Stone Cold Steve Austin: One Trick Pony?

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Saying Austin getting his neck broke on the OH Pile Driver and deserving it is some f'd up shit man. You sound as if you have a personal vendetta with Austin for whatever reason. Someone who praises The Sandman but craps on SCSA...Yeah that makes sense...
We're speaking english right? You guys are intelligent enough to know the difference between a full-on endorsement and a "maybe" - a word which implies more of a passive or neutral statement?

Austin got greedy and karma bit him in the ass for it.

I have no feelings one way or the other about him being forced to retire. I don't "hate" Steve Austin. I'm not going to smack his mother for giving birth to him or anything.

Actually I think that Austin was enjoyable in the WCW (especially as part of the Hollywood Blondes) and in the ECW after that. He had already established himself as a threat on the mat as a technical wrestler that could brawl when he needed to. That all went out the window when he entered the WWF and broke away from the Ringmaster gimmick. All of the great and subtle things about Austin's ring presence were thrown out for a straight ahead brawling style. He went from a technical brawler to just a brawler. Stupid as the Ringmaster gimmick was, he was at least playing to his strengths (technical wrestling) previous to the "Stone Cold" character.

I feel that he was better than the plagiarized "Stone Cold" character which is simply stolen from Sandman. Hell, even the Stone Cold Stunner is stolen (from Mikey Whipwreck no less). That character is base, no frills, and possibly the only wrestler more boring to watch in the ring is Ric Flair. At least Ric Flair started wrestling in the 70ies, an era that was more or less known for a slow and tedious style of wrestling. The only thing Steve Austin had going for him that rooted him to the WWF's Attitude Era was the alcoholic aspects of the character and the feud with Vince McMahon.

Any attempts to say that there's extra stuff in there so it's not a full on rip-off is futile. It's like Vanilla Ice trying to deny that he stole "Ice Ice Baby" from Queen's "Under Pressure" by saying that his was a rap song and Queen's was a rock song. Lame. In wrestling terms, it's saying that Tajiri and Muta didn't rip off The Great Kabuki's green mist. We know better.

Argue all that you will, because you're no doubt fans of the "Stone Cold" character, and you're entitled to your opinions. The fact remains that it's a black and white issue. Did he rip-off Sandman or not? Yes he did. Even if it's just a piece here, and a piece there. He ripped him off. He saw how Fullington worked the character in ECW, liked it and decided that was what he was going to do. Were he not exposed to ECW, he would never have taken on the "Stone Cold" gimmick. He would have (and should have) been "Stunning" Steve Austin, the WWF version. Whether or not that was with the Ringmaster gimmick and how he would work around that is perhaps the only other variable there.
Austin got greedy and karma bit him? What are you inhaling? Someone who had NOTHING handed to him and worked from the gutter bottom card of WCW for so long and got to where he got and the success he RIGHTFULLY achieved. Steve Austin was a Grade A Wrestler, it wasent that he was only a good Wrestler in WCW, his gimmick in WWE made sense for him to be a Brawler, and he was a Grade A Brawler as well. The only negatives of SCSA I can think of was crap that happened outside of the ring. Wait...Is this Debra? Seriously you need some fresh air buddy.
All main eventers are repetitive, thats the point
if they came out each match and did completely different move sets and entrances etc. you wouldn't get into them nor would you be able to feel the match, Finishers/Signature moves/actions are there so you as a fan can tell roughly what is going on, they set mood, they set timing and they are destinct to that character for the most part.

Austin comes out,
1) you know he's going to do a stunner at some point
2) you know the crowd is going to chant WHAT every second word
3) you know they'll be playing one of the most recognized entrance themes in history
4) he's going to flip the bird
5) he'll finish with a beer toast

If that didn't happen you'd be pissed, i know i would cause thats' what you expect.
Thats his character

On one hand, during that era Austin was the headline, but if it wasn't for Taker, Triple H, The Rock and Bret hart puting him on the WWF map as a tough SOB, Austin would not have been nearly as impressive a character IMO. saying that i marked out on every word he spouted back then when he was actually an ass kicking wrestler, b4 he went heel again and became a woos character.

His appearances after he retired were very poor but thats cause he couldn't actually compete so he had to revert to just a WHAT, stunner and beer toast.

But on that note, what do you expect? he was almost paralyzed within the first few yrs of his WWE tenure, i respect him for the fact that despite that injury he ignored that in order to take on the burden of being the cornerstone of WWE while it was being beaten by the company that said Austin would be nothing more than a midcarder

Just like many other big names, ignore what happened later in there careers and remember the entertainement factor that surrounded them during there peak. If you didn't like him thats fine you'd be in the minority

IMO Far more entertaining than John "zzzzzzz" Cena or CM "i'm too good for you" Punk and both of them get huge followings

Also i might add that the Attiude Era/Monday night Wars was the second best era in wrestling history so to say it was highly overrated is ignorant. They went over the top way too often i'd admit that but on the whole it was really captivating, with more emphasis on kick ass wrestling and WTF moments. nothing compares to that
and ratings through the roof

only reason the early 80's could be considered better was it was fresh and more family orientated and they had just gone global in TV coverage therefore more people were into it
I’m a little surprised with all comparisons between Austin and the Sandman. I guess I can see where you’re coming from, but I think it’s ridiculous to compare the two. I’ll do it anyway since Sandman has been brought up. In fact let’s go over similarities and differences.


They both drink beer.


Austin was the most popular star during WWE’s most successful period.
Sandman was a popular star for a third rate promotion that was semi popular for about six years.
Austin brought ratings to unprecedented heights.
Sandman starred in a company that didn’t have nationwide television.
Austin headlined some of WWE’s most profitable pay per views.
Sandman headlined pay per views that a lot of cable companies didn’t bother to carry.
Austin regularly sold out house shows all over the country and was the biggest box office attraction since Hulk Hogan.
Sandman sold out the bingo hall and occasionally the Manhatten Center.
Austin sold more merchandise than anyone ever had.
Sandman sold some t-shirts. If you ordered them on line you were lucky to receive them. If you didn’t receive them you most likely did not get a refund. (a friend of mine knows first hand)
Austin was capable of wrestling a great technical match or a brawl depending on what the story called for.
Sandman hit people with weapons.
Austin is still remembered and beloved by most fans almost seven years after his retirement.
Sandman will be forgotten by the majority of WWE fans within five years. (if he’s not forgotten already)

I’m sure a lot of people will comment on how Austin had so much more opportunity being in the WWF, but consider this: If Sandman was better than Austin why didn’t Vince sign Sandman instead?

I know I sound very negative toward ECW. Don’t take it the wrong way. ECW was great for what it was and I don’t want to insult fans of the product. I just don’t think there is any real comparison when it comes to Steve Austin and the Sandman in professional wrestling.
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Steve Austin from 96-97, the pissed-off, bitter, ruthless, out-of-control maniac, will never get boring. I could watch his segments/matches from that era hundreds of times and they will always be great.

But the Austin that drank beer and beat up McMahon got really old, really fast. Not that his title runs weren't entertaining, or great, for that matter, but I just think he was much, much better before he had the title. And it's not about his neck injury, it's about his attitude. He was more cutting-edge before he won the title.
Austin was overrated and still is to be quite honest. But only as a wrestler.

As a character he was everything he's built up to be and more.

But he was just a sloppy wrestler, if he didn't hurt his neck (I always like to think of this as a f u from the grave), maybe he could've been something more in my eyes, but not much. It limited him somewhat (no pun intended), but not nearly as much people would think.

But when I think of Austin, I think of terrible matches and repetitive crap.

How many great Austin matches were there in WWE?

2, maybe 3?

If I made a top 50 greatest matches of all-time......I highly doubt Austin would be in it at all.

Now to me that says a lot. Great Performer, Bad Wrestler, could've been mediocre.

Still a Hall Of Famer though.
His attitude/character was far more appealing to me than his in-ring skills. I would rather watch him do an awesome promo or come out and blast some beer. I didn't find him all that amazing to watch in the ring. I personally think his attitude outshone his actual wrestling by far.

Not to say he didn't have any great matches because he did but when I think Austin, the first thing that pops into my head his his badass attitude, not his wrestling skills.
Austin was overrated and still is to be quite honest. But only as a wrestler.

As a character he was everything he's built up to be and more.

But he was just a sloppy wrestler, if he didn't hurt his neck (I always like to think of this as a f u from the grave), maybe he could've been something more in my eyes, but not much. It limited him somewhat (no pun intended), but not nearly as much people would think.

But when I think of Austin, I think of terrible matches and repetitive crap.

How many great Austin matches were there in WWE?

2, maybe 3?

If I made a top 50 greatest matches of all-time......I highly doubt Austin would be in it at all.

Now to me that says a lot. Great Performer, Bad Wrestler, could've been mediocre.

Still a Hall Of Famer though.

Terrible matches? No. They may have been repetitive, but many wrestlers are.

Austin vs Hart at WM13 is legendary, Austin vs The Rock at WM X7 was great, Austin vs Benoit in 2001 on SD was a great match..

That's just off of the top of my head. He had very good matches, with extraordinary story telling as a part of them. You don't need to put on 30 fake rest holds to be a good wrestler.
Are we talking about the same guy here? He had some of the worst main event matches in WWE history.

First Blood? How about the next night on Raw? He made Kane look bad and he's lucky his character recovered.

He never took a good bump, didn't sell moves well.

WM 17 was a good match. But not one of the greatest matches of all-time. One of Austin's, but not Rock's. It just says worlds about his matches.

WM 13 was a good match that is highly overrated. The match is boring, it's like watching WM 7's main event, with blood.....that is one of Bret Hart's worst matches and I'm supposed to like it?

Bret Hart had better matches with Doink on RAW and 1-2-3 kid.....those are underrated matches.

How about his dreadful feud with Dudelove? Those matches are so bad they should be banned in all 50 states.

His IC title matches with The Rock? Garbage. So he stunned D' LO on a truck, wow. The match was crap and I'm supposed to cream over theatrics?

I think he had one truly great match from 98 - 2000, Undertaker at Summerslam 98. Beyond that I can't think of one better or equal to it.

He did have a few decent matches with Triple H later in his career, but Trips carried him all the way through.

How about his Vince McMahon matches, Vince looked better in the ring, lol. Austin was what he was, but don't make him out to be a good wrestler, cuz he wasn't.
Well Austin is 50/50 when he makes his returns its so boring we know what hes gonna do hes gonna come to the ring talk someones gonna come out he will give em a beer then kick them and hit the stunner. Least when he was a active competitor it was exciting to see what he would do but seeing the same over and over makes him very boring. As for matches their average at best
Of course he was a 'One Trick Pony' as you like to put it. But does that make him any less great? I don't think so. He found a gimmick that worked and he stuck to it. The fans loved him and I think it shows how great he is when, after doing something for the 500th time, you still have an audience on their feet screaming for you.
Austin basically was a one-trick pony, but the same goes for Hulk. They're just from two different eras. Neither one was too impressive in the ring but made a lot of money based on their characters. If Austin was healthy and returned to the ring, sure, he'd sell some merchandise and he'd get his cheers and probably be pushed to a title reign, but sooner than later, people would be wanting to see him just lose to people for the sake of putting them over because Austin's act has worn thin. Credit where credit is due - the act was awesome back in the day - but now that time has passed, its half-life is fading. In due time, it won't matter at all and it'll become the same as when people go on and on about Bruno Sammartino and Harley Race and everything while the average fan nowadays will look back and go "THAT is what they made such a big fuss over?"

So are saying that everything the biggest superstar in the greatest era of pro wrestling did will soon be forgotten??? That it wont matter? That is a joke. Hogan altered the business and aloud it to grow. Austin revolutionized it. The ratings speak for themselves. Austin kept asses in the seats and watching on tv which i guarantee you are included in that. I'm willing to bet that during Austin's hey day was the same time frame where u payed the most attention to pro wrestling. To basically say his material will be forgotten or fall into the Bruno Sammartino category in a few years is just dumb. I know you are smarter than that. Thats just a stupid statement. Stone Cold Steve Austin and what he did will never be forgotten.
this is the worst thread i have seen on this site, austin was awesome,he ushered in the most popular era ever won six wwe titles,has one of the most popular catchphrases ever,WHAT!,i said he has on of the most poular catchphrases ever,WHAT!,made some of the most memorable unfogettable feuds/moments ever(pillman gun,zamboni,face off tyson,feud with mcmahon,feud with hart foundation, feud with triple h, feud with rock, being run over,getting revenge on triple h,one of the best heel turns of all time,best match of all time(3 stages of hell vs triple h), he is the greatest superstar ever, the person who made this thread does not like austin,holla!
I wouldn't really say that Stone Cold was a "one trick pony". Yes, he did almost always come out and do the same type of thing every time.... good promo, stunner, drinks, stunners someone else, drinks more, celebrates in front of fans, leaves.... he followed that simple formula nearly every time he came out, you guys are right about that part.... That doesn't make him a "one trick pony" though.

The fact that he was able to make so many legendary moments out of that same formula every time of coming out, stunner, drinking, and then leaving; was what makes him NOT a "one trick pony". Look at it this way.... if he truly was a "one trick pony" then he would have never changed the act up whatsoever. Things were always a little different each time he came out. There were all the things he did to McMahon, the promos, who he hit with the stunner, and all the great moments he created.... most of which may have followed the same setup, but none were the same!

Stone Cold was NOT a "one trick pony" because although he often did similar things, he created many great legendary moments that fans could be entertained by over and over again. Whereas true "one trick ponies" get boring and stay boring, Stone Cold never got boring to me.
Maybe he really isnt the man everyone thinks he is. Sure, he helped usher in the most overrated era known to mankind. The Attitude Era. But I got to thinking the other day.

And that's why he's going to go down as one of the pioneers of the Attitude Era. He also had VERY underrated technical skills before his knees got busted and Owen broke his neck.

Is he really that great?

Yes he's really that great.

I mean this by looking at all that he's done. Sure, he made alot of money and was the top draw. But after you've seen one Stone Cold moment, you've seen them all. From the beer truck to the Zamboni. Him getting tossed off the bridge to him beating McMahon up in the hospital.

You just made my point for me. thank you very much. That's what made him great.

What im getting at. He's boring. He has absolutely no replay value whatsoever. At least with me I dont ever want to see those moments again. Once was enough and now its an eysore to sit through. Unlike Hulk Hogan. Who to this day I still watch old footage, and get goosebumps all the time, and NEVER get tired of. Or even The Rock, who still gets me feeling the electricity when he speaks.

*Facepalms* Stone Cold is boring? Really? Did you watch his old ECW promos? or his ECW matches? How about his stuff with The Rock? did you honestly watch his stuff in WCW? Please tell me you did. Your last statement is the most idiotic I have ever read.

Stone Cold Steve Austin was never the best. He never will be. He was only as good as his competition, which whom he had great competition to work with, HHH, The Rock, Kane, Undertaker, Vince, Mankind, Bret Hart, HBK. Unlike some of the others Like Hogan who always didnt have great competition but still looked great.

I think my IQ lowered quite a bit when I read that statement.

I hope you get where Im coming from. In my mind, Stone Cold is a One Trick Pony. He used the same gimmick throughout his entire run, and it does NOT stand the test of time.

With all due respect dude, did you really think before you posted this travesty of a thread? Had he gone with his Stunning Steve character he would have gotten over with that. But while he was in ECW he was transforming into his Stone Cold gimmick and the rest is as they say. History.
Of course he was a one trick pony. What's wrong with that though? Hogan was a one trick pony too. Shit, he's STILL living off of his one trick. I know, he went heel, but was it really all that different? He added a back rake, which he did as a face from time to time, and an eye gouge. He did some bad stuff and said ass alot, other than that, same old promo. My point is, Austin isn't the first to live that way. Austin tried many things before he hit it big with the Stone Cold gimmick. He worked the hell out of that gimmick. No gimmick has ever been that over. It may not have lasted a long time but for the time it did it was insane. You can't discredit Austin's legacy because we never allowed him to do anything different. They tried at times, but we never let it happen. I loved his heel work with Kurt but all anyone else could do was cheer the guy. That's how over he was.

As for Hogan's competition. Hogan did that during a time when WWF was fairly unopposed. Hogan was so big that it didn't matter who he wrestled. Hogan, was so popular that the WWE didn't need to have any other major stars, just supporting players to Hogans routine. He made them important just by being in a ring with him. That is so very rare. Hogan, unlike Flair, never had to make anyone in the ring. He was so big outside it that he automatically made them big just by taking a beat down one time from them. One has to concede a little to that fact that Hogan was at least somewhat right place right time. I'm not saying anyone could have been Hogan, you needed Terry in particular as he made it happen, but he was pretty lucky to be in such a unique position. One thing to remember is Hogan needed all sorts of big names in WCW. He basically only wreslted with Savage, Flair, Vader, Sting ect for how long?

Point being that although Austin's big run was with one essential gimmick, alot of others were as well. Hogan being a prime example. I will never agree that Hogan's heel character was anything different than his face character. The vitamins and all that crap went away but Hogan was still the same guy, talking different. Jericho changed his persona. HBK would change his persona. Hogan just seemed the same to me, but with foul language. Liken it to that person you know who is an asshole and then kind of backs off. You still know he's an asshole even though he isn't acting like one. Terrible example, I know.
Not to be controversial, but I always hated Austin and Rock and thought they were both extremely overrated. I admit Austin had some talent, but I hated him destroying the entire company at once every week while taking absolutely no damage like he just got the invincibility star from super mario brothers, but it never expires. I agree 100% that he was a one trick pony. Yes he helped Vince beat WCW and sell 68 billion skull t-shirts and everything else, but that was based on the entire hype machine. Vince could put my hairy ass on a t-shirt and sell 20 million if they hype it enough. I just never saw the value in Austin that everyone else seemed to see, and I'm glad there are at least a few people who feel the same and aren't ashamed to admit they don't worship Steve Austin. He was in the right place at the right time, and somebody made the right choice in giving him the "bald headed beer drinkin' cuss word sayin' mofo" gimmick. The whole Austin/McMahon feud was just Vince living out his homosexual domination fantasies on national TV, and I'd rather watch Full House reruns until the end of time than see that shite again. Aww hell, if Austin didn't shave his head because he was going bald, he'd still be Stunning Steve in the midcard on smackdown right now.
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