Question About Fourtune/Immortal

I actually took that line partially as a shot at the gullibility of those thinking Jeff Hardy was going to jail any day now (fyi he said years not months).

Yep, no trial show every did anything on tv or wait a minute ...

Yeah because I watch a wrestling show to see a court battle.
This is TNA,the lowest form of creation on this planet we call earth! Of course it dosent make sense it came from the Mount Rushmore of stupidity in RUsso,Hogan,Bischoff and Dixie! Supporting TNA is as bad as supporting as supporting terrorism,baby killing,Glee,n hoping theres no cure for cancer all rolled into one!

i really wanna see this company fold so bad! I wanna seeJeff Jarret begging on da street for money to support his family
This is all coming from an old man who pee's the bed, ladies and gentlemen.
A) there wasn't one

B) yet you watch for email? mascots? candy eating contests? etc.

This coming from a mark for a company that features about 10 minutes of wrestling most weeks and had 6 seconds of wrestling in 80 minutes two weeks ago. Yeah you have ZERO room to make fun of WWE.
Typical WWE response, the way you perceive TNA excuses WWE shortcomings. That is not a cop out or anything.

Why exactly do you have room to criticize TNA constantly but my occasional jabs at the "obvious" dumb stuff in WWE have no room?

Give up this whole desperate to nitpick tna storylines to death thing. You are better than that.
Typical WWE response, the way you perceive TNA excuses WWE shortcomings. That is not a cop out or anything.

Why exactly do you have room to criticize TNA constantly but my occasional jabs at the "obvious" dumb stuff in WWE have no room?

Give up this whole desperate to nitpick tna storylines to death thing. You are better than that.

This is coming from the person that answered my question about TNA by bashing WWE. Wow you amuse me at times dude.
Typical WWE response, the way you perceive TNA excuses WWE shortcomings. That is not a cop out or anything.

Why exactly do you have room to criticize TNA constantly but my occasional jabs at the "obvious" dumb stuff in WWE have no room?

Give up this whole desperate to nitpick tna storylines to death thing. You are better than that.

Yet, youre sitting here nitpicking WWE's storylines?
This is coming from the person that answered my question about TNA by bashing WWE. Wow you amuse me at times dude.

Might want to read again. I answered it with zero references to WWE. Then when you kept using this thread for the only reason you started it, that being whatever is said you just keep insulting the tna product over and over again, I finally called you on one of the less sensible criticisms you threw out there compared to what WWE does.

When did I nitpick anything? I mentioned specific things in WWE once in the whole thread and only one of those is a real part of a story.
Might want to read again. I answered it with zero references to WWE. Then when you kept using this thread for the only reason you started it, that being whatever is said you just keep insulting the tna product over and over again, I finally called you on one of the less sensible criticisms you threw out there compared to what WWE does.

When did I nitpick anything? I mentioned specific things in WWE once in the whole thread and only one of those is a real part of a story.

Yeah mentioning mascots and e-mails has NOTHING to do with WWE right?

Maybe I insult them because TNA's product has more gaping holes in it than a porn convention.
Why do people criticize TNA? Because it deserves to be criticized. The same reason many people criticize aspects of the WWE, because those aspects deserve to be criticized. No company is perfect, but WWE is the better product by far, and this is coming from someone who regularly watches TNA as well.

But what do I know, I think this PG Era is a much better product than the Attitude Era.
But what do I know, I think this PG Era is a much better product than the Attitude Era.

Agreed. I was just a kid back then, but watching Stone Cold pour a tankers worth of beer into a ring and the Rock refer to himself in the third person was just not my thing. :shrug: There was of course a lot good in the era and people who do like it are more than welcome to, but over all, the heightened, more mature and blood, tits and beer angles weren't all that appealing to me.
Oh so they tricked her?? And she didn't read them??

Yeah, that Dixie is one terrific business woman:rolleyes:

Yeah because I watch a wrestling show to see a court battle.

Wait... so are you saying that you aren't looking forward to the Court Room Brawl that will surely be the ME of Slamaversery?!?:lmao:

TNA storylines are so terrible that you just keep watching it every week. Makes perfect sense. Night KgB.

Now I'm just speaking for myself here, but when I watch TNA I watch because they have a shit load of good talent, and I like watching alot of the guys they have on their roster, they do at times do some things right, just not as often as they do stupid shit, that just makes you go "huh?!?":headscratch:, I've said this before and I'll say it again it is perfectly possible and reasonable for a fan to be critical of the product, WWE makes just as many stupid decisions as TNA, the difference is WWE spreads it out over the course of 6 hours of programming a week where as TNA somehow manges to cram just as much stupid shit into a 2 fucking hour block
I love how shattered dreams always manipulates someone's username in his responses, thinking it's going to offend us or something.
I love how shattered dreams always manipulates someone's username in his responses, thinking it's going to offend us or something.

Actually just to amuse myself. Why would anyone get offended by something so irrelevant? Maybe those with a jeDus complex.

No problem with people criticizing TNA in general. I just think when the criticisms involve obvious double standards, excessive nitpicking and all opinion with no backup then it is annoying that they dominate the conversation. Essentially justinsayne the issue is with the definition of "reasonable" and how people with different biases define it.

With all due respect to kb how can you consider this reasonable

Fourtune joined up with Hogan and company because they were ticked off at Carter for bringing in EV. Hogan and Bischoff got rid of Carter before it was known that Fourtune ever joined up with Immortal. What I don't get is why did Fourtune join up with Immortal?

I get where he was trying to go but the presentation is horrible and like I said back when we were on topic that is obviously part of the present story. Would it have made more sense for them to team up and then once the team gains power say alright immortal you can have all the power for yourself? No that would be idiotic.
No actually it would make more sense for them to let Immortal take power then oppose them as they have more men and Flair has always hated Hogan and Bischoff.
But you said on several occasions you bought into the whole dixie and ev2 thing as motivation (including the OP). What are you changing that now because your argument has a hole in it? Stop writing like TNA supposedly does kb.

If you bought into that you are saying fortune should have purposely tried to give immortal a significant upper hand before they had a feud with each other. That makes no sense, just admit it.
But you said on several occasions you bought into the whole dixie and ev2 thing as motivation (including the OP). What are you changing that now because your argument has a hole in it? Stop writing like TNA supposedly does kb.

If you bought into that you are saying fortune should have purposely tried to give immortal a significant upper hand before they had a feud with each other. That makes no sense, just admit it.

So let me get this straight.

Apparently it's a bad thing to think about a story more and realize there's a flaw in it? I bought into it and I'm asking if someone can explain this plot hole to me or if I'm simply missing something. I'm not saying Fourtune should have done anything. Immortal didn't need Fourtune to accomplish their goals so why would Fourtune join them after the fact when the main enemy they had is gone?
Two things you are missing IMO. First, Immortal did need Fortune for their plan. They needed people that could get their hands dirty and not arouse suspicion. Abyss by himself would not have been able to do everything they needed, like taking out rvd, because of the presence of EV2. Second, if you accept that they joined together to drive out dixie, then there was no joining after the fact. They were already joined together when the initial decision was made to work together to take power.

disclaimer: no issue with thinking more about stories, however, did you for instance do this for everything that had happened on nxt when nexus formed?
First, Immortal did need Fortune for their plan. They needed people that could get their hands dirty and not arouse suspicion

As in Fourtune that didn't ever actually beat EV, which would be the same EV that wasn't doing anything to the members of Immortal? What's the connection there at all?

Abyss by himself would not have been able to do everything they needed

Which was a separate feud from EV vs. Fourtune.

like taking out rvd

Which was done by Abyss and Jeff according to Immortal so still no need for Fourtune.

because of the presence of EV2

Who RVD was only loosely associated with. Also are you telling me that Abyss couldn't just jump RVD like he did Hardy or something? The attack with Janice took like 90 seconds of camera time so he couldn't do this on one of the nights EV wasn't there?

Second, if you accept that they joined together to drive out dixie

Which they say they did although there has been zero reason for Immortal to need Fourtune as is the whole point of this thread.

then there was no joining after the fact

Still waiting on an explanation of what Fourtune actuallya dded to this.

They were already joined together when the initial decision was made to work together to take power.

To once again quote the 25th letter of the alphabet: WHY?

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