Q&A With Creative


WZCW's First Triple Crown Champion
This is just a bit of fun here where you can ask questions to Creative about certain things like match writing, planning, anything in particular (like when you question directors, producers, etc at ComicCon). So feel free to ask anything.

The only question that is banned from being ask is if you can have a title shot :p

Ask away otherwise!
How far in advance do you plan the direction regarding who the next in line for pushes, shots at the belt, etc? How long-term are you guys willing to discuss? Are there so many variables that could alter plans that you guys don't feel comfortable with looking too far ahead?

Besides RPing well on a consistent basis, what's the best way to get noticed (in a positive light) by creative?

Do somewhat generic or common gimmicks turn you off?

Politics: I haven't seen any of it in the open during my short stay here. Does it a any role in the creative process?
I'm new, but I've been here for over a year so I'll give some of these a shot.

How far in advance do you plan the direction regarding who the next in line for pushes, shots at the belt, etc? How long-term are you guys willing to discuss? Are there so many variables that could alter plans that you guys don't feel comfortable with looking too far ahead?

If you have an idea, we're always willing to listen to it. The rest of the stuff, I can't really address too much.

Besides RPing well on a consistent basis, what's the best way to get noticed (in a positive light) by creative?

Consistently good RPs, give feedback on the shows and to the other guys, and just be a good locker room guy. WZCW is supposed to be fun, so have fun with it!

Do somewhat generic or common gimmicks turn you off?

They can, but I really think that a talented writer can go far with any kind of gimmick.

Politics: I haven't seen any of it in the open during my short stay here. Does it a any role in the creative process?

Politics definitely used to cause problems around here, but I can say pretty confidently that time has passed.
How far in advance do you plan the direction regarding who the next in line for pushes, shots at the belt, etc?

Usually, it's around 2 month in advance. After every PPV, we tend to have a creative meeting where we sort out everything we're going to do up to and including the next PPV, and possibly discuss general ideas of what'll happen after the next PPV, like the probably feuds and such. But we rarely know how things are going to be booked past the next PPV.

How long-term are you guys willing to discuss?

Four months is the furthest we've planned ahead. But that kind of planning is usually reserved for the Road to Kingdom Come.

Are there so many variables that could alter plans that you guys don't feel comfortable with looking too far ahead?

Pretty much. RPers can leave at any time, obviously. But we're usually very efficient in sorting out back up plans. When it comes to urgent issues that require plans to change, we kick the WWE's ass.

Besides RPing well on a consistent basis, what's the best way to get noticed (in a positive light) by creative?

Not only RPing on a consistent basis, but showing creativity and quality in your RP's is a definite plus. It's always good to leave feedback, both for RP's and shows. And members doing stuff on WZCW.com is always appreciated.

Do somewhat generic or common gimmicks turn you off?

Totally. In fact, we have an inside joke in creative about how we never seem to have enough rich, cocky heels....

Politics: I haven't seen any of it in the open during my short stay here. Does it a any role in the creative process?

We don't let it. During the old days of the fed, before Lee took over (and even sometimes when Lee was in charge) there were politics coming into play that messed things up. But since I joined, up to and including the current creative team, we all get along really well and none of us are selfish. We all put the fed first.
How far in advance do you plan the direction regarding who the next in line for pushes, shots at the belt, etc? How long-term are you guys willing to discuss? Are there so many variables that could alter plans that you guys don't feel comfortable with looking too far ahead?

Basically we plan around each PPV Cycle with what feuds and title matches will occur for that particular cycle. Each round we keep watch of people who have been outstanding or not to see what direction we need to take them. Sometimes upcoming plans might start falling into place as feuds develop out so if there's something to develop for the PPV after, we will pencil it in at least.

Usually we keep a solid structure but if there's the event of a sudden drop out for a big story, we immediately spring to action to plan around the event and try and bring someone who could fill the void in to amend the situation.

So far a number of the feuds that are occuring at Apocalypse were not originally intended at the start of this cycle but have been amended due to people dropping out and from a personal viewpoint, that's why I like our team because we always act on our feet.

Besides RPing well on a consistent basis, what's the best way to get noticed (in a positive light) by creative?

Basically as Thriller said, being active in WZCW outside of RPing and making their own contributions gets noticed.

Do somewhat generic or common gimmicks turn you off?

Yes they do, but we have recently ammended the application form to minimise that so there's more variety available. But you find some of the top guys and their gimmicks actually developed beyond when they first joined.

Politics: I haven't seen any of it in the open during my short stay here. Does it a any role in the creative process?

Again like Thriller said, this fed was almost removed because of bad politics. Lee managed to drain that element out when he took over and we've kept to that. Basically we used those dark days to inspire us to be better as a fed.
1) How do you see the future direction of the fed going?

2) Any plans you want to share?

3) What do you like best about the creative side of things?

4) What do you dislike most about the creative side of things?
1) I see the fed going to a higher plateau then ever before, it's been on the rise for quite some time, and I see things only going up for us.

2) Nothing specific, but there will be some potential changes down the road to certain things. Nothing bad, only good so don't worry.

3) I like the collective process of the match voting/writing, discussing storylines from the fed, as well as future storylines and ideas.

4) The only part I dislike so far is when you see the match voting and see that you are going to be losing a match.
Is going out to the bar and such to recruit for the fed not something that's allowed? How do you guys feel about it? Are you happy with the steady stream of applicants you get?

What are your feelings about how thin the tag division is at the moment? Am I wrong for wishing a tag division has the same depth as a singles one?
1) How do you see the future direction of the fed going?

There are a lot of new guys on top right now. I started in Jan. '09 and there are no creative people and less than 5 wrestlers. The place has turned over and it is on a roll right now.

2) Any plans you want to share?

I'm gonna kick Garth Black's ass at the PPV :p

3) What do you like best about the creative side of things?

I love seeing the whole picture of what's going on rather than just my RP's and match results. Plus, I love getting to write matches, it's something I truly enjoy.

4) What do you dislike most about the creative side of things?

This is gonna sound corny, but I really love all aspects of it so far. It's an honor to be on the team, the guys are great and I'm having a blast.
Is going out to the bar and such to recruit for the fed not something that's allowed? How do you guys feel about it? Are you happy with the steady stream of applicants you get?

I know in the past there have been PM recruitment campaigns before, but right now I think we are in a pretty good spot. I don't think there is any rules against bar room recruiting, but I don't think it's something we need to do.

What are your feelings about how thin the tag division is at the moment? Am I wrong for wishing a tag division has the same depth as a singles one?

The tag division is a tough thing. It's tough getting two people to be on the same page and having fun with a tag team for any kind of extended period of time. I believe the feud of the year last year was actually a tag team feud, so it has potential. The tag division, it seems, always is short on teams but it always works out ok. The depth might not always be there, but don't mistake depth for quality.
1) How do you see the future direction of the fed going?

Personally, I'm very excited with how the fed is going. The team is gelling really well and got some good plans in mind, I think it's got a good future ahead.

2) Any plans you want to share?

The main one I will share right now is we're currently reviewing the PPV Cycle. So far the plans confirmed is we're dropping one of them to make each cycle actually run 12 months as opposed to 14 in the current format. Also I can confirm the next PPV, Unscripted, is going to be a gimmick themed one.

3) What do you like best about the creative side of things?

Personally, being creative and planning everything. I like the team and I just like how we can chat about every day things and also come up with some brilliant ideas as a collective and thinking on the spot/

4) What do you dislike most about the creative side of things?

I haven't got anything to dislike about Creative to be honest.
What are your feelings about how thin the tag division is at the moment? Am I wrong for wishing a tag division has the same depth as a singles one?

It's so much better than when it was before I joined. The belts were vacated for a bout four months before Lee gave life to them again and since then, the division has managed to keep going despite having a thorough lack of teams. In short, it's always hard to make tag team wrestling appeal to anyone since tag wrestling has demised greatly. As Thriller said, FHD vs. Second Coming was voted the Feud of 2009 which is a great sign there, but with a roster of 30ish people, you have to have about 10%-20% of the roster dedicated to the division. In the end, we will always do our best to make the division as best we can despite a lack of numbers and interest in the division.
1) Are shows written on the spot? Or do you write it before the day its supposed to go up?

2) How were the tron videos made?

3) To get inspiration for my RP's and other creative outlets, I just go out on a walk and watch people interact. But what inspires you to do a storyline?

4) I sent Blade a PM the other day with some ideas. You told me you were considering. Can I get an update on them?

5) What aspects do you seek in an RP that make you believe the character should get a push?
1) Are shows written on the spot? Or do you write it before the day its supposed to go up?

A little bit of both.

2) How were the tron videos made?

Phoenix does them. He's multi-talented.

3) To get inspiration for my RP's and other creative outlets, I just go out on a walk and watch people interact. But what inspires you to do a storyline?

Good question. We don't really have inspirations per se, one of us will pitch a basic idea for an angle during a creative meeting, then we'll riff with each other until the idea becomes fully developed.

4) I sent Blade a PM the other day with some ideas. You told me you were considering. Can I get an update on them?

We're still deciding. You see, people leave the fed very suddenly, often without warning. We don't wanna put time and effort into creating a stable only for some of the members to piss off a few weeks later.

5) What aspects do you seek in an RP that make you believe the character should get a push?

It's got nothing to do with the character. It's all about the writer and how well he understands the character. If the writer can use his character to make consistently entertaining RP's, they'll get a push that they deserve.
What has been your proudest moment of being on creative (I know mine was when we had finished the LL to KC period including those two RPs)?

What has been your proudest moment as an RPer?
1) Are shows written on the spot? Or do you write it before the day its supposed to go up?

Usual routine is we vote for results and claim our matches on Wednesday and have them written up for Friday/Saturday pending on which show. Usually the backstage segments are planned during the voting/claiming. Some are made on the night if we need some filler moments.

2) How were the tron videos made?

I use a youtube capture video for getting particular footage for the video in mind. I edit them using Pinnacle Studio, some elements of the trons are done via layering or using my Photoshop skills in them like the Meltdown/Ascension videos for example. The music is edited during the process, but I'm not a specialist on music editing. Naturally, I try and make the trons appropriate to the character and if youtube allows the copyright issue.

3) To get inspiration for my RP's and other creative outlets, I just go out on a walk and watch people interact. But what inspires you to do a storyline?

Oddly enough, any ideas I have come from similiar techniques, or sit and have think over a cup of tea.

4) I sent Blade a PM the other day with some ideas. You told me you were considering. Can I get an update on them?

We're just seeing out when the best time to implement the idea is as we have some guys leaving soon as well when it's best to fit in within the next cycle (if possible). It's still a working progress at the moment but naturally we will update once our final conclusion has been made.

5) What aspects do you seek in an RP that make you believe the character should get a push?

I don't seek anything out in particular, it's more something that might come out from the RP itself. If we go through each RP with a certain expectation, it would make pushing characters tougher. Basically ones that really come across as special and make the character grow in a way we didn't expect them to. It's purely down to the individual, not us really, you control your character.
What has been your proudest moment of being on creative (I know mine was when we had finished the LL to KC period including those two RPs)?

The series of matches between Karnage and Frankie Smith over the Elite X title... I loved writing them and they were two of my best matches.

What has been your proudest moment as an RPer?

Wow, that's tough.... I think, until I win the EurAsian title, it was defeating Karnage to get into the Lethal Lottery match :)
What has been your proudest moment of being on creative (I know mine was when we had finished the LL to KC period including those two RPs)?

That was a great period as a team. My own person proudest moment was writing the Ladder Match at All or Nothing and The King For A Day Match at Kingdom Come. Those two matches had me marking out when I was writing them.

What has been your proudest moment as an RPer?

I think it has to be doing the first joint RP with Ace David to win the Tag Team Titles, that moment sticks with me. Or writing the RP before All or Nothing to set up the rWo where I almost threw the Elite X Title off a bridge.

As a character, I would say winning the Tag Team Titles was my proudest moment, only a month into debuting and winning the belts was a moment I won't forget.
For the older creative members, what do you think of us newbies in Thriller and myself? Are we doing a good job?
What has been your proudest moment of being on creative (I know mine was when we had finished the LL to KC period including those two RPs)?

The LL to KC time frame was outstanding for sure. Me personally, writing two PPV Main Events in a row that gotu rave reviews, my favorite being the Lars Reidar/Everest Buried Alive Match.

What has been your proudest moment as an RPer?

Becoming the first Eurasian Champion ever. I came in having no idea how well I would do, and ended up winning the tournament after facing some solid RPers such as Showtime.
1) Are shows written on the spot? Or do you write it before the day its supposed to go up?

It's a bit of both as Blade said. Currently with my wedding coming up I've been gone most weekends so I typically try to get my matches wrote by Thursday.

2) How were the tron videos made?

The almighty Phoenix creates them.

3) To get inspiration for my RP's and other creative outlets, I just go out on a walk and watch people interact. But what inspires you to do a storyline?

It can be a combination of things really. A lot of storylines come from our Creative meetings where we discuss what feuds should start etc, and often times when people create great RPs and bounce off one another, the storylines create themselves. For an example, when Showtime and myself first started here in WZCW, we were both in the Eurasian Championship Tournament. We had a spirited set of RP's and it ended up creating a feud that has, as you can see, continued to this day off and on. I wasn't on Creative then but I believe there was never any intention for us to feud.

4) I sent Blade a PM the other day with some ideas. You told me you were considering. Can I get an update on them?
We'll get back to you on your ideas, just gotta have some patience :).

5) What aspects do you seek in an RP that make you believe the character should get a push?

If a person is able to get in touch with their characters and really bring out that personality, I see that as being huge. This of course is accomplished through character development Rp's, being consistent with how your character acts, etc. As far as other parts of an RP, you need consistency from RP to RP, and have the ability to be fluid with your RP style and content. It can be difficult to get inspiration at times for every RP, and in that situation I believe a great RPer should be able to fall back on making an RP purely on their character's personality and gimmick.
Will the Elite X and EurAsian championships ever be unified?

How do you decide which RPers go into which division as they become singles competitors? If the person does not express an interest in a particular division, what does creative base their division assignment on (i.e. gimmick, RPer performance)?

I'd also like to discuss the current crop of RPers in the e-fed. How do they make you feel?
Will the Elite X and EurAsian championships ever be unified?

No. There's no need for them to be unified.

How do you decide which RPers go into which division as they become singles competitors? If the person does not express an interest in a particular division, what does creative base their division assignment on (i.e. gimmick, RPer performance)?

I mainly answered this one in regards to pushes but basically that one is sorted in the Creative meetings, we usually suggest where someone is going and what level we feel they're at and give them a go.

I'd also like to discuss the current crop of RPers in the e-fed. How do they make you feel?

I think along with the Creative Team, we have a solid roster. While it's a shame to see a number of drops occur during this period recently, the current set of member have been solid from the top guys to the development.
Okay, turning on microphone. Let's echo some of the answers given to the many questions so far.

-Like everyone said, 1 to 2 PPV's max we plan ahead. As you may have seen in the past month, we've had a number of RP'ers, some regular, come up and say they need time off or are quitting. This is why we don't plan any farther than 2 PPV's because at any time something might pop up in someone's life and they won't have time to RP then we have to chose another poster to replace him or think of something else. When looking at who we want to push we look at a number of factors, the most important one's being that you regularly RP, and the quality of your RP's.

-giving feedback is always a great way to get noticed. it shows you've been reading others RP 's and that your into the product. A way to not get noticed, or in a negative way, is to complain about losing/not receiving title matches.

-yes, but look at me. I consider my gimmick pretty generic, so it's not a matter that the gimmick turns me off, but how the poster presents it. We want to see stuff we haven't seen yet and we want ppl to take old ideas and refresh them up with a new twist.

-Not really. Obviously we will debate with each other as we are making up the shows and we'll each have certain wrestlers we'll favour over others and we'll want to see them get pushed. We try to be open minded about everyone's views and give each person we believe will do well a chance at being pushed. We don't push and reward ppl here simply cause of who they are.

- The future I think looks good. It is a bit concerning the amount of RP'ers that have left or are leaving that have been here since last October or later, but as long as we get half of them back, and some have confirmed their returns already, Kingdom Come next year should be as good or better than this years. The one thing I have noticed in my time here is there are always posters who want to join WZCW. As long as we maintain a solid nucleus of talent and continue to get new posters in the fold, the future looks good.

-Titus will drop the Title at some point in the future. You happy you asked? lol.

-My favourite is that I can see and read the shows before they go up, no more waiting. I also enjoy writing matches. I never did any of that before and wasn't sure if I would enjoy writing matches. But I get a real kick out of writing them now.

-At the same time, while I enjoy seeing matches and shows before they are posted, I also miss that sense of surprise from not knowing what's going to happen. That is what I dislike most.

Coco (again)
-It is allowed and I highly support it. I'm not a very active user on this forum any more (or ever really was) so I am not going to go out looking for recruits. We have been happy with the steady stream of applicants we've had. Many if you look at are or have been regular posters in the forums, popular with mods or the general poster population. During the dark days when Lee was beginning to clean up WZCW, he created Threads to advertise WZCW and that's actually how I came across and decided to venture in here for a look. Had Lee not posted that, Showtime wouldn't have existed and I would probably not be on WZ anymore.

-The tag div has historically been our weakest division, but you are not wrong to join it. Big Dave was in a tag team for a long time and now he is one of our top RP'ers. Phoenix and Garth Black also formed a successful team and now they are branching out into singles runs. Actually, b/c the tag division is so light at the moment, you have a better chance of getting on a PPV and in a storyline feud than if we were to throw you in the mayhem division where most ppl start.

-Cards are drawn up right after Ascension and we usually have a day to agree on them. After the RP deadlines are reached, we decide who writes what matches and then have from Wednesday to Friday/Saturday to write them up.

-Ask Phoenix if he hasn't already answered, I think he was the one who made them. I've been meaning to discuss with him the possibility of making more.

-Nothing particular really inspires me. I do a lot of walking at my job and will often go over in my head RP ideas or how i want a match to run. Storyline or feud ideas, I go to the RP's. I read what you guys put in them and try to find reasons for why you would feud with someone. One of the things I did in my early RP's was go out and target somebody. Anoki who defeated me in my first contract match, I verbally attacked him for weeks, and then a month or 2 later, we had our PPV match. I'm not saying start calling out Titus and you'll get a WZCW title shot, but be logical as to why you would attack/hate/befriend/trust/etc, somebody. You have control of your character and some say in the directions you want to go. If you have ideas we are always open.

-I wouldn't want to give them out in an open forum. If nobody's PM'd you, I can tell you we did consider them and are looking in to them.

-Character, Writing Skill, Consistency, Believability, Entertainment. These are the thing I look for. Character development is huge. You have to be able to tap into how your character thinks and have his personality shine off the pages. This is helped by the other four aspects. Good writing skill is key. You want to make sure your RP is formatted the best possible way with reading. Breaks, good spelling and font, proper grammar. Really get your head in the character and try to make his unique dialogue as presentable as possible. This allows the reader to enjoy the piece more and helps them understand your character. Which goes to consistency and believability. Part of wrestling is your suppose to believe the product, which has been slightly ruined due to them revealing the truth. To enjoy it, you'd have to believe what they are saying. Step back from your RP and read what your characters said. Would you believe someone like him would say something like that, and would you believe it if you heard it. Also be consistent with your characters. A rich guy isn't going to suddenly pick up a black magic book before fighting Ty, and sudden understands the ancient realm of the dead. If you got something that works in your RP, roll with it in future RP's. Every RP doesn't have to be new, it can share similar features to one. Yes, you want to be creative and original with each one, but being able to consistently RP well is by falling on what works and your characters gimmick and personality when needed. And finally, RP's have to be entertaining. Really try to highlight some of the elements you made for your character, are they over the top, hot tempered, cool. Your not just trying for 100 laughs, or to be the rudest guy possible to play off as arrogant, but you want the reader to feel the reaction you want them to feel. Stuff doesn't have to happen, your character alone can be entertaining enough.


-It's been mentioned in other questions, but we'll meet and evaluate the roster, usually after every PPV, and determine how we place you. Sometimes ppl request being placed somewhere, usually for the tag team division, and we really appreciate those that do. Nobody likes to be forced into a team and some RP'ers have expressed in the past their disapproval in being put in a team. That upsets us and makes us feel like you don't want to be a part of the WZCW team. To continue on to the third question, I like to think of the whole WZCW roster as a team. We in creative put together the cards write and decide the matches, but you guys are the pieces of WZCW that we couldn't run without. We have a solid group of strong RP'ers here and lot that are showing some real promise and improvement. I understand that some may find RP'ing difficult at times and some may be frustrated by noting getting the push they want. The only advice I can give is stick it out, listen to all the advice that is thrown at you, and you will see improvement. The sad part of wrestling is not everyone can be in the main-event. Some are destined to stay in their spots, and I will readily admit that at least 3/4 of our roster has the RP'ing potential to main event, all will have to wait their turns and continue to build their character. Kevin Nash used to be one of the worst wrestlers in professional wrestling. I promise you'll get the same advice and help here and remember, the Chavo is as every bit as important as the Cena here. We need all of you and thank you for being part of the team.
For the older creative members, what do you think of us newbies in Thriller and myself? Are we doing a good job?

Tough to give a complete answer when you've been with us for a month/two rounds of shows. But from what I've seen of your activities within Creative from match writing to providing ideas, both of you have greatly impressed me and have gelled well into the cycle. That's why I feel positive about the future when we got a good team together.

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