
Two solid episodes of Psych last week and I can't wait for the season finale tonight. The season finales for Psych are always great stuff and like Mister Awesome said we should see some development in Shawn and Jules relationship. I really enjoyed the Christmas episode as I thought it was a nice break from reality while watching Shawn mature before our eyes. The bear episode wasn't the greatest, but it was still a solid episode of Psych and had its moments. However the season finale tonight should blow those two out of the water and could very well be the best episode of the season. Can't wait.
Q1:This is our season finale, and the third part of the trilogy of the Yin/Yang saga. It's Yin3 in 2D! Lets get to this!

We open with flashbacks from the last two seasons of the Yin/Yang trilogy. We then get a short flashback to 1990 of Shawn riding his bike to ominous music, and he catches a brief look at Yang(Ally Sheedy) as the flashback ends.

Shawn and Gus are arguing about how they would like to die on the way to the police station. Shawn would like to die by a firing squad of comedians. Funny. When they arrive, they're being told there's a woman in interogation naimed Allison claiming to be abducted by Yin. They are skeptical, as is Lassiter and Juliet. Chief Vick notes that they have to follow every lead, and Shawn and Gus head to interrogation. There they meet Allison(Mena Suvari), who claims to have been attacked by Yin, and notes that he told her she was special. She describes the way he attacked her in detail. Juliet can't watch as she remembers her attack at the hands of Yin from last season. Shawn is still quite skeptical and notes he has no personal connection to Yin until Allison produces the picture of Yang and Shawn that they showed at the end of the season finale from last season. Shawn sells genuine shock as we head to our first commercial. Nice start!

Q2: The police are lead to a house by Allison in which she claims she had been abducted and held by Yin. The problem is, there's a family with children occupying the house! Chief Vick threatens to press chrages for filing a false report against Allison, but Shawn is convinced based upon the picture. Allison describes the house in detail, and begs Shawn to believe her. Juliet warns Shawn that shes worried about him, and Shawn shrugs it off that he's been wearing the same jeans for 7 months, and he'll wash them the next day, which plays to his typical liaszee faire attitude as usual. Shawn makes arrangements for Allison to stay with Henry, of course.

At the police station, an analyst is analyzing the photo of Shawn and Yang for authenticity. He notes that the background is fake, but the actual picture is real, as he and Yang are definitely together in the picture! Interesting....
Juliet notes that the family had just returned from vacation, and that Yin could have abducted her and made an elaborate plan. Lassiter is skeptical, but Juliet notes that Allison knew the exact layout of the house. She then tells Lassiter about her experience with Yin, and that Allison needs her help. Lassiter reluctantly agrees.

Henry has arranged for Allison to stay in Shawn old room, where she notes it appears as it hasn't been touched in 15 years. Allison begins to cry, and Henry comforts her believing that shes shaken from the attack from Yin. She notes that she's crying because Shawn is the only one who believed her the whole time. Later,Henry is awoken from sleep as he hears a noise outside, so he heads outside after grabbing his gun. He looks outside, then hears a noise back inside the house. He heads back in, and hears the noise coming from Shawn's bedroom. Allison is gone and the Yin-Yang symbol is on the bed as we head to commercial. Nice cliffhanger as we go to commercial.

Q3: Back from commercial, and the police, Shawn and Gus are at Henry's house. Shawn decides to go visit Yang(Ally Sheedy) in prison, who is excited to see them. She notes she is no longer considered a threat to people or herself, and has been a model prisoner. Shawn shows her the photograph and tells Yang he doesnt remember it. They inquire about it, but Yang tells them they need to figure it out for themselves. Gus informs Yang that Yin has taken another victim, and this is her chance for redemption. She's intrigued, but she only agress if they are willing to take her to the crime scene. Shawn calls Lassiter, and the arrangements are made.

Henry is talking to Maddy(Cybill Shepherd), Shawn's mother on the phone, and is trying to remember things from Shawn's childhood. She is alarmed when she's informed it deals with Yang, but Henry assures her that Yang is behind bars. Henry has to go as the team arrives with Yang, at the crime scene(Shawn's bedroom). Yang notes that she was lifted out of there, instead of dragged, as they reference Shutter Island. Nice. Shawn recalls Allison telling him that she was special. Gus wonders if this means Yin wont kill her, but Yang notes that he will, but it will just be special, a grand finale, if you will. She also notes she hasn't been in contact with Yin since her incarceration, as he hasn't visited her in prison. This will be important later.
Yang notes that she and Shawn have a "romantic history" together, and that its not about what Yin leaves behind, but what he takes. Shawn "devines" that CD's of his have been stolen, as one of his army men are pointing toward them. The CD that had been taken included the song "Hot for Teacher" and Shawn recalls that she is a college student.

They arrive at the university, and Shawn believes that Yin is her romantic literature teacher. They find the professor, but its a substitute. They find a lesson in creative writing, where the "Prince Spencer attempts to save the lovely Allison from the clutches of the dastardly Lord Yin". The ending always has to be the same, and the professor reveals its a real downer: The girl always dies. Good stuff as we head to commercial.

Q4: They question the Dean of the University about him, who notes that the professor(Yin) was a highly tenured professor at every university in California, and that they were lucky to get him. The dean notes that Yin is highly intelligent and well respected as a professor. The investigation leads them to a field, where they find a box of VHS tapes, which are videos of Mary Lightly talking, the odd profiler from last season who died trying to catch Yang.

Maddy has arrived in town, and she recognizes the photograph, and remembers the woman(Yang) in the photo. The investigation leads them to a field, where they find a box of VHS tapes. Lassiter makes his first pop culture reference of the series when he calls it a blatant Seven ripoff. Nice. which are videos of Mary Lightly talking, the odd profiler from last season who died trying to catch Yang. Mary notes that Yangs book indicates that she was a pawn, and that she may not have committed any murders at all.

Maddy remembers Yang lived on Grayson Street, which is only 3 blocks away, where Shawn heads. He finds a note in the mailbox to come alone or the girl dies. He and Gus head inside, where they hear a recording playing of Shawn's mom, and Shawn notes that its a recording, as Yin tapped Henry's phone. They find Allison, and try to re-assure her that she's safe, but she notes that nothing will be ok. Her expression and tone changes, and she says that she didnt think that Shawn would take the bait, but he did. She says thats why he's the master, and Allison is the apprentice. She pulls a rifle on Shawn and Gus, and an icy glare crosses her face as she ominously tells them "Let me give you a tour of the house", as we head to commercial. Nice swerve!

Q5: Shawn tells Allison that she's been brainwashed, and Allison notes that Shawn fell for the whole trap. She notes that he was too easy, and hardly a worthy foe. The police are outside, but theycant find a way in. Allison notes shes the opening act, and Shawn asks her when she became a complete psychopath. Yin, completely masked, is revealed, and he makes Allison leave the room, much to her dismay. Yin takes off his mask, but I dont recognize him. He says he shudders at what Allison will become after who she is already.

The police bring Yang to the scene, where she says she can get them in on two conditions, One she goes in alone with Juliet, and two gets another picture with Shawn. They go inside, and Yang wants the shackles off. The ligths are knocked out, and Yang wants Juliet to follow her.
Back to Yin, and hes telling them what will go into the syringe. Both are arguing about who gets to be killed first, and Gus wants Yin to sterilize the needle, as he doesnt know where Shawn's been. lol.

Juliet and Yang are in the house, and Allison is "safe" and she plays the "girl in distress act" again, and that Yin drugged her again. Juliet buys it, until Allison says that Shawn and Gus are still in the house. Juliet makes the connection that Allison couldn't have known that, and asks about it. Allison tries to convince Juliet, but she can't. Allison tries to attack Juliet, and they struggle for some time, and Juliet finally gets the upper hand.

Back to Yin, who is prepping a needle. He notes that the needle is just to kill Gus, and he has a special way to kill Shawn. Shawn and Gus continue to argue as only they can, about who gets to die first. This scene is funny and intense at the same time. Shawn wants an explanation as to why Yin is doing all of this. Yin said he wanted to defy stereotypes, and that he picked Shawn because Yang developed an unhealthy crush with Shawn, and he blamed Shawn for Yang's infatuation with Shawn, and needed to kill him for it. Because Juliet is preoccupied with Allison, Yang pops in alone, and calls Yin dad! Holy Shit, Yin is Yang's dad! Yang is upset that she was replaced by Allison. Yang convinces Yin to let her come to him for a hug and he obliges. As she leans in to hug him, Yang stabs Yin to death! Wow! Yin says he never loved Yang, as Yang says "I know" as Yin dies.

They show Allison being taken away, and Gus notes that she'll haunt him in her dreams, and not in a good way. Gus then gets creepy as he realizes Allison is hot.:lol: Juliet honors the promise to Yang that she can have her pic taken with Shawn, which is quite funny after the events that had just transpired. She invites Shawn to come play badmitton in prison with her on Wednesday's and Shawn takes it under consideration. Hilarious. Shawn notes to Yang that she never killed anybody. Yang says she was weak, and could have stopped her father. Shawn tells her she never had a chance. Maddy arrives on the scene and she, Henry, Gus, and Shawn hug as we go to our final commercial.

Q6: Back at the police station, and Buzz and Lassiter are talking about the near death experiences, and the closure. Buzz is shaken by it, but Lassiter is playing his best "alpha man" role. He gives Buzz 3 hours off to go be with his wife. What a benevolent guy! Lassiter is his usual "charming" self, but shows a moment of weakness as he appears rattled as he heads downstairs.

Shawn heads to the interrogation room, and Juliet notes she cant finish her statement. Juliet says shes just marking time until the next crazy comes in. Shawn says that they will be nothing compared to Yin. A romantic moment as they both promise to protect the other, and they kiss. Lassiter is shown to have been observing the entire time, so he finally knows about Shawn and Jules!

Final Thoughts: Oh hell yes! Hell freaking yes! They delievered, and they delivered big!!! This was the perfect way to conclude the Yin/Yang saga, and it left the door open for an Allison return. Shawn was good in both a dramatic sense as well as a comedic one as well. This was a great blowoff to the Yin Yang saga. Certainly the best of the three, and it exceeded my expectations, which were freaking high. This would be slightly hard to follow for those who havent seen the first two parts, but they did a nice job of summarizing in the opening.

This was simply an excellent show in every way. The mystery was tight and concise, the chemistry was off the charts between Shawn and Gus, and they continued to add intrigue to the Shawn and Juliet relationship with the reveal that Lassiter is now aware. The twists of Allison being in on Yin's plan and his accomplise was masterful, as was the reveal that Yin is Yang's father. This is easily the best episode of the season, and possibly the best of the series. A+, as this was great in every way.
Four words: Oh. Fucking. Hell. Yea.

At long last, after 3 years of much anticipation, the story that brought us the most suspence in the history of the Psych series has come to an end. Yin is no more!

I really gotta say; The Yin Saga is by far one of the most captivative storylines that I have ever seen any show ever deliver. From the very beginning, when it was shown that Mr. Yang had taken an interest in Shawn--it was all one giant rollercoaster ride. And now, we have reached the end...for now...

First, I'd like to take the momment to re-cap on what has happened leading up to today's episode. Yang was supposadly one of the world's most notorious killer. However, due to past experiences, none of his formers foes ever gave him the amount of interest that he really wanted. therefore, he chose Shawn Spencer to be his next subject. After a series of supenceful events, Shawn confronts Yang at a Drive-in Theatre. It is there that Yang turns out to be a woman who was, I guess. sexually interested in Shawn. Shawn defeats Yang at her game and thus ends the beginning.

After about a year or so, it turns out that Yang was only a small fraction in the grander scheme of things. the real mastermind behind everything was Yin--the foe that Shawn faces in today's season finale. Shawn is able to confront Yang, but only to let him get away due to unfortunate circumstances (i.e. that one [past] girlfriend needing help). In the end, there is no real resolution to the story as the episode has an ambiguous ending as Yin is seen starring at a picture of a young Shawn with Yang.

So now, this leads to today's episode...

The show had me captivated from the very beginning. Young Shawn is seen riding his bicycle through his neighborhood where he catches a glimpse at a lady wearing some kind of hat. This scene was put in perfectly as it forshadowed future events to come. It also gave you this ambiguous feeling that lead you to start coming up with ideas of what we (the viewers) were in-store for.

What intrigued me from the get-go was that the way the plot of this episode unfolded was unlike the previous two. In the other two, they had the tradition where Yin makes his move; leaves clues for Shawn to follow; and Shawn (dis)obeys them until he has a confrontation with Yin (Yang). But in today's story, a girl by the name of Alyson is the one that goes to the police station and tells her of the events that occured.

Shawn and Gus blindlessly follow her words and are mislead through various obstacles. Despite this, Shawn is contempt in believing that the girl may be telling the truth. He takes her to his dad's place while a photo that Alyson had snatched from Yin is being examined. The photo (as pointed out earlier) was the photo of Yang being right next to Shawn inn what seemed to be a photoshopped background.

Unfortunately, Alyson was kidnapped again thus learing Shawn to fear the worse. Shawn and Gus pay a visit to their old nemisis, Yang and ask her what is the meaning of this and what is Yin's plan. Yang tells them that she will not say anything unless she is taken out of the institute and taken to the last place Alyson was. Unable to reject the proposition, Shawn and Gus escort her to his dad's house.

Here's what I liked about this part. Shawn and Gus were forced to team up with the major enemy of the first chapter of the Yin Saga in order to take Yin down. It really played into the essence of "Keep your friends close but your enemies closer"--which is something I highly enjoyed.

Now as for the picture that was reference earlier, as it turns out that picture was actually real and was taken by the mother of Shawn herself. The lady in the picture (Yang) had insisted on letting Shawn take a pcture with her because he was so cute.

The picture played a key role in the final chapter of the Yin saga and I'd like to point out that it was adapted rather well. In the final episode of last season, the picture was shown at the end thus ending the episode. The amibiguity from that scene was tied in perfect with the events of this storyline. It was emphasized greatly as well as explained to what was in reality, a flawless story.

So after a series of suspenceful events Shawn and Gus are at long last, inches away from meeting Yin. The really shocker of the night here was that Alyson had turned out to be an accomplis of Yin and she was in a sense, the new Yang to replace the old one. Alyson fooled Shawn and Gus all along into believein that she was a victim when in reality, she was not; she was working with Yin. It was at this momment, that I literally just dropped my jaw open. i could not believe what had just happened. I would have never guessed Alyson to have been working with Yn; yet, there she stood, the new Yang.

So anyways, this new Yang leads Shawn and Gus to a room upstairs where they get to finally meet the mastermind behind the most horrific schemes the likes of which Shawn and Gus have never seen. As it turns out, Yin was some semi-old man who had devoted his life to a route of i[intelectual] insanity rather than live like a normal human being. And as explained, the reason why he had been so fascinatied in Shawn was because of how cunning he could be. he was fascinated by how great he had become. However, most of his realization of this had been influenced of that of his very own daughter, the original Yang. yes, that's correct. Yang was the daughter of Yin. She was the one that helped Yin compse all the crimes he had commited.

The problem with Yang however, is that she had emotional feelings for Shawn. Thus, the reason why she could never bring herself to kill his mother in the first episode of the saga. In other words, Yang had failed Yin; and Shawn had become victorious. Something that Yin could not find acceptable. Yin's whole purpose for causing so much mishalf on Shawn's life was because he took down his daughter--or rather, had influenced her unintentionally to being so...stupid(?).

This scene here was by far one of the most hilariously suspenceful scenes I have ever scene in my life. Not only was it supposed to be the most traumatic scene in quite possibly the entire series, but it managed to carry out a good number of jokes in the process. And these jokes were of course orchestrated by Shawn and Gus themselves with their usual bickering.

In the end, Yang eneters the room Gus, Shawn, and Yin are in (through Juliet's help) and kills Yin with the very poison that he was planning to use on Gus. Thus, this ends the tail of Yin.

Hmmm...I gotta say, I enjoyed the way things were resolved. Yin had one last build up throughout the entire epsisode wuith the many suspenseful momments and ending up dying at the hands of his own daughter (Yang). Twas something really interesting indeed. The entire time I was completely baffled to how every thing was going. Scene to scene; segment to segment; I could not stop but have my eyse glued to the television wanting to know what happene next.

Sure, one might argue that this is a typical Psych episode; but I disagree. The Yin episodes have always been something extraordinarily special and this one took the cake. The story was well thought out. It had a perfect resolution. There were no hal-assed momments. The whole episod was just completely flawless.

What's even better was that the episode ended on a cliff hanger note. Just as it was in the first episode that Yang is seen starring outside the window of a police car, Alyson does the same giving an evil glare to Shawn and Gus as if sayin, I'ma get you bitch for what you've done.

This can very well lead one to believe that we haven't seen the last of Alyson and we will be hearing from her very soon.

As for the Juliet and Shawn love story, it kept at an easy pace; it did not evolve too greatly but it was well noted in today's season finale. Needless to say, I'm fine with how it's going as the Shawn and Juliet love story is something that should last throughout the entie series as it began with the series. So I have no problem whatsoever with how it's been developing.

Overall, I I think that this episode was perfect. It had the perfect ending; the perfect mood; the perfect set-up---the perfect everyting. I couldn't really detect any flaw in it whatsoever as it delivered like any other Yin episode--absolutely phenomenally.

So with that said, the season finale recieves...

RATING: A+ 10 out of 10

Well done on behalf of the Psych team. Psych has always been great for leaving the viewer wanting to see more; and they did a fine job this time. I cannot wait for the next season...Season 6...
After watching this, I got a little excited for next season. The whole show leading up to who was captured was brilliant. And the fact that the guy wanted to be captured was even better. However, the most intense part at the end of the episode was the glare from the blond. And to quote Dule's character himself, "That's gonna haunt my dreams for while."

Although mine's in more of a mystery than fear. Next season, I'm going to be waiting to see if she gets out and has anything to do with some of the upcoming crimes.

And a small added bonus: Looks like Lassy has caught on to Jewels and Shawn, which is going to be quite interesting. I wonder if he's going to try and separate the two or if he'll have enough heart to let them work together. Because either way, in the end, we all know that they'll be working together on every single case... cause Shawn and Gus love solving crimes.
I finally found the time to watch the season finale. I would have watched it sooner, but my fucking DVR recorded the episode without sound. So I manned up since I couldn't find it on TV and watched in on my computer. Usually I end up hating whatever it is I watch on my computer because I hate sitting in front of a screen and watching shows and stuff.

Enough small talk, lets get to the show. I'm pretty much in consensus with the Psychos here in attendance. This episode was fucking amazing and a great way to potentially end the Yin saga. I say potentially because I have a feeling we could be seeing Allison return in a season or two. The episode was fill with drama, humor, and excitement. Shawn and Gus continued their great chemistry throughout the episode and the writers finally focused back on Shawn and Juliet's budding romance. Getting Lassi into the loop is awesome and should make for a great season opener for the following season. In the meantime I will be watching Psych on Netflix as I missed out on season 1 and parts of season 2. Show has developed greatly throughout its time, but has always kept its unique humor from the beginning.
I didn't really like how they handled Yin. It just seemed like he should have gotten more air time or something. I don't know what. I didn't really like the way it was done. Perhaps he could have been caught in the process of orchestrating something big instead of [SPOILER ALERT] giving some pointless speech to Shawn and Gus then getting offed by Yang.
The world's favorite Psychic Detective returns tomorrow night on USA Network with a new attitude, new episodes, and even new special guests. But just because there's some new faces, doesn't mean old ones and favorite Psych moments aren't coming with them. All of your main cast characters will be there, and the same witty comments from your favorite Psychic will be there too.

A few confirmed special guests include; WWE Superstar The Miz, 8-Mile's Mehki Phifer, Rapper Pitbull, Law & Order's Anthony Anderson, Captain Kirk himself William Shatner, and many more.


So instead of restarting a whole new thread, which for anything else I would've done, I decided to just revive this one.

I personally cannot wait because as many people know, Psych is literally my favorite show on television right now... beating NCIS:LA by a few points on the comedy side of things. With the inclusion of The Miz, I can't wait to see how things work out.

Here's a little "episode preview"

Shawn Rescues Darth Vader
When a body is discovered in his home, a British diplomat (Malcolm McDowell) hires Shawn and Gus to investigate. Meanwhile, the SBPD begins to suspect that Shawn may not actually be psychic.
Well the season premiere did not disappoint, great start to the new season of Psych! Firstoff I'd be lying if I said that I got a big goofy smile when I saw that there were WWE(Cena,Kozlov and Barrett) action figures in the kids room, I loved that. But the episode as a whole was very good, it didn't feel like a normal Psych as things were a little different from the way they usually are plus Shawns psychic abilities being questions made for a great episode that kept me on the edge of my seat. I can't wait for next week's episode, it looks awesome!
This episode was really well put together and with Shawn passing the polygraph test, it's easy to see that Lassiter may just stop questioning Shawn and fall in line... which might suck in the end, but it would also help in the long run.

Without giving away the main plot, I loved the way Shawn pretty much made his own case in this one by being at the scene of the crime, only not there for other reasons... and to follow up with the crime, he also gains himself diplomatic immunity which is really hilarious how he wrongfully uses it. I also would like to point out that them adding the "1991" or childhood flashback at the end was a really nice touch so that you really would feel the emotion of him getting caught during the polygraph test... because let's be honest, I really thought he was going to lie or tell the truth... either way, that scene was really awesome.

All in all, I would have to say that this episode is definitely a great start to the season, and next week will have to be the biggest testament to Shawn's "psychic ability". I personally can't wait to see it.
An amazing kick-off to the 6th Season. After nearly a year of absence, Psych didn't just deliver, it mind-fucked us.

To be honest, I had no clue as to what we would be in store for in this episode. The season finale of Season 5 ended in such a way that the series could have gone in any direction. The mighty Yin was taken down, leaving a possible comeback for Alyson. Nonetheless, the on-going story of Shawn and Juliet was left 'in progress.'

Am glad to see that that particular sub-plot continue the way it did in this week's episode. With Lassidor now knowing that Shawn and Juliet are in a relationship, it leaves for more invigorating possibilities of how this particular piece could continue--each of course, making the Psych series as a whole more suspenseful and comedic than before.

The highlight of the episode is without a doubt the scene in which Shawn is placed in the Polygraph test and asked whether he truly was a Psychic or not. Just as the above two claimed, this specific scene had my heart racing the entire time. When a TV show gets you to the point in which you absolutely, positively do NOT know the outcome of the specific situation and become overcome with the anxious feeling of wanting to find out, you then know that that show is doing a tremendous job at not only building suspense, but drawing you further and further into the plot. And that scene executed such intentions perfectly.

Overall, I give this episode an:

A 9.5/10

Solid episode all around leaving room for little flaw.

On a side note, tho, I would like to state that I am slightly irritated with the kid that now portrays little Shawn. He just has that annoying face that you just wanna punch in the face. I don't like him.

...LSN, where you at, bro?
Psych 6.1 Shawn Rescues Darth Vader

After several years of somewhat lackluster season openers, Psych delivered perhaps the best opener since Season 2's American Duos. A strong guest star in the brilliant Malcolm McDowell enhanced the plot while not detracting from the storyline made for one of the better guest stars this show has seen. As is often the case with Psych, the murder is only one plot within the show, as was the case here. The murder wasn't a great mystery as is, but the main theme of the show was far more important to the show.

After Shawn breaks into a British Diplomat's house(Malcolm McDowell) to retrieve a Darth Vader action figure for a tweleve year old who has hired him, he finds a woman's body under the bed. He's chased from the house by guards, and despite Gus' warning not to present the information "psychically", Shawn ignores Gus and does so anyway. Chief Vick is impressed by his best vision ever, but Lassiter is suspicious, even moreso then usual because he has discovered Shawn and Juliet's secret relationship. Lassiter hooks Juliet up to a lie detector to get her to admit to her relationship with Shawn, which she does angrily, causing Lassiter to request a partner change. Denied by Chief Vick, Lassiter sets out to make Shawn's life even more difficult then normal.

The actual murder case was the weak part of the show, as the killer was fairly obvious the moment he showed up. The initial suspect was a young university student who hd also been accused of killing his college girlfriend, for which he had been imprisoned for four months before new evidence surfaced. The murdered woman was also a British Diplomat, one who had uncovered evidence of who had really killed the girl, getting herself murdered as well by the real killer. Shawn and Gus get close, but are arrested while chasing the real killer for violating 46 traffic ordinances, which is where the true plot comes in.

To this point, Lassiter has been doubtful of Shawn's psychic abilities, but he's never caught him in the act of a lie. This time, a photo is sent to the SBPD of Shawn from behind in the British Consulllate's home, which renders Shawn's psychic reveal from earlier discredited. Shawn denies that the man in the picture is him, and Lassiter asks him to prove it by taking a Lie Detector test. He starts by asking Shawn where he was the night of the murder, and Shawn in able to remember things in the room he broke into to steal the Vadar action figure to bluff his way through. But the kicker comes when Lassiter asks Shawn if he is a psychic, leading to the biggest cliffhanger of the series thusfar, just as they cut away to commercial. Excellent, anxiety riddled stuff, as Shawn's farce could cost him everything, both his job and Juliet, if he's caught in a lie.

Shawn tells the lie that he is indeed a psychic so convincingly that he's able to beat the lie detector test in a great moment. It begged the question as to how, and it seemed they were going to leave the question unresolved. But the show didn't open with a flashback as normal, but it closed with one, which was Henry teaching Shawn how to beat a polygraph. A nice touch to close the show. After the polygraph, catching the killer was academic, as it wound up being the host father of the boy who was originally imprisoned for the murder. The reasoning was he had come on to the girl, been rejected and fearing she'ld tell, he killed her. He killed the female diplomat because she was close to uncovering the truth, and came to the wrong person(him) to reveal the truth.

Final Thoughts: I really liked this show. It had a little bit of everything that makes Psych a strong show. Shawn and Gus' quirky dynamics were on full display, and them being frustrated with two twelve year olds throughout the show to the point Gus wanted to beat one up was priceless. There was a great guest star in Malcolm McDowell, and the overarching plot of the series of both Shawn as a fake psychic and the relationship between he and Juliet were both furthered. Shawn and Lassiter's talk at the end showed Carlton's human side and his platonic feelings for Juliet as a "younger sister" of sorts. Good stuff for the Psych crew that has me eagerly awaiting next week!

Overall Rating: 9.1/10 A-​
So I can honestly say that tonight's episode was my favorite Psych episode ever, aside from maybe High Top Fade Out and Tuesday The 17th with the Iron Sheik and Nikolai Volkoff reference(please tell me that moment made other WZ folk happy as well).

The episode was extremely funny, very fresh and fast paced and really brought it home for me. I loved the Hangover plot before I saw the episode but instead of copying The Hangover in every little detail(I loved Lassie looking like Bradley Cooper's character Phil) they went their own direction with it and I really enjoyed that.

I really like the coroner and I think that having him be one of the main guys in an episode was alot of fun, he has very funny lines and a great character, ever since the first time he was on the show I knew he was a good fit and i'm glad they're using him well.

My favorite part of the episode has to be the end when Gus is drugged out, I was literally laughing so hard I fell out of my chair, I loved loopy Gus talking with the gunman and during the gun fight, that was Gus Gold.

Also, I really liked the way this episode was filmed, the slow motion scene with the 4 guys walking together and the scene with everyone jumping off the hotel balcony into the pool, it had a nice new feel to it and it made the episode even better. I give this episode a 10 out of 10 because it really caught me off guard with it's awesomeness and I loved it!
I finally got around to watching the first two Psych's of the season and I was reminded as too why this is my second favorite show on television. How I Met Your Mother is number one for those that care. Anyways, these episodes were perfectly done and were filled with humor, seriousness, and great plot. Drugged up Gus was great in episode two. This guy's got taffy had me rolling on the floor in hysterics. It has been an excellent start for the Psych boys and I look forward to the rest of this season that is chock full of guest stars. I look forward to all the shenanigans that are about to be graced upon us.
So, I've been watching Psych on Netflix (never seen it on TV) and I just finished season 3. The season finale for season 3 was "An Evening With Mr. Yang". All I've got to say is "WOW"!!! I understand that many people may not agree w/ me, but that is far and away the best single episode of any TV show that I've ever seen. I don't even know what else to say about it other than that...WOW! (Did I say that already?)
Last night's episode delivered once again, great stuff from Shawn and Gus and I loved the way it ended. I always love the beginning scenes with clips from when Shawn and Gus were kids(I hate the new young Shawn) but this one was one of my favorites. I thought that The Catch and Tap Man were absolutely hilarious, and Gus's throwing sand move was the best! I really liked Mantis, I thought he was a cool character and I thought the way that he was used was great in that he was totally badass when it came to physical confrontation and a real smooth talker as well. The highlight of the episode for me was definitely the team of Mantis, The Catch and Tap Man taking on the drug cartel, Gus standing there trying to distract the bad guys by tap dancing had me dying of laughter. This season Gus has really stood out more than in the past, I don't know if this is intentional or it's happening but in all these recent episodes he's been the best part and I love that he's standing out more comedically.
Psych is a great TV show.I love to watch this show.Last days it's new season was started & i'm keep watching it & The show was nice.But i'm hearing a news about this show that this was the last season of this show.Is it true ?

Last night's episode really kicked ass, I loved Danny Glover took the time out of his busy schedule as a UFC ring girl to be the special guest star this week. Very funny throughout, I found myself once again laughing out loud the entire time. I loved Gus as the mascot refusing to do the makarena and instead tap dancing, funny as hell.

It's strange though, I feel like this is the funniest season yet but at the same time feel like the episodes aren't as memorable. Right now these episodes are the shit but after another season or two passes by are we going to remember The Catch and Tap Man like we do High Top Fade Out and Tuesday The 17th? I don't know, maybe I'm just crazy and hopefully that's the case and my opinion changes later on but does anyone know what the fuck i'm saying?
Decent episode tonight, kindof lame that we have a two week hiatus coming up from the show and tonights episode didn't really leave me feeling very satisfied unfortunately. The mental hospital story usually makes for some good comedy, hell just look at Starsky & Hutch who he pretty much the same formula including the hot girl who's there but Paych just didn't really pull it off. I think what some of it was might have been expecting more craziness from Shawn considering he acts goofy all the time, I was expecting a tad more. All in all I always enjoy Psych but I think this one got my hopes up and didnt deliver. Hopefully when they come back after the two week break they'll reward us with a really funny one.
I remember watching the first episode of Psych with my Dad. Ever since, it's been quite a joy. A couple of seasons ago I really got out of it. One of the main reasons I watched it was because Monk came on before it and once Monk was gone, I just sorta forgot about it. But I got back into it after watching the Ying Yang Seriel Killer episode which is undoubtedly my favorite. Ever since, I've been watching it weekly. This season is pretty good. The Danny Glover episode was full of laughs and probably this season's best. An honorable mention goes to the episode where Shawn, Gus, Lacey wake up and can't remember what happened the night before. It was a great twist from the usual rundown of the show. An overall great show that somehow manages to fulfill the void that Monk left me, lulz.
I'm getting too old for this crap!

Somehow, you knew, you just knew, that they were going to find a way to incorporate something about that in the episode. I am going to add Psych to my Netflix instant queue, and watch EVERY single freaking episode available. I am a late comer to this show, only really started watching it last year, now I have to catch up!
Decent episode tonight, kindof lame that we have a two week hiatus coming up from the show and tonights episode didn't really leave me feeling very satisfied unfortunately. The mental hospital story usually makes for some good comedy, hell just look at Starsky & Hutch who he pretty much the same formula including the hot girl who's there but Paych just didn't really pull it off. I think what some of it was might have been expecting more craziness from Shawn considering he acts goofy all the time, I was expecting a tad more. All in all I always enjoy Psych but I think this one got my hopes up and didnt deliver. Hopefully when they come back after the two week break they'll reward us with a really funny one.

Well, they're coming back with William Shatner as Juliet's father so that should be a riot. James Roday, who plays Shawn, has said in interviews that he's modeled some of Shawn's quirkiness after Shatner's quirkiness, so the dynamic should be outstanding when they return in two weeks. Just the short trailer setting up the show in two weeks was outstanding, and could promise many laughs.

As for my thoughts on Shawn Interrupted, I could go one of two ways. I thought it was outstanding how it looked as if they were going to have Gus play it straight somewhat, only for him to become creepy Gus when it came to Victoria with split personalities. I felt it started great at the mental hospital when Shawn had to improvise as to why he was crazy or possibly be outed, as he completely blew me away with his overturning of the medications and the subsequent stealing of the cart.

However, I thought the show went downhill there for the most part. There certainly weren't any other memorable moments, and there were plenty of holes left unanswered in the plot. How was Shawn able to know that Nurse McElroy(Molly Ringwald) was the "inside man" for Bernie's brother Daniel? Further, how did the lawyer who had Bethel as his only client re-furnish his office when he lost his only client? I know, I'm knitpicking, as the show is more about the laughs and the antics of Shawn and Gus then it is about the mystery, but the plot and the mystery has always been what's made good shows great ones, and the plot here wasn't great in any way. Once it was apparent Bernie wasn't faking, there was noone left other then Daniel and McElroy, but Shawn's process of how he found out was completely left out. At least we got a funny scene at the end with Shawn using Kenny G as the distraction to take out Daniel Bethel, complete with Gus grooving to the music as he held the gun on him. That made me laugh.

The other thing this season has sorely missed has been the dynamic between Shawn and Juliet, as their interaction now that they're a couple has been far less then it was before they got together. We did get some good stuff Wednesday with Juliet fearing Shawn wouldn't get out, and Shawn starting to actually enjoy the hospital, especially the final scene where he seems remiss to leave, which is worse the Juliet's worse fear. I hope they play off the couple dynamic more then they have, and I think Wednesday was a good start. My hope is that with the introduction of Shatner as Juliet's dad, we'll get exactly that.

The plot wasn't great, but the laughs were decent and some of the underlying themes of the show were re-inforced. The show wasn't memorable in any sense of the word, but it was a solid episode nonetheless. I too am disapointed its going to be another week and a half until the next one.

Shawn Interrupted: 8.4/10 B
Pretty good episode, I was hoping for better after no new show the last 2 weeks but it still had it's moments. First of all I love the chemistry between Shatner and Roday, I definitely believe what you said about JR modeling alot of his character off Shatner's quirkiness. When they did the chest bump in the interrogation viewing room I loved it, that's what brought their chemistry together, it felt real and it felt like they were having fun. I have to say that the beginning and most of the middle of the episode were a little slow and dry in general but I loved the end and when they caught that theives, I really enjoyed how they did it and that it seems like Frank(Shatner) is really trying to be there for Jules, I look forward to having him on the show more.
Pretty good episode, I was hoping for better after no new show the last 2 weeks but it still had it's moments. First of all I love the chemistry between Shatner and Roday, I definitely believe what you said about JR modeling alot of his character off Shatner's quirkiness. When they did the chest bump in the interrogation viewing room I loved it, that's what brought their chemistry together, it felt real and it felt like they were having fun. I have to say that the beginning and most of the middle of the episode were a little slow and dry in general but I loved the end and when they caught that theives, I really enjoyed how they did it and that it seems like Frank(Shatner) is really trying to be there for Jules, I look forward to having him on the show more.

To be honest, I was waiting on your review before I posted mine. The things I've heard from you are similar to the complaints I've heard from other Psych fans- It was a dry, uninspired effort. And to those who tuned in(like me) to see a funny episode or a solid mystery, there was a major letdown. However, let me say that in spite of this, it was one of my favorite episodes in the six seasons of the show.

As a single, stand-alone episode, In For A Penny accomplished several things Ive been dying to see happen on this show. One, they truly focused on the relationship between Shawn and Juliet that have been sorely missing since the pair got together. Two, they showed Shawn making an earnest effort to grow up. Let's face it- his bumbling antics with regards to cases would be enough for any police department tl cut him loose, even despite his high success rate. For every one he gets right, he makes two or three mistakes based upon going on limited information, which is what he did here. Except, he did it in a different way- He tried to reunite Juliet and her father despite Juliet's pleas based on the belief Frank(William Shatner) was a great, successful guy. As he quickly found out, Frank was anything but. He was a sleezy, lying con-man. But throughout, Shawn truly tried to take this one seriously.

This is one of the few episodes Ive seen where Shawn has solely played it straight. There were laughs along the way, but Shawn didn't act like an idiot in trying to re-unite Juliet and her father. (As part of Gus' own evolution, he plays the idiot more and more, and certainly did here.) I think it was imperative they had an episode like this- One in which Shawn shows he can be an adult and try to be a good boyfriend, even if screwed up mostly like he always does. But Shawn's attempts to fix the relationship took precedence over anything else here, even if it was at the expense of the mystery or the laughs. Don't get me wrong- I couldn't handle a show like this every week, as I do tune in for the mystery and to laugh. But as a one-week stand-alone episode, it was a necessity for the show, and it succeeded in what it was trying to accomplish. The dynamic between Shawn and Shatner was outstanding, and Gus flip-flopping between disgust with Shatner and being in awe of him(remember their huge hug when Shawn was giving up on Shatner? Awesome stuff.) was great as well. So there were a few chuckles spread within the dramatic aspects of the show, which understandably, isn't for everyone. Personally, I saw it as a necessary step in the evolution of the show and the characters, especially Shawn. I wouldn't want to see a show like this every week, or even more then once a season. So keeping that in mind, I'll give the show a B+, with the hopes of some great laughs next week when the two infiltrate a cult.
As a single, stand-alone episode, In For A Penny accomplished several things Ive been dying to see happen on this show. One, they truly focused on the relationship between Shawn and Juliet that have been sorely missing since the pair got together. Two, they showed Shawn making an earnest effort to grow up. Let's face it- his bumbling antics with regards to cases would be enough for any police department tl cut him loose, even despite his high success rate. For every one he gets right, he makes two or three mistakes based upon going on limited information, which is what he did here. Except, he did it in a different way- He tried to reunite Juliet and her father despite Juliet's pleas based on the belief Frank(William Shatner) was a great, successful guy. As he quickly found out, Frank was anything but. He was a sleezy, lying con-man. But throughout, Shawn truly tried to take this one seriously.

Very good points bro, and I did enjoy those things but I just didn't really find too much humor in it. In terms of the characters growning and focus on Jules and Shawn(which I have been hoping for) I thought it was excellent though.

This week's episode however was probably one of my favorites of the season, the killer was a bit predictable but I thought that it was hilarious. I love when they give Lassie a lot of oppertunity to get his lines in and in this one they really let him off the chain, he was gold when he was calling the cult people hippies. I thought that the cult people were very funny and I loved the story, it reminded me of an episode of Monk where Howie Mandel plays a very similar character to Eli and he turns out to be a fraud as well, plus the guy who played Eli was on Monk once as well. I always enjoy episodes where Shawn or Gus get into to something and the other has to get them out of it and this was one of the funniest of those situations, I love how Gus just bought into the cult because of an attractive girl. Lastly they should make a book filled with pick up lines from Gus because the lines he laid down at the beginning were priceless! Overall great episode and I'm really looking forward to next week's with Jason Presley as the guest star, plus I'm pretty sure the place it's filmed is where I go on vacation with my cousins every summer!
Very good points bro, and I did enjoy those things but I just didn't really find too much humor in it. In terms of the characters growning and focus on Jules and Shawn(which I have been hoping for) I thought it was excellent though.

From what it appears from what we're getting from the Season Finale, the Shawn/Juliet dynamic is going to be played up very much tomorrow, and hopefully with some humor, which the previews certainly seem to indicate. Ive been waiting for some time for them to give the relationship some focus on the show in terms of it being Shawn and Juliet instead of Shawn and Gus, so hopefully tomorrow's show will do that.

This week's episode however was probably one of my favorites of the season, the killer was a bit predictable but I thought that it was hilarious.

All Footloose references aside(such as at the Fruit Stand), I felt this was exactly why this weeks episode was one of the weakest, to be honest. Sure, the Tao of Gus had its moments, especially with Gus appearing to be easily brainwashed by the cult(and a woman, of course). But part of what works for me in the dynamic of the show is the banter between the major four characters, and what we got instead is the four being separated for most of the show, forced to create comedy on their own. To his credit, Gus, as he's done many times this year, stole the episode because of his gullibility and his desperation to find a woman, any woman, because he's tired of being the third wheel. I wondered if they would address this, and I'm glad they did, even if it seems somewhat disingenuous due to the fact that Shawn and Gus by all appearances spend more time together then Shawn and Juliet do.

This isnt to say that the show was without its laughs, because it certainly had its moments. Gus stole the show, and when he seemingly "snapped out" of his trance, his reaction as to why he was wearing the beeds, as well as Nicole essentially inviting him to an elightenment three-way across the world were hilarious. Lassiter's banter with both the IA agent and his vocal disdain for the commune were gems as well. But outside of that, the laughs for me were few and far between, as I'll admit I get the most laughs from the main characters playing off each other.

Is it just me, JW,(as it seems we're the only two involved in this thing) or have Corbin Bensen(Henry) and Kirsten Nelson(Chief Vick) been sorely missing from this season thusfar? We see Henry in every episode in some aspect, but they've really gone away from one of the best dynamics of the show, which was Shawn going to his dad for case advice. This show, more then any other, really drove home to me how important each of the main characters and their interaction is to making a good show. Deidrick Baker was good as Eli, but Psych fell back upon the old formula they've used time and again of "Highest Profile guest star is the bad guy", and that was apparent early. Because with episodes like these where that doesn't happen(with a weak mystery to boot), you have to me what is one of the season's worst episodes. 7.8/10 C+

I'm still expecting great things from the Fall Finale, as I realize how down I seem on the previous one. It was still a good show, and if I had never seen Psych before, Id have been drawn to see more. It just wasn't the typical excellence I'm used to from being a long-time viewer of Psych.

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