R Truth = John Cena


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I missed Raw on monday and had to watch it on Tuesday, and watched to to the end and saw R Truth and John Cena doing the pushing series and it ended up with truth leaving the ring. The match got me thinking that they are almost exactly alike. They both won the US title, dress in street clothes, sing their own theme song. Also, R Truth has the rapper gimmick and so did John Cena when he started. Lastly, both of them are pretty much hated on this forum:lmao:. The point is, if they started out the same, maybe Truth has the same potential that john cena had when he was in truths position. Maybe history will repeat itself and push truth to the main event. Thoughts?
Never going to happen. Truth started there along time ago as K-Kwik it was the exact same gimmick he has now, except that he sort of got to hone it a little in TNA as Ron Killings. He is 40 now where Cena is much younger and has more appeal. Truth is ok in the ring and botches most of his moves there is no way he can get the same type of reaction or push that Cena got. Cena wanted it, I get the feeling with Truth most of the time that he is just out there. Plus he cant go to certain areas of the world due to his past like MVP.
If you've ever been to a live event.. R-Truth gets the second biggest pop of the night next to Cena/Orton
If you've ever been to a live event.. R-Truth gets the second biggest pop of the night next to Cena/Orton

That's because of his theme song buddy. I guarantee if he didn't have a sing-along song as his entrance music all you'd hear was crickets. R-Truth is an idiot. He gets cheap pops from playing to the crowd and is an awful "entertainer" when it comes to believability. He dances around at the most inopportune times and gets by in the ring by twirling around after moves that require no such extra movement. He's awful.
This thread = stupid. R Truth isn't anywhere NEAR the level that Cena is at, nor will he ever be. The dude can barely speak english, for Christ's sake.
They both stink; Truth won't ever be relevant in the E and will never hold the WHC/WWE title. I have no clue why he was even brought back; the get crunk song was terrrible just like the whats up song. If they want to bring back old wrestlers that the cut back in the early millenium, at least bring on ones that dont suck or have something to offer pro wrestling.
Or may be WWE is listening to me (or at least that's what I'd like to believe). Perhaps Truth will finally get his push and in the process transition to one of the most credible heels that WWE has seen in recent years. Truth has the potential to be Tupac meets Hollywood Hogan. First, Truth's transition to heel would have to be gradual, like Punk's. Then let Truth's heel change culminate after obtaining the WWE title. Next, give the man some swag, bling and fancy suits. After that, get him a clique. But to answer the question, Truth is a lot like Cena, except I think Truth has the greatest potential as a heel.
Never going to happen. Truth started there along time ago as K-Kwik it was the exact same gimmick he has now, except that he sort of got to hone it a little in TNA as Ron Killings. He is 40 now where Cena is much younger and has more appeal. Truth is ok in the ring and botches most of his moves there is no way he can get the same type of reaction or push that Cena got. Cena wanted it, I get the feeling with Truth most of the time that he is just out there. Plus he cant go to certain areas of the world due to his past like MVP.

Who cares if Truth is 40, and who cares if he can't go to Canada (hell, who cares about Canada?) All that matters is that Truth has the look and tone of a vicious, street hardened character--and should be heel because of it. Furthermore, the reason that many of the moves in Truth's matches are botched is because less than half the roster can actually keep up with R, even at 40. After Truth's terrible past, the fact that Truth's even in the WWE is testament to the fact that he "wants it". By the way, never say never.
What exactly makes Truth an idiot, AlwaysHasBeen? The fact that he gets 'cheap' pops instead of 'real' ones? That he dances? (A crazy idea for someone with a music-related gimmick! Disco Inferno never used to... oh wait)

Criticise his ability to personally go over with you as a performing wrestler but I don't see what he has done* to get such personal attacks.

*Oh wait, in his years of talking to the crowd wherever he goes, he once got the place name wrong. WWE must have hired someone with mental ******ation. [this is sarcasm, in case you also are an idiot]
What exactly makes Truth an idiot, AlwaysHasBeen? The fact that he gets 'cheap' pops instead of 'real' ones? That he dances? (A crazy idea for someone with a music-related gimmick! Disco Inferno never used to... oh wait)

Criticise his ability to personally go over with you as a performing wrestler but I don't see what he has done* to get such personal attacks.

*Oh wait, in his years of talking to the crowd wherever he goes, he once got the place name wrong. WWE must have hired someone with mental ******ation. [this is sarcasm, in case you also are an idiot]

lol. Disco Inferno had charisma and was wayyyy more entertaining and WITTY than R-Truth. I don't care if he got the name of a city/town wrong. He does nothing to make you like him except say What's Up every week. No in-ring psychology despite being very athletic- it's a waste. Like Kofi Kingston who has mad talent but doesn't seem to evolve just stays in one place week and week out but I guess it may be creative's fault too. Sarcasm? What's sarcasm?;)
Yeah I don't understand why wwe keeps pushing this guy. He has people singing along with his theme song.....so did hacksaw jim duggan and they knew better than put his asss in a title match. They had two black wrestlers they could have pushed but stopped: MVP and Shelton Benjamin. Why keep pushing K-Kwick? What in the blue hell does he bring to a main event? He cant wrestle, when he tries a high flying move he botches it and his mic skills make Great Khali look like barack obama. Hell now that edge has retired (an excuse me for believing that wwe KNEW that edge would retire before raw) how bout you put kofi kingston in this match instead? somebody in the back would have been better off then this guy. Only thing similiar to John cena that R truth has is they both try to be too black.
Many of the attacks on R-Truth possess an air of bigotry & stereotyping. Whether you admit or not, wrestling is considered by many fans to be a white man's sport, which is why, unless a wrestler is the Rock he'll be heavenly criticized by bigoted fans hoping to maintain the status quo.To call R-Truth an idiot because you hate his gimmick is absurd. To bring up his past is even worse when common sense should tell you that the WWE would not have him on the roster if it would hamper their overseas business.

R-Truths gimmick is stale and too youth oriented for my taste. He's actually a solid worker.

Is he main event material? No, but he fits the role of a mid-card worker excellently. How many guys in today's era can you say that much for?
I will concede the point that R-Truth has many gimmick similarities to what Cena used to be. The fact is Cena changed while R-Truth has basically remained the same. Either the WWE or he has allowed himself to become stale before he managed to hit the main event. Even Cena could be considered stale now, but he managed to make the main event first and establish himself there.

The long and the short of it is that R-Truth will never be main event enough to get championships there nor even be able to hold midcard championships for any length of time. Talent he's got as well as a certain amount of charisma, not to mention a good look. Unfortunately, he's also got a criminal record which keeps him out of certain parts of the world. Touring is majorly important for the WWE and you can bet they're not going to tour without their champions. The WWE wants champions who can tour wherever they happen to be going. That was why MVP never managed to get any main event championships. R-Truth is in the same boat. It doesn't matter how good he is or what he does for the company, he will never get to Cena's level of dominance. He's filler material and as long as he's working for the WWE, that is all he will ever be. Right or wrong, that's just the way it is.
I love Truth, I think he's great. At the same time I don't think he'll hold a world title.

IMO he is in the match just so Miz gets a clean win. Also I think they are putting more mid card guys in the main event so they will look stronger as a mid card champion. Look how much more powerful the titles look being carried by Barrett and Sheamus, rather than Bryan and Kofi. It's because of their main event exposure. I think Truth is gonna step up his game in this match and be a strong contender for the US title.
That's because of his theme song buddy. I guarantee if he didn't have a sing-along song as his entrance music all you'd hear was crickets. R-Truth is an idiot. He gets cheap pops from playing to the crowd and is an awful "entertainer" when it comes to believability. He dances around at the most inopportune times and gets by in the ring by twirling around after moves that require no such extra movement. He's awful.

Soooo...they're backstage making notes saying "oh that's a cheap pop, discount his impact on our audience?" Nobody is buying tickets SOLELY to see him, but when he's on the card, I'm sure people are happy to see it. Every single performer can't be the MAIN draw.

It's too obvious you're hating on him too much to be honest in your opinions. I like the guy, he's entertaining. Is he great? Nah, but then, most of the main event guys right now aren't GREAT either.
I really dislike Rtruths gimmick , and i hate his song and dance coming out. Hes horrible on the mic, botches alot of matches , and just cant be takin seriously in my eyes.

On a side note, hes a better wrestler then Cena. Which isnt saying much
Or may be WWE is listening to me (or at least that's what I'd like to believe). Perhaps Truth will finally get his push and in the process transition to one of the most credible heels that WWE has seen in recent years. Truth has the potential to be Tupac meets Hollywood Hogan. First, Truth's transition to heel would have to be gradual, like Punk's. Then let Truth's heel change culminate after obtaining the WWE title. Next, give the man some swag, bling and fancy suits. After that, get him a clique. But to answer the question, Truth is a lot like Cena, except I think Truth has the greatest potential as a heel.

lol. Wut? Hulk Hogan is one of the celebrated wrestlers of all time, and for you to suggest this leads me to believe you are either a troll or delusional.
I think R-Truth was at his best teamed up with jo-mo. both of them lack that promo skill needed to be a top star but with them together they didn't have to. now, he is an after thought. This must be their way to give him a push for the years he has put in the company before they release him.

I think his entrance is great because whether its cheap pop or real pop, it's pop. I think it speaks something for him to get any pop.

And I hate his damn move! that stupid as spinning elbow crap that he doesn't even touch the other guy with and the other guy just falls. Every time I see it I think it's ******ed.
By the way, I like Truth as an undercard guy and don't think he has the charisma to keep changing his character like Cena did. But a lot of this criticism is absurd. I'm not to defend botching moves but literally every wrestler has done it on occasion - it again should not be taken as whether a person is stupid or not.

Now the person who thinks to put a wrestler of this calibre into such a high position, maybe you can question. Ron Killings though has done nothing if not show mental fortitude to get where he is from where he started. I have no idea what his IQ may be, but maybe just think before you speak in the future? This also refers to the other direction and calling him the lovechild of Hogan and Tupac - what the hell? Maybe a bit over the top there.
yeah its not racism for me, some of my fave all time wrestlers include Cryme Tyme, D-Lo Brown, Ron Simmons, Harlem Heat and Ahmed Johnson. The reason I can't stand R-Truth Kwik Killings is for me he's hard as hell to understand on the mic, sounds like he has marbles in his mouth. He's amazing in the ring though yeah I could do without the theatrics involved but then again I never cared for Too Cool's dancing during a match. His theme song is catchy but the whole Krunk (sp?) thing just makes me shake my head and roll my eyes it reminds me of that hysterical Mad TV skit where the homeless guy and girl would go around and do anti-drug spots in school where they'd do the same kind of dance.
I don't think it is racism, personally. People are able to dislike rap music without disliking black people and people are able to find it frustrating seeing a guy who may be a decent wrestler but not a great one pushed to the main event over ones they like more.

Add a lot of these things together in quickly written notes on a message board though and thoughts can become jumbled and it can look like a sticky situation when it never was meant with such intentions.
I missed Raw on monday and had to watch it on Tuesday, and watched to to the end and saw R Truth and John Cena doing the pushing series and it ended up with truth leaving the ring. The match got me thinking that they are almost exactly alike.

This is absolute ignorance or either just not thought out. They firstly are different in that Cena was a heel rapper, and actually got a crowd reaction that was not forced. Also he had one year in the WWE in 1999 but then went to TNA afterwards. Another similiar person who also did this was Christian and it just so happens they both get their reak title match at Extreme Rules. Cena has always been in the WWE and has worked his ass off to be where he is. He never had anything given to him. Saying him and Cena are exact is exactly wrong.

They both won the US title, dress in street clothes, sing their own theme song. Also, R Truth has the rapper gimmick and so did John Cena when he started.

Yes they did both win the US title, yes even in what you could call street clothes however just because they started with a similiar gimmick does not mean they are the same entity. It would be like saying Ezekial Jackson and Big Show are the same because they are both big and beat people up.

Lastly, both of them are pretty much hated on this forum:lmao:. The point is, if they started out the same, maybe Truth has the same potential that john cena had when he was in truths position.

Well being hated on a forum does not make you very similiar but the fact is they didn't start off the same Truth went to TNA where Cena is WWe bred, plus Cena is the sterotypical looking superstar, where Truth is not.

Maybe history will repeat itself and push truth to the main event. Thoughts?

The fact that he is 39 and still does not have a singles match for any major title does not count. Yes he has one PPV singles match for the United States Championship but he lost it so he will amount to nothing.

Do I like him yes, will he ever be anything No.
His gimmick is even worst than cena's and since cena's gimmick is awful to begin with its not looking too good for R truth.If it wasn't for that song you wouldn't here not a damn thing when he comes out he relies on cheap pops.
lol WTF? These are character similarities.

By your logic, the Washington Nationals will probably win as many games as the Phillies because they both have Red and White colors and play on the east coast.

Let's see here. Is Truth as over as Cena? No. Does truth sell as well as Cena? No. does truth get the crowd to go crazy, have 100% of the audience making noise like Cena? No.

No is the answer to your question/assumption.
I always had faith in R-Truth. I liked him in TNA and thought he would do well in WWE. So as much as I hate saying it, cheap pops are still pops. And if people do it every week when he comes out, then it obviously means that he's doing "something" right. I hope he wins just this once at ER, even if its just for a few weeks as champ. Give him at least a little creditability. As far as he equals to Cena however? Very few come close to getting the same reaction and praise as Cena. So its really unfair when you already know in the back of your head the 2-3 people that comes close to his popularity on the current roster. Ron will never "equal" Cena, but then again who really can?

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