Punk's reign and how to get the belt back on him without ever losing it


Dark Match Jobber
I thought of the PERFECT WAY to keep the title on THE ROCK till WRESTLEMANIA where he drops the title to JOHN CENA and then the night after on RAW CM PUNK gets the belt back, with no match.

Each week when you see PAUL HEYMAN in the back, you either see or in background see DAVID OTUNGA now the announcers and HEYMAN etc do not mention this or even acknowledge this. You do this weekly leading up to WrestleMania.

At MANIA you have THE ROCK drop the Belt to JOHN CENA and as MANIA goes off the air, you have Cena say "The year of JOHN CENA continues".

Flash Forward to the next night on Raw as it opens JOHN CENA comes down to the ring to celebrate winning the WWE title and continuing his big year, as he goes on and as half the fans cheer and the other half boo him, the music of CM PUNK hits, he and PAUL HEYMAN come out with huge grins on their faces and clapping for CENA, you cut to CENA in the ring looking confused.

After CM PUNK enters the ring and the music cuts off you have CENA grab a mic and (CM PUNK and HEYMAN are still grinning and clapping) CENA asks them why are they so happy (insert joke here that CENA makes derogatory about HEYMAN and CM PUNK) since it has been 70 days since CM PUNK was last WWE CHAMPION, this is where PAUL HEYMAN INTERUPTS CENA (PUNK IS STILL JUST SITTING IN HIS TRADITIONAL SITTING POSITION WITH MIC IN HAND SMILING) and says to CENA, so how does it feel to be champion, CENA says great... HEYMAN interrupts again and says too bad you are not really the champion. HEYMAN directs the audience to view the footage of VINCE telling CM PUNK if he sees CM PUNK interfere in CM PUNKS match, PUNK WILL BE STRIPPED of the title, without explaining why HEYMAN asked for that for that footage to be played, HEYMAN then directs the truck to roll the dark footage from THE ROYAL RUMBLE where nobody in attendance could see what happened live.

CENA, so what does all that have to do with me being WWE CHAM........... The music of DAVID OTUNGA hits and he comes down to the ring and gets on the mic. He introduces himself as an undefeated attorney in the courtroom as CENA INTERUPTS, saying if you plan on suing I will give your 1st loss in the courtroom and an ass kicking right now. Otunga interrupts and hands CENA some papers and says if he touches him or CM PUNK or HEYMAN that CENA is suspended for 1 year. Otunga then goes on to say that is not only the reason he is out there. Since The day after ROYAL RUMBLE he has been retained as the legal counsel for PAUL HEYMAN and CM PUNK.

CENA cracks a lawyer joke, and OTUNGA interrupts again and says lets get to the heart of the matter. In the 1st footage you can write off VINCE saying of CM PUNK saying if he interfered in his own match as the rambling of a senile old man who has lost his touch with reality. Which leads me to my 2nd point. VINCE said if he seen THE SHIELD interfere he would strip PUNK of the title, OTUNGA then says, upon research that is a binding VERBAL contact in front of millions of witnesses and is VALID, However what VINCE did at the rumble broke that VALID verbal contract 2 ways. 1st when the lights went out and came back on he assumed it was the SHIELD who attacked CM PUNK with no way of actually seeing it (((ME TALKING - NOT PART OF STORYLINE -- NOW I DID NOT WATCH THE ROYAL RUMBLE OR THE RAW AFTER cause I had the FLU - so if the attack of the SHIELD was viewable by people at the event - then you drop the part where VINCE said if I see the SHIELD interfere PUNK IS STRIPPED of the title - you go on to this part next)))) VINCE ordered the match to continue, now he may be the CHAIRMAN OF THE BOARD but that does not allow him to break the previous verbal contract that he made with CM PUNK the week before the RUMBLE ((AND BY PUNK NOT LODGING A PROTEST AT THAT TIMR THEN MEANT IT WAS A VALID CONTRACT))

In these last weeks I (OTUNGA) have been a regular visitor to WWE headquarters and have been meeting with the BOARD in secret and they have met with their attorneys and today was my last meeting with them, Now let me read this letter from THE BOARD. In these past weeks we have been made aware of potential legal action spearheaded by MR OTUNGA at the behest of CM PUNK and PUL HEYMAN if MR MCMAHONS match restarting from the ROYAL RUMBLE was deemed null and void. After deliberating amongst ourselves and upon the advice of LEGAL COUNSEL, we agree with The position of Mr OTUNGA that MR MACMAHON was in violation of the terms of the TITLE MATCH AT ROYAL RUMBLE ns further we find even though he is CHAIRM OF WWE he had no right in the middle of the match to change the stipulations and find them null and void, therefore it is our ruling THAT CM PUNK won his match at ROYAL RUMBLE against the Rock, which negates the match at WRESTLEANIA between the ROCK and JOHN CENA, therefore CM PUNK IS STILL YOUR WWE CHAMPION.

CENA looks stunned so much CM PUNK is able to rip the WWE title from his hands and HE AND OTUNGA AND HEYMAN leave the ring as PUNKS music hits as they celebrate PUNKS 505 day as CHAMPION.. CENA grabs the mic and says this is bullshit and CENA still claims he is champion and IF PUNK IS A man he will defend the title against him at the next PPV
You're banking this entire idea on the logic that McMahon made a goof on live TV and said if CM Punk interferes on behalf of CM Punk he'd be stripped, when everyone knows he meant the Shield interferes, which was constantly rectified by the announcers on that RAW and at the Rumble building up.

Yes the lights went out. Yes they could have potentially done something like this if not for A) Michael Cole saying he saw it was the Shield due to the camera flashes and B) Heyman being revealed as paying the Shield off for the attacks they've made.

Punk's reign is over as much as even I hate it, but it's still going to go down as being memorable and he can always point to the feather in his cap of being the longest reigning champion in the last 25 years.

Also, do you really think Punk would wait until after Wrestlemania to tell us about this loophole. One of the biggest complaints he's made in kayfabe and reality is that he should be main eventing Wrestlemania. If he was going to pull this angle he would do it after Elimination Chamber when he fails to beat the Rock.
You're banking this entire idea on the logic that McMahon made a goof on live TV and said if CM Punk interferes on behalf of CM Punk he'd be stripped, when everyone knows he meant the Shield interferes, which was constantly rectified by the announcers on that RAW and at the Rumble building up.

Yes the lights went out. Yes they could have potentially done something like this if not for A) Michael Cole saying he saw it was the Shield due to the camera flashes and B) Heyman being revealed as paying the Shield off for the attacks they've made.

Punk's reign is over as much as even I hate it, but it's still going to go down as being memorable and he can always point to the feather in his cap of being the longest reigning champion in the last 25 years.

Also, do you really think Punk would wait until after Wrestlemania to tell us about this loophole. One of the biggest complaints he's made in kayfabe and reality is that he should be main eventing Wrestlemania. If he was going to pull this angle he would do it after Elimination Chamber when he fails to beat the Rock.

You did not read it did you, I specifically wrote off the VINCE saying if CM PUNK interfered in his own match as VINCE being senile, but the fact that VINCE said PUNK would be stripped SHIELD interfered he would be stripped of the title, which VINCE did not do, so VINCE went back on the verbal contract he made, its a play off real life legal drama in the world.

Also the reason for the length of why it took 4ever for PUNK to be gave the title back is addressed if you would read it. It is because WWE'S BARD was consulting attorneys and were weighing their decision pending litigation by PUNK.
Well, Dwyane getting the belt was fucking bullshit and so is this piss poor "rematch" card they are putting together for Met Life Stadium (I refuse to call a shit card they are planning "WRESTLEMANIA").

Very simple...............Play the angle up that the Shield could not be seen, therefore no proof they interfeared. WWE abandons story lines all the time, so it is easy to abandon that flashbulbs caught the Sheild when the lights went out. You then have Cole get his ass kicked by The Shield's for naming them as the culprit when the lights went out.

The belt goes back to Punk, and then they can work on fixing this pathetic card.

Plus, Heyman says they "pay The Shield" for services. Never mentioning which services.
Well, Dwyane getting the belt was fucking bullshit and so is this piss poor "rematch" card they are putting together for Met Life Stadium (I refuse to call a shit card they are planning "WRESTLEMANIA").

Yeah it really seems like "fucking bullshit" when ratings skyrocketed the night after he won the belt. If you had half a brain you would realize the rematch is most likely setting up a triple threat at Mania between Rock/Cena/Punk... not that it makes any difference because John Cena is walking out of Mania with the belt, regardless of who's in the match... and that's the real reason everyone is pissed.

Very simple...............Play the angle up that the Shield could not be seen, therefore no proof they interfeared. WWE abandons story lines all the time, so it is easy to abandon that flashbulbs caught the Sheild when the lights went out. You then have Cole get his ass kicked by The Shield's name as the culprit when the lights went out.

Did you miss the part on RAW where Heyman was SHOWN standing with the Shield and goes on to say he's paid them very well for their services and they never let him down? Sure, a lot of people are pissed that Punk lost his belt but one thing fans hate more than seeing their favorite lose is being made to feel like ******s. Nobody is going to buy CM Punk being given the belt back; especially if it means shitting on facts that have already been presented and in a major way. Also, why would WWE even think about doing this when the proof is in the numbers... IE: The Rock is still a huge fucking draw and as much as the IWC doesn't like it so is John Cena. All we can do is hope they put Punk in to make the match quality a little better.

The belt goes back to Punk, and then they can work on fixing this pathetic card.

Yeah... You mean the pathetic card that's probably going to go down as being one of the best if not the best Wrestlemanias of all time? This card has more star power on it than any Mania I can think of in recent history... And anyone crying about rematches at Mania has obviously not been watching long because there's been tons of rematches done at Mania and it's never hindered a card whatsoever. Never mind the fact that the Money In The Bank match is rumored to make its return to its rightful place at Mania this year. But ERMAHGERD WHAT A SHITTY CARD!

At the end of the day anyone crying about this being a "shitty card" is upset because Super Cena is already penned to win. Stop being marks and get ready to enjoy the best card of the year.

Plus, Heyman says they "pay The Shield" for services. Never mentioning which services.

Completely loses merit when the flash bulbs caught the Shield in the act and Michael Cole screamed it about 50 times that he sees the Shield, yadda yadda... Also it all ties together with them attacking The Rock the week before.
I really don't see the WWE creating a huge storyline out of a Vince McMahon error. Unless you are suggesting that he made the error on purpose for this exact reason which seems highly unlikely. I can't see Punk getting the belt back for a while. Stop crying and just wait a few months where he will get the WWE championship or the WHC.
Vince Admit he was wrong never ever ever so yeah. Vince will never admit to making a mistake even though we know he did
I doubt CM Punk will be WWE Champion again for a long while. The WWE doesn't need to go back to generally playing Hot Potato with the title, nor do I expect them to. From the standpoint of a fan, I would have preferred they keep the title on CM Punk. I believe Punk's been a great champion, but I can see why WWE put the title on The Rock. They think a title match between Cena & The Rock at WM will be a big draw, which is probably will be.

I expect John Cena to win the title at WM and keep it for the rest, or damn near the rest, of 2013. WM will make roughly 1.5 years since John Cena has been a World Champion in WWE and it's all but written in the stars that he'll be champion again before too long. I could see Cena renewing his rivalry with Punk post WM or at some point later in the year with Cena ultimately coming out on the winning side this time around.

I personally have no interest in any scenario involving David Otunga because it just feels weak. We've had Otunga play the attorney role for Alberto Del Rio during Del Rio's feud with Sheamus, such as trying to get the Brogue Kick banned, and it was just some really weak stuff. A storyline in which Punk uses Otunga to use some sort of technicality will make Punk come off like a sniveling pussy and it's just a heel character that I have little interest in seeing him portray. Punk is solid gold as a heel, the best in wrestling right now, and, personally, this sort of storyline would be a waste of Punk's ability.
I hate to be negative, but this entire idea is nonsense. I'm a CM Punk fan. Am I upset that his title run is over? Yes. Do I think he should have beaten Rock at Royal Rumble? Yes. Is this idea completely idiotic? Also Yes

You're saying that the main event of Wrestlemania 29 (assuming it is Rock/Cena 2) is not going to count in the history books because of a technicality brought up by David Otunga? In the words of the PrimeTime Players..."Ain't Nobody Got Time For That"

Punks reign is over. He held the title for the entirety of 2012 as well as about half of 2011 if we go back to MITB. He couldn't stay champion forever.

Think about where CM Punk was back in early 2011. He was lost in the shuffle and overlooked. The Miz was the top heel when now its more than obvious that was the wrong call. Fast forward to today. A 400+ day reign as WWE champion, headlining PPVS as the champion against John Cena and more importantly The Rock.

Be happy for the guy. He now has a place in the record books as one of the greatest heel champions the wrestling business has ever seen. Add on top of that the fact that he was a face champion for about half of that reign before going full-fledged heel and you've got one of the most versatile title reigns in history

As the Rock so eloquently put it..."Its Over"
As with most I can see why you'd WANT this... but it would be the WWE equivalent of Bobby Ewing in the shower and a massive, massive insult to The Rock and most importantly the fans... It IS a WWE style story and I could see them being dumb enough to use it... but look at what it would actually mean...

a) Sorry Dwayne, we're erasing your title win and all that PR you did for us in the last 2 years was for jack all... oh by the way, you free for RAW this week?

b) We just sold our (they hope right now) biggest yet Wrestlemania main event for the 2nd and you suckers bought it...so now we have your cash we're erasing that moment from the books... thanks for your $60, oh and remember to buy Backlash...

If WWE want to capitalise on something, have Punk bring out the guy who got shot in the eye in the run up to Mania to confront the Rock, have Punk say he is the champion for people like these, Cena is the champion for the Kids so who exactly is Rock champion of? Where are his "people"? and the old guy says least Rocky can do is ensure Punk gets into the title macth at Mania and Punk can goad him to up the ante to prove he is this mans champion?... and is Cena gonna moan about giving a real hero his wish? That would be good TV!

You have to remember, Punk did legit hold WWE up... he did take things down to the wire on his contract, he hit a fan...there was always gonna be some blowback after they decided to take the belt off him and that's probably why he only signed for 2 years... he knows he goes through Mania and at worst he takes time away later in the year if he doesn't like how things are going. He proved his point, but Vince will also want to prove his...
as much as I would love another Punk title run, I just don't see it happening that way...if another Punk title reign occurs (and sadly, I think his run with World and WWE titles is now over), then it will likely occur as SummerSlam or somewhere around there...they will let Cena have a decent run with the title, then lose it, likely to another wrestler, though I hope Punk has another long run before he leaves.
That's a horrible idea, and you should be ashamed of yourself. Please don't share any more of your "ideas".

The WWE wouldn't make a giant storyline out of such a tiny little, unintentional, slip-up, and furthermore, if that were the case, it would essentially make that entire Road to Wrestlemania pointless. Plus, do you think they care about Otunga that much any more?

The WWE writers tend to be idiots, but clearly you're much more of an idiot than them. Well done.
That's a horrible idea, and you should be ashamed of yourself. Please don't share any more of your "ideas".

The WWE wouldn't make a giant storyline out of such a tiny little, unintentional, slip-up, and furthermore, if that were the case, it would essentially make that entire Road to Wrestlemania pointless. Plus, do you think they care about Otunga that much any more?

The WWE writers tend to be idiots, but clearly you're much more of an idiot than them. Well done.




obviously YOU dont know how to read. and how to take criticism.
else you would not caps-spam and use the same points they invalidated in their replies again.
this idea is bad, its been said many times. putting the title on punk again now is bad period.
Wait, how was this guy even able to post a new thread without having 10 or more non-spam posts first? But anyways with your idea. I don't happen to like it so much. I doubt they want to put the title on Punk again for a while, and I don't really I want to see another for awhile. Don't get me wrong, I like Punk, but his reign was good, he has had a chance to shine with it, and now it is a young, up and comers turn. By the way, I can tell the poster lied about his/her age on the registration.
you are a jagoff and you are an idiot. the idea follows logic and addresses the plot holes that were shown that night,. so I guess for the internet twits, they do not want something that closes the plot holes

What plot holes? There are none to fill. Vince said "if the Shield interferes you will be stripped of the title".. The Shield interfered and Vince came out to strip him of the title. The Rock asked him not to and Vince decided to restart the match.

The following night Heyman was revealed as to have been paying the Shield off for attacks.. That provides at least reasonable doubt that the Shield was involved in the attack on Rock at Rumble, especially with Cole announcing he had seen it was them through the flash photography going on.

So by your logic Punk gets the belt back and then gets stripped because the Shield did in fact interfere...

There's no holes in the plot of the current storyline, but there's a lot of holes in your logic.
I'm a Punk fan. But in Vince's eyes..... He needs to market the top face and as of right now, it's Cena. Vince see nothing but money. Doesn't care about longer term investment.
We're probably going to see Cena breaking Punk's record... just so he can cash in and market this for all the new and kiddies fan.
What plot holes? There are none to fill. Vince said "if the Shield interferes you will be stripped of the title".. The Shield interfered and Vince came out to strip him of the title. The Rock asked him not to and Vince decided to restart the match.

The following night Heyman was revealed as to have been paying the Shield off for attacks.. That provides at least reasonable doubt that the Shield was involved in the attack on Rock at Rumble, especially with Cole announcing he had seen it was them through the flash photography going on.

So by your logic Punk gets the belt back and then gets stripped because the Shield did in fact interfere...

There's no holes in the plot of the current storyline, but there's a lot of holes in your logic.

You obviously never heard the saying, "The Devil's in the details" so Rock talking VINCE out of stripping PUNK is PART OF THE REASON WHY THE STORYLINE WOULD WORK, vince DID NOT FOLLOW HIS VERBAL CONTRACT
You obviously never heard the saying, "The Devil's in the details" so Rock talking VINCE out of stripping PUNK is PART OF THE REASON WHY THE STORYLINE WOULD WORK, vince DID NOT FOLLOW HIS VERBAL CONTRACT

I'm pretty sure even the Devil is having a hard time dealing with your logic. Okay... Let me try to make this easier on you... Let's say you're right and they give Punk the belt back...

I've already pointed out that they have beyond reasonable doubt proof that the Shield interfered in the match... So right after Vince gives the belt back to Punk, he's going to rip it from his hands and say "I told you I would strip you if the Shield interfered."

So what difference does it make if the Rock wins it after a restart or if Vince strips him of the title? All it does is ruin an entire 3 month buildup to Mania all for CM Punk to get "the last laugh".. but oh wait he doesn't because the verbal contract(which means jack shit, it's all about written) states if the Shield gets involved Punk gets stripped...

My brain seriously hurts right now trying to keep up with all of this.. But the point is YOUR logic is wrong and Punk would be stripped of the title.
This is a horrible idea and obviously it's coming from a Punk fan-boy that can't let go. Here's the thing the CM Punk fans don't realize. If it wasn't for The Rock coming back to challenge the Champion at the Rumble, Punk would probably have lost the title to either Cena OR Ryback long before the Rumble. The biggest reason that a heel is given a lengthy title reign is for the pay-off when he finally loses the title. For the WWE The Rock was the biggest pay-off they have.

I think even the biggest Punk marks would boo this idea out of the building. If you are a Punk fan, you want to see CM Punk stay in the hunt and re-invent himself yet again in the process. Then if he can stay relevant, which he should be able to, perhaps you'll see him as Champion again in the future. Then again, he's talked about retiring at a young age so he doesn't become one of "those guys that can't let go." So who knows? This latest title run might be the legacy that he hangs his hat on so to speak.
Just pointing out that on smackdown which it seems no one on here wants to watch Heyman read from a legal note that the shield can't interfere so it wasn't a verbal contract it was written. Even if that wasn't true why would they do that to have a hollow title reign that we all know ended. Cm punk went as far as he could with the title. Hell had it not been for the rock title match he should of lost it to ryback at hell in a cell.
I won't sh!t all over this, you clearly put a lot of thought into this. In my opinion this angle would have made more sence to have this go down Last Monday into this Monday. It would eventlually end in Punks reign continuing and more than likely lose to the Rock at EC PPV.

So 434 or 455 it is still a legendary reign, and i think the 3 weeks of Punk chasing Rock will be an interesting dynamic.

I'd like to think Punk regains a title (WWE or WHC) by or at Summerslam.

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