Punk in the Dog House


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Here is an update our report late last night about CM Punk in the dog house in WWE right now.

As we noted, the decision was made to have Punk lose the World title in the opening match at the Hell In A Cell PPV due to him having heat with management due to an incident on the recent European tour.

According to sources, there was apparently an issue on Punk's dress code during the tour. The story goes that at one point Undertaker pulled him aside and explained that he's the World champion and representing the WWE brand and name overseas, so he should dress better. Punk reportedly said something along the lines of "what about John Cena?" which wasn't taken very well.

The incident got back to WWE management and they decided that they weren't thrilled with Punk's actions and response and the decision was made. While it was already likely Punk was dropping the title at the PPV, it was decided that he would lose what would ultimately be a quiet squash match in the very first match on the show.

Now, in my opinion, I think this is a pretty lame excuse to force punk to lose in a squash match.

I don't know the details of what he was exactly wearing? or anything like that? But I personally believe that he should be able to dress the way he wants. I understand that WWE would want their wrestlers representing their company well...and that goes for any company with their employers in the spotlight. So I see both sides of this issue.

I also don't think Punk was out of line with the remark about Cena.

What do you guys think about this whole situation?
This thread's a duplicate... http://forums.wrestlezone.com/showthread.php?t=70492

However, before I may be infracted I'll say that I find his actions to be immature. If the Taker says to do something, you might want to listen. It's not like the guy doesn't know what he's talking about. He's the locker room leader for a reason. If you're a member of the new generation of WWE superstars, you might want to sit back and shut your mouth when the Taker tells you to do something.
Well i think WWE is clearly playing favorites ofcourse. So what if CM Punk said what about cena. Punk should stick to his gimmick and his regular attire. If punk was in jeans a cap hat and sneakers so what?! Cena was most likely in the same attire because punk would never have to say that in the first place. Stupid crap like this is what makes the WWE lose ratings and good talent. Even if Punk was suppose to lose the belt to put it as the first match? That made both talents look weak, management looks dumb as hell, you devalue the world championship further than it already is. Nothing against the undertaker but he's working a limited schedule as it is. If the guys in the locker rooms of smackdown were complaining about why Punk didnt keep the title longer and how is Taker going to perform good with his schedule, theres a huge problem. Now you want to take Punk out of the title picture because he made a remark about John Cena? Was it suppose to be bad? For god sakes, he's world champion but i guess that doesnt mean shit anymore since both titles have changed 18 times in the last 10 months. Watch smackdown Punk gets his rematch and Taker retains because this is typical WWE. What will make me laugh and more is if they fire CM Punk for talking about Cena and it wasnt even a bad thing. I know a lot of people would protest that especially if punk goes to TNA with his huge gain in popularity. I guess we'll just have to see how Punk character is handled because you cant take off someone who brings such a reaction from the crowd. How do you job out a person who is in the mix to be in the future of the WWE. They do this and when all the old guys quit at the same time, its over.
dman's right taker talks you listen weather it's right or wrong just do it, if that were anyone but taker id say its bs but he is the leader of the locker room. i think it was right to give taker the belt and i hope he holds it for a nice run..... i would love to see punk vs ray or cena.
It really all depends on what he was wearing. The clothes that CM Punk wears outside of the ring, compliments his character. So to see him in a suit is like seeing The Undertaker in a suit. Give or take, certain people are not portrayed correctly if they wear certain things outside of the ring, especially if that wrestler has a strong, good gimmick going on.

Honestly, this is a dumb move on the part of the WWE. To put somebody in a doghouse because of what they are wearing? I think this is B.S., not saying that "you shouldn't listen to The Undertaker", but I don't know. I think this a very bad way for WWE to conduct its actions on picking favorites. In regards to the "Cena" comment, who knows what Cena was wearing that night, but it was probably the same thing he wears to the ring every night: street attire. Punk's clothes are almost a spitting image of what he wears in the ring, with the designs and all that.

Undertaker might have had a point and maybe challenging Undertakers word by saying "What about the top face of the company? Should CENA change?" That comment right there is pretty much a bold statement to say in Punk's case, but it was a dumb move on his part cause it was almost like a challenge to test the higher powers...and those higher powers put him in a "squash" match where he was the defending champion.

This might be B.S., this might not be...either way...I feel sorry for Punk.
You people who are saying you listen to undertaker no matter what need to reevaluate the situation, because saying something like that makes you sound pretty dumb. I feel like taker was right for pulling punk aside because obviously this is what corporate wants punk to do but punk shouldn't dress different. Punk made a very good point and its stupid to punish him for it. If cena can dress down for his character than punk should be able to as well, especially since I feel punks character requires it more. Cenas "I'll fight any one, what ever!" character has no reason to dress in jeans, infact he should probably be in a suit because it would fit that character more if he was dressing appropriately for the job of being a wrestler, which is what his character is at its core, a wrestler who loves the sport of wrestling. Punks character however is a Hardcore Straight edge kid, a culture of sorts that revolves around a music scene. I have a lot of friends who are in this scene and I my self attend a lot of concerts for many of the same bands you can see punk wearing t shirts for in pictures taken of him. The problem is that his character is too much of himself, he is a straight edge guy who does listen to hardcore music, he dresses as such. To portray this character he should be allowed to dress as such. Cena is reported to be good friends with vince and thats probably why he can get away with it(isn't he the only one who gets away with dressing down?) but thats a double standard that deserved to be pointed out. This is the second time punk is "in the dog house" for something that actually makes me respect him a little more and corporate made a stupid mistake and the quality of the show will most likely reflect that.
Honestly, this is a dumb move on the part of the WWE. To put somebody in a doghouse because of what they are wearing? I think this is B.S.,

I think this is all just old-school mentality. Remember, it was also fucked up when Hulk Hogan's leg was broken the first time he stepped into wrestling practice.

It's not like CM Punk's career is over, people. Everyone gets in the doghouse in one time or another. They constantly test their superstars to see if they keep putting in the same effort day in and day out. They test their character, if you will. CM Punk was elevated to the moon in a short period of time. This will ground him for a bit. Now, depending on how he bounces back, this will determine his true future in the WWE.
Although I agree with d-man, when the deadman talks you should listen (especially since Taker is the undisputed leader of the locker room), I think its pretty ridiculous for punk to just get absolutely buried the way he did last night. I don't think his cena remark was anywhere near out of line, but it would of been wise for Punk to keep his mouth shut about it (never say anything about cena, EVER! its just not wise to say anything about vinces golden boy).

At the same token, Orton has got away with a lot more than that unscathed, above all else what Punk said wasn't even that bad, just because he has an opinion that some don't like (although personally I think he makes a good point. Even if Cena is vinces golden boy, why should he be treated special), he should of been talked to about it, but to completely bury one of your top guys for a lame reason like this is not very wise on WWE's part.
The moral of the story is your employers can make you dress/act etc as they see fit, and you sure as hell better do it. In certain cases, such as HHH, HBK and 'Taker, they have earned the right to do what they wish having served the company for years.

Punk is not at this level yet. He has been given a world title, not because he is the finished article, but to see how he handles being at the top. He should follow every single order, no matter how he feels or regardless of what others are doing.

Punk has a lot of hard work now to get back to the top, and he will be lucky if someone like Jeff Hardy comes along again to put him over so well.

Of course, this whole post only stands if this news is true. If it is false, then CM Punk will be wondering just how it has all gone so wrong so quick for him.
You people who are saying you listen to undertaker no matter what need to reevaluate the situation, because saying something like that makes you sound pretty dumb. I feel like taker was right for pulling punk aside because obviously this is what corporate wants punk to do but punk shouldn't dress different. Punk made a very good point and its stupid to punish him for it. If cena can dress down for his character than punk should be able to as well, especially since I feel punks character requires it more. Cenas "I'll fight any one, what ever!" character has no reason to dress in jeans, infact he should probably be in a suit because it would fit that character more if he was dressing appropriately for the job of being a wrestler, which is what his character is at its core, a wrestler who loves the sport of wrestling. Punks character however is a Hardcore Straight edge kid, a culture of sorts that revolves around a music scene. I have a lot of friends who are in this scene and I my self attend a lot of concerts for many of the same bands you can see punk wearing t shirts for in pictures taken of him. The problem is that his character is too much of himself, he is a straight edge guy who does listen to hardcore music, he dresses as such. To portray this character he should be allowed to dress as such. Cena is reported to be good friends with vince and thats probably why he can get away with it(isn't he the only one who gets away with dressing down?) but thats a double standard that deserved to be pointed out. This is the second time punk is "in the dog house" for something that actually makes me respect him a little more and corporate made a stupid mistake and the quality of the show will most likely reflect that.

I totally agree. But I don't think that is why he lost or even why the match was on first. I think the net is looking for an explanation for a situation that doesn't require one. The match was probably on first for the simple fact that there were three hell in a cell matches, so the writing crew probably saw fit to spread them out as much as humanly possible. They pretty much had one at the beginning, one in the middle, and one at the end. I understand the rarity of a World Title Match opening, pretty much one in 1,000,000, but look at the unique nature of this PPV and also look for any other rational reason before starting rumors. I'm not saying that CM didn't say what he did, he probably did (And had a valid point in saying so) but I don't neccesarily think that is why the match was first. I also don't know how much of a squash it is but based on what I read, it went down as you would expect....remember, he's going against The Undertaker and Taker is pissed after being screwed last month.
The favoritism is bullshit. Orton got cheered when he won and Cena was booed all the way back to the dressing room. That says something. In the glory days of Hulkamania, everyone liked Hogan. He wasn't despised by a certain group. Cena panders to the kids and the kids only, and is obviously fine with that. He doesn't want to adapt, and apparently doesn't care. He can run around in whatever he wants but Punk has to abide by certain standards? I wonder if the Undertaker would ever say something to Cena about the way he dresses? I doubt it. Cena has Vince's balls at this stage in the game and is apparently happy being disliked by a certain demographic.
It really does depend on what he was wearing. I can understand like if it was something that would offend an overseas crowd or something like that.

But Carlito had a "Do you Spit of Swallow?" shirt. Of course w/ an apple on it, but still.
Because it's Carlito's character, does that make it a valid reason 2 wear such a shirt?

If it's a business, shouldn't the same "dress code" apply 2 everybody equally? And not have it based solely on a superstar's character?

Come on now....I'm siding with Punk on this barring that he was wearing something extremely offensive.
I as well am siding with Punk on this one.

Like others stated, because of the stroke Undertaker has backstage, you should listen if he says something. To a point. But I highly doubt Punk was wearing anything that he doesn't wear on a daily basis and has been wearing since he signed with WWE. I'm willing to bet he was wearing jeans or shorts with the usual band t-shirt. Which in all honesty, like others stated isn't that much different from what Cena wears. Punk was completely in the right to say what he did.

Like has been mentioned, Taker was probably going to win anyway, but to place the match at the beginning of the card and to have Taker completely squash him in this match just because of that remark is completely ridiculous.
I think it was a silly decision on behalf of WWE.
Yeah, Undertaker is the veteran locker room leader blah blah blah. But CM Punk had a very valid argument. Looking at their positions in the company as world champions, I figured Cena and Punk would be equal. But obviously not, right? And I doubt Punk was so blunt towards Undertaker, but of course that's what Undertaker would say when reporting to the higher ups. It's like they're children.
Oh well, if WWE are willing to stunt the growth of a star who actually got more cheers last night than their biggest star did over something so petty, so be it.
I think this is a stupid move on the WWEs part. It wouldn't suprise me to bet that they used this as an excuse to bury Punk for a title run and put Batista back in the running. Nevermind that Punk is on top of his game for a youngin', never mind he's doing a better job that anyone on the roster right now at being a heel and playing dirty; no let's have seniors day out at the 'ole wrastling corral. WWE is going to have to pass the torch onto the new generation sooner or later, I don't see why they don't mix up the big names with the new up and comers like they were doing with Punk here.
It really does depend on what he was wearing. I can understand like if it was something that would offend an overseas crowd or something like that.

But Carlito had a "Do you Spit of Swallow?" shirt. Of course w/ an apple on it, but still.
Because it's Carlito's character, does that make it a valid reason 2 wear such a shirt?

If it's a business, shouldn't the same "dress code" apply 2 everybody equally? And not have it based solely on a superstar's character?

Come on now....I'm siding with Punk on this barring that he was wearing something extremely offensive.

have to agree with this, providing Punk wasn't wearing something EXTREMLY offensive then Punk should be allowed to wear what he wants, but I guess a confirmation of what he was wearing would help
Here's the thing--Does anyone really believe this was the first time Punk(as world champion) dressed in what ever way the Undertaker found inappropriate? Or that this was the first time Undertaker has ever seen him dressed like that? That suddenly a week or so before their title match, Punk decides to change the way he dresses?

Seems a bit like a set-up to me.
I'd love to know what Punk was wearing that could be so bad. He doesn't wear anything worse than what I've seen the other superstars wear. He must've been covered from top to bottom in TNA merchandise autographed by Jeff Jarrett to get that kind of heat.

Of course, the comment about Cena probably didn't help either, but who cares? It wasn't that bad, and he's probably right. Was it a bit immature to mention Cena? Maybe, but he was probably pissed about getting in trouble for something so dumb and I can't really blame him.

Hopefully the WWE can get the sand out of it's vagina and get over it.
This is pathetic... what a joke. CM Punk's character is not such where he would dress in a suit and tie outside of the ring... unless he was wearing bottomless chaps then I don't see the problem. What does it have to do with the Undertaker what other wrestlers wear outside of the ring.

As for the Cena comment - if Punk was wearing similar attire to Cena, then why not ask Taker why he doesn't have a problem with Cena too!!!

I am wondering whether he is being punished for back chatting Taker, or bring Golden Boy Cena into the arguement!!! On a side note, does anybody know if there is an agreed dress code from the WWE top brass???

In closing, no wonder the WWE fails to create new stars when "Locker Room Leaders" like Taker go into business for themselves and shit stir in order to keep them down!!!
I really have to know what he was wearing to give my opinion on this situation.

The Cena remark, eh, Cena's a vet in the company and he's like the hardest worker so I really don't care about it but CM Punk's only in the company for what, 3 years, and has been World Champ 3-4 times. They pushed the crap out of him and I think he's getting a little cocky.
I really have to know what he was wearing to give my opinion on this situation.

The Cena remark, eh, Cena's a vet in the company and he's like the hardest worker so I really don't care about it but CM Punk's only in the company for what, 3 years, and has been World Champ 3-4 times. They pushed the crap out of him and I think he's getting a little cocky.

Exactly, Cena probably has more leverage with the higher ups then Punk, but storyline wise what do you think Punk is gonna do? I read in an article that Batista is going to be going into a program with Undertaker. Now that Punk has been knocked off his high horse do you think he's gonna become cool again with a face turn? Or go after Morrison and the IC belt, or become the new Edge and interfere with anything Batista and Undertaker are up to.
I can see both sides of the arguement.

'Taker is the leader backstage, so he should be listened to. I watched a 'Taker interview where he talked about being the leader backstage and he said that he liked to handle things before they got to management. So the people on here who say that 'Taker was reporting to management and what not are just speaking from their ass. 'Taker, in all likely hood, was trying to help Punk before management became aware of what was going on.

Now, who knows what Punk was wearing? I certainly don't, but I do feel like that if it was enough for 'Taker to pull him aside and say something about it, it couldn't have been that great. Who knows how Punk responded? I certainly don't, but Punk, being the young buck, should've just said, "I completely understand what you are saying and I will change it." This is how young people get ahead in any business. I do think, however, that having the match be first was completely stupid as it made the rest of the PPV sort of lackluster. It didn't help either one of them to have them go out first as it made them look weak. I don't know what management was thinking here, but that was a totally stupid decision.

That is all!
If this it true...then Punk making the "Cena" comment, was beyond stupid and childish. He basically screwed himself over, by running his damn mouth about the wrong person. Taker is the locker room leader. So if you do something to the point of making him take notice, you had better take his advice. Basically, this reminds me of my college marching band. You have Freshman, all the way up to Seniors. If you have an upperclassman tell you to do something, you had damn well better do it. If you don't like it, you can easily be taken off of the field. In this case, Taker is the upperclassman and Punk is the underclassman. If the Senior (Taker) tells the Freshman (Punk) to do something, he had damn well better do it. It doesnt matter if you don't agree with it. If you don't like it, then you can go perform with another federation. You try to be a disrespectful smart ass, then you'll pay the consequences. It's the same way it is in college. If you have an underclassman who tries to be a smartass, then they will pay the consequences. It could be someting like running laps, being demoted, or getting replaced in the band by somebody, who's willing to listen and not mouth off, like they're running the shit. CM Punk basically tried to challenge Taker with the Cena comment. I'm a fan of Punk. But at the sametime, who in the hell does he think he is, trying to challenge Taker or even Cena? Like I said, that would be like a little freshman trying to challenge the Senior. Shit like that, simply doesn't fly.
Being in the military i completely understand that being told what to wear is part of your job. Just like my boss doesn't want me representing the Air Force poorly, the WWE is the same way. I have been told my uniform is not ironed good enough and told my boss well it looks better the so and so's and that only angers my boss and rightfully so and thats the way the E works they have locker room representation. just like when Kanyon was talking crap about the WWE and his release on The Howard Stern Show, Vince had Ric Flair call in because he knew Kanyon respected him and would listen to him and he did. Punk acted childish and just like HHH after the curtain call he needs to pay for his mistakes and show Vince that he is a team player and that he knows his role and shuts his mouth
CM Punk basically tried to challenge Taker with the Cena comment. I'm a fan of Punk. But at the sametime, who in the hell does he think he is, trying to challenge Taker or even Cena?[/QUOTE]

I disagree here - Taker clearly didn't like the fact that Punk stumped him - even as this "Locker Room Leader", Taker knew he could never challenge John Cena. Therefore, because Punk "punked" him, he obviously had no comeback so went to the top brass. Reminds me of my school days - you win an arguement, so the other person goes and tells his parents or a teacher!!!

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