a cannon and deep into the desert night so he'd never be seen again.
i know that we've had discussions on what is going to happen between orton and legacy, but i feel that what now needs to be brought up is how will wwe make a match involving legacy and orton?

there is really no one else for orton to fued with really, so legacy is the obvious choice. but he has already fought both of them in every variety. will it just be another handicapped match? with only 2 raws more before wrestlemania and no match whatsoever developing between orton and legacy, what do you see happening next raw and the final raw to bring about some type of match?
Well 7 matches have been announced thus far, and we're still missing, Punk/Rey, Orton and a Divas match, so my guess either WWE will join the Mcmahon/Hart and Cen/Batista matches together, and/or demote possibly the tag match as the dvd bonus match.

I'm happy with the Mania card but I think a few big names will be missed off this year if they go with their past form route with 8-9 matches.
I'm guessing it will be Legacy vs Orton and a Mystery Tag team Partner at WM... Cody or Ted will prob turn on one of each other cuz i dont see them keeping Orton a face.... As for the Hart/McMahon match, its gonna happen one on one, they got the contract signing next week wit Austin there. It is so predictable of whats going to happen so here's you spoiler for next week lol... They will sign the contracts so there's no excuse for any of them to back out, after they sign, Bret will let Vince know that he was faking his injury just so Vince would fight him at WM... Then Austin is going to announce that he is gonna to be the Special Guest Referee.. and will prob screw Vince that match lol.. Peace!
I am really interested in how this turns out, because Randy Orton is my favorite (current) superstar. It seems that they have exhausted every option for a match with these three. But that doesn't mean that these three won't have a match at Mania.

I would expect that this will be another handicap match, which I am totally fine with, seeing I believe these are three of the best guys they have. They had a handicap match tonight, but nothing was solved. It seems that while Orton is still most definitely a heel, the crowd is treating him as a tweener, and that's hard to sell with todays more child-friendly programming. I would expect another handicap match, with Orton being the clear fan-favorite. And that means Orton will most likely come out on top at Mania.

Giving him a tag partner would be a huge mistake, in my opinion. He is a bad ass. He doesn't need, nor does he want help. That is the only similarity I see between he and Steve Austin. Austin didn't need a partner, and he didn't want one either. I see Orton traveling that same path, and I am totally pleased with it. To give this guy a tag partner would make him look a bit weak. Unfortunately, I have a creeping suspicion they may do this.

I am not sold on that fact, and I do no want that to happen. Orton is getting face like crowd reactions, and I wouldn't put it past the over-bearing WWE creative team to think this means we want him as a full-blown face. I don't want that at all, and I am assuming I am not alone in that opinion. If they were to give him a face partner (someone like Kofi Kingston), it would really take away that "edge" he has. It would make him look reasonable...and he isn't. Kofi Kingston has nothing to do at Mania, and I think the WWE has more interest in using guys just for the sake of using them, as opposed to worrying about the quality of a feud.

So, I am hoping this is just another handicap match. No tag partners. No fathers in their corners (Orton doesn't need Cowboy Bob, he can handle it himself). I hope they don't mess up Orton's character going forward, but I don't have as much confidence in their creative team as I once did.

Another option I read was to have either Ted or Cody turn, and join Orton. I don't like this option either, for many reason, but these are the two biggest. 1. This wouldn't make for a very good match. Orton is clearly the toughest guy of the three, and to put he and one of the two against the other, would not look good. It would be a surprise, but wouldn't allow for a good, lengthy, competitive match. 2. I think this would slow Orton's momentum with the crowd. He is really over at this point in time, and to have him basically go back to a full-heel would take away from his character. If he and the other joined forces, the one left alone would be the fan favorite. Now, if the WWE is hell-bent on keeping him a full-fledged heel, and turning Ted face, this might happen. And I wouldn't be a fan of that move.
There is already a thread for this named "book it before WWE". But I hope that the WWE doesn't make it a tag match with Legacy versus Orton and some random face. If they do I think that at the end of the match Orton will RKO his partner just to keep him a heel.
After watching Raw last night, I have a feeling that we are going to see a triple threat match. The fact of the matter is that we have seen Orton against each of them and we have seen Orton against both of them and now it is getting to a point where we really need to throw a spanner in the works. As I watched Raw last night, I thought to myself how they could make this match more than a beat-down on Orton at Wrestlemania and the only reasonable result I could come up with is that they are going to make this match a triple threat match somewhere down the line. The only problem with this is that we are nearing Wrestlemania at a frantic pace and making this match different now, may take away some of the momentum that they have built for it thus far. I would also argue that if the match is indeed a triple threat, it pretty much assures us that Orton will be walking out with the victory.

That being said, I really have no idea about what they are going to do with this match. Nothing official has been released and until then, we are free to speculate on what the match will be. I tend to think that we have not seen all we are going to see from this feud and I have a feeling that the match will be a triple threat, come Wrestlemania. Giving us the same match that was used on Raw last night would be a little bit odd and I really can't see WWE doing that.
Ok so the last few TV events have pretty much been Orton finishing up his business with legacy and whether or not the feud with Legacy finished up during the handicap match is anyone's guess. However because of this there really hasn't been any chance for Orton to put him into a situation that I think can lead to a WM match for him. So my question to you guys is do you think that a man who was in 2 major title matches over the last 2 years could be left off the card altogether? If so did the WWE make a bad move? and if he will be put onto the card late what kind of match you expect?
You're taking the piss right? You think that an angle they have been building for 18 months is going to fizzle out on Raw, and they are going to keep what is evidently going to be one of their biggest face turns of all time off WrestleMania? Seriously, while it isn't clear exactly what the Mania match will be, I will give you £100 if Orton isn't on it for any creative reason. It will probably be a tag match between Legacy and Orton and someone else. There's absolutely no chance in hell that Orton won't be there in Arizona, unless he dies in the meantime.
I think somehow Orton will end up teaming with his his most recent nemesis, Kofi Kingston, to face Legacy in a tag match. There is really no one else left of a big enough stature to team him with, and Kofi is not yet on the card. I hardly think he will be left off completely. They only have two weeks to pull this off and give it a good explanation though, so they better step it up next week as it seems the most likely route for them at this point.
Ok so the last few TV events have pretty much been Orton finishing up his business with legacy and whether or not the feud with Legacy finished up during the handicap match is anyone's guess. However because of this there really hasn't been any chance for Orton to put him into a situation that I think can lead to a WM match for him. So my question to you guys is do you think that a man who was in 2 major title matches over the last 2 years could be left off the card altogether? If so did the WWE make a bad move? and if he will be put onto the card late what kind of match you expect?

Of course Orton will be on the card for Wrestlemania 26, that's an absolute certainty. His interactions with Legacy are not over, not by a long shot.

It could be a triple threat match. It could be a handicap match. It could be a tag match with Legacy versus Orton and whomever. But there's no way in hell that Orton's not there.

Cue the face turn. Count on it.
Orton's situation is very complex. It's hard to see how WWE is going to pull this off and as far as having Kofi as Orton's partner, I doubt that, but at the same time, who really can Orton team up with and with so many people left off the card as it is, it'll be very interesting how this will work out. Orton really has faced everyone on Raw, and he's faced DiBiase and Rhodes a million times it seems now. Orton vs DiBiase with Rhodes seems to make more sense than another handicap match.
A tag match might work on the coming Raw's before WM 26, but after last night I can definitley say that Orton will be facing Teddy @ mania. Its just to obvious, I mean he gets the pin on the former champ not once but TWICE, and you know what, Teddy looked GOOD doing it.
He is on a major role and they should have an outstanding match @ mania, IMO Orton HAS to put Teddy over in this match, if Orton goes over, then all this would have been for nothing, and it would be the first time "Creative" has disapointed. But I have a pretty good feeling about this one.

As for Cody Rhodes, he just dosent fit into this well at all, or at least that how they are writing it but Teddy is looking more like a future HOF'er every week. IMO they should have been feuding for a while now so the build up would have been a little more in depth but all in all I think they did a good job breaking up "The Legacy".
Teddy goes on to face Orton at mania, and cody, god knows where he is going to end up. Probobly stay in the mid_card because I just don't see any way he is ready for the "spotlight" at this point, granted, he is a GREAT worker but that gets overshadowed when your "partner" is doing ALL the right things. Guess only time will tell..
Hey Im just saying that it's peculiar 3 weeks out that a guy like Orton isn't slated on the bill yet. I mean I could see a late add-on match with Kofi or Drew McIntyre but not with Orton. And yeah I did consider a tag match with Orton and (mystery partner) vs Legacy, all I'm saying is, it's peculiar. by the way tasty "You're taking the piss right?" ??? Can you as a side note please explain that expression to me? It made me chuckle
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