

King Of The Ring
I havent seen a thread on this, so I figured Id start one. If you can't tell by my sig, Psych is my favorite television show. 10pm Wednesday nights, the rest of the world be damned. I love the chemistry betweenJames Roday and Dule Hill's characters, and all of the old 80s references they throw in. A great mix of comedy and a mystery, as well as simple, but solid backstories really drive this show for me.

So do you like Psych? If so, do any episodes stick out as your favorite?
I've only gotten into Psych recently. I saw all of last season and half of the one before that. I don't know if any specific episode really sticks out for me. Honestly I find pretty much all of them hilarious. You're right on their chemistry. They play off each other so well. And their old school references kick ass. "She blinded me with... SCIENCE!" HA!

Now as far as the mystery, I don't really think that part of the show is really emphasized. Yeah, they're technically a detective agency, but the show itself is obviously centered around their screenplay together and with the other cast. I'm not really complaining though as I like their screenplay. But I wouldn't necessarily complain if they put a little more focus on the mystery itself.

But overall, one of my favorite shows. Has me waiting for Novemeber, that's for sure.
Pysch is without a doubt a really great show.

Just as the OP said, the chemistry made between Shawn Spencer and Burton Guster is phenomenal. Shawn is an out-going, knucklehead, reckless dude who always seems to come out on top in just about every situation. In contrast, you have Gus, the foil to Shawn. Gus is just about the opposite to everything Shawn is personality wise. Basically, one is a risk taker, the other is a coward. Shawn and Gus feed off each others energy making for a very entertaining team to watch on any given occasion.

Then you have Carlton Lassidor and Juliet Oherra, the detectives from the Santa Barberra police department under the guidance of Chief Vick. Carlton is your stereo-type goofy hard-ass who dislikes Spencer in every way. Mainly because of how good he is at solving case and the fact that he is skeptical to believe that Shawn really is psychic. Juliet on the other hand, is one of a kind. She is sweet, considerate, and nice. However she is a detective that upholds the law at any cost; even to the point where she has the courage to arrest her own brother.

Over the run of the show, Juliet and Shawn begin to have confusing feelings toward each other that build up up until wheb the arrival of Mr. Yang. It is in the Season Finale of Season 3 that Shawn (much to the influence of having no real girlfriend) decides to ask out her high school never was on a date. Eventually they end up becoming a couple, leaving Juliet out of the mix. The love situation between Juliet and Shawn is really interesting as it always comes so close to happening, but in the end, it never does. There always seems to be an obstacle that gets in the way every single time. Examples of this are in the Mr. Yang situation or the most recent one Juliet dating that one guy, Shawn 2.0 (I forget his real name).

The plots of the episode are all relatively the same. A case occurs; Lassidor is useless; Shawn and Gus come out on top without much effort. While to the naked eye this might sound pretty boring and lack-luster, it really sin't. The stories are all rather original and entertaining. It's interesting how the plots are, really. Rather than being a dark tone and dark move what with the murders etc., it is a pretty laid back and easy going mood/tone. A unique combination for a great show, indeed.

The main plot that has been built so far is the arrival of Mr. Yin. What was once originally supposed to end with the capturing Yang, Yin arrived causing more chaos and questions. Not to mention, the complex storyline that occured as a result. It really leaves you witht the feeling "What's going to happen next?" Without a doubt,this is my favorite plot in the entire show; it should be interesinting to see how far this storyline will continue. My guess... until the series finale...
You did a better job MA of describing what the show is about in itself. I gave a brief synopsis of the main characters and their goofy chemistry, but you really described the characters well, and why the show works.

The Yin mystery is easily the most intriguing thing going on the show. They did a great job of following up as to Juliet's trauma the following season after her kidnapping at his hands in the Season 4 finale, but I wish they would follow up on him more, such as him being still out there and the like, but the show isn't generally substance heavy, and like you said, the tone of the show is pretty light. I too wish they would play it out til the series finale, but I recently read a James Roday(Shawn) interview where he said they were going to tie the story up by the end of season 5.

And the new love interest they brought in for Juliet is Declan Rand, a fake criminal profiler, just like Shawn is a fake Psychic. Hes actor Nestor Carbonell from Lost, and played the mayor of Gotham in "The Dark Knight." But I digress, the bickering between(yet growing respect) Shawn and Lassiter and the "we just can't seem to get there" between Shawn and Juliet are great backstories for a light comedy.

One of the highlights of the show is when Shawn introduces himself and Gus. Shawn usually uses his own name, but comes up with hilariously rediculous names for Gus. This video shows some of the best. It really illustrates the incredible comedic relationship between Shawn and Gus that hallmarks the show. Shawn, the wise-cracking know-it all, and Gus, the ever reluctant sidekick.
This is indeed an awesome show. The chemistry between Shawn and Gus is awesome. As I mentioned in another thread I love detective shows and I love comedy shows and this show is the perfect blend. All of the lead cast do their job really well and never fail to crack me up whenever I watch.
Starting back up Wednesday night, shawn and Gus are back for another trip across the border to once again face off with brilliant(and fake) art thief Pierre Depereux(Cary Elwes of Princess Bride fame), where the trailer leads you to believe that Shawn has sprung him from jail just to best him once again. This completely fits with the character, and should allow for some great back and forth between Shawn and Gus.

I couldn't find the actual trailer, but you get the idea. They also left a huge cliffhanger in the summer when Juliet, who has a boyfriend, overhears Shawn discussing his feelings for her to Gus, and they later passionately kiss to end the episode. Im interested to see in how that ties in to the cases they work together. We should also get another Christmas episode, along with the conclusion of the Ying/yang trilogy, which is pretty much the only serious episodes on the entire show. I, for one, cannot freaking wait for Wednesday night, and will post my review of the show here Thursday. Thoughts, fellow fans?
I believe I repped you for the fact that you even had Psych in your sig lol... which is without a doubt for an obvious reason.

Psych is without a doubt my favorite show on television followed by NCIS: LA, then by In Plain Sight, and then WWE Programming... TNA is like whatever.

But yeah, the chemistry between the two is epic, and what I love most about the show is their ability to break "kayfabe" so to speak and still make it funny. Like for one of the commercial itself, the preview had Sean and Gus hanging out when their minis came up, and they completely broke "kayfabe" by actually paying attention to the minis.

My favorite episode, though relatively recent, is Sean 2.0. I love the fact that Sean now has another person to compete with over Jewels (Juliet's nickname from Sean) in the show.

I also like how Sean has witty references in just the weirdest of moments. It's like random but it fits and makes you just laugh like crazy.

Unfortunately, I'm not going to be able to watch the season premiere wednesday until it's uploaded on Hulu *tears*
It's fall/winter season opener time. Im excited, so lets get right to it!

Psych, Season 5 Episode 12: Extradition II, The Actual Extradition Part

Q1: Great start to the show. I loved the continuity of the Shawn/Juliet/Declan triangle, and Shawn discussing his feelings with Buzz for Juliet only to find out she already left on the romantic vacation with Declan. It fits with the theme of the show that Shawn and Juliet "just can't get there."

I also loved how, on a whim, Shawn accepted, and convinced Gus, to leave on a whim to go to Canada to see the art thief, Pierre Despereaux, whom they had captured the previous season. It still emphasized the comedic recklessness of Shawn, that he accepted plane ticketsand a hotel from a criminal on a whim, just because he was invited. After meeting briefly with Despereaux in prison, Shawn and Gus leave, bickering in the car as they usually do. Great hook before commercial with Despereaux, apparently escaping from prison, appearing in the back of the car before they went to opening credits, with Gus believing Shawn broke him out.

Q2:Back from commercial, Gus wants to take Despereaux back to prison, but Despereaux "convinces" him otherwise, in the line of the night thus far.

Despereaux to Gus: "I would cut you in a way that you would bleed out fairly comfortably and you would recover in a matter of a few short weeks."
Shawn: "I think given the circumstances, thats pretty damn considerate."

The backstory continued nicely with a Canadien prosecutor found dead, and Despereaux's finger prints and trademark cigarette found at the crime scene. A high ranking Canadien detective is also found dead. Obviously, Despereaux didn't do it, but he's involved in something shady, and Shawn and Gus can say nothing, because technically, they're accessories to his escape.

Lassiter suddenly appears, and he and Shawn share their trademark barbs, wondering why the other is in Canada. Lassiter is there to expedite Despereaux back to Santa Barbara. Suddenly, Juliet walks out of a room, whiis funny, ch flabbergasts Shawn, who thought she was in Italy. He tells her they need to talk now, which is funny because they're in a canadien lock-up lobby, which Juliet points out. Shawn finally realizes this, and agrees to talk later.

The Canadien police interegate Shawn and Gus, noting that Despereaux paid for their trip, hotel, and even rental car. Gus is unaware of this, and is even angrier because Shawn bought Despereaux a birthday gift, but as Gus points out, Shawn forgot his birthday. Classic stuff.

As Shawn always does, he introduces himself to the victims wife, but gives Gus a different name, this time, Yasmine Bleeth. They exchanged brief conversation, and Shawn and Gus head back to the hotel room.

They run into Despereaux once again, who is in their hotel room. He wants to hire them to prove his innocence. At the same time, Juliet knocks on the door, and wants to have their "talk." Shawn can't, because Despereaux is with them, and he cant say so, and he tells Juliet the conversation isn't important to him. Juliet reveals she broke up with Declan, but is hurt because Shawn seemingly doesn't care. They still can't get there.

They agree to help Despereaux track down the man responsible for the robbery and murder Despereaux is accused of, and they do, where Despereaux threatens the man's life until he reveals the name: Its a man Despereaux was is prison with whose wife Despereaux was having an affair with. His name is Frank Crossley, who happens to be the most feared man in prison. Cliffhanger, literally, as we go to commercial, and Despereaux is hanging his middle man off the balcony.

Q3:We're back, and the Canadien police have surrounded the hotel. Despereux escapes, and Shawn and Gus are once again interregated by the Canadien police, as well as by Lassiter. Juliet wasn't present, and Lassiter said it was "female problems", obviously due to Shawn refusing to have their conversation. Nice small touch.

Shawn "devines" psychically that both the murdered detective and prosecutor, seemingly unrelated, were orchestrated by crime boss Frank Crossley, the man whose wife Despereaux was having an affair with. The information Shawn reveals fits, so the police, along with Shawn and Gus, head to Crawley's mansion, only to find Despereux's trademark cigarette burning, and Crossley dead in the pool. Despereux is spotted leaving as we go into commercial. Nice hook.

Q4: We're back from commercial, and they have found Despereaux again, this time with Crossley's wife. It turns out she was the crime boss, and Crossley was the front man. She was about to be revealed by the detective to the prosecutor, so she killed them both. Only her husband knew, so she killed him too, framing Despereux for them all.

They manage to escape into a cabin, where Shawn convinces Despereaux to trick the woman into the fact that he truly loves her. he convinces him to "talk to her from the heart", just like he was going to with Juliet. Despereaux does, Gus runs away as he always does, and Shawn hides as Despereaux knocks her out. Shawn convinces Gus to come back and stop running, as she's clearly knocked out. Funny stuff, as we go to our last commercial.

Q5: We're back one last time, and Lassiter is extraditing Despereaux. Juliet is still not there, as she needed to "clear her head." Shawn finds her, but she informs him that they "missed the moment", and "some people arent meant to work out." Shawn tries to be funny, but Juliet doesn't want to hear it. Shawn asks to say what he came to say, and makes an analogy of how he's always drove a motorcycle, because its provided him freedom. But since he's met Juliet, he's thought about getting a car, making the analogy that he's ready to settle down.

That's enough for Juliet, and they passionately kiss! They've finally gotten there, as they make out all over Canada, including in a car, on a tourist's bridge, and in a gift shop. Shawn finally convinces her to go back to his hotel, which he reveals is really nice, albeit paid for by a convicted criminal(Despereaux). She wants to know why he tells her these things, as she's a cop. Shawn mutters "full disclosure", as they cut away to final credits.

Final Thoughts: I give this show a B+. The mystery, as usual, was overshadowed by Shawn's goofy antics and interaction with Gus. The interaction with Gus was somewhat overshadowed by his interaction with Despereaux, but the exchanges were quite funny.

What I really liked is that they took a serious approach to the Shawn/Juliet angle. Shawn realized he can't be juvenile forever and get the girl he wants, but once they finally "get there", they engaged in rediculously funny makeout spots that were completely inappropriate. In essence, getting out years of "sexual frustration", in a PG way.

It will be interesting to see how they go from here, as Juliet still doesn't know Shawn ISNT a psychic, and Juliet is a police officer. Lighter on the comedy then usual, but overall, a good fall season opener. A great show makes you look forward to next week, and what's going to happen next, and this show did that. Cary Ewles, of Princess Bride fame, was brilliant here once again as Despereux. Here's hoping they bring him back one more time, because he's certainky been one of the shows best villians, and easy the most likeable. The interaction between he and Shawn, as well as the Shawn/Juliet dynamic, were the highlights of the show.
Great review, LSN, guess since you did a play-by-play review, I'll give my analysis on the episode.

This was a pretty decent start to the second half of the season. I really enjoyed how they reintroduced us to the Despareaux 'saga' to us. Despareaux was originaly proclaimed to be a master art theif. As it turned out, he really wasn't one at all---he had bought most of the things he had claimed to steal. Shwan felt resentment for uncovering his secret and theu began their unofficial friendship. Much to Gus's, dislliking, he tagged along with Shawn to meet Despareaux. Upon their arrival, Despareaux explained of how he always wanted top commit the perfect crime, and said he was going to do it. He sneaks out of prison and escapes in the back of Shawn's car. Unfortunately, while he did manage to *wow* everyone on his 'perfect' crime, he was set-up by who would later be revealed to be the wife of the notorious criminal mastermind, Crossley.

I believe this was a great twist to the episode as it gives you a feeling of: "What the fuck?" We had all expected for the REAL criminal to be Frank(?) Crosslye, but in reality, it was none other than his wife, the lady that had been having an affair with Despareaux. AT one point, there was a time when I got a bit confused because with all the name mentions. It was hard for me to remember who was who and what did they do. But nevertheless, this is all part of the show that we know as Psych; unless you have your full attention, you miss out on a key detail which later effects your understanding of the plot. Which I believe to be really great as it [psychologically speaking] it makes you want to keep paying attention so you have an idea to what is going on. And really, what with all the comedy bits in between as well as the 'complex' mystery, Psych does a great job from keeping you from being bored.

Also, another thing that I liked from this episode was the tie-in with the Juliet/Shawn love story. While I do feel a bit resentment that we didn't get to see that one guy again (forgot his name), it was a prett decent bridge for Shawn and Juliet to FINALLY be together. The Shawn and Juliet love story has really been going on since day one. And now that these two have [quite possibly] gotten together, it is truly an epic momment. The build to this momment was pretty good. I like how they added the twist at the hotel where Juliet had come in to talk to Shawn but Shawn basically just shoved her away. But at the very end, Shawn goes off to search for Juliet and finds her in some kind of bridge sight-seeing thing (?). They talk a bit and finally kiss---passionately. Well, at least until they end up macking on each other just about every where. God-damn they were real pigs. Talk about sexual desires for each other.

Overall, I give this show a solid B+. It was a great way to kick off the second half of the season; the plot, the comedy bits, the love story, all were played rather nicely. But the reason I didn't give it an A is because I felt there were a few momments where some parts could have been emphasized a bit more. Nevertheless, solid Psych episode that lives up to its expectations. Can't wait to see the next episode.
This was a pretty decent start to the second half of the season. I really enjoyed how they reintroduced us to the Despareaux 'saga' to us. Despareaux was originaly proclaimed to be a master art theif. As it turned out, he really wasn't one at all---he had bought most of the things he had claimed to steal. Shwan felt resentment for uncovering his secret and theu began their unofficial friendship. Much to Gus's, dislliking, he tagged along with Shawn to meet Despareaux.

Not only do Shawn and Despereaux have amazing comic ability together, I found it hilarious how Shawn, as usual, made all of the decisions based on his admiration for Despereaux, even though he was a criminal, and it really pissed Gus off.

Upon their arrival, Despareaux explained of how he always wanted top commit the perfect crime, and said he was going to do it. He sneaks out of prison and escapes in the back of Shawn's car. Unfortunately, while he did manage to *wow* everyone on his 'perfect' crime, he was set-up by who would later be revealed to be the wife of the notorious criminal mastermind, Crossley.

I loved this too. There were so many false "killers" in this one, and every time it seemed they werre closing in on them, that person wound up dead. The criminal mastermind got beat at his own game, so to speak, because of love.

I believe this was a great twist to the episode as it gives you a feeling of: "What the fuck?" We had all expected for the REAL criminal to be Frank(?) Crosslye, but in reality, it was none other than his wife, the lady that had been having an affair with Despareaux. AT one point, there was a time when I got a bit confused because with all the name mentions. It was hard for me to remember who was who and what did they do. But nevertheless, this is all part of the show that we know as Psych; unless you have your full attention, you miss out on a key detail which later effects your understanding of the plot. Which I believe to be really great as it [psychologically speaking] it makes you want to keep paying attention so you have an idea to what is going on. And really, what with all the comedy bits in between as well as the 'complex' mystery, Psych does a great job from keeping you from being bored.

Well put. One of the things that makes this a genius show is that they leave subtle clues as to who the real criminal is, but the over the top comedy and Shawn's antics distract you from seeing it. On other shows, it would be quite predictable, but because of the other subplots going on, you often miss the key piece thats right in front of your eyes. The added confusion you mentioned really enhances the show, in my opinion, and doesnt relegate the show into the " great comedy with a little bit of mystery" genre, as it really does keep you guessing until the end.

Also, another thing that I liked from this episode was the tie-in with the Juliet/Shawn love story. While I do feel a bit resentment that we didn't get to see that one guy again (forgot his name), it was a prett decent bridge for Shawn and Juliet to FINALLY be together.

Declan Rand, the fake criminal profiler they introduced in Shawn 2.0, was the love interest they never displayed. I didnt mind him not being there, what bothered me slightly was they seemingly rushed into Shawn and Juliet finally getting together in the first episode of the winter premiere, which ideally would have been better to have played out over the season. Having said that, they couldnt have done a better job of how they DID get them together in the episode. Also, James Roday(Shawn) and Maggie Lawson(Juliet) are together in real life, so the chemistry was obvious between the two.

The Shawn and Juliet love story has really been going on since day one. And now that these two have quie possibly gotten together, it is truly an epic momment. The build to this momment was pretty good. I like how they added the twist at the hotel where Juliet had come in to talk to Shawn but Shawn basically just shoved her away.

It really has been the real consistent secondary back-story since the second episode of the show, and they've done a brilliant job of keeping them apart until now. The hotel part was well executed because it completely fit Shawn's deceptive, non-chalant character, and made it seem as if they truly had "missed the moment" as Juliet had said.

But at the very end, Shawn goes off to search for Juliet and finds her in some kind of bridge sight-seeing thing (?). They talk a bit and finally kiss---passionately. Well, at least until they end up macking on each other just about every where. God-damn they were real pigs. Talk about sexual desires for each other.

I couldnt stop laughing at this part. Juliet, a supposed mature, serious cop, abandons all common sense to get it on with shawn in a PG way. The best part was when they were making out on the floor of the gift shop, and Juliet commented on the old woman's pearls who stumbled upon them making out, and said "thanks, coming from a hussy." Great transition from serious to silly, which is what this show is all about.

Overall, I give this show a solid B+. It was a great way to kick off the second half of the season; the plot, the comedy bits, the love story, all were played rather nicely. But the reason I didn't give it an A is because I felt there were a few momments where some parts could have been emphasized a bit more. Nevertheless, solid Psych episode that lives up to its expectations. Can't wait to see the next episode.

I agree on the grade, and also that the plot felt disjointed in parts. But the interaction between Shawn and Despereaux was classic, and the end with Gus running away as he always does was awesome. And as Ive pointed out, the show really left you wondering where they're going from here. Shawn's still a fake psychic, and Juliet believes he is one. How are they going to explore and eventually explain that in the coming episodes? It should be great. Agreed, I cant wait for next week.
I thought In Plain Fright was a pretty darn good episode. They went with the Halloween episode, which is a few weeks late, but all well and good, because the second half of the season started late.

I enjoyed the beginning, as Shawn and Juliet are trying to sneak around and find a way to get their "hands all over each other," as all new couples do. At the same time, they want to avoid having anyone in the police station find out, as they don't want to jeopardize being able to work cases together.

So Juliet surprises Shawn with tickets for Frightfest, for the 2nd night. Problem is, he and Gus have tickets for the 1st night. Juliet is disapointed, but Shawn tells Juliet he'll cancel with Gus. She's also upset a bit that he hasn't told Gus about them. Shawn rationalizes it that Gus will be deeply disturbed, and go on a caramel eating binge. Hilarious stuff.

So Shawn tries to cancel with Gus, but Gus hilariously starts to cry, so Shawn tells him he was kidding, and they go anyway. They hit the rides, where Gus, in his typical chickenshit fashion, is scared by things that wouldnt scare a ten year old. Nearing the end of the ride, Shawn witnessing someone being strangled, and dragged to a coffin. Problem is, Gus was hiding his eyes the whole time, and the girl manning the ride doesn't believe him.

Shawn and Gus sneak into the backstage area, where they of course get caught. They wind up in "carnival jail", where the manager, Eve, tells them their imiginations are running wild, and it happens all the time at Frightfest. All the have to do is sign statements that they were scared, and acted out of fear, and imagined it. Gus gladly does, but Shawn instead writes, "Saw a murder. Nobody cares or believes me." He then notices the picture of the park owner on the wall, Mr. Waverly, and notes he is the one who was murdered. Eve panicks at this, because he's been missing, and missed an important meeting. She orders the ride shut down.

They return to the ride area, and Lassiter has found the body. He thinks it an accident, despite what Shawn saw. Mr. Halloway, the vice president, says he knows he was murdered, by the ghost of Johnny Rickets. Rickets was a boy who fell from the ride 15 years ago, and died. Shawn and Gus, in a hilarious exchange, suggest Halloway is crazy, and Gus suggests anti-psychotics.

The problem is, Halloway is murdered next. Shawn looks at the camera, and notices pictures of someone on the ride. It's Johnny Rickets, exactly how he was dressed 15 years ago when he died! Halloways cause of death is never noted, which is slightly bothersome.

Juliet arrives at the park, and is upset at Shawn for lying to her about going to Frightfest. He begins to explain, but they're interrupted by a guess your weight guy, who rediculously suggests Juliet weighs 145 pounds. Problem is, he gets everyone else's weight right. Juliet's pissed, and doesn't want to continue the conversation with Shawn.

Back at the police station, they find out that Johnny wasn't alone on the rides, he was riding with a Jamie Everson, who also fell, and sufferred permenant damage to her leg. Payouts were administered to Johnny's family, as well as to Jamie, but the park had been negligent. Its Jamie masquerading as the ghost, and shes taking out those responsible one by one. They then note Eve worked there at the time as well, and hurry back to the park.

They find Eve, and she admits to the payouts. Jamie Everson turns out to be the girl manning the ride, and she comes after them with a knife, as the park lights go on at the same time. Shawn gets them to run, and hide, and begins to finally tell Gus about he and Juliet, which is pretty funny, considering they're being chased by a woman with a knife. Shawn is mad that Gus isn't upset or surprised, and Gus points out he's been chasing Juliet for 5 years, so its no surprise. Eve says "five years?", to which Gus responds, "He has no game." Great banter, while they're hiding from a killer!

Jamie catches up with them, and Shawn disarms her, but wonders how she managed to chase them, and turn the lights on at the same time. She couldn't have, she had an accomplice. It's her boyfriend, the weight guessing guy. Appropriately, Juliet knocks him out from behind before he can shoot any of the 3, saying "145 pounds, my ass". Good stuff.

The final segment ends in the Psych office, with Shawn explaining to Juliet Gus' "shock" at finding out about the two. Gus denies it, and no-sells surprise. They bicker more, and Gus insists he's fine, and Shawn finally relents, and says they just need to keep it from Lassiter, which shouldn't be hard, noting his horrible detective skills. Good stuff. Gus wanders away, and Shawn asks what he's eating. It's caramel. Good stuff to end the show.

Final Thoughts: The mystery actually took precedence in this episode, with the minor backstory of Shawn wanting to protect the ever emotionally fragile Gus from finding out about he and Juliet, as it would break up the "pair". Their bickering as usual dominated the episode, but it was funny stuff. The mystery was logical and made sense, and Shawn made an ass out of himself as he usually does, but did his usual bang up job of putting the pieces together. They did a good job of advancing the Shawn/Juliet storyline, and how Gus reacts from here on out should be interesting and pretty funny. I loved how Shawn kept trying to use the race card in reference to Gus when they got caught breaking into Eve's office twice, because it was completely innapropriate and irreverant, which pretty much defines his character.

As with last week's show, it left you wanting to see what will happen next, so I give the show a sold B. The mystery was good, the killer's motives were quite rational, but they never really explained her accomplice's reason for being involved. Juliet's arrival to save them was a bit too coincidental for my liking as well. One has to remember, it's a comedy show first, and they delivered well witht that, as well as intertwining a decent plot. Overall, a solid show with a lot of laughs.
I love Psych. Definitely one of my favorite shows on TV right now. The chemistry between all of the characters is fantastic and you know you are going to get a handful of laughs in every episode. We finally have Shawn and Jules as a couple, which we've been expecting forever now. So far the season has been fun (like always) and its been solid with the guest stars. Love that Carl Elwes returned this season for another episode and two weeks from now we have a whole cast reuniting (forget the show's name). Should be a fun filled season and I can't wait for the next episode in two weeks.
I love Psych. Definitely one of my favorite shows on TV right now. The chemistry between all of the characters is fantastic and you know you are going to get a handful of laughs in every episode. We finally have Shawn and Jules as a couple, which we've been expecting forever now. So far the season has been fun (like always) and its been solid with the guest stars. Love that Carl Elwes returned this season for another episode and two weeks from now we have a whole cast reuniting (forget the show's name). Should be a fun filled season and I can't wait for the next episode in two weeks.

Cary Elwes was a personal favorite of mine as a guest star. He was PERFECT in the role of Despereaux, and I hope we haven't seen the last of him. It's going to be the entire cast of Twin Peaks in two weeks, which should be fun, knowing James Roday's(Shawn) affinity for all things 80's, so Im expecting alot from this episode, as well as the rest of the season, as we see the progression of the Shawn/Juliet relationship. Should be great.
Solid episode from beginning to end this week. I enjoyed just about everything about it. In the beginning where they showed Shawn and Juliet hiding from everyone so that they would supposad;y kiss, was a great way to start the episode. The reason being because last week's episode had ended on the note that Juliet and Shawn were finally a couple; it would only make sense that they make the beginning segment reminding the viewers that they are indeed a couple now. The only problem being that they can'tr allow the police department (i.e. Lassidor) from finding out about this.

As for the storyline, I really enjoyed it. This was more of your kind of Scooby-Doo type of mysteries (which Shawn pointed out of course), which is nice to see seeing as how most of the stories (episodes) that Psych has aired have to do with [somewhat] complicated mysteries. They're not exactly complicated but those storylines usually tend to be the type where you really have to pay attention into every detail so you don't misinterpet what's going on.

Though this one was just BAM!---staright simple storyline with not much confusion being around yet still being able to deliver a few surprises including the fact that the real murderer was not Halloway, but instead that one girl from the ride, Jaime. This in my opinion, was a great twist because it gave you a sense of "WHOA! I did not see that coming!" I don't think anyone had expected the killer to be Jamie---the girl who didn't seem to give a fuck about her job.

This leads to me the only problem I had with the show---the climax. I feel as it was too simple and not enough explinatory. I mean, sure we had Shawn say what he usually says about how the said person committed the murder and why they did it, but there were just so many plot holes here. For example, why the fuck was the amusement park guy involved---what was his background? Did they ever explain that? Hardly. It was a good surprise and all but it was never explained why he was involved with the girl. Another problem I had was when Jules just happened to be right in back of the amusement park guy to stop himr from killing Shawn, Gus, and that lady. That scene really begged the question, "What? She just happened to be at the right place at the right time?" As LSN80 stated, "Too coincidental." Also the arrival of Lassidor was also pretty lack-luster..."He just happened to catch Jaime like nothing?" Hmmm, I don't know; I didn't like how that played off---it could have definately been handeled better but oh well.

Overall, the show was very solid. The comedy bits were, as always, superb and well fitted. The incorporation of the Juliet and Shawn love story was very well placed. The Scooby-Doo theme was also a great adaption. However, the climax could have been better, or in the very least, expanded a bit more.

This weeks episode recieves an A- for me. It was very entertaining but it did have a few minor problems. Though, I don't think they should affect the overall rating of the episode too much because the story was well thought out and delivered tremendously. And in the end, the episode did exactly what it was supposed to do---entertain it's fans.

Good Job, guys. Can't wait for the next episode...
I'm kinda on the fence about Sean and Jules being together... On one hand they work but on the other hand this would just have me believe that they're eventually going to either cancel the show or replace Jules in the show... neither outcome is what I want... i mean Jules is HAWT!!!

As for the episode, I liked it. The Scooby-Doo feel was nice, though like Awesome said, left me with a few questions. I too was wondering how J got to the spot at the right time... maybe she didn't know and just saw it happening? And why didn't Sean use the rifle on the guy as well? Sure it's fake as opposed to the real gun, but it could work.

Anyway, to speculate over the upcoming series... I'm still wondering who Mr. Yin is because there just anybody that clicks inside my mind... Maybe that's the purpose, but whoever it is, I can't wait to see it.
Yeah..I'm SO glad Psych is back on. Although I was waiting for Shawn and Jules to get together, I am a bit disappointed with their chemistry on screen now that they ARE together. It was a bit more fun to watch the build up. I will say that this is probably one of the coolest shows I've seen on USA along with Royal Pains. Psych is great, and they have some of the funniest commercials for their show. I think my favorite is when Shawn and Gus sitting in their office and then the mini-versions of themselves appear in the corner and they read the show title backwards and they think its rats and they plead for them to come back. Another one that sticks out is the Burrito/Taco debate when they are standing over a bodybag for a commercial. But, aside from that, I really don't think I've ever seen a bad episode of that show, Roday's portrayal of a modern day BS'er and how he can always fool people into thinking he's a psychic just amazes me, plus his chemistry with Gus, and Jules, and the other people around him is what makes this a very worthwhile show for me. I dig this and love that part of the evening.
I'm kinda on the fence about Sean and Jules being together... On one hand they work but on the other hand this would just have me believe that they're eventually going to either cancel the show or replace Jules in the show... neither outcome is what I want... i mean Jules is HAWT!!!.

Well, USA network recently announced that Psych was picked up for a 6th season, so I dont think you have any worries there. And Shawn(James Roday) and Juliet(Maggie Lawson) have been together in real life since 2005, so I highly doubt they would get rid of her. Roday has a lot of imput on the show, so I can't see his girl getting the axe. The lucky bastard.

As for the episode, I liked it. The Scooby-Doo feel was nice, though like Awesome said, left me with a few questions. I too was wondering how J got to the spot at the right time... maybe she didn't know and just saw it happening? And why didn't Sean use the rifle on the guy as well? Sure it's fake as opposed to the real gun, but it could work.

The Scooby Doo Aspect was awesome, I will agree. They always manage to throw in old pop culture references that make me laugh. As for Jules arrival, it was too coincidental for my liking. She just happened to arrive at the exact moment they were all about to get shot? I know Shawn was stalling, but still.

What jacked me off the most was that they never explained the motivation behind the "guess your weight" guy's actions. If I found out my girl was a murdering psychopath, the LAST thing Id be doing, is, I dont know, helping her out? Id be getting the hell away from her as fast as possible. Unless he too was a family member or close friend of Johnny Rickets when he died, but they never explained that. Concerning the rifle, they had run away at that point from the station where the rifle was, and Shawn had the knife in his hands at that point.

Anyway, to speculate over the upcoming series... I'm still wondering who Mr. Yin is because there just anybody that clicks inside my mind... Maybe that's the purpose, but whoever it is, I can't wait to see it.

Ive been scratching my brain on this one too. Not sure if you remember or not, but at the end of Mr. Yin Presents, they showed Yin touching a picture of Yang(Ally Sheedy) and a young Shawn together. So its likely someone from Shawn's past who has a major grudge against him. Anyway, we'll find out in the season finale of this year!
Well, USA network recently announced that Psych was picked up for a 6th season, so I dont think you have any worries there. And Shawn(James Roday) and Juliet(Maggie Lawson) have been together in real life since 2005, so I highly doubt they would get rid of her. Roday has a lot of imput on the show, so I can't see his girl getting the axe. The lucky bastard.

Yeah I know it was renewed for another season but I don't want the show to ever get canceled... I want it to be the next Law and Order... or Jag and have spin-offs >_>... although you can't spin off of Psych so I guess just a few more seasons.

The Scooby Doo Aspect was awesome, I will agree. They always manage to throw in old pop culture references that make me laugh. As for Jules arrival, it was too coincidental for my liking. She just happened to arrive at the exact moment they were all about to get shot? I know Shawn was stalling, but still.

What jacked me off the most was that they never explained the motivation behind the "guess your weight" guy's actions. If I found out my girl was a murdering psychopath, the LAST thing Id be doing, is, I dont know, helping her out? Id be getting the hell away from her as fast as possible. Unless he too was a family member or close friend of Johnny Rickets when he died, but they never explained that. Concerning the rifle, they had run away at that point from the station where the rifle was, and Shawn had the knife in his hands at that point.

I love how a lot of the show titles have a lot of old school play on words with them... it's kinda like reading the title of a fall out boy song... only the episode makes sense in Psych's case where as fall out boy is just put words together that sound cool...

Anyway, I think that the whole purpose behind the guy was just that he was the girl's boyfriend, or maybe the one who set it up... I remember a text in the episode that said "I'll have to tell you later" or something like that, so maybe they were discussing their next plot... And did they ever say if her and Ricketts were a couple when they were younger? Would totally give more motive than just going after them for killing some random person.

Ive been scratching my brain on this one too. Not sure if you remember or not, but at the end of Mr. Yin Presents, they showed Yin touching a picture of Yang(Ally Sheedy) and a young Shawn together. So its likely someone from Shawn's past who has a major grudge against him. Anyway, we'll find out in the season finale of this year!

I believe they also showed Yin from behind when they were at the pier with Sean's mother (or was it Abigail?), but it's still just a brain teaser trying to find out who it is. Guess we'll find out as the season goes on...

Although we'll have to wait until next week because Psych no run this week :( but that's all understandable with Thanksgiving coming up and families more concerned with each other than television... anyway, can't wait to see how the rest of the season turns out.
Season Five Episode 10: "Dual Spires." It appears they're going long with this episode! Im all for it! They've re-united the cast of Twin Peaks for this one, so for a teenager in the nineties(yeah, im old:shrug:), thats an extra bonus. It was a great show while it lasted, look it up...;) Lets get to it!

Q1:They skipped the flashback this week, and went right to Shawn and Gus in the Psych Office. Apparently, they got a mysterious invitation to a town called Duel Spires(another name for "Twin Peaks"), to a Cinnamon Festival. Gus' schedule is good until the next day, Shawn is open until Wrestlemania.(as Roday is a real wrestling fan.) They've set the town up like the old Twin Peaks, which is a nice touch. Gus feels something is off, and complains that he's the first black person the town has ever seen. Funny.

They start talking to the Sheriff, and Shawn notes they got a random email. The man says they usually dont get visitors, and they don't have email in the town. Gus breaks out the super sniffer and finds Monkey Bread. Nice. They crown the Cinnamon Festival King, and its a man named Randy.

They notice the people who they were talking to before, The Parkers. They note their neice Paula is missing, as Shawn sensed from seeing that there was one chair empty. Shawn is willing to work for Cider and Pie. Classic. Paula's best friend Jack is missing as well. Someone yells from the lake, and they find the body of the couple's neice. Jack found her, and the couple is inconsolable. The show starts on quite the ominous note.

All the people are crying, and Gus is as well. He notes he's a sympathetic cryer(as he has many times before), which makes for a funny moment despite the death. Shawn mocks him, of course. Shawn notes the got an email, and says with an edge, "We weren't called here for a Cinnamon Festival." The theme song plays to the tune of the old Twin Peaks music. Awesome touch.

Q2:Back from commercial, and the sheriff notes she often snuck out at night, and must have drowned. The sheriff is going to rule the death accidental. Shawn thinks there's more to it, and wants to stick around. Shawn senses she didnt grow up there, and the couple notes she grew up in Santa Barbara. Ironic. Shawn is only getting reception in one spot, and he gets another mysterious email.

Back in Santa Barbara, Shawn calls from the Cinnamon Festival, and sexually harrasses Jules in a funny way. Gus notes how uncomfortable it was to listen to. Shawn asks Juliet to look up Paula, since she once lived in Santa Barbara. She agrees to.

They need wheels, so they find a tandem bicycle, which is quite funny. They go to the doctor, to interrogate her, and Shawn gets them in by telling her Gus ate too much Monkey Bread. Fuggin hilarious. The doctor notes the Cinnamon Festival has been canceled. Gus again is the lackey as hes forced to go through the medical testing. Shawn asks the doctor if he she knew the girl, and the doctor notes she was troubled. Shawn said he recently lost someone, who was murdered. The doctor is shaken, and quickly says she wasn't murdered. The doctor is deeply worried about Shawn's questions.

They note they need to find the Cinnamon King, and they chase him once again on their bicycle to his house. It seems he's the sheriff's son! Shawn and Gus pitch themselves as grief counselors, and the sheriff is taken by it and welcomes them in. The sheriff offers to allow Shawn and Gus to Randy's room. Shawn notes that he could tell Paula was Randy's boyfriend, which he admits. He has a solid alibi, but he starts to cry as well.. Gus begins to cry as well, which Shawn again mocks. Those funny moments in serious situations make the show.

They head to the library next, and the librarian notes Shawn is Psychic. The librarian notes they got a death, a Psychic and a Black Man all in the same day. The librarian notes that when the sheriffs wife died, she stepped in and filled a role for both the sheriff and for Randy. Shawn's last email is linked to the book, "Reincarnation and Re-Birth". They head to the lake, where they have phone signal. They call Juliet, who reveals Paula had drowned 7 years ago. Nice cliffhanger as we go to commercial. Im digging this episode so far.

Q3: Shawn and Gus are eating pie, and Gus notes that the girl drowned, got re-incarnared, and drowned again. Lassiter and Juliet show up to get a positive ID on the body, as they never recovered a body. They only found her sweater near a pile of sunflower seeds, which Shawn remembers her Uncle eating. They go visit him. He notes they faked her death, because Paula's mother was a drug addict and abused her. Lassiter notes he will have a warrant for his arrest. Shawn wants a look at Paula's room.

Gus finds Paula's diary, and Shawn finds a page written in Latin. They go back to the lake, and they call the priest from last season. He translates the passage for them, and Shawn tells him Gus will see him at church on Sunday. The priest asks if he'll see Shawn, and Shawn says "What? You're breaking up!", as the priest says there's more. Funny stuff.

They head back to the library, looking for a second boyfriend that the priest had noted had a name starting with "J". They head to Jack the photographers, and Shawn notes that he and Paula were more then just friends. He notes he left her for the Cinnamon King, but they made amends, and became confidants, and best friends. Shawn introduces Gus as "Blackman", which is quite funny. Shawn notes the photographer is blind. He admits to being with Paula the night she died. Paula had wanted to leave Duel Spires, and the photographer notes he was knocked out for an hour, and when he came to, Paula was gone. Shawn wants to look at the photos, and the photographer obliges.

Juliet shows up at the Sheriffs house, looking for the sheriff. Hes not there, but her son Randy, the Cinnamon King, is. He welcomes her in, then shuts the door with a menacing look as we go to commercial.

Q4: Back from commercial, and Randys doing a shop project on the porch. He asks what Juliet's weight is, and notes its about the same as Paula. He half-heartedly notes that it was a real tradgedy, and Shawn and Gus arrive and Shawn notes that he knocked the blind photographer out. He says Paula called him a hypocrite, as he spends time with his ex girlfriend as well. Shawn keeps making movie and tv references, but nobody gets it, because they dont have TV there.

Shawn thinks the librarian is the secret girlfriend, and Randy went to the library to break it off, and she killed Paula in a violent rage. Its a red herring, as the librarian is found hung in the library. They note that in her suicide letter she acknowledges that she was sleeping with Randy. Gus wants to leave the town, but Shawn wants to solve the case. The librarian was the one who was emailing them all this time, as she suspected foul play.As they go to reveal, they are trapped in a small room with a computer, with gas coming in, as we go to commercial. Awesome mystery in this one.

Q5: Back from commercial, and the smoke is filling the room. The priest finds them, and uses an axe to get them out of the room! Its Father Wesley! He notes that Shawn hung up before he could finish. Paula's Uncle shows up in a car, as this gets weirder. He notes they need to get out of there before whoever tried to kill them comes back. He takes them to their house, and tells them about how a drifter burned the town in 1958, and how all outsiders were viewed as evil after that. Shawn figures out that the Uncle had an affair with his wife's sister, and Paula was his daughter. Great twist!

Shawn figures out who killed Paula. It was the Doctor, and the Sheriff. Randy(the sheriffs son) was going to leave town, with Paula. The Sheriff was dying of cancer, and needed Randy to carry out his legacy. They killed Paula to prevent Randy from leaving They killed the librarian as well, as she had figured it out. They're going to kill Shawn, Gus, Paula's uncle, and the priest, as they can't let the secret get out!

But Lassiter and Juliet show up as well, right on time, and they arrest the doctor and the sheriff as they were about to shoot the four! Father Wesley notes he called them before he came to town. Makes sense. The blind photographer attempts to take their picture, and misses terribly(and comically) as we go to the final commercial.

Q6: They're in the diner as we're back from commercial. Shawn and Juliet are eating pie with Gus and Father Wesley. Lassiter is at the other table. They note the weirdness of the rest of the people in town, and how they're dancing around weirdly and barking. They decide to get out of the town. It seems quite surreal. Really odd ending, but fits if you saw Twin Peaks.

Final Thoughts: If you couldn't tell, I freaking loved this episode. They played up the "Twin Peaks" way of telling a mystery to a "T". I loved Twin Peaks, so Im quite biased here. The comedy was minimal, but quite funny when done. Gus as the sympathetic cryer and only black man the town had ever seen was awesome. I figured the doctor for being involved, but didnt see the sheriff coming.

This was the best show of the season. The mystery was damn brilliant, and it made sense. Roday(Shawn) really showed off his serious acting chops here, and pulled it off well. Getting the entire cast of Twin Peaks was a nice coo, and they played their part well. They didnt advance the Shawn and Juliet romance here, but they didnt need to. The focus was squarely on the mystery, and it was well constructed and done. The comedy, while minimal, was well placed when there. A solid A for this show.
I just watched this show, & came on to post about it. I love it, especially the references to the '80s & other stuff I've seen. That said, I'm sure someone will post a mile-long list on Wikipedia or something of the "Twin Peaks" stuff I didn't get, having never seen that show.

Loved the episode anyway.

I just showed the Cena episode to my Mom this weekend, & she said (though she's home for a lot of wrestling-watching), she "didn't know he could act".

I like the Juliet-Shawn stuff, but I'm starting to think I enjoyed the near-relationship of the "Will they or won't they?" more than I actually cared about the relationship. (That being said, I read Shawn's girlfriend from last season just signed on to do another show, so I'm not holding my breath for her to come back.)

I enjoyed the stuff with Declan, but it makes me wonder: As the show goes on, it probably gets easier to get guest stars. But part of what I loved about the show early on was stuff of the Shawn-Gus interplay, & other things that involved the main few regulars... So is it gonna be the case that as the show gets bigger, it gets worse?
I just watched this show, & came on to post about it. I love it, especially the references to the '80s & other stuff I've seen. That said, I'm sure someone will post a mile-long list on Wikipedia or something of the "Twin Peaks" stuff I didn't get, having never seen that show.?

Its worth looking up and at least reading the synopsis. If you liked this episode, you would like Twin Peaks. Twin Peaks focused a bit on the supernatural, especially toward the end. I liked that they stayed away from that, but kept the other eerie aspects of the show.

I just showed the Cena episode to my Mom this weekend, & she said (though she's home for a lot of wrestling-watching), she "didn't know he could act".

Cena was pretty good, wasn't he? After seeing him fail so miserably in The Marine and Twelve Rounds, it was nice to see him hold his own with some good actors. One of my favorite episodes.

I like the Juliet-Shawn stuff, but I'm starting to think I enjoyed the near-relationship of the "Will they or won't they?" more than I actually cared about the relationship. (That being said, I read Shawn's girlfriend from last season just signed on to do another show, so I'm not holding my breath for her to come back.)

Ugh, Rachel Leigh Cook is coming back? I couldnt stand her as Abigail. I agree, the will they or wont they was a big part of the show, so its going to be an interesting progression. She still believes hes a psychic, so that should be an interesting reveal if they ever go that route. Im glad they stayed away from the relationship tonight and stuck with story. It was the best plot of the series, easily.

I enjoyed the stuff with Declan, but it makes me wonder: As the show goes on, it probably gets easier to get guest stars. But part of what I loved about the show early on was stuff of the Shawn-Gus interplay, & other things that involved the main few regulars... So is it gonna be the case that as the show gets bigger, it gets worse?

I think this was just a one off. It was a nice coo to get the entire cast from Twin Peaks. I know they were light on the comedy tonight, but the Shawn-Gus stuff was focused on heavily in the first two episodes of the second season. If you saw the preview for next week, it looks like they're going right back to the comedy, which is a great thing. Still, this was a great one-off serious episode. Ill need to see it again to decide where it stands among the all time episodes for myself, but I loved it on first watch.
Its worth looking up and at least reading the synopsis. If you liked this episode, you would like Twin Peaks. Twin Peaks focused a bit on the supernatural, especially toward the end. I liked that they stayed away from that, but kept the other eerie aspects of the show.

Thanks, but that makes me want to avoid it. I've tried a lot of shows in the "Whedon-verse", & end up getting tired of the way they act like it's sci-fi, so absolutely anything can exist or happen.

Cena was pretty good, wasn't he? After seeing him fail so miserably in The Marine and Twelve Rounds, it was nice to see him hold his own with some good actors. One of my favorite episodes.

You're talking to a guy who saw "Marine" in both the first- & second-run theatres, & owns both of those movies on DVD. I especially liked how they mentioned getting tickets to "Raw" on that ep, but I'm still confused by Cena's character not showing-up at the end.

Ugh, Rachel Leigh Cook is coming back?

I was saying precisely the opposite; She's signed-up for another new show, I think on one of the Turner networks.

I couldnt stand her as Abigail.

I vacillated on the spectrum with it.

I agree, the will they or wont they was a big part of the show, so its going to be an interesting progression.

What progression?! The question was cool, but with it answered, I stop caring.

She still believes hes a psychic, so that should be an interesting reveal if they ever go that route. Im glad they stayed away from the relationship tonight and stuck with story. It was the best plot of the series, easily.

I think this was just a one off. It was a nice coo to get the entire cast from Twin Peaks. I know they were light on the comedy tonight, but the Shawn-Gus stuff was focused on heavily in the first two episodes of the second season. If you saw the preview for next week, it looks like they're going right back to the comedy, which is a great thing. Still, this was a great one-off serious episode. Ill need to see it again to decide where it stands among the all time episodes for myself, but I loved it on first watch.

I know this was a one-ff bit for these people. (James said in an interview he's been pushing for it almost since the beginning.) But when hey mentioned Declan in the season premiere, & Cary came back (probably not for the last time), that makes me wonder.
Thanks, but that makes me want to avoid it. I've tried a lot of shows in the "Whedon-verse", & end up getting tired of the way they act like it's sci-fi, so absolutely anything can exist or happen.

What happened with Twin Peaks is ABC moved it from a prime spot in its first season, and to a sh*tty time spot in its second. It bombed its second year in the ratings, so they threw supernatural crap in there to try to explain the entire plot and wrap up the show. They did so admirably, but I wish they would have avoided the supernatural stuff.

You're talking to a guy who saw "Marine" in both the first- & second-run theatres, & owns both of those movies on DVD. I especially liked how they mentioned getting tickets to "Raw" on that ep, but I'm still confused by Cena's character not showing-up at the end.

Because he was army, and had such a great clearance level, Im assuming his mystery boss was able to spring him out of jail. Yeah, I saw The Marine in theatres too, because Im a Cena fan. Meh...

I was saying precisely the opposite; She's signed-up for another new show, I think on one of the Turner networks.

Thank God. Her exit was necessary and well timed.

I vacillated on the spectrum with it.

I couldnt stand her myself. I liked her in the high school reunion episode, but she tried too hard to be witty and it didnt work for me.

What progression?! The question was cool, but with it answered, I stop caring.

Well, I imagine as they get closer, it may cause a strain in the relationship between he and Gus. Also, if their relationship becomes public, they wont be able to work cases together. Third, she doesnt know he's not a psychic, so if they decide to go with that reveal, it should be epic.

I know this was a one-ff bit for these people. (James said in an interview he's been pushing for it almost since the beginning.) But when hey mentioned Declan in the season premiere, & Cary came back (probably not for the last time), that makes me wonder.

They wrote Declan out when Jules said she ended things with him, I would assume. Id love to see Cary Elwes back one more time, he was great as Despereaux. We should be getting the third installment of the Ying Yang trilogy, so that should be exciting as well. One has to understand, I loved Twin Peaks, so I loved this episode. It was much in the veign of the show.;) So as a fan, I loved this episode. I think they've done a wonderful job since Season Two with guest stars(such as Tim Curry in American Duos), and they havent interfered with the chemistry of the show, they've enhanced it.
Because he was army, and had such a great clearance level, Im assuming his mystery boss was able to spring him out of jail. Yeah, I saw The Marine in theatres too, because Im a Cena fan. Meh...

I have no confirmation of this myself, but I read that Franka Potente's spy character they helped mentioned Cena's character, & that it may all lead up to something in 2011.

Thank God. Her exit was necessary and well timed.

I disagree on both.

I couldnt stand her myself. I liked her in the high school reunion episode, but she tried too hard to be witty and it didnt work for me.

We are totally on opposite ends of the spectrum; I hopes to like her there (due to the movies, etc.), but couldn't stand her.

Well, I imagine as they get closer, it may cause a strain in the relationship between he and Gus. Also, if their relationship becomes public, they wont be able to work cases together. Third, she doesnt know he's not a psychic, so if they decide to go with that reveal, it should be epic.

The "public"-"cases: thing seemed to be mentioned.handled tonight, The telling-Gus thing was done a bit too quickly, I thought. I didn't know about the 3rd part.

They wrote Declan out when Jules said she ended things with him, I would assume. Id love to see Cary Elwes back one more time, he was great as Despereaux. We should be getting the third installment of the Ying Yang trilogy, so that should be exciting as well. One has to understand, I loved Twin Peaks, so I loved this episode. It was much in the veign of the show.;) So as a fan, I loved this episode.

I think he may never be written-out permanently. (Every time they have a guest star character like Gus' parents or Shawn's Mom, etc., I wonder how many eps they're signed for.) James already posted a vid on the network site where promised to tie-up the Yin-Yang thing.
Great episode tonight. I loved the whole Twin Peaks deal. And I marked when Shawn said he was open up until the next Wrestlemania. I still remember when they made Cabbage Patch kids as wrestler, JYD and someone else, Hacksaw maybe? Either way. I am pretty sure the commercials promised Cary Elwes on this episode but I didnt see him. Hmm...

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