Question About Fourtune/Immortal


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Someone please explain this to me or am I just missing something.

Fourtune joined up with Hogan and company because they were ticked off at Carter for bringing in EV. Hogan and Bischoff got rid of Carter before it was known that Fourtune ever joined up with Immortal. What I don't get is why did Fourtune join up with Immortal? They had gotten rid of Carter already so there was nothing for Fourtune to gain. Flair keeps talking about how they're the best group of talent in TNA and they easily outnumber Immortal, so why would they join them? Immortal joining Fourtune makes sense as that way Immortal wouldn't have to fight them, but what does Fourtune gain by joining Immortal?
Okay I'll try. Fourtune had their own plans for taking over TNA but they got involved in a shitty feud with EV2. Now seeing that Hogan has already taken over the company he joined hands with him knowing that Hogan is in a powerful position and also too shrewd to let Flair come anywhere within sniffing distance of taking over the company. So Flair aligned with Hogan. What he is trying to do is win Hogan's trust and then somehow trick him into giving the control of the company to Fortune.
This is TNA,the lowest form of creation on this planet we call earth! Of course it dosent make sense it came from the Mount Rushmore of stupidity in RUsso,Hogan,Bischoff and Dixie! Supporting TNA is as bad as supporting as supporting terrorism,baby killing,Glee,n hoping theres no cure for cancer all rolled into one!

i really wanna see this company fold so bad! I wanna seeJeff Jarret begging on da street for money to support his family
I've got a question...

How did Bischoff convince Dixie to sign the company over to him and Hogan? I think I missed that somewhere.
KB, AJ cut a promo on it at some point. Basically, money and power, you know the same things that make the world go round. Also, you are a discerning viewer, you really think that is going to be one big happy family for long? Especially since as you point out now, not before, the mutual tie is more tenuous. That is part of the story.
I've got a question...

How did Bischoff convince Dixie to sign the company over to him and Hogan? I think I missed that somewhere.
It was the iMPACT right before BFG. She thought she was signing Abyss' release papers
Oh so they tricked her?? And she didn't read them??

She was all ticked off at Abyss so she wasn't thinking straight. Her lawyer showed up and said they were contesting it so Bischoff said have fun going through the court system and we'll see you in six months or so.
Yeah, again Russo enjoys making things as realistic as possible. Because obviously we all want to see a legal battle right?
I actually took that line partially as a shot at the gullibility of those thinking Jeff Hardy was going to jail any day now (fyi he said years not months).

Yep, no trial show every did anything on tv or wait a minute ...

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