Pull the trigger on The New Day as this year's Money In The Bank winner


Mid-Card Championship Winner
I know the obvious prediction here is for Roman Reigns to grab the suitcase to set up a cash in at some later point but I honestly think that is a terrible idea. Reigns is still a potential big deal and having his first title win be a cash in, or having him turn heel with a cash in on a face champion, could do irreparable damage to the guy. If he wins the title or if he turns heel it should be with a more solid creative plan than that.

Second favourite to win is probably Kane to continue this nonsense feud within the Authority but I'm not sure anyone wants that outside of Vince's brain. Instead I'd go with a long shot and say that Kofi Kingston should be this year's winner. Sounds ridiculous to some but here me out.

The New Day are one of the fastest rising heel groups the WWE have had in a long while. They garner very strong reactions and are only growing in strength. Xavier Woods is great on the mic whilst Big E and Kofi are getting a lot better. All three can go in the ring too. Why am I talking about all three instead of just one? Well I'd build off what Kofi said on Raw (that if he wins all three wins) and I'd use Freebird Rules on the MitB contract.

That opens up a world of possibility in the next few months. Whoever is champion has to not only watch out for one guy but three guys. You could have a lot of fun with each of the three trying to cash it in at the same time and you could start a few arguments between them too. Storyline wise it makes sense but it also feeds in to something WWE are missing from the Attitude Era. It seemed back then that there were more opportunities for guys to get themselves over and push themselves up the card. I'm thinking primarily of the New Age Outlaws being two lower midcard guys in the summer of 1997 and being the hottest tag team in the world a year later. They were rewarded for their efforts by being put in DX, given feuds with upper midcard guys and even allowed rub shoulders with the likes of Steve Austin and Mankind. WWE needs to get back to properly rewarding people who get themselves strong reactions. Having The New Day win and hold Money In the Bank would be a good, and unique, way to start.
When I first read the title of your post I instantly thought No Way - but after reading your entire post I've got to admit you convinced me!! It would be refreshing to see them use the Freebird Rule in regards to the Money In the Bank contract - I agree Make THEM ALL MR. MONEY IN THE BANK!!
I really love your idea but the idea is quelled when you realise that the New Day member participating in the MITB is Kofi Kingston and its not Big E or Xavier Woods. Kofi had a brief or well a long jobber run. He's deemed as the jobber except when he's in a Battle Royal or Royal Rumble or Ladder match, then he would become a super athlete.

If it were either Big E or Xavier Woods in the match, I would've certainly go with them. They could use some heel tactics to win the contract which will lead to a feud between Roman Reigns and The New Day.

They really can carry that feud for a PPV in which Roman fights in the 3 on 1 Handicap Match with all three member of the New Day in the ring and if only if he can win over them, he gets the MITB contract.

This will undoubtedly make him look strong and people would really get behind Roman. Its an awesome idea albeit the concern about Kofi Kingston as Mr Money in the Bank isn't worth money.

Ever since I heard that if Kofi wins, we all win did I love this idea. Reigns is regaining his mojo by working well with Ambrose. The case would only be a large albatross around his neck. It gives the WWE a chance to quietly have an African or African American champion without much fan fare. Or it gives New Day a reason for feuding within it's ranks and possibly break up. There are so many directions this could go and lead to entertaining television.

Plus Kofi is awesome in these multi man spot fest matches. I hate using the "d" word, but he deserves a big moment.
Ever since I heard that if Kofi wins, we all win did I love this idea. Reigns is regaining his mojo by working well with Ambrose. The case would only be a large albatross around his neck. It gives the WWE a chance to quietly have an African or African American champion without much fan fare. Or it gives New Day a reason for feuding within it's ranks and possibly break up. There are so many directions this could go and lead to entertaining television.

Plus Kofi is awesome in these multi man spot fest matches. I hate using the "d" word, but he deserves a big moment.

I agree with Dad here.

The Reigns/Ambrose brofest is helping Reigns get over organically and since the two have been played up as best friends they have been getting some super loud pops. Both guys are extremely over and to give Reigns the case, even if he would remain face, would likely just slow him down.

Now Kofi on the other hand is a long serving veteran who always gives his all in these multiman spot fests, he is a multiple time champion, he has just never held the big one. I think even if he does win and cash in, he will have a short transitional reign(no pun intended Roman), but the hijinks with New Day while he held the case and title would be hilarious. Plus, whoever dethrones New Day as WWE Champion would get the honor of essentially beating three men, so it would serve to make the winner look strong.

It would be a fresh idea for the case, which is running out of ideas. Cena already did the face cash in by letting his opponent know in advance. Kane did the same night cash in, there have been uber surprise cash ins, Rollins did the Mania cash in. Let us run the The New Day rule and have all three guys hold the case, and potentially all three guys as champ. Hell even if Kofi wins and fails his cash in, he has nothing to lose as opposed to a big name like Reigns.

On top of all that I am a huge Kofi mark, so I want it.
Why am I talking about all three instead of just one?

It's a possibility, more because of the manner in which they were allowed to fight in the Elimination Chamber. All three guys were in the 'Final Five" against two other wrestlers from the other team (PTP). JBL made the comment: "Now the odds are even" and Michael Cole responded: "Well, they do have a 3-on-2 advantage."

Just the fact Creative wrote the match this way makes it just as likely they'd allow a '3-on-champion' MITB opportunity. Also, adding a new wrinkle to the tired MITB format would be welcome.

I also like the OP's mention of not having Roman Reigns win the briefcase; if he's to win the championship as a good guy, it ought to be the old-fashioned honest way instead of by the cheap MITB cash-in. That's for bad guys.
Honestly, I think I'm falling for this. I've actively campaigned against having Money in the Bank continue to exist, now I'm casually reconsidering that stance.

The New Day (rocks) are playing on their biggest strength, which is that they're hilarious when they're trying to be serious. I honestly didn't think that the WWE would even go there, but on RAW it was made clear by The New Day that they will indeed share the briefcase among each other.

The Money in the Bank idea is stale, and this would be a new and interesting way of utilizing it. If anyone else wins that match, it's the same old story of heels having to renege on failed cash ins and faces making a dramatic challenge at a big ppv.

I want to see the antics that take place when one member of New Day claims that they "lost" the briefcase only to try to cash in when a different member had stated that they intended to cash in. Maybe Big E cashes in and wins, then while he's celebrating it turns out that the briefcase was a fake and it contains Xavier's lunch as opposed to the contract. Maybe Kofi cashes in and hands the briefcase to Big E to cash in for him, Big E then attacks Kofi and attempts a cash in by handing the briefcase to Xavier who promptly does the same thing until nobody wins.

This is one of those rare ideas that I know would keep me engaged for the better part of the year.
I agree with Dad here.

The Reigns/Ambrose brofest is helping Reigns get over organically and since the two have been played up as best friends they have been getting some super loud pops. Both guys are extremely over and to give Reigns the case, even if he would remain face, would likely just slow him down.

Now Kofi on the other hand is a long serving veteran who always gives his all in these multiman spot fests, he is a multiple time champion, he has just never held the big one. I think even if he does win and cash in, he will have a short transitional reign(no pun intended Roman), but the hijinks with New Day while he held the case and title would be hilarious. Plus, whoever dethrones New Day as WWE Champion would get the honor of essentially beating three men, so it would serve to make the winner look strong.

It would be a fresh idea for the case, which is running out of ideas. Cena already did the face cash in by letting his opponent know in advance. Kane did the same night cash in, there have been uber surprise cash ins, Rollins did the Mania cash in. Let us run the The New Day rule and have all three guys hold the case, and potentially all three guys as champ. Hell even if Kofi wins and fails his cash in, he has nothing to lose as opposed to a big name like Reigns.

On top of all that I am a huge Kofi mark, so I want it.

Rainbow Yaz may be the result of my affliction of not paying for brand name prophylactics and my propensity toward trashy women but he can be right every now and again. The case is dull and Reigns would make it really dull. The image of Reigns walking to the ring with a brief case just doesn't work. If he wins the case, I don't see the fans revolting Rumble '15 style but I do see there being a collective groan coming from the smarky audience.
Just the fact Creative wrote the match this way makes it just as likely they'd allow a '3-on-champion' MITB opportunity. Also, adding a new wrinkle to the tired MITB format would be welcome.

I honestly doubt that they would do a 3 on 1 handicap match for the WHC.

I think that the stipulation will be that only one member of The New Day can cash in, and that only that person would be able to obtain the belt. Obviously, depending on the circumstances, the other two members will run interference. I think that if the WWE allowed all three members to cash in at once, they would have to award the WHC to all three and thus acknowledge that Xavier Woods was at one time the WHC.
I honestly doubt that they would do a 3 on 1 handicap match for the WHC................I think that the stipulation will be that only one member of The New Day can cash in, and that only that person would be able to obtain the belt.

You're right, of course. Officially, they wouldn't allow a 3-on-1 with the WHC at stake. Still, I keep thinking of that EC final with the team of New Day going against the team of PTP. The fact one team had more members than the other didn't seem to trouble WWE officials.....and it really makes me wonder what kind of nonsense would figure in if New Day collectively won the MITB.

After all, it's unusual in itself to have a 3-man tag team hold the championship and have any two of their choosing participate in a match, which is what New Day has practiced even before winning the tag title.

If one of the two went down with injury during the contest, could the other enter the match in his place? Yes, that would be about as unfair as anything could be if the other team had only two members.......but would it be allowed?
This post is coming from a (barely) tan white guy...it is high time the WWE had a 100% black WWE champion. Booker T won the world heavyweight title when it was so watered down that it could be used as a floatation device.

Still, it is very difficult to see Kofi Kingston or any member of the New Day for that matter, in a consistent main event spot. I hope I am wrong because I think The New Day is the only entity in this year's MITB match that would make the case interesting. Giving The New Day their golden opportunity would make for compelling television. Big E, Kofi and Xavier have been the most consistently entertaining thing on RAW since WrestleMania. New Day should stay together for a LONG time. They play off each other so well.

If Kane wins, I shall vomit, pass gas and throw my monitor in the trash. That is all.
I agree with the idea of not having the New Day win the match. Stuff like that just makes the whole Freebird rule thing so obvious. The beauty of Seth Rollins winning the title at WrestleMania is that no one saw it coming. Present us with the most obvious result and everything after that loses it's luster.
If one of the two went down with injury during the contest, could the other enter the match in his place? Yes, that would be about as unfair as anything could be if the other team had only two members.......but would it be allowed?

I think the WWE is going to leave this up in the air so it can be as simple as Michael Cole commenting that it was always in the rules if one member twists his knee then another member can immediately fill that role. I highly doubt that it will be planned that way though.

The only thing I see limiting their ability to turn the briefcase into an actual world title reign would be Xavier Woods' lack of status. If all three could cooperatively challenge for the belt, it would be stupid to keep it from them. I think it makes more sense if they feud amongst themselves in regard to who is allowed to take advantage of the best opportunities.

I see New Day losing the tag team belts at MitB if they're locked into doing a program with the briefcase after the PPV, they only really need one shtick to keep their gimmick fresh and the PTP seem ready.
Oh my God, yes please. It's so fresh, the New Day are incredibly over as uncool heels with the crowds. There's so much potential for new feuds, there's the potential to anoint a new main event stable to eventually feud with a reunited Shield in a few years.

Not to take anything away from The Rock, and not to say I understand anything about being black or any insinuation of degrees of blackness, but it's about time and it would go to a very deserving competitor. It may require Kingston to become more of the leader within New Day, but there's nothing wrong with that.

Most of us always harken back to that Kofi we saw at the end of (I believe) 2009 or 2008 that briefly feuded with Orton as being some of his best work. I wonder if that rumour of Kingston facing Lesnar at the live in Japan network special might be some kind of leak of sorts for an impending monster push for Kofi. A monster push into Mr. MITB?

Honestly the match comes out to two winners. Kofi or Reigns. WWE has invested an awful lot into Reigns, his bromance with Ambrose could be an indicator of one turning on the other. WWE is stacked with faces, and Lesnar may be returning as one, but uncool heels in the main event that fans aren't sick of seeing is badly needed.

Kofi or Roman on Sunday. If Roman loses, look for him to be taken out massively by New Day, a heel Lesnar, a heel turning Ambrose, possibly Triple H himself. The match order will be a huge giveaway Sunday, meaning if the World Title goes on first, its outcome will greatly affect the luggage match.

I'm a bit worried our Kofi hope will turn out similarly to the not-Roman hope from the Rumble. I'm not anti-Roman, (I was pulling for Ziggler or Rusev at the Rumble), and I hope WWE books this match a lot better than the Rumble. Go New Day (I mean New Day sucks).
I agree with the idea of not having the New Day win the match.


Stuff like that just makes the whole Freebird rule thing so obvious. The beauty of Seth Rollins winning the title at WrestleMania is that no one saw it coming. Present us with the most obvious result and everything after that loses it's luster.

I ask you good Sir; what is the most obvious result?

If Kofi winning is the most obvious result, then I'm wondering if I just imagined every other one of his Money in the Bank contests. I could have sworn that he's lost every one of them, and he's been in quite a few.

If you repeat the Seth Rollins story of cashing in at WrestleMania, then you've done something that's pretty obvious in that it's fresh on our minds. I think everyone would see it coming if Roman Reigns wins the briefcase and picks WrestleMania for his cash-in, it would be the only way to maintain his face status.

You seem to be confusing the term "obvious" with the term "redundant" in how you criticize the WWE for reusing the Freebird rule. There's a key difference you might not understand. The New Day holding the briefcase cooperatively really is obvious in that they already announced that they would do that on RAW, it's not redundant because the Freebird rule hasn't been used since (I think) Demolition.
Still, it is very difficult to see Kofi Kingston or any member of the New Day for that matter, in a consistent main event spot.

I wouldn't go discounting Kofi so soon. I've always seen him as one of those guys who could prove that he's been ready as soon as they give him a spot to fill. He's wrestled some epic matches, I don't doubt that he could bring something fresh to the main event scene. I think the only thing, besides race sadly, that's been holding him back is that he's been a little too good at playing a guy who makes top guys look more like top guys. Kofi gets the high spots at every Royal Rumble, and then promptly gets eliminated with a punch or a headbutt.

Kofi makes a match awe-worthy with his high flying spots and acrobatics that no other performer can emulate. With Johnny Nitro gone, Kofi and Kalisto are the only Spiderman clones that the WWE has.

If the WWE puts the world title on Kofi, I would have no problem accepting it.
A few weeks back I posted on another forum that The New Day would become this years Money in the Bank winners as well. It's a fresh idea, as many have said, to give more spot light to these talented young men which are highly entertaining and have a future in the business. Not to mention the fact that the WWE could use a man of color as their WWE Champion as well.

The idea that is Kofi wins -- they all win, is very interesting as well and could lead to many different story lines such as a member turning on the others to cash-in, or even every member getting 1-chance to cash in before passing it along to the next. I wonder if one member wins the WWE World Heavyweight Title, if they're all WWE Champion, and switch off who's wearing the belt Lol. Either way, I'm definitely a fan of The New Day and I hope Kofi goes over this coming sunday.
I wouldn't go discounting Kofi so soon. I've always seen him as one of those guys who could prove that he's been ready as soon as they give him a spot to fill. He's wrestled some epic matches, I don't doubt that he could bring something fresh to the main event scene. I think the only thing, besides race sadly, that's been holding him back is that he's been a little too good at playing a guy who makes top guys look more like top guys. Kofi gets the high spots at every Royal Rumble, and then promptly gets eliminated with a punch or a headbutt.

Kofi makes a match awe-worthy with his high flying spots and acrobatics that no other performer can emulate. With Johnny Nitro gone, Kofi and Kalisto are the only Spiderman clones that the WWE has.

If the WWE puts the world title on Kofi, I would have no problem accepting it.

I appreciate your reply, but you literally took my one knock against Kofi and made it seem as if it summed up my entire post. I would LOVE IT if Kofi/The New Day won MITB, and if they ultimately had him lose the cash in I would be heartbroken enough to march in Stamford. Kofi has earned this opportunity.

When I said it is difficult for me to see, I just meant that it would be different from anything WWE has ever done at the main event level because it would be a huge departure from the norm.
I'm really torn on the MITB winner in general this year.

Dolph Ziggler - With Brock Lesnar, Roman Reigns, Randy Orton, John Cena and Seth Rollins all potentially in the title picture leading up to Wrestlemania 32 in Texas, I just don't see any room for Ziggler to pick up the case here. If he does he'll either be a short term, transitional champion or will fail to cash in. He's shown potential to be one of the top faces in the company and a short reign or transitional reign will only further cement the fact that he just can't get it done.

Neville - This isn't even a thing. He's only in the match to provide some amazing spots.

Roman Reigns - He just doesn't need it. As most have already said, he's starting to catch some steam with his bromance with Ambrose and if he's going to be a top face for the future it should happen naturally

Sheamus - Much like Dolph Ziggler, the cards just too stacked at the top for him to have any sort of meaningful reign. I've never really liked Sheamus anyway so that might be clouding my opinion.

Randy Orton - Definitely one of the top choices for me just because I really want to see Orton/Lesnar.

Kofi Kingston - I really like your idea of having the freebird rule come in to effect with the New Day. At the same time, he's somebody I could see losing his cash in but would keep the fans on the edge of their seat because it would be his first ever world championship if he won.

Kane - Honestly, he's my personal favorite to win and it has nothing to do with Kane. If I could play armchair booker for a minute...MITB is getting stale as a concept and we literally just watched somebody carry the case for 9 months just to be a booked lousy after winning the title. I'd have Kane win, cash in immediately (not necessarily that night but definitely before Summerslam), have him lose CLEAN to Rollins to give him some credibility, and give MITB some rest until next year.

Side Note - I'm tired of Cena getting the credit for being the guy to give his opponent notice before he cashes in. RVD was the first person to do that and it remains tied with Edge's first title win as my favorite cash in of all time.
I is a very good and interesting scenario. But, we're forgetting the the Money In The Bank winner becomes the champion. And IMO it would be a huge slap to give Kofi (or any New Day member) the briefcase and have him lose during the cash in.

As much as I'd like Kofi to become champ, I don't see it happening.

But it could be huge and unpredictable. I want to see this. A freebird rule for the World Title.. Oh-My-God.

I doubt it happens. But we can all hope. And who cares. Give Kofi the belt, even if it's for a month. Have him cash-in RVD style. I like it.
I think Roman Reigns will win MITB.

Everyone here says that Roman won't win, since he would cash it in as a face.

But if the plan is for Dean Ambrose to win the WWE Title at some stage, then Roman may cash in on his best friend- and TURN HEEL on Ambrose.

Having Reigns hang around Ambrose is an old wrestling trick. Have the guy who has been booed by fans hang around with a popular guy, hoping to get cheered "by association".

However, maybe Reigns is jealous of Ambrose's popularity. He will possibly turn on Ambrose, use the briefcase on him if he is champion, and then say the next night that it is the WWE Universe's fault for booing him when he was heading towards Wrestlemania, and he will take it out on them by punishing their hero, Dean Ambrose.
.... so it can be as simple as Michael Cole commenting that it was always in the rules if one member twists his knee then another member can immediately fill that role.

Did he say that? It's an actual rule? Man, that is totally unfair because it gives a 3-man team an advantage the other team doesn't have, right from the outset. In a standard 2-person tag team, if one guy gets injured during a match, the other one has to deal with the opponents by himself. If a 3-man team has one guy go out after, say 15 minutes of the match, not only does New Day have a replacement for the injured guy.....but the new guy is fresh & rested.

I'm tellin' you......only in pro wrestling. :)
It would definitely be different and the three of them have been so good, they kind of deserve it. I'm not suggesting Kofi should be World Champ. Big E has a lot of potential but I don't think he should be champ either. Woods definitely not but they could just hold the briefcase.

In terms of entertainment this would be fantastic which, at the end of the day, is what it's all about. It might not be particularly likely but there isn't a standout winner. Reigns winning is predictable and unnecessary unless they do something with Ambrose which I'm against. Orton would be a bit underwhelming but would be fine if he lost his cash in.

Ziggler could work. Sheamus doesn't really fit given them champ is Rollins. New Day could be really entertaining with MITB by their side. I'm also still a huge believer in Big E and I think the WWE is too. What if the WWE gave them MITB and in a few months evaluated the situation. I know it's a cliché but what if they put Big E with Heyman and really gave him a big push.

It almost certainly won't happen but it would be fun. Plus, there are loads of different options.
I know the obvious prediction here is for Roman Reigns to grab the suitcase to set up a cash in at some later point but I honestly think that is a terrible idea. Reigns is still a potential big deal and having his first title win be a cash in, or having him turn heel with a cash in on a face champion, could do irreparable damage to the guy. If he wins the title or if he turns heel it should be with a more solid creative plan than that.

Second favourite to win is probably Kane to continue this nonsense feud within the Authority but I'm not sure anyone wants that outside of Vince's brain. Instead I'd go with a long shot and say that Kofi Kingston should be this year's winner. Sounds ridiculous to some but here me out.

The New Day are one of the fastest rising heel groups the WWE have had in a long while. They garner very strong reactions and are only growing in strength. Xavier Woods is great on the mic whilst Big E and Kofi are getting a lot better. All three can go in the ring too. Why am I talking about all three instead of just one? Well I'd build off what Kofi said on Raw (that if he wins all three wins) and I'd use Freebird Rules on the MitB contract.

That opens up a world of possibility in the next few months. Whoever is champion has to not only watch out for one guy but three guys. You could have a lot of fun with each of the three trying to cash it in at the same time and you could start a few arguments between them too. Storyline wise it makes sense but it also feeds in to something WWE are missing from the Attitude Era. It seemed back then that there were more opportunities for guys to get themselves over and push themselves up the card. I'm thinking primarily of the New Age Outlaws being two lower midcard guys in the summer of 1997 and being the hottest tag team in the world a year later. They were rewarded for their efforts by being put in DX, given feuds with upper midcard guys and even allowed rub shoulders with the likes of Steve Austin and Mankind. WWE needs to get back to properly rewarding people who get themselves strong reactions. Having The New Day win and hold Money In the Bank would be a good, and unique, way to start.

That would make a lot of sense. Especially with the rumored Brock vs. Kofi match taking place in Japan. With The New Day getting more air time lately, Kofi winning the MITB makes a lot of sense. The only thing I hate is when Kofi decides to cash in, will they let him become champion.
If Brock does return to win the gold at Summerslam than I don't know that they would allow Kofi, Big E or Xavier beat him. But the intriguing thing would be Brock having to worry about the three guys in New Day. Lets face it, the main problem with Brock Lesnar is that it's not really believable for anyone to beat him at present. This is the guy who ended the Undertaker's streak, dominated Cena at Summerslam, beat Rollins + Cena at the Rumble and was manhandling Reigns at the big one. It certainly wouldn't be at all believable to have Kofi even think he could beat Brock, which made the Japan rumour seem very odd.

Now, Kofi v Brock with Big E and Xavier looking for any opportunity to slide in and cash in on Brock creates a different dynamic and puts Brock in jeopardy. They could be a real thorn in his side if he is holding that belt again.

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