
Great episode tonight. I loved the whole Twin Peaks deal. And I marked when Shawn said he was open up until the next Wrestlemania. I still remember when they made Cabbage Patch kids as wrestler, JYD and someone else, Hacksaw maybe?

Yeah; It was Hacksaw, & (according to the DVD) that was the episode right after Cena's.

Anyone know which one Mickie was on? I forget.
Great episode tonight. I loved the whole Twin Peaks deal. And I marked when Shawn said he was open up until the next Wrestlemania. I still remember when they made Cabbage Patch kids as wrestler, JYD and someone else, Hacksaw maybe? Either way. I am pretty sure the commercials promised Cary Elwes on this episode but I didnt see him. Hmm...

Cary Elwes was on the fall/winter season opener. This episode was an all Twin Peaks cast. Yeah, James Roday(Shawn) is a legitimate wrestling fan, and he used Hacksaw Jim Duggan in Season 4's Lets Get Hairy. You can catch the episode with Despereaux On Demand, its called Extradition II: The Actual Extradition Part. Enjoy. ;)
Cary Elwes was on the fall/winter season opener. This episode was an all Twin Peaks cast. Yeah, James Roday(Shawn) is a legitimate wrestling fan, and he used Hacksaw Jim Duggan in Season 4's Lets Get Hairy. You can catch the episode with Despereaux On Demand, its called Extradition II: The Actual Extradition Part. Enjoy. ;)

I feel like James & I know a lot of the same stuff ('80s movies, etc.)... Man, did that suck when he got sick at the last minute & Dule had to host Raw w/o him!

Almost as good was Cary in the first guest spot. "Wait for it...."
Yeah; It was Hacksaw, & (according to the DVD) that was the episode right after Cena's.

Anyone know which one Mickie was on? I forget.

It was actually the episode two before Cena's episode. It was Episode 8 of season 4 entitled Lets Get Hairy.

Mickie was on Season 3, Episode 7, called Talk Derby To Me. She played Rita "Letal Weapon" Westwood. Decent episode with a good plot.
It was actually the episode two before Cena's episode. It was Episode 8 of season 4 entitled Lets Get Hairy.

Mickie was on Season 3, Episode 7, called Talk Derby To Me. She played Rita "Letal Weapon" Westwood. Decent episode with a good plot.

Sorry I got a lot of that season confused; Watched a lot of the DVD this past weekend before the return from its break.

I recalled what the episode she was in was about, but not who she played or the episode title. (I think one of the scenes "Juliet" did playing for a team is in the opening credits of Cena's episode.)
Cary Elwes was on the fall/winter season opener. This episode was an all Twin Peaks cast. Yeah, James Roday(Shawn) is a legitimate wrestling fan, and he used Hacksaw Jim Duggan in Season 4's Lets Get Hairy. You can catch the episode with Despereaux On Demand, its called Extradition II: The Actual Extradition Part. Enjoy. ;)
Hey thankx. But I already know alot, (not as much as you, I can tell you might be with psych as I am Seinfeld.) but I have been watching Psych religiously since word go, season 1 when he 1st met Jules. I think someone was eating pie and he was hitting on her.... LoL. this is like 4 years ago, dont quote me on anything, my memory is horrid.
Season Five Episode 10: "Dual Spires." It appears they're going long with this episode! Im all for it! They've re-united the cast of Twin Peaks for this one, so for a teenager in the nineties(yeah, im old:shrug:), thats an extra bonus. It was a great show while it lasted, look it up...;) Lets get to it!

Q1:They skipped the flashback this week, and went right to Shawn and Gus in the Psych Office. Apparently, they got a mysterious invitation to a town called Duel Spires(another name for "Twin Peaks"), to a Cinnamon Festival. Gus' schedule is good until the next day, Shawn is open until Wrestlemania.(as Roday is a real wrestling fan.) They've set the town up like the old Twin Peaks, which is a nice touch. Gus feels something is off, and complains that he's the first black person the town has ever seen. Funny.

They start talking to the Sheriff, and Shawn notes they got a random email. The man says they usually dont get visitors, and they don't have email in the town. Gus breaks out the super sniffer and finds Monkey Bread. Nice. They crown the Cinnamon Festival King, and its a man named Randy.

They notice the people who they were talking to before, The Parkers. They note their neice Paula is missing, as Shawn sensed from seeing that there was one chair empty. Shawn is willing to work for Cider and Pie. Classic. Paula's best friend Jack is missing as well. Someone yells from the lake, and they find the body of the couple's neice. Jack found her, and the couple is inconsolable. The show starts on quite the ominous note.

All the people are crying, and Gus is as well. He notes he's a sympathetic cryer(as he has many times before), which makes for a funny moment despite the death. Shawn mocks him, of course. Shawn notes the got an email, and says with an edge, "We weren't called here for a Cinnamon Festival." The theme song plays to the tune of the old Twin Peaks music. Awesome touch.

Q2:Back from commercial, and the sheriff notes she often snuck out at night, and must have drowned. The sheriff is going to rule the death accidental. Shawn thinks there's more to it, and wants to stick around. Shawn senses she didnt grow up there, and the couple notes she grew up in Santa Barbara. Ironic. Shawn is only getting reception in one spot, and he gets another mysterious email.

Back in Santa Barbara, Shawn calls from the Cinnamon Festival, and sexually harrasses Jules in a funny way. Gus notes how uncomfortable it was to listen to. Shawn asks Juliet to look up Paula, since she once lived in Santa Barbara. She agrees to.

They need wheels, so they find a tandem bicycle, which is quite funny. They go to the doctor, to interrogate her, and Shawn gets them in by telling her Gus ate too much Monkey Bread. Fuggin hilarious. The doctor notes the Cinnamon Festival has been canceled. Gus again is the lackey as hes forced to go through the medical testing. Shawn asks the doctor if he she knew the girl, and the doctor notes she was troubled. Shawn said he recently lost someone, who was murdered. The doctor is shaken, and quickly says she wasn't murdered. The doctor is deeply worried about Shawn's questions.

They note they need to find the Cinnamon King, and they chase him once again on their bicycle to his house. It seems he's the sheriff's son! Shawn and Gus pitch themselves as grief counselors, and the sheriff is taken by it and welcomes them in. The sheriff offers to allow Shawn and Gus to Randy's room. Shawn notes that he could tell Paula was Randy's boyfriend, which he admits. He has a solid alibi, but he starts to cry as well.. Gus begins to cry as well, which Shawn again mocks. Those funny moments in serious situations make the show.

They head to the library next, and the librarian notes Shawn is Psychic. The librarian notes they got a death, a Psychic and a Black Man all in the same day. The librarian notes that when the sheriffs wife died, she stepped in and filled a role for both the sheriff and for Randy. Shawn's last email is linked to the book, "Reincarnation and Re-Birth". They head to the lake, where they have phone signal. They call Juliet, who reveals Paula had drowned 7 years ago. Nice cliffhanger as we go to commercial. Im digging this episode so far.

Q3: Shawn and Gus are eating pie, and Gus notes that the girl drowned, got re-incarnared, and drowned again. Lassiter and Juliet show up to get a positive ID on the body, as they never recovered a body. They only found her sweater near a pile of sunflower seeds, which Shawn remembers her Uncle eating. They go visit him. He notes they faked her death, because Paula's mother was a drug addict and abused her. Lassiter notes he will have a warrant for his arrest. Shawn wants a look at Paula's room.

Gus finds Paula's diary, and Shawn finds a page written in Latin. They go back to the lake, and they call the priest from last season. He translates the passage for them, and Shawn tells him Gus will see him at church on Sunday. The priest asks if he'll see Shawn, and Shawn says "What? You're breaking up!", as the priest says there's more. Funny stuff.

They head back to the library, looking for a second boyfriend that the priest had noted had a name starting with "J". They head to Jack the photographers, and Shawn notes that he and Paula were more then just friends. He notes he left her for the Cinnamon King, but they made amends, and became confidants, and best friends. Shawn introduces Gus as "Blackman", which is quite funny. Shawn notes the photographer is blind. He admits to being with Paula the night she died. Paula had wanted to leave Duel Spires, and the photographer notes he was knocked out for an hour, and when he came to, Paula was gone. Shawn wants to look at the photos, and the photographer obliges.

Juliet shows up at the Sheriffs house, looking for the sheriff. Hes not there, but her son Randy, the Cinnamon King, is. He welcomes her in, then shuts the door with a menacing look as we go to commercial.

Q4: Back from commercial, and Randys doing a shop project on the porch. He asks what Juliet's weight is, and notes its about the same as Paula. He half-heartedly notes that it was a real tradgedy, and Shawn and Gus arrive and Shawn notes that he knocked the blind photographer out. He says Paula called him a hypocrite, as he spends time with his ex girlfriend as well. Shawn keeps making movie and tv references, but nobody gets it, because they dont have TV there.

Shawn thinks the librarian is the secret girlfriend, and Randy went to the library to break it off, and she killed Paula in a violent rage. Its a red herring, as the librarian is found hung in the library. They note that in her suicide letter she acknowledges that she was sleeping with Randy. Gus wants to leave the town, but Shawn wants to solve the case. The librarian was the one who was emailing them all this time, as she suspected foul play.As they go to reveal, they are trapped in a small room with a computer, with gas coming in, as we go to commercial. Awesome mystery in this one.

Q5: Back from commercial, and the smoke is filling the room. The priest finds them, and uses an axe to get them out of the room! Its Father Wesley! He notes that Shawn hung up before he could finish. Paula's Uncle shows up in a car, as this gets weirder. He notes they need to get out of there before whoever tried to kill them comes back. He takes them to their house, and tells them about how a drifter burned the town in 1958, and how all outsiders were viewed as evil after that. Shawn figures out that the Uncle had an affair with his wife's sister, and Paula was his daughter. Great twist!

Shawn figures out who killed Paula. It was the Doctor, and the Sheriff. Randy(the sheriffs son) was going to leave town, with Paula. The Sheriff was dying of cancer, and needed Randy to carry out his legacy. They killed Paula to prevent Randy from leaving They killed the librarian as well, as she had figured it out. They're going to kill Shawn, Gus, Paula's uncle, and the priest, as they can't let the secret get out!

But Lassiter and Juliet show up as well, right on time, and they arrest the doctor and the sheriff as they were about to shoot the four! Father Wesley notes he called them before he came to town. Makes sense. The blind photographer attempts to take their picture, and misses terribly(and comically) as we go to the final commercial.

Q6: They're in the diner as we're back from commercial. Shawn and Juliet are eating pie with Gus and Father Wesley. Lassiter is at the other table. They note the weirdness of the rest of the people in town, and how they're dancing around weirdly and barking. They decide to get out of the town. It seems quite surreal. Really odd ending, but fits if you saw Twin Peaks.

Final Thoughts: If you couldn't tell, I freaking loved this episode. They played up the "Twin Peaks" way of telling a mystery to a "T". I loved Twin Peaks, so Im quite biased here. The comedy was minimal, but quite funny when done. Gus as the sympathetic cryer and only black man the town had ever seen was awesome. I figured the doctor for being involved, but didnt see the sheriff coming.

This was the best show of the season. The mystery was damn brilliant, and it made sense. Roday(Shawn) really showed off his serious acting chops here, and pulled it off well. Getting the entire cast of Twin Peaks was a nice coo, and they played their part well. They didnt advance the Shawn and Juliet romance here, but they didnt need to. The focus was squarely on the mystery, and it was well constructed and done. The comedy, while minimal, was well placed when there. A solid A for this show.

As an aside, it look like Shawn and Gus are going to the police academy next week, so that should be good for a lot of laughs. The comedy aspect should be back in full effect after this week's serious episode.
Sorry I took a while, but school and stuff has gotten in the way. What can I say? Real life comes first.

Anyways, unlike my good frined LSN80 here, I have never heard of the show Twin Peaks before so I can't speak as if I know any references that were included in this week's episode of Psych. All I really know is that the cast of that show was used for the episode. With that said, let me get to my analysis.

I pretty much loved this episode from the beginning to the end. From the very momment the episode started, I was completely glued to the TV. When Shawn and Gus were going to that little town, I was curious to see what the setting and mood of the plot would be like. As it turns out, it was sort of as I pictured it: The juke box and layout of that one restuarant that Shawn and Gus went in to were also a [somewhat] give aways. Though the reference of that little girl asking Gus if he was Federick Douglass kind of through me off. But I'm guessing the way the setting was is a reference to the Twin Peaks show, eh? Well, I gotta say, I much liked it. It was expecially funny that Shawn and Gus used a [twin]cycle as their transportation. And then you had that Shawn could only use technology in one little area. Great comedy stuff.

Now for the plot. This was actually my favorite part of the show. The way this mystery was fromed was ulike many of the past episodes. This episode gave me the feeling of that of a Mr. Yin Presents epsiode. The comedy was pretty limited; but the mystery/suspense was emphasized a great amount.

Great examples of the mystery feeling are when so many suspects kept getting accused of being murderers when in reality, the real murderer was the sheriff of the town. I gotta say, he was the least expected person for me to be the murderer. From the beginning, I had honestly thought it was going to be Randy. He just seemed too obvious of a suspect for the murderer to not be him. And then when the librarian got accused, I was litterally with a *WTF?!* expression. I had not expected it to be her whatsoever. Funny thing though, is that it wasn't her, so it left me again with the same *WTF?!* feeling.

As for the suspense in this episode, it was all managed through the many scenes involving trying to solve this case. The mood was a great addition as well. Not so much comedy, but more of tehz seriouz businez goin on. Not knowing what was going to happen next, why did this happen, what the fuck does this mean---these were questions that kept coming to my mind.

The ending was really intriuging to say the least as I really did not understand the purpose of the folks of the twon acting so wierd. I think it's safe to say it was another Twin Peaks episode. But either way, I approve of this closing segment; it gave me a nice laugh.

So now without further a-do, my final rating for this weeks episode is a 9.5 out of 10. In other words, a solid A. As I stated above, I much enjoyed this episode. The characters were great; the setting was fabulous; the plot was phenomenal; and most important of all, the episode left me with a craving for pie. But the only minor complaint that I had was the way the climax was resolved. For the second time in the season, it had to do with Lassy and Jules just coming out of no where as if they knew where they were. I know that it was because of that one blind dude, but even still, twas a bit too staged.

But overall, 9.5 indeed. The episode well compensated for last week's no episode shit, and I am well pleased. Cannot wait for the next episode!
Psych followed up possibly thier best episode of the season with their worst. This episode was one of the most convoluted, poorly written episodes ever. :wtf: I couldn't follow the show whatsoever. Despite some hilarious moments, the show was just quite poor in every way. Anyway, on with the review of I'd Like to Thank the Academy.

Shawn and Gus are forced by Chief Vick to attend the police academy because their antics as consultants have constantly turned the department upside down. They are stripped of their consultant duties until they complete the course. The real kicker is that it wasn't Lassiter, or Shawn's dad idea that they attend, it was Juliet's who is the other high ranking detective in the department, but Shawn's girlfriend(finally!) as well.

Shawn and Gus take none of this seriously, and their instructor turns out to be an old academy mate of Lassiters. While thinking the worst, they're pleasantly surprised to find out that Lassiter and their instructor(played by Ralph Macchio) can't freaking stand each other because of who graduated with higher honors. All of this is rendered irrelevant, as Macchio's character has "stage fright" when it comes to crime and freezes in the line of duty. This explains why despite graduating with the highest honors, he's relegated to the role of an instructor. Decent start. Shawn and Gus manage to bumble their way through every part of training, including losing all of their gear given to them, which is quite funny. At any point in the episode they need said gear, they can't find it. It fits with their role as being utterly irresponsible in every way.

An especially funny moment occurs when Shawn pulls Lassiter over for going 5 over the speed limit, and asks for his license and registration. Despite being not the least bit serious, Gus continues to insist Lassiter has been drinking, and Shawn tells him if he's not cooperative, he'll tase him in the face. The problem is, the criminal theyre after gets away, as their instructor freezes while in pursuit, despite Shawn and Gus showing him a quicker route then Lassiter to catch the suspect, whose been knocking off convenience stores. They wind up at a college dorm, where they find the suspects have vacated as Shawn and Gus were on to them. Makes sense, I guess, but it was never explained how they know two "idiot" cadets were closing in. What was funny was the constant mention or loss of equipment by both Shawn or Gus that would have been beneficial in helping them solve the case.

They find that the robbers have created an alias, and are actually college students. The person who ius supposedly responsible doesnt even exist, according to Shawn and Gus' research. They want to track the suspect, but are forced to go back to the academy. Because of his screw up in the field, their instructor is suspended for a month. This time, their instructor is Juliet, whom they both pepper with rediculous questions she cant possibly answer. Its nice to see Shawn is wearing off on Gus, as he was quite a bit funnier in this episode. Juliet allows them to ride along in pursuit of the suspect, but finds that its an elderly Chinese lady in a Volvo. While both Lassiter and Juliet are pissed off, Shawn and Gus find it hilarious, especially since Juliet locked them in the back of the police cruiser. This was funny.

Shawn and Gus convince their former instructor to help them, and he reluctantly agrees. They close in on the suspect, but it turns out hes in debt 125,000 dollars, but founbd a way to pay it off. Because of yet another screw up, their instructor is suspended yet another month, although Shawn and Gus are re-instated as consultants, because they tracked the suspect.

The "showdown" occurs in a grocery store, as both bookies want to kill Dickie, the college student, over the missing money. Shawn and Gus have once again convinced their instructor to take them to the crime scene, although he waits in the car out of fear. Shawn and Gus hilariously provide distractions, using the one thing they didnt lose from their time at the academy, their radio. Of course. The bad guys gun each other down one by one, but the final one left wants his money, and takes a hostage. Just as hes about to kill Shawn(despite quite hilariously complimented him on his Nike's and wanting to know where he bought them) , their instructor shows up, and though shaking uncontrollably, shoots the gun from the criminal's hand. This makes sense as he was outside anyway, so he probably saw the entire scene going down. It fits much better then the "Juliet and Lassiter show up just as shawn and Gus are about to be killed" logic that has dominated this season. The other redeeming part was Gus being able to emulate an AK47 sound using his voice over their cadet radio. It was funnier then it sounds written.

Anyhow, the end finds all of them in Chief Vicks office, where she begrudgingly congratulates them for a job well done. Lassiter and the academy instructor make nice, and all is well in the world. Shawn and Gus are forced to return the groceries they "commandeered" from the crime scene, but Juliet has something better. A "sexy jacket" she'll be wearing that night for Shawn.

Final Thoughts: Did I mention that this show sucked? There were parts at the police academy and afterwards that were quite funny, but I just couldnt get into the plot. Shawn really didnmt use his psychic "ability whatsoever, which is a hallmark of the show. The story was hard to follow, and I couldnt understand who was after who, and why. Maybe my high expectations are what left me so disapointed this week.

The real downer for me was the Shawn and Gus interaction. They got along well, which NEVER happens. Funny moments occurred, but none as funny as the usual bickering between them. The typical wrap-up Shawn gives at the end wasn't done, and the Shawn/Juliet love angle wasn't furthered in any way, except for one small part at the end. It felt like they just wanted to get to nexts week's Christmas episode, and threw shit at the wall, hoping it would stick. It didnt. :disappointed:

I just felt the show was poorly written without all the bells and whistles that make Psych what it is. Typically, the show is usually over the top with antics, or has a great pot. It also typically advances a backstory, such as Shawn and Juliet, and it failed at this. The Christmas episode is next week, with 2 episodes of Psych, but it felt like they skipped all semblance of good writing to get to the Christmas episode. For the humor, Ill be generous and give the show a C, but it was easily one of the worst episodes Ive ever seen.

Next week, we get a double dose of Psych, including a Christmas episode. Two hours folks, which should be fun. Ill try to get reviews up for both that night, per your requests. I appreciate all who have commented on my reviews, as they make them worth doing.;) Mercifully, I expect this show to be the exception, and not the rule.
The real downer for me was the Shawn and Gus interaction. They got along well, which NEVER happens. Funny moments occurred, but none as funny as the usual bickering between them. The typical wrap-up Shawn gives at the end wasn't done, and the Shawn/Juliet love angle wasn't furthered in any way, except for one small part at the end. It felt like they just wanted to get to nexts week's Christmas episode, and threw shit at the wall, hoping it would stick. It didnt. :disappointed:

I just felt the show was poorly written without all the bells and whistles that make Psych what it is. Typically, the show is usually over the top with antics, or has a great pot. It also typically advances a backstory, such as Shawn and Juliet, and it failed at this. The Christmas episode is next week, with 2 episodes of Psych, but it felt like they skipped all semblance of good writing to get to the Christmas episode. For the humor, Ill be generous and give the show a C, but it was easily one of the worst episodes Ive ever seen.

These were more or less my thoughts on this week's show. Clearly, this week's episode was done soley for the Lulz. The plot wasn't as intruiging as previous episodes; The main *villian* of the story was a joke; most important of all, the story was full of plot holes as well as flaws.

Let's see. Shawn and Gus apparently disobey orders (like always); only this time, Chief Vick sends them to train in the police academy because she has had it with their shenanegans. They meet an old acquantance of Lassidor who acts like a hard-ass at first, but ends up being a pussy throughout the rest of the episode [until the very end where he saves the day].

Okay, I get that it was all part of the storyline, but did it really have to be executed so poorly? I mean, yes, the guy was nothing more than a pussy and yes, he had a rivalry with Lassidor which stemed the purpose of this episodel; but they could a least made it look a bit more believable. It was never explained why the guy was a pussy, nor was the [past] rivalry between Lassidor and Nick emphasized. I don't think it was ever explained why they "hated" each oher. Sure, they mentioned it a bit in the beginning, but that was about all the explanation that we were given. Also, at the end of the episode, where it's seen that the two of them (Lassidor and Nick) are about to hug each other. What the fuck was up with that? First they look like they hate each other, now they want to hug more? Jesus Christ. And this was one of the plot-holes I noticed in this weeks episode.

Another plot hole that I'd like to point out was the one where Shawn and Gus are seen going after that teenager dude who had apparently robbed something(?). Shawn follows him to a college campus room where another kid is seen just sitting in his chair reading as if nothing had happened. And to make thing's worse, another kid, who was apparently asleep during the entire time asks Shawn if he is a fireman.

Alright, let's break this down, shall we? If a guy walks into your room that you have no idea who they are, wouldn't the first thing you do be either run, fight him off, or in the very least scream? Common logic would want you to do that. But no, one of the kids was sleeping, and the other was reading a book. Now, Shanw being the amazing Psychic that he is, did not catch this? He walks into a room, where apparently a masked dude just ran into and jumped out the window, and the only occupants there are just either sleeping or reading. Hmmm....

..How the fuck did Shawn not notice this?! Clearly teh both of them were faking the shit up! Eugh. This scene was so poorly done. Better yet, the whole episode was poorly done.

I think the only plus side to this week's episode were the few jokes here and there; but even still, I don't think that this compensates for the amount of damage caused by the plot holes and the flaws of this week's episode. This was nothing like any previous episode we have ever seen of Psych let alone last week's episode. My guess was that this episode was just done for the sake of being done. I don't think any of the writers really cared much about it. They just needed this episode to fill a time slot; it was nothing more than a filler leading in to next week's Christmas episode.

Over all, This week's episode recieves a C -. Although it was stupidly executed, it did make a great time killer. I didn't enjoy counting how many flaws I encounterd, but as a Psych mark, I did enjoy seeing Psych in general. Psych is indeed one of my favorite shows, and I will gladly take a shit episode over having no episode at all.

But anyways, next week we have two new back-to-back episodes. Now, here's to hoping that next week compensates for the idiocracy found in this week...
I've already made it rather clear I enjoyed much of this week's episode compared to last week's (though I agree it was not the best of the season thus far by far). However, I have to respond to this idea...

But anyways, next week we have two new back-to-back episodes. Now, here's to hoping that next week compensates for the idiocracy found in this week...

If anything, I have to believe that they are scheduling 2 episodes back-to-back partly due to their low-quality work. (Or maybe vice-versa; They knew they'd be back-to-back in the schedule, & so didn't worry so much about quality on either individually.)

The fact the ad discussed their Christmas episode (something I believe Shawn referred to doing every year in a previous episode) this far ahead of the holiday especially makes me curious.
This past week's episode wasn't up to the standard that Psych has produced, but it is nothing I'm gonna worry about and get to thinking that the show might be hitting a slump. The episode had its moments, but it was probably the worse of the season thus far. However I'm pretty amped for next week as we'll get a back to back dose of Psych and that can never be a bad thing. Every show has that episode where you go "Why the hell did I just sit through that?", but when Psych has given us a downer of an episode they usually bounce back. I think this episode's main purpose was to show that despite their lack of police qualifications, Gus and Shawn are much better the way they usually run things.
This past week's episode wasn't up to the standard that Psych has produced, but it is nothing I'm gonna worry about and get to thinking that the show might be hitting a slump. The episode had its moments, but it was probably the worse of the season thus far. However I'm pretty amped for next week as we'll get a back to back dose of Psych and that can never be a bad thing. Every show has that episode where you go "Why the hell did I just sit through that?", but when Psych has given us a downer of an episode they usually bounce back. I think this episode's main purpose was to show that despite their lack of police qualifications, Gus and Shawn are much better the way they usually run things.

I agree with much of that, except that I'd say this was the bounce-back after the "Twin Peaks" episode, which I hope was appreciated by fans of that show, as it seemed like a not-that-great episode to a "Psych" fan like me.

Also, I think it was largely to show they are much better at working the way they normally do. I wouldn't say their way is better overall than police procedure, if tried by others. (I have to wonder if the episode with William Devane & Carl Weathers might've tried to show that.)
If anything, I have to believe that they are scheduling 2 episodes back-to-back partly due to their low-quality work. (Or maybe vice-versa; They knew they'd be back-to-back in the schedule, & so didn't worry so much about quality on either individually.)

The fact the ad discussed their Christmas episode (something I believe Shawn referred to doing every year in a previous episode) this far ahead of the holiday especially makes me curious.

Woah, hold on there a minute, buddy. You're jumping the gun a bit. The reason they're doing back-to-back episodes next week is because December 22 is their final timeslot to get in a new episode. Furthermore, Dec. 22 will also be the season finale of Season 5. And seeing as how it's the season finale, it should be fairly obvious as to what their last episode would be. Yup, the season finale will have to do with Mr. Yin.

Now since the season finale is scheduled for December 22, that only gives Psych one week to deliver two episodes. So what do they do? They make them back-to-back. One will be a Christmas episode; the other will be whatever it is. Simple as that.

Couldn't they have exended thier final timeslot to a bit later so that the Christmas episode is closer to the actual Christmas time? Sure, but I can't give you a fact supported reason as to why this isn't the case; That's something that [probably] only the USA network and Psych would know.
Woah, hold on there a minute, buddy. You're jumping the gun a bit. The reason they're doing back-to-back episodes next week is because December 22 is their final timeslot to get in a new episode. Furthermore, Dec. 22 will also be the season finale of Season 5. And seeing as how it's the season finale, it should be fairly obvious as to what their last episode would be. Yup, the season finale will have to do with Mr. Yin.

Now since the season finale is scheduled for December 22, that only gives Psych one week to deliver two episodes. So what do they do? They make them back-to-back. One will be a Christmas episode; the other will be whatever it is. Simple as that.

Couldn't they have exended thier final timeslot to a bit later so that the Christmas episode is closer to the actual Christmas time? Sure, but I can't give you a fact supported reason as to why this isn't the case; That's something that [probably] only the USA network and Psych would know.

I understand your reasoning... But frankly, I'd make the 12/22 episode the Christmas episode, considering Christmas is 12/25 (& has been since long before there was a "Psych").
I understand your reasoning... But frankly, I'd make the 12/22 episode the Christmas episode, considering Christmas is 12/25 (& has been since long before there was a "Psych").

Nahhhh. It's only logical that the last scheduled episode would be having to do with Mr. Yin. I'm sure you've noticed: There's a trend to the season finale the Psych season's have been having as of late. They always end their season with something associated to Mr. Yin.

Besides, Mr. Yin is the single biggest Psych storyline that they have going (other than Shawn and Jules romance thing), it makes perfect sense that they end their season with a continuation of the Yin saga.
Nahhhh. It's only logical that the last scheduled episode would be having to do with Mr. Yin. I'm sure you've noticed: There's a trend to the season finale the Psych season's have been having as of late. They always end their season with something associated to Mr. Yin.

Besides, Mr. Yin is the single biggest Psych storyline that they have going (other than Shawn and Jules romance thing), it makes perfect sense that they end their season with a continuation of the Yin saga.

I agree... But there have been shows that aren't even having seasons at the time, & they have a special episode for Christmas, & then nothing for a while.

I could see that; Frankly, I don't see why "Psych" would be special. If they're going to have a Christmas episode, & they have an episode scheduled within a week of the holiday, that is when you have the holiday episode.
I believe this all goes down to what I said in the post you quoted me. Psych wants to end its season finale with its customary tradition of the episode having to do with Mr Yin. which, to me, makes perfect sense because as I said earlier the Yin Saga is the single biggest shit-hole Psych has. Would it not be better to end the season with a story so impactful? It comes to the point where it makes yo uthink: either you go with something that relates more to the holiday season or you go with something that will leave your audience with a bang and wanting for more.

Now, let me ask you, TJ, which would you find more attractive?

I get the point you're trying to make; but storyline-wise, Psych has a much greater benefit with ending its season with a Yin episode. If Psych were to go with Yin and then the Christmas, it would sort of ruin the whole emotional aspect that would result off of Yin's episode, as next week you would have something that is totally un-related to what it is that you wanted to see---"what happens next in the yin saga", savy?
I agree with much of that, except that I'd say this was the bounce-back after the "Twin Peaks" episode, which I hope was appreciated by fans of that show, as it seemed like a not-that-great episode to a "Psych" fan like me.

Also, I think it was largely to show they are much better at working the way they normally do. I wouldn't say their way is better overall than police procedure, if tried by others. (I have to wonder if the episode with William Devane & Carl Weathers might've tried to show that.)

I think that majority of Psych fans would say they loved the Twins Peaks episode of Psych. It was a great plot, and still managed to get in a few laughs. Like MA said, I trhink the point of sending them to the academy, then watching them do things their own way, is Psych's silly little way of seeing which gets better results, and also at what cost.

The Devane and Weathers episode was hilarious. It was another example where even the straight line chief agreed that they get results, despite their unflinching reluctance to follow police procedure in every way. Its another one of the great back stories of the show. Its been going on since day one, including Shawn's dad. "Follow procedure", they tell Shawn and Gus. But at the end of the day, in this goofy, brilliant comedy, its Shawn's antics that get results. And there's no arguing that.
Q1:This is the first of back to back episodes, this one being the Christmas special. It's not so festive, however, as Shawn has a case and evidence thrown out due to an illegal search. As a result, crime lord Roman Czarsky walks free, and Chief Vick suspends Shawn and Gus indefinitely, and terminates Shawn's dad position as chief of consultant's entirely. Shawn, in typical laiszze faire fashion, declares he'll find a way to get them both re-hired, and his father says "Sometimes I wonder what my life would be like if you had never returned to Santa Barbara 5 years ago."

Back from commercial, and Shawn is watching the footage of him obtaining the illegal evidence. He begins to dream of exactly what his dad had said: Life in Santa Barbara without him. Tony Cox, from Bad Santa, is Shawn's alter ego, guiding him through the stages of his dream.

Shawn first heads to his dad's house, where his dad's hair has grown long, and he's calling his ex-wife begging to reconcile. He hasn't bathed in weeks, and is undressed. His dad begins to cry as a result.

They next head to Gus' house, where Gus is married, and his wife has a son that's not his own. Gus is basically unappreciated, as his stepson tells him he's not his dad repeatedly, and his wife leaves him with a stack of credit card bills. Shawn surmises that had he not come back, his family and friends would be miserable without him. Tony Cox informs him he's in for a big surprise, as Gus' wife announces a key piece of evidence as if she's a reporter as we had to commercial. Right now, Im not feeling the interaction between Shawn and Tony Cox much, or this episode.

Q2:They head to the police station next, where Vick is demoted from Chief, and Lassiter is chief. Lassiter is bitching that only 31% of all criminals have been shot, which is completely unacceptable. Lassiter is dressed as if he's in the 1800's, which is a funny touch. Vick spits out a key piece of evidence on crime Lord Szarsky as well.

Juliet has never been transferred to Santa Barbara, as Lassiter's affair has never been outed by Shawn. They head to Miami, where Juliet is a super beat cop. Her partner is a pussy, and she's somehow dating Lebron James. They engage in a rediculous car chase with criminals over stolen cigars. Another key piece of evidence comes over the radio, as they head back to the Psych office.

More rediculousness ensues as "Young Shawn" and Tony Cox engage in an argument over Shawn. Cox tries to tell Shawn that he's going to lose the people in his life he cares about if he doesn't begin to treat them better.Shawn orders both to go away, and awakes from his dream. He continues to watch the footage of the botched evidence acquisiton, and remebers that the security cameras that "caught him" were on the outside of the warehouse, not the inside. He attempts to call Gus again as we go to commercial. This has been neither funny or suspenseful thus far.

Q3: Back from commercial, and Shawn is tracking down Gus. Shawn reveals to Gus that he should have listened to him, and Gus has been the best relationship in his life. They engage in rediculous banter, and Shawn convinces Gus he can fix the case, and get them re-hired. Shawn is sentimental here, but the banter is funny.

They break in to an apartment, where Gus uses the supersniffer. Shawn tells Gus he has to play by the book, and more funny banter ensues. Shawn heads back to the police station, where Lassiter has less patience for him then usual. He tells Lassiter he should have more of his discipline, and Lassiter piles on rediculous compliments. Shawn claims he has a new lead, and Lassiter reluctantly agrees to go. They had back to the apartments, where they smell something flammable, and Lassiter deams it cause.

Shawn discovers that the crime lord hadn't been watching him, but someone had been watching Szarsky. Shawn was just caught by accident. Lassiter discovers the source of the odor, and that someone was building a bomb to kill Szarsky. His original source was in Miami, where they talk about how a woman was murdered in Szarskys cleanup before he moved his operations to Santa Barbara.

Lassiter orders Gus and Shawn to stakeout Szarsky, and Juliet and Lassiter will head to find the bombmaker. Shawn falls asleep in the car, and Tony Cox reappears. He informs Shawn that the reason his dad took the job with the police was that he wanted to protect Shawn and enjoys spending time with Shawn.

Lassiter and Juliet track down a suspect, and discover that it was a man named Juan, whose fiancee had died in a fire started by Sazarsky in Miami. They interrogate him, but he won't talk. He talks to Shawn, because he already knows who he is. Shawn's interference had caused Juan to turn over the evidence to the DA. Shawn deduces that Juan is going to blow up Szarsky, and tries to convince him to not blow him up. Juan reveals its too late, and Shawn "devines" that Szarsky will blow up in 24 minutes as we head to break. A very formula plot that a paint by numbers revenge scheme.

Q4: Shawn is trying to convince Juan to tell him as to where the bomb is. They rescue Szarsky, as Shawn continues to promise he can bring Szarsky down. Szarksy taunts Juan over his fiancees death. Shawn says he will testify, and says he hasn't begun to embarrass himself. Shawn gets on the car and says he cant prove the guilt, and Gus says the same, but he knows the shopownkers on the street(who have vacated their shops due to there being a bomb). They both say they know Szarsky has been extorting them. They allow Juan to testify, and he does emotionally about his girlfriend's dream to open a restaurant, and how Szarsky burnt it down. Shawn had created a ruse that there was a bomb to draw them there, and all of the shop owners agree to testify against Szarsky. Juan was never going to blow him up. After the cops leave, Shawn and Gus reveal that Shawn had Gus defuse the bomb before the cops got there. Nice touch! There had been a bomb, and Shawn had tricked everybody. As usual, its Shawn's results that matter, not his methods, although he's convinced everybody he did things the "right way." We head to the final commercial on that note.

Q5: Shawn is with Chief Vick, and Shawn is off the hook with Internal Affairs, but still suspended until after the New Year. He convinces the chief to give his dad his job back in an emotional moment. Shawn goes to his dad's house, where hes alseep on the couch. Shawn covers his sleeping dad with a blanket and sits in the chair next to him and watches TV. Tony Cox is on the TV as the show concludes.

Final Thoughts: On the fence on this one folks. It had its rediculous dream sequence, which was supposed to teach Shawn a lesson. It did in some ways, but the dynamic between Shawn and Gus hit when it needed to. The show really picked up in the second half, although they continue to baffingly stay away from ther Shawn and Juliet relationship. I feared this would happen once they got together. But a nice holiday moment at the end between Shawn and his dad, and this show was more about creating a "feel good" moment then anything. It had it's moments, but Tony Cox hurt this show more then you would think. C+.
Q1: The second of back to backs, as Lassiter is introducing his younger, beautiful sister, whose doing a film on polkice work as her thesis. Lassiter is insistant he be the focus, and Juliet informs them theres a body at the zoo. Lassiter's sister tells him she's upset he called her "an accident". Juliet has to ride in the back as Lassiter is showing off the car he has.

Shawn and Gus beat them to the crime scene. Shawn and Gus want to get in on the picture, and Gus wants to get with Lassiter's sister. Shawn hilariously ruins this by stating loudly that Gus has Hepatitis Z. Juliet is getting into the film as well as she reveals that the bear at the zoo turned on the trainer, Jasper, and killed him. His fiancee shows up crying, noting Jasper had rescued the bear. Gus continues to hit on Lassiter's sister, as Shawn interferes every time. Lassiter is surveying the crime scene, where he notes two attacks by the bear. Shawn "devines" through his umbrella that the bear didn't kill the trainer, and the bear was framed. Funny start to this one.

Q1: The second of back to backs, as Lassiter is introducing his younger, beautiful sister, whose doing a film on polkice work as her thesis. Lassiter is insistant he be the focus, and Juliet informs them theres a body at the zoo. Lassiter's sister tells him she's upset he called her "an accident". Juliet has to ride in the back as Lassiter is showing off the car he has.

Shawn and Gus beat them to the crime scene. Shawn and Gus want to get in on the film, and Gus wants to get with Lassiter's sister. Shawn hilariously ruins this by stating loudly that Gus has Hepatitis Z. Juliet is getting into the film as well as she reveals that the bear at the zoo turned on the trainer, Jasper, and killed him. His fiancee shows up crying, noting Jasper had rescued the bear. Gus continues to hit on Lassiter's sister, as Shawn interferes every time. Lassiter is surveying the crime scene, where he notes two attacks by the bear. Shawn "devines" through his umbrella that the bear didn't kill the trainer, and the bear was framed. Funny start to this one.

Q2: Back from commercial, and Gus is still hitting on the Lassiter's sister. Everyone is more concerned about getting onto camera, rather then working the case. The coroner notes that the bear could have attacked the trainer, but it could have been something else as well. Juliet is relayed a call that the bear had broken out of the zoo. Juliet says she knows what the bear would do for a klondike bear, in an attempt to be funny. It was. Shawn is convinced theres an innocent bear running around, and they need to find it. Shawn finds that the fence was broken inward, so someone had forced their way into the cage. Shawn thinks he knows who helped the bear escape. Gus, in typical chickenshit fashion, wants no part of it.

Shawn heads to a local diner, where he remembers seeing a guy at a rally, who may have helped the bear escape. Shawn is correct, and engages in rediculous banter. Shawn tries to order meat in a vegan restaurant. Hilarious. Shawn tries to assure the guy who broke the bear out to tell him where.

Back at the Psych office, and Gus is eating cereal, and walks into the main room, to find the bear there, as we head to commercial. Apparently, Shawn has stashed the bear in the Psych office. Good Lord, this episode is damn funny and rediculous at the same time.

Q3: Back from commercial, and Gus is freaking out. Shawn is trying to calm thim down, by noting that the bear is trapped by a fake electric fence. Gus runs away and falls down in the next room. Shawn is trying to keep the bear hidden, and so is the animal activist, McCloud who kidnapped it. Shawn and Gus believe he's the killer, and Shawn wants to take the bear. Shawn goes through the drive through at a fish fast food joint, where he orders 128 fish sandwiches for the bear. Hilarious.

They attempt to break into the trainer's house, and get caught. Lassiter is continuing to grandstand for the camera as hes on the hunt for the bear. Inside the trainer's house, Shawn finds that the bear was worth a lot of money dead then alive, and that the Zoo Director took out the insurance policy. Juliet has figured out that Shawn has the bear, and they stashed the bear at his dad's house. A tip had been called in that a blue Echo(Gus' car) was spotted with a trailer behind it. Gus is taunting the bear, and Juliet tells Shawn he's breaking the law, and she wont wait for him if he goes to jail. Shawn hilariously asks Juliet to look at the bear and see if its a murderer. But the police have found them, and a marksman takes the bear down as Lassiter remarks "nice shot" as we go to commercial. Solid episode so far, with good comedic flow as well as a nice backstory with Lassiter's sister and the bear.

Q4: We're back, and Shawn and Gus go to see the bear, where its in custody. McCloud, the activist, is with them, and he starts crying over the bear. Gus, the sympathetic cryer, begins to cry as well. Shawn acknowledges he thought McCloud was the killer, and they debate over the bear. McCloud reveals that the zoo gets nothing if the bear is euthanized, or attacks someone. Shawn finds a heart moniter on the beer, and wants to grant the bear a stay of execution.

He gets a Mr Blair, whose in charge of animal euthanization, and Shawn has to prove the bear didnt kill the trainer. He notes that Lassiters sister has video footage, and its the coroner speaking. He has a time of death between 1130 and 330. Gus reads the bears heart monitor, and the bear couldnt have killed the trainer. Shawn has used courtroom jargon the whole time, which is hilarious. He gets the "stay of execution" for the bear. Lassiter's sister is saying that Shawn and Gus' methods are odd and disturbing, but effective, and Lassiter is dismissing them. Lassiter is hurt by his sister's note that he needs more action. She remains uninthralled by Lassiter's beliefs that the evidence is in the box, but Lasssiter finds it anyway.

Shawn and Gus are at the trainer's house, and interviewing witnesses. He notes that the trainer and his fiancee were arguing, and it seemed the trainer was having an affair. Lassiter's sister is filming them, and Shawn believes the fiancee killed him out of jealousy over the trainers fascination with the bear. Lassiter has arrested the fiancee as we go to commercial. Gus and Shawn couldnt figure out how to get into the fiancees home, as Gus has continued to try and hit on Lassiters sister. Im still thinking someone else is responsible for the trainers death.

Q5:Lassiter is brasgging about the collar back from commercial, as Gus is sniffing Lassiter's sister. Lassiter notes how he tied all the details together, and how hes going to get a confession. This is funny shit. He does the interrogation on film, but keeps trying to be dramatic. Shawn notes that both the victim and the fiancee had the same blood type. Shawn notes that she got the blood on the shirt he thought she wore to kill the trainer was done by her using roses. Shawn mocks Lassiter over it.

Lassiter's sister is erasing the footage of the interrogation room, and she says that Carlton is foolish, and Shawn and Gus constantly one up him. Shawn has a discovery, but Gus wants to make a move on the sister, so they argue tremendously. Shawn is going through the evidence as Gus continues to hit on Lassiter's sister. Gus sees Lassiter though as he goes to kiss her. Funny. Shawn gets a psychic vibe and says hes going to the scene of the crime.

They head back to the house, where Shawn is stuttering over his lines. Lassiter knows exactly what happened, and he takes over the "reveal" for Shawn. Lassiter notes that it was a neighbor dispute, and the neighbor sued the trainor over property lines. He murdered his neighbor over property lines, where the neighbor Shawn and Gus had questioned before had killed him, and over two feet of property. Lassiter does a reveal that would make Shawn proud, and Lassiter's sister is finally impressed. Shawn reveals after he left that he knew all along, and had let Lassiter do the reveal. Gus was too busy hitting on the sister, Shawn notes. "You know that's right", Gus responds, as we head to commercial.

Q6: Juliet is being filmed when back from break, she's still nervous about being on film. Then next Shawn and Gus. Then Shawn's dad, who notes he wants to be alive when Shawn balds. Shawn and Gus are talking about friendship. Lassiter is talking about how he read his sister to sleep at night. She notes it was her Mirranda rights. Funny. Shawn notes that he doesnt know where they'll be in 50 years, but maybe it will be in outer space if they ever figure out how to. Gus notes they already have, and Shawn, in typical clueless fashion, says Gus is sweet and he'll keep him, not knowing that they have men in space. Funny ending sequence.

Final Thoughts: Im all over this show, as it was all kinds of funny. The rediculousness of them stealing the bear and hiding it in the Psych office was typical laisze faire Shawn thinking. The mystery was good with a lot of red herrings. The backstory with the interaction between Gus, Lassiter's sister, and Shawn trying to keep them apart was wonderfully done. They did a good job with re-establishing Shawn's "psychic" ability, and the Shawn and Gus dynamic was back in full force. They again did little to advance the Shawn and Juliet relationship, which is becoming a victim of them not knowing what to do with them now that they're together, it appears. Still, a funny episode that really was Psych back at its roots. Shawn and his rediculous antics with a decent mystery. The supporting characters, especially Lassiter, were excellent in this one. We get the season finale next season, which concludes the Yin/Yang trilogy, the biggest mystery on this show. Should be all kinds of awesome. The second half of this week's was at a solid B+.
I just finished watching this epsiode; and I gotta say. I was actually fairly impresed with how good it was. From beginning to end, it had me tuned in, wanting to keep watching more. Not only that, but it was Christmas themed--and that's always fun to watch. But the best part of this episode was not the storyline, nor was it the jokes, nor the holiday sperit--the real key to making this episode such a success was it's purpose.

The purpose of this episode was to accomlish one thing and one thing only. Teach Shawn the meaning of responsibility and show him the results it can bring. Now, how did they do this, you ask? Well, through the dream sequence leading to the resolution of the episode.

The dream sequence accomplished two things that I'd like to point out:

1) It showed that without Shawn, all the lives of the people close to him would be shit in some form of way. But while to the naked eye, this might not be considered so much as a lesson; it actually really is; you just have to think a while to find it. To be honest, I found myself pausing said momments various times as well as rewinding--trying to find out what the fuck was the purpose for the dreaming shit. But after a while, I figured it out.

As it was claimed by the midget dude, it was all plain luck that got Shawn to where he was. But now, his luck had ran out; leaving him, Gus, and his dad without a job. Had he stayed being a dumb fuck like he was 5 years ago, he would have altered the lives of those close to him. It was all dumb luck that made everything successful, but what if he had not been so lucky? What if he had stayed seeminglessly looking for jobs?! Well, we saw the results, did we not?

This proves that while although dumb luck got Shawn to where he is now, had he been RESPONSIBLE, he would've had a greater chance of success; thus less chance of situations going wrong.

2) The second thing that this dream sequence proved was that while although Shawn has to take [a bit] more responsibility for his actions, that does not mean that he can't keep being the "12 year old" that he is now. Hence, the reason that kid version of him was there and that argument occured.

In summation, Shawn has to be more responsible for his actions, but every bad decision he takes can ultimately damage the future. Which is exactly what happened at the beginning of the episode. Shawn was irresponsible and cost the jobs of himself, Gus, and his dad. But, when he was responsible, everything turned out better than perfect. A criminal was filed for worse crimes, a mexican(?) dude didn't go to jail. His dad got his job back. And so did he and Gus. Hell, he even earned some approval from Lassidor.

Overall, this episode is one of my favorites. I've always been a fan of holiday themed episodes, and I feel as if though this one worked out rather fine. Cheers to Psych for making a comeback from last week's semi-dissapointment.

RATING: A (9.5 out of 10)

Side Note: I haven't watched the other episode yet; but I'll have my analysis on the show up by tommorow morning or something.
I have never watched Psych until tonights Christmas episode and hot damn did it make me a fan. I absolutely love the quick and witty dialogue mixed with all of the pop culture references. Shawn and Gus have tremendous chemistry together. I also really enjoyed this Christmas episode, it was a great homage to It's A Wonderful Life. Seeing how Shawn not moving back home effected their lives was really funny, yet intriguing at the same time. And the ending with everyone stepping up to bring down a scumbag was pretty cool. Overall I really enjoyed my first viewing of Psych and really want to see some more now.
I'm a bit torn between this episode. While I will admit it was very solid from start to finish--the Storyline, the puns, the jokes, the background story--all of that made perfect sense, I just didn't find this episode so interesting. I mean, sure it delivered all the strengths of a Psych episode, but something about tis episode just made me scream "meh".

Perhaps it was the lack of the storyline actually being interesting. The storyline consisted of a polar bear that had been framed for murder by the neighbor of the person that got killed. There were a few twists in between as well as a bit of comedy. Hmmm, upon text, such a story doesn't seem like something that would make the story "interesting" to see. Sure, Polar bears are cool, but would anyone really care to see a story of a polar bear getting framed? I'm not trying to be inconsideret here, but I feel as if the story used for the second episode to be rather uninteresting.

Nevertheless, I digress. Everything in this episode was completely solid. I couldn't really detect any plot holes nor any flaws in it so that must mean it was well established. And then you had Shawn and Gus usually comedy going on which is always fun to watch. Oh, and we got to see Shawn with his Psychic powers again, so that's cool.

Hmm...I don't think I have anything more to say for this episode so I'll just give it my final rating:

RATING: B 8.5 out of 10

Like I said, the episode was solid. It's just the lack of "interesting" in the storyline that made me a bit torn.

Also, before I finish this post, I would like to say that I think that the Juliet and Shawn love story will be expanded on next week's episode--the seasn finale, "Yin 3 in 2D." God, I seriously cannot wait for this episode. It's what I've been waiting for since this season started. Just a few more days!!!

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