R-Truth - Catch him Fridays Nights!


Dark Match Winner
After seeing his promo video, it's safe to say that I am very excited about this move. I believe Truth will be a solid addition to the Smackdown roster. Imagine feuds between him and Shelton Benjamin, MVP or even Jeff Hardy. Friday Nights just got way more athletic and charisma is about to get a shot in the arm. Truth is going to prove to TNA's disgruntled stars that the WWE will give them a shot and not look at them like lesser athletes.
I too am excited that Ron Killings (R-Truth) is heading to Smackdown.
Apparently WWE are going to quickly push the guy into the main event scene which is a very good decision as he is probably the best wrestler on that brand and the main event spot's in WWE are crying out for fresher talent as I, like many, are fed up of seeing the usual faces, in particular Triple H, hogging the top spots.
R-Truth has also came from TNA, where by far the best wrestlers in America are based, so he is sure to teach those current WWE superstars a thing or two about how wrestling should be done.
Hopefully R-Truth will be World Champion within a year and he is certain to be a massive hit with fans.
R-Truth has also came from TNA, where by far the best wrestlers in America are based, so he is sure to teach those current WWE superstars a thing or two about how wrestling should be done.

That's funny. TNA isn't the base for most of the great American wrestlers. But even if it was that statement is laughable. Killings is now in WWE. Which now means he's got to wrestle the WWE style. That means he'll be doing considerably less than he did in TNA and there will now be hardly any high spots off him. Which is a real problem when the only thing Killings is capable of is high spots.
I too am excited that Ron Killings (R-Truth) is heading to Smackdown.

I'm a bit hyped as well, but I doubt he'll be anything more than the next United States Champion. His gimmick reminds me too much of Rikishi Fatu's old gimmick from 1995-1996 in which he relived his mistakes, getting shot, paying his dues for his crimes, etc, etc.

Killings is apparently going to be the Smackdown version of C.M. Punk, except he'll have lived through the experiences of those "mistakes" so he'll be better.

Apparently WWE are going to quickly push the guy into the main event scene which is a very good decision as he is probably the best wrestler on that brand and the main event spot's in WWE are crying out for fresher talent as I, like many, are fed up of seeing the usual faces, in particular Triple H, hogging the top spots.

You have straight up lost your fricken mind if you believe the former K-Kwik is better than Triple H., Edge, Jeff Hardy, Big Show, Umaga, M.V.P., Mr. Kennedy.. shit, you know what.. Ron Killings is topping the list of being right about Jimmy Wang Yang at this point.

K-fricken-Kwik.. okay, remember that. K-Kwik isn't, never was, and definately won't be a Main Eventer to go over the likes of Triple H. I don't care if he did change his name to "R-Truth". That makes it even worse, what the hell does "R-Truth" stand for? (Don't even say Ron)

R-Truth has also came from TNA, where by far the best wrestlers in America are based, so he is sure to teach those current WWE superstars a thing or two about how wrestling should be done.

Even if that was the case, you do realize 90% of T.N.A.'s Roster are former W.W.F./E. guys, right? So technically, the W.W.E. is where "by far the best wrestlers in America are based". And T.N.A. just picks the scraps of what the W.W.E. no longer feels they need.

Hopefully R-Truth will be World Champion within a year and he is certain to be a massive hit with fans.

I can see now why you believe T.N.A. is so great. Killings is going back to performing in front of a crowd larger than triple digits. He'll get a mixed reaction, if any reaction at all.

He'll get a moderate push against Shelton Benjamin, because that seems to be the thing they're doing right now. Benjamin's recent title reign has no purpose. Killings redebut will show him likely winning the title and doing nothign with it, until someone else comes along.

In a year's time.. Killings will be switched to E.C.W., and likely jobbing to Colin Delaney. I hope not, I really do. I want to see Killings do something.. but he's a Tag Team specialist, and a midcard level guy in the world of the W.W.E., at best. No where near Main Event level. Especially not against guys like Edge, Triple H. and the Undertaker.
The One Big Will - If Ron Killings took on Triple H in a one on one real wrestling match are you honestly telling me that Triple H would win? If you are then you clearly have problems.
Triple H is a slow, boring, predictable wrestler who at best is average in his ring ability, and has only had a handful of good matches in his lifetime. The majority of which just happened to be some sort of gimmick match, such as a hell in a cell. Ron The Truth Killings however is a fast, exciting wrestler who's wrestling ability is good, and about 90% of his matches have been entertaining.
Not only is Ron better at wrestling than Trip but he would also kick Trip's ass in a real one on fight, this since Trip is nothing more than a long haired wussy. Kurt Angle and Goldberg have both exposed this statement.
Overall Ron Killings is a better wrestler than Triple H by far.

You also say TNA is worse than WWE when it comes to wrestling, which to me suggests that you have either never watched TNA or you are insane.
It's absolutely impossible to not see the big difference between the two companies when it comes to proper wrestling. In TNA around 90% of matches are excellent, whereas in WWE around 90% of matches are pure crap. TNA makes WWE alot of the times look like the fakest thing on planet earth. And so what if TNA has wrestlers who once worked for WWE. So long as they can wrestle and wrestle well who gives a shit where they once worked?

The One Big Will - If Ron Killings took on Triple H in a one on one real wrestling match are you honestly telling me that Triple H would win? If you are then you clearly have problems.
Triple H is a slow, boring, predictable wrestler who at best is average in his ring ability, and has only had a handful of good matches in his lifetime. The majority of which just happened to be some sort of gimmick match, such as a hell in a cell. Ron The Truth Killings however is a fast, exciting wrestler who's wrestling ability is good, and about 90% of his matches have been entertaining.

One: You devalue Triple H and his career of matches so extremely its stupid. Triple H has had countless great matches throughout his career, so saying he's only had a handful is just being unrealistic and biased. It's silly. Two: saying Ron Killings has had 90% entertaining matches is overstating and giving too much credit to Killings. He started in the WWE and his matches were forgettable, and he certainly didn't have 90% entertaining matches in TNA. Stop being so biased. You can be a fan of Killings and still be reasonable.

Not only is Ron better at wrestling than Trip but he would also kick Trip's ass in a real one on fight, this since Trip is nothing more than a long haired wussy. Kurt Angle and Goldberg have both exposed this statement.
Overall Ron Killings is a better wrestler than Triple H by far.

This is a silly statement to. You know neither wrestlers, you know neither of their actual ability in a real fight, so your claim that Ron can kick Triple H's ass is dumb. Any statement Kurt Angle says has to be questioned and compared with true concrete evidence, in my mind.. and Goldberg got his ass handed to him by Chris Jericho so I don't think he should be saying anything about Triple H. (lol) You think Killings is a better wrestler, you're entitled to that opinion, I entirely disagree though.

It's absolutely impossible to not see the big difference between the two companies when it comes to proper wrestling. In TNA around 90% of matches are excellent, whereas in WWE around 90% of matches are pure crap. TNA makes WWE alot of the times look like the fakest thing on planet earth. And so what if TNA has wrestlers who once worked for WWE. So long as they can wrestle and wrestle well who gives a shit where they once worked?

How in the world can you compare the WWE and TNA's style which has a lot of X division style wrestlers whose matches are so evidently choreographed (as opposed to being able to at least hide the fact slightly) and are endless spotfests and claim the WWE looks fake compared to TNA? That's the silliest claim I've heard in a long time.
R-Truth has also came from TNA, where by far the best wrestlers in America are based, so he is sure to teach those current WWE superstars a thing or two about how wrestling should be done. Hopefully R-Truth will be World Champion within a year and he is certain to be a massive hit with fans.

Do your homework. Ron Killings started in the WWE, long before he was ever in TNA. I don't think he'll be teaching the WWE superstars anything. I'm also holding my breath on whether he'll be World Champion within a year, since the first time he was in WWE he went nowhere. Was he even over in the WWE? He did the same moves, had the same gimmick he did in TNA... hmm.

I do hope he gets the chance to shine, and we'll see where his potential goes.
Ron Killings is the man and he should have the wwe title within a year. When he was first in wwe he was a very talented but also very raw and while he was in tna he really polished his skills. I believe the character hes going to have along with his great in ring skills and experience will make him the wwe champion
I wholeheartedly see Killings fitting into the midcard as a face, since Smackdown's midcard is severely, severely lacking in faces right now. They only have Jimmy Wang Yang and Shannon Moore, who are dominated by everyone nowadays.

For heels, Killings could have feuds with Shelton, Carlito, Kendrick, Kozlov, Ezekiel (once he starts wrestling, if he's any good at it), Dysktra (when he returns), etc.

I can't see Killings going into the main event while they already have HHH, Undertaker, Hardy, Kennedy, and the Big Show.

As far as talent goes...I have no clue if I should be excited about this guy or what. I've never seen any of his matches.
As far as talent goes...I have no clue if I should be excited about this guy or what. I've never seen any of his matches.

Don't believe the huge hype. He is a talented performer though and definitely does have potential, it all just depends on how far the WWE allows him to go. I agree though, I don't see him moving past the mid-card.. especially not in a year like so many people on these boards are jumping to some unfounded conclusion of.
I personally can't wait for R-Truth to debut on Smackdown. I haven't seen him wrestle before as I didn't get TNA when Ron Killings was a member of the TNA roster. But I heard he's decent and I know he certainly has the look of a superstar. But is Smackdown the right place for him to debut? I think ECW suited him just fine. That brand is really lacking in star power and needs him more than what Smackdown does.

I can see the guy debuting as a face which is fine by me as he can wrestle mid-carders like: Brian Kendrick, Shelton Benjamin, M.V.P, Carlito and Kozlov. I can't say much else about the guy as I haven't seen him wrestle a single match but I am hoping he is a decent mid-carder that doesn't get squahed in the process. Smackdown is lacking in face's so I think he really needs to debut as a babyface. It better not be as bad as Chris Harris' debut a few weeks ago.
Im excited on the one hand, no so much on the other. Excited becuase I enjoyed his work during his first WWE stint, and excited becuase from what I hear, he is pretty entertaining in TNA. And I dig his look, character, and the promo vid.

On the other hand...he did NOTHING in his first WWE stint, and Monty Brown utterly flopped in his run in the WWE. And honestly, I think we are just seeing a heightened sense of urgency at getting black wrestlers pushed, becuase of the PR issues with Micheal Hayes, so I think this may play a role in it. Ya know, its not like Killings has been working dark matches for the last YEAR, and now all the sudden he is called up, with a cute promo video and everything. HHHmmmmm. Im not sure what will happen AFTER the wwe race scare dies down. He will just end up lost in the shuffle, were Shelton, Burke, Henry, and everyone not named Kofi Kingston was just a few months back.
yea i like killings and cant wait for him to debut, but people need to realize this is wwe, and i dont see killings or r-truth winning no word title no time soon, let alone a year. yes i know hes pose be getting a ME push, but that doesnt mean that hes goin to win any world titles. after this whole "ME push" is over hell be in the mid card fueding for the us title or quite possibly the tag titles, but no world titles. as for his name r-truth, not a big fan of that name, could get better the more i hear it but as of now no, r-truth killings maybe but just r-truth...no.
Big Killings fan, but I hate the name "R-Truth." It's a real mouthful and it won't be long until they're just calling him "The Truth." I think he can have a great impact (pun intended) Smackdown. I could see him playing the face in a feud with Edge very soon.
Is it just me thats noticed that quite a few ex TNA stars WWE names/monikers seem awfully similar to the ones they used in TNA.

Monty Brown/Marcus Cor Von
The Alpha Male/The Alpha Male

Wow bet it took creative to come up with that.

Thats just too fucking easy.

Hell theyve even starting calling Jeff Hardy "The Charismatic Enigma!"
Hmmmmm now where had I heard that one before?
O ye TNA.

And TNA stars are just all WWE rejects are they?
Reused WWE gimmicks is it?

But a case of the pot calling the kettle black I think, resident WWE sheep of the wrestlezone forum.
defintely excited for "R-Truth" to debut
im expecting a few weeks of just beating lower level guys then possible working his way into a fued with Shelton or maybe a little program with Brian Kendrick and Ezekial
but eventually he will move up on the card and fued with the likes of MVP, Umaga, and Edge

Smackdown is starting to be more and more exciting
except for Khali vs Triple H
I don't know much about this guy, but it seems like lately (like in the past few years), whenever anyone has a series of videos before their debut, they get a small push at first, then quickly settle into more or less obscurity around the mid card level. Kofi Kingston is the only exception I can think of in somewhat recent memory, who had videos hyping his debut and hasn't been more or less forgotten or ignored.
I'm excited for killings to come to friday nights but the only problem i have is he reminds of booker t or king booker wateva u want to call him. He even has the axe kick as his finisher so i hope they change that cos people familiar with booker will be kinda pissed. i also think he will get lost in the shuffle after about 6 months or so around the midcard like carlito and shelton, except shelton has a title wooooo.
I saw him in a dark match before Raw a few months ago and he got a huge ovation and i was happy to see that promo i liked him when he was K-Kwik now he's R-Truth doesn't matter to me

good athlete and even sings his own entrance music
can't wait to see him debut
R-Truth is not a catchy name at all,so he will just be "The Truth" to me from now on.Anyway I am excited because I think hes not a half bad wrestler from what I saw of him in TNA.I remember him in WWF but I cant remember any of his in ring work.Yes he is kinda spotty but I honestly cant see his moveset changing dramatically in the WWE.He did all the flashy leg lariats and spinning elbow smashes and stuff,and theyre not exactly too dangerous for WWE.I can see him doing those moves along with the usual punch/kick and whatever couple of other moves he wants to use and he will be fine I say.
Ron better not be wasted like many other superstars here today. Ron deserves to be a main event wrestler and he even has the talent to be a main event attraction. He better win a championship on smackdown within 2008 or before WM 25. Or wat the heck how about this Idea with the "Truth" Should he win the Money in the Bank at WM25? HE will become the first african american to win it and vince is lookin for someone to take bobby lashleys spot?
I'm not excited about this at all, because it reminds me of the days when Ron Killings was jobbing on a constant basis as K-Kwik. What did he get for his time spent in WWE? A measly Hardcore Championship which he held for a very brief time. He has awesome moves and the sit-out vertical front suplex was my favourite, but will we be able to see that in the WWE? When he was in TNA, he was a two-time NWA World Heavyweight Champion and defeating guys left and right. That was great. But, here in WWE? He'll just wander around the mid-card level like Shelton Benjamin and Mr. Kennedy. My jaw would drop if they let him win against someone like Edge. I don't know. Ron Killings should've went over to AAA instead.
I've only seen a bit of "R-Truth" from his TNA days, and from what I saw, I was hugely impressed...however, he's going to WWE now, where his moveset will be limited severely, he won't be able to do half of what he used to do in TNA. But I still see him fitting into the midcard solidly, probably winning the US title, could make for some interesting matches.

I'll be holding out hope though, that WWE could give him a chance to show that he can perform his moves perfectly ( like they did Evan Bourne) and allow him to use his moveset.

The very idea though, is laughable.
SO basically..you're saying because a guy came over from TNA who was big over there should be immediately big over in the WWE?

i Disagree...

many of you complain about how Shelton or Kennedy or Hardy and MANYY others are misused and their talents are wasted..

While this is true and i agree...why bring in someone else to put above those guys? Its like using R-Truth as a red herring..a distraction from the guys who are already thrown aside. Ron Killings, or K-Kwick or R-Truth should be pushed..yes..but along with a few others..it cant just be a solo push, it needs to be a whole movement.

And with Shelton as US Champ..and MVP seemingly being moved to a higher status and Hardy fighting for the ECW Championship...hopefully this is a sign of good things to come
While I agree that R-Truth is a very talented individual indeed too many people on this thread are saying that he's the future of SD and he's way better than Triple H and so on. First off Killings will start off against Carlito or Shelton to get his feet wet. Maybe win the US title. After that he'll struggle to float against MVP,Kennedy,Jeff Hardy and there is no way he's beating Edge,Triple H, or Undertaker. I'd be stunned to see that. TNA has exciting tag matches, and women's matches. But their main events lack drama. Killings will quickly learn the WWE way of things or he will fall to the wayside. Marcus Cor Von style.

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