Randy Orton: All-Time Great or One-Trick Pony

How do you rank Randy Orton?

  • All-time Great

  • One-Trick Pony

  • Neither (please state)

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I'd say he's the second best wrestler of this generation. Unfortunately, John Cena takes the number one spot due to overall success.

Orton is still quite possibly the second most popular full-time babyface WWE has, and that's after doing absolutely nothing for well over a year.

WWE hasn't capitalized on Orton's popularity. Toward the end of 2009 and through a good deal of 2010, Orton was the hottest babyface in the business. His reactions back then were equal to the reactions Punk got after the pipe bomb deal. What did they do with Orton? Absolutely nothing. Not sure why, and they probably aren't, either.

He had some trouble last year, but his drop down the charts started long before that. I just don't get it, and I never will.

But yes, he's an all-time great. Not Steve Austin or Hulk Hogan, but he's there with Punk and Cena.
Being projected to the HOF means nothing, if Miz and Kofi simply stay with the WWE for 10 more years they will be viewed as candidates. What makes Randy All-Time is his in ring ability, he and Shawn transcend the reality of their matches. It's like art in motion, his ability is on another level. I will never know why people refuse to give him the credit he deserves. He got over 2 different heel personas, which is a feat not many can claim. He gets the loudest pops doing the dumb generic face stuff, and when he pulls a surprise RKO the fans who hate him because he's "boring" all act like cheering little girls. His ring psychology is tops right now, and even when he gives little effort in matches they're the best of the night.

With movie star looks, pedigree, and all-universe talent, he was the top all time prospect and lived up to his billing. Not to mention this a guy who has never beaten Triple H clean in a regular singles match, his momentum is constantly being destroyed by either himself or the company and still he survives. There exists a disconnect with fans to what he really is, and it sickens me. If he doesn't wrestle another match, he is top 2 all time. Him or Shawn take your fucking pick, it does suck some times. But in some cases the guys born with the talent, looks, and pedigree really are the best.
Top 2 LOL :lol:

Just because you want to blow a guy doesn't mean he's an all time, top 5 type talent!

Lol, I love how when you believe in a wrestler's ability on here, it always comes down to it being gay shit. Come on guys, it's not like we watch oiled up half naked men pretend fight.
when Orton first turned face after evolution turned on him . it was pretty damn good i remember him popping out of a cake a beating the shit out of triple h. but even when orton has been a face he has always had a bit of a heel side to him.
It seems like there are anti Orton threads nowadays more often than not. Honestly, I can't understand why. People claim Orton is monotonious and boring. His speaking style has ALWAYS been that way. The problem is that Orton as a face is not nearly as great as heel Orton. Just for what he has accomplished to this point, he's an all-time great. Once he turns again, people will jump back on the RKO bandwagon.
Orton is still the face of smackdown. who cares about the world heavyweight championship now a days...but if orton comes chasing after it it will reclaim its past glory..please wwe get rid of zigler from the heavyweight championship reign..he neither deserves it nor matches as the heavyweight champion
To me, an all-time great is one of the 4/5 guys who stand out most for their era. Orton clearly does that.

Orton's eras all time greats?

Cena, Orton, Edge (I guess. Talk about boring as shit.), Angle, Lesnar.
Orton is one of the greatest ever, I mean honestly what hasn't he done in this business and not to mention coming from one of the greatest wrestling families in the Orton family, his grandfather Bob Orton Sr., his father WWE Hall of Famer Cowboy Bob Orton, and Randy outshining his grandfather and father being better than they ever were being a 9-time World Champion, Royal Rumble Match winner, former IC Champion, former WWE Tag Team Champion, you name it, he's done it and he deserves to be called an all-time great
For me it all depends on who he works with, When he was fueding with Cena, it was good but a bit 'meh'. When he was on Smackdown fueding with Christian he got interesting again and I really enjoyed his matches. Most recently I found him terribly boring especially when he was tagging with Sheamus but this past couple of weeks working with Bryan, i've thought they were some of Ortons best stuff.

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