Is Heyman there to turn Punk back?


Dark Match Winner
Since Paul Heyman sided with CM Punk I have been wondering what his role with the WWE champion will be. As Foley said Punk doesn't need a mouthpiece and so far Heyman has shown no interest in interfering in Punk's matches.

Then I began to wonder during the Punk and Foley segment if having Heyman with Punk is just to help with an inevitable turn back to face. I know Punk was getting stale and this has freshened up his character but we all know the only reason Punk was REALLY turned hel was because he is feueding with Cena. So I was wondering does anyone else think Punk turning on Heyman will be his way of returning to be a face in the not too distant future? (when the titles gone), or is Punk a Heyman guy now for the long term?
The way I would book it would be have Heyman with Punk and then have Heyman work his magic to convince Ryback to join the Revolution and somehow before the Rumble after Ziggler cashes MITB and loses the title in his first defense Heyman brings in Ziggler and either Gabriel or Tyson Kidd. Have lesnar get paranoid about Ryback and those two have a match at WM. Heyman could be more of a mouthpiece for Ziggler which could make Ziggler obsessed with re-gaining the WHC and dumping Vickie before he joins Punk/Heyman. Kidd could be a IC champ while turning Miz face. Have the Rock win at the Rumble by DQ and then winning the Rumble match and at Mania have Punk drop the belt to the Rock and Punk regain it by SSlam. I am not sure where you would book Cena among all of this maybe rival HHH and then have Barrett take Taker to the limit at Mania to set up Barrett for a future MITB win and WHC at SSlam against Sheamus or Bryan
Just the opposite in my opinion. Punk wanted to turn heel, and they needed something to get him over as a heel. He attacked The Rock, he tired to run out on matches, he became whiny and at times cowardly, he verbally abused an announcer, hell he even beat up said announcer, and he was still getting a face pop. They pair him up with Heyman, the best heel manager this side of Bobby Heenan, and he finally starts getting over as a heel.

Cena isn't going to turn heel or retire anytime soon, and Punk knows he can't be the top face with Cena firmly rooted in that position, so he wanted to turn heel and he will probably stay there a while, them bringing Heyman in was just to solidify that he was a heel. The WWE has lacked a good top heel for a while and they found one in Punk.
The way i'd book it, have Heyman accidentally cost Punk the title at RR to The Rock, then on Raw the next night turn on Heyman, then a few weeks later Heyman "Gets Lesnar to come out of retirement" then set up CM Punk vs Brock Lesnar at WrestleMania (Hopefully it's more of the old Lesnar, i'm personally not a fan of the MMA gimmick Brock Lesnar, but whatever they want him to be will work)

With all this sets up Cena-Rock II due to Cena winning the Rumble, and Undertaker-Wade Barrett instead of a rumored Taker-Lesnar.
The way i'd book it, have Heyman accidentally cost Punk the title at RR to The Rock, then on Raw the next night turn on Heyman, then a few weeks later Heyman "Gets Lesnar to come out of retirement" then set up CM Punk vs Brock Lesnar at WrestleMania (Hopefully it's more of the old Lesnar, i'm personally not a fan of the MMA gimmick Brock Lesnar, but whatever they want him to be will work)

With all this sets up Cena-Rock II due to Cena winning the Rumble, and Undertaker-Wade Barrett instead of a rumored Taker-Lesnar.

I would have two minor issues with this:

1.When Punk loses his title, IMO it should be clean. This is true for anybody who has a historically long title reign. Normally I don't have a problem with cheap or dirty title changes, but I think historic title reigns deserve a higher level of respect and should end clean. So, I don't want to see Heyman cost him the title...unless, of course, he's lost and won the title by then, in which case it would be OK. (But I've been calling for Punk to hold the title until Royal Rumble since before they started making a big deal about how long he's been champion and even before Rock was named the #1 Contender for Royal Rumble, so obviously I don't want him to lose it before then.)

I don't particularly want to see Punk vs. Lesnar, nor Undertaker vs. Barrett. I would much rather see Punk vs. Barrett and Undertaker vs. Lesnar. (And I'm assuming Barrett ends up in Heyman's faction, since he's open for business, so that remains a possibility in the scenario you described above.)
I would have two minor issues with this:

1.When Punk loses his title, IMO it should be clean. This is true for anybody who has a historically long title reign. Normally I don't have a problem with cheap or dirty title changes, but I think historic title reigns deserve a higher level of respect and should end clean. So, I don't want to see Heyman cost him the title...unless, of course, he's lost and won the title by then, in which case it would be OK. (But I've been calling for Punk to hold the title until Royal Rumble since before they started making a big deal about how long he's been champion and even before Rock was named the #1 Contender for Royal Rumble, so obviously I don't want him to lose it before then.)

I don't particularly want to see Punk vs. Lesnar, nor Undertaker vs. Barrett. I would much rather see Punk vs. Barrett and Undertaker vs. Lesnar. (And I'm assuming Barrett ends up in Heyman's faction, since he's open for business, so that remains a possibility in the scenario you described above.)

The only problem with that is usually long title runs have ended in controversial finishes. Look at Bob Backlund, Hogan's first run etc. I think if you have that long of a run and lose it dirty, it helps.
If your a face. Then its a simple, it took three, four, five men whatever to beat me and he can chase the champion.
If your a heel then he got what he deserved and can now go feud with who cost him.
The only way Punk will turn back is if Cena turns heel, Punk isnt going to bplay second fiddle on the face side any more, especially when Vince wont go all the way with Punk. Have a double turn would make all the internet fans and all adult fans ecstatic, Punk turn face and Cena heel ala Hart/Austin. Now that would be huge
Punk literally only began the process of turning heel on July 23 at RAW 1000 when he attacked the Rock and used dirty tactics in costing Cena his MitB briefcase. Only now with Heyman is Punk beginning to get some legitimate heel heat. I do mark July 23 as the day Punk turned heel, but he was still floating in between the two alignments. Now that he's teamed with Heyman, he's doing simple, classic, villainous actions; trashing the host city, mocking little children, attacking beloved legends ect. Why would he delve this deeply into the heel antics only to return face mere months later?

Mike1411 said:
but we all know the only reason Punk was REALLY turned hel was because he is feueding with Cena.

Yes, and the feud isn't going to be concluded by Thanksgiving. This feud is going to have steam all the way to Wrestlemania where one of the two, if not both, will be fighting the Rock for the WWE Championship.

As everyone is pointing out, Punk's reign as champion will reach the 316 day count on Monday. I have no doubt that his time as heel will surpass that number, as well as his total time that he spends as champ.
Well I don't think at all that CM Punk will turn face again anytime soon especially with Paul Heyman in the picture for many reasons. First, he is a Paul Heyman guy. He said that before during his promo and on Twitter. So turning on him would absolutely be meaningless since the guy was the only one who something in him that no one else wanted to admit. Second, he just turned heel. Turning back as a face in such a short amount of time will be really weird and awkward. Third, people who are saying that he will turn face after his promo with Mick Foley are somehow wrong. He had spoken with Bret Hart 2 weeks before and dissed many legends to prove how much of a top heel he really is. So, I think it would take more than a legend to either make him turn face or even turn his back on Heyman. I personally love his heel turn. He is just so villainous. And the fact that A LOT and I mean a lot of dumb kids hated him because he is a "bad" guy now just proves how much his heel turn is working!
I'd say he is more there to turn Punk into the "Anti-Cena".

Cena is WWE's fun-loving babyface who women & children cheer.

I feel like all women are naturally annoyed by Heyman, let alone he has really only been seen with Lesnar up until now (a guy that kids & women hate). Also kids probably boo him because he talks alot & they don't know who he is.

In the same respect it makes the fans of Punk & fans of ECW/Heyman love everything he does all that much more.

Like holding up Punks belt or Coaching Punk to wear the Yankee stripes.

IMO it was a mistake to give Heyman to Punk. Heyman has the same attitude as Punk so I don't see how Heyman could turn Punk any better than Punk could turn himself. There are possible ways WWE could make it work though.

Just off the top of my head. They could have Punk no show several non ppv matches and have Heyman come out and say he's not going to wrestle. Heyman could say that Punk feels like the people cheering for him are fake fans who are just jumping on the bandwagon of his fame. They weren't there for him when he was spilling his blood and putting his body on the line in the indies so why should Punk be there for them now.
After watching RAW tonight, seeing Heyman try to control Punk in his confrontation with Vince and then call him out on his actions towards him, telling him they were the wrong way to go about, I'm starting to think we'll see Punk make more decisions in future which Heyman will consider wrong and where he'll try to stop him from making that wrong decision but he won't be able to, leading to Paul eventually dumping him because not even he can control him & his huge ego. I don't think he's there to turn him back to a face, I think he's there to draw him so much heat and make him quite possibly the biggest heel going today & maybe one of the biggest in history too, and what better way to do that than to portray Punk as this huge egomaniac that not even his own family & friends can stop.
I wouldn't be looking for Punk to turn face anytime in the near future; they made him a heel for a reason, probably having a lot to do with his own wishes.

If I were to guess why they put Heyman on his team, I'd say it's because a lot of fans have been slow to catch on to the notion that they're supposed to be booing Punk. Sure, most have gotten the message, but there are still too many "C.M. Punk!" chants to please WWE management. They want him to be the most hated performer on the roster and had to choose a companion who'd further that quest. Paul Heyman is a good choice, no? He's never going to be mistaken for a man who backs a good guy.

As for Phil Brooks, I wouldn't be surprised if he initially resisted the idea of pairing him with anyone. He's built his character as the ultimate loner, fighting his way through WWE on his own, a la Roddy Piper. It could be they mollified him by giving him the best talker (outside himself) in the business.

Somewhere down the line, if Heyman stays with the company (and doesn't piss off Stephanie McMahon enough to dump him again), Paul might be the catalyst toward turning Punk back into a face. But that's a long way off.
It's association, Association can help get someone over. Punk-Heyman is no different than Flair-Perfect, Flair didn't need a mouthpiece, and neither did Mr. Perfect. Association between the two just helped increase the heat.
Heyman's there to get Punk more heat. Even after the events of Raw 1000, Punk was still getting cheered. WWE needed a way to get him booed by more and more fans because they want him to be a heel. So that's where Heyman comes in. He is a guy who can easily get heat and it should get Punk heat by association.
Heyman is with Punk for the same reasons that Vickie was with Edge, to try and draw more heat. If they really wanted Punk to get over even more as a heel, they could just copy the Vickie/Edge dynamic and have Punk and Heyman make out on TV every week. Sure, I'd pop, but most people would probably boo.

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