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Professional Wrestlers vs. the Media


Kissin Babies and Huggin Fat Girlz
I'm sure it will get moved some place it needs to, but this whole thing with the death of Benoit is spiraling out of control in my opinion. A bunch of wrestlers are starting to finally let their gums fly, so I figured it would be worthy of conversation. Post all of the wrestlers takes in this thread.

I'll start with this gem by Eric Bischoff.
Get The Hook!

For the first time in my 20 years in this business, I am embarrassed.

Not because of the horrific act of an obviously troubled individual, who until a few weeks ago was a respected part of the sports-entertainment business. I don’t believe that the Benoit tragedy is representative of the business, or more importantly the people who are a part of it. Chris Benoit had psychological problems. The root cause of those problems will debated for months to come. As well they should be.

By experts.

Not by the parade of clowns who are fighting for their last 60 seconds of fame on cable news programs that are clearly sensationalizing and exploiting this situation for one reason and one reason only: ratings. If there was any doubt about that, one need only look back at the list of idiots that have covered this story. Nancy Grace…give me a break. Or how about Bill O’ Reilly? “Hard Hitting Interview”? Since when is a half decade old out of context interview newsworthy? Can anyone seriously argue that news networks are not exploiting and spinning the sad death of a wife, son, and father for one reason and one reason only?
But I’m not embarrassed by the obvious ethical/professional lapse of the cable news industry. I’ve never been in that business. Besides, we see it all the time.

The most embarrassing thing for me over the past ten days has been watching the likes of Debra Marshall-Williams-McMicheals-Whoeversheisgoingtotaketothecleanersnext, Marc Mero, Lanny Poffo, et all fighting like a bunch of addicts at a crack festival, trying to become the spokesperson for an industry in which they have been irrelevant for years. If it were not for the painful circumstances surrounding this issue, these three would have a regular gig on Saturday Night Live.

Hopefully accurate information will come out soon that will allow for a meaningful discourse surrounding this issue. In the meantime, somebody get the hook and get these clowns off the stage

And here is another from Mr. Kennedy...Kennedy

Please GOD, I'm just BEGGING for someone who has actually wrestled in a WWE ring in the past decade besides Jericho, Bret Hart, John Cena, and Ted Dibiase to come forward on one of these shows and tell the world what's really going on. For these goofs, like Lanny Poffo? Ultimate Warrior? and Marc Mero???!! to repeatedly act as "experts" and "wrestler advocates" on the current situation is like having a frustrated ex-jock who rode the pine bench throughout his high school sports career give advice to Brett Favre on how to improve his game! It's ridiculous, insane, and it really makes me sick that these so called reporters like Bill O'Reilly, Nancy Grace, and Geraldo Rivera, call upon these silly bastards who are bitter and frustrated that their careers have ended to represent the WWE which of course makes all of us look like a bunch of babbling idiots who are all addicted to steroids, drugs, alcohol, etc.

THINGS ARE MUCH DIFFERENT THAN THEY WERE FIVE OR TEN OR TWENTY YEARS AGO! Most of the "expert", frustrated ex-wrestlers that they've had on the show came from an era where everyone wrestled every day and then went out and partied like rock stars until dawn, drinking copious amounts of alcohol, smoking cigarettes and marijuana, snorting cocaine, taking fistfuls of pills, and injecting massive amounts of steroids. They would take pills to go to sleep, snort coke or take speed to get up and do this day after day after day! This would not be even remotely tolerated in today's environment.

We have a strict drug policy in place. The WWE's wellness program was designed and instituted by the same doctor who implemented the NFL and the NBA's substance abuse programs. Contrary to what somebody recently said on one of these "tabloid" shows the WWE's allowed levels are exactly the same as the NFL. (Someone, I can't recall exactly who said it, said that the WWE allowed a 10:1 Testosterone to Epitestosterone level, which is false. We have a 4:1 level exactly like the NFL and the NBA.) In fact, I knew of someone who took an over the counter supplement from GNC which he didn't know was on the banned list, which caused him to have an elevated testosterone level. This individual was suspended and fined because of it. We can't even take Ephedrine which is another legal supplement that can be bought at any gas station in the country. Since I've been with the company, I've seen the few people that did have problems with drugs either sent to rehab to try and help them overcome their addictions, (sent to one of the top rehab facilities in the country and paid for in full by the WWE) or be fired for repeat offenses.

Look at the list of wrestlers who have prematurely passed away over the years, and most of them made the decision to live their lives this way. That's right, I said "made the decision" because we have this cool thing in the United States of America called "freedom of choice". I have the choice to quit my job if I don't like it, or if I feel that I'm on the road too much. I have the right to choose whether or not I want to break the law and use drugs. I have the right to choose between eating healthy food and exercising regularly and eating fast-food three times a day, not going to the gym, and becoming obese like a good majority of the citizens in this country. When will individuals be held accountable for their own actions? Will it ever happen, or will we always try and point the finger at someone else? Unfortunately as much as I respect the man, Superstar Billy Graham is ultimately responsible for the health problems he suffers from right now because of the choices he made in his career. I find it both sad and humorous that the man who many say is largely responsible for starting the whole "steroid craze" in pro-wrestling is now pointing the finger at the industry rather than blaming himself.

I, like everyone else in the company, have the luxury of being able to go home almost every week, play with my dog, hang out with my girlfriend, sleep in my own bed, and eat good home cooked food. This wasn't the case with these frustrated ex-wrestlers who are trying to grasp on to FIVE more minutes of fame and recognition.

I hear some of these guys talking about how the WWE doesn't have any type of benefits. I heard Johnny Grunge's widow on Nancy Grace saying that wrestling leaves you with nothing, and that two weeks after her husband was released from WCW that they lost their cars and their home. It apparently wasn't obvious to Nancy Grace, who is reportedly an extremely intelligent person, that they were obviously living outside of their means, and they weren't doing something that my parents taught me to do when I was a little kid……SAVE MONEY.

This job pays well, but I know that it won't last forever. It's the same problem with pro athletes and actors in Hollywood who spend, spend, spend, like the money grows on trees and like it's always going to be there, and then falls flat on their faces when their careers are suddenly cut short. Who's fault? The team? The studio in Hollywood? I'm sorry, but I have no sympathy for people who don't save money and spend everything that they earn so they can impress everyone around them with all the NEAT THINGS that they own. As far as the having no health insurance thing goes, I've been seriously injured twice since I've been in the WWE. Every red cent has been paid for in full by the company, which is the case for any employee who is injured during a work or work-related event. Yes, I have my own supplemental insurance which is a bit expensive, but if WWE paid for it, I'm sure that, just like every other company in the country that offers health insurance to their employees, I would just be paid less, so it's a wash!

In the end, we are all responsible for our own actions. Saying that Vince McMahon is responsible for the deaths of the Benoit's is like saying that you and I are responsible for the deaths of Anna Nicole Smith and her son. The millions of people who tuned in every week to be entertained by "how funny" she was when she was all PILLED up and DRUNK, suddenly became the same people who acted SHOCKED and APALLED when she died of a drug overdose. Somebody, PLEASE, stop the insanity!!!!


Another good shot. I know the WWE is in complete spin mode right now. They are out there trying to make it look like the WWE and it's employees have never seen a needle, let alone ever used one. I understand, and it's for business.

Both Kennedy and Bischoff hit the nail on the head though, what the fuck are all these washed up has beens doing bashing the current WWE? All of the people mentioned have been irrelevant in the business for the better part of a half a decade, if not longer, yet they want to bash the company.

Both said it very well with the wrestlers fo the 80's putting more stuff up their nose then in their arms. Let's face it, I respect the hell out of a lot of the older guys, but for people, and this goes into all of sports, to cry being poor, when most of the money was lodged up their nostril, I have no remorse for.

I think Kennedy and Bischoff shoot very well on this topic.
Actually it has been right through it, Chris Jericho said on Larry King that they are really learning about the Media with this stuff. From what I have seen the guys that are actually making the most sense out of this Entire thing and have come out looking the Best are Chris Jericho, Bret Hart and Kevin Nash. All of them are very well spoken and you can tell by their honest answers that it is pissing off members of the media, Jericho with Nancy Grace and Whoever that Chick was when Kevin Nash was on Hannity & Colmes. the Media is more in the wrong on the way that they have taken this than some of the bannable comments when we first learnt of the Benoit Tragedy.
Some great points, guys. The war between Pro Wrestling and the media is nothing new of course. Just look back at Right to Censor. That was a shot at the Mushnicks of the world trying to hold back creative expression and "vulgarity."

I have also noticed that many of the people coming out about this issue are the people who didn't have "it" when they wrestled in the 80's and 90's and are trying to get a measure of satisfaction and justics out of things. Who the hell cares about Marc Mero? The only reason anybody stayed in the room to watch the silly little Little Richard look-alike was when he was coming down with Sable. Hey Marc - you blame wrestling for your career failures, what would you like to blame your failed marriage on?

My favorite part of all of this was Mr. Kennedy's point about wrestlers going broke. I don't make $100k per year, but when I do I will damn sure invest whatever I do not need to live. Read Mick Foley's book about staying in cheap motels and driving everywhere to start. Make sacrifices, we all do! Don't blame wrestling because you manage to not have a single other marketable skill to speak of. Save your money!

I also loved the point about how wrestlers of the old days lived like rock stars and abused their bodies. Nothing is closer to the truth that i have heard. Many of the recent wrestling deaths were due to other illegal drugs like cocaine. Whatever you say, it all comes down to the choices we make.

I lift weights, and if I wanted I could get steroids to improve my performance. I don't. It's not worth it to me. And I don't complain.
The media just hates wrestling, for what reason I don't know, but they do. They look at this situation, not as a tragedy, but as an opportunity to come at the WWE screaming, "Steroids! Steroids! Steroids!" They are doing whatever they can to point fingers at Vince McMahon and the WWE, and blame the whole thing on steroids. Nobodies like Marc Mero, Debra, and Larry Poffo are just trying to use this tragic situation to get 15 more minutes of fame, and frankly, I find it pathetic and sickening.

It had to have been a variety of factors. People don't kill their families because they are on steroids. He could have been on other kinds of drugs as well. He could have been having a lot of physical and emotional stress, and didn't know how to handle it. There was alcohol found in the Benoit home. Could that have been a factor? "No, it had to be steroids," says the media, when they know full well that steroids were not the only cause.

Guys like Chris Jericho, John Cena, Bret Hart, and Kevin Nash have done a great job defending wrestling when everybody else just wants to piss all over it. Bischoff and Kennedy were correct with their opinions described above. These fools just want a little bit of fame before they go back to being nothing, just like they were before. To those people, and to the media, I would like to take this time to extend a big middle finger, because you people have no idea what you're talking about.
I watched Fit Finlay on Nancy Grace and he hit the nail right on the head. WWE wrestlers make more than enough money to obtain health insurance and if they choose to buy a Rolex or a Cadillac, that's their problem.
The mainstream media when it comes to its coverage of wrestling either ridicules or damns it just like anything else they loath just ask the NRA. As for health insurance Fit Finlay is right these guys and gals are paid well enough to where they can afford insurance. Wrestling can't be blamed because some meathead chose to lead a decandent lifestyle and now don't have a pot to piss in.
I don't really care what the media says about professional wrestling anymore. Unlike in other countries like in Mexico, Japan, etc., wrestling is appreciated and well respected. For some ironic reason here in the United States, the general people and the media could really give a shit if an athlete puts his entire life on the line full reason 250 days per year to entertain the people. Instead, the people worships guys such as football players that gets things much easier including the schedule, physical abuse/pain. It makes me want to vomit, but just ranting on how cold hearted people can be won't do any good so I will end it here.
They look at this situation, not as a tragedy, but as an opportunity to come at the WWE screaming, "Steroids! Steroids! Steroids!" They are doing whatever they can to point fingers at Vince McMahon and the WWE, and blame the whole thing on steroids. Nobodies like Marc Mero, Debra, and Larry Poffo are just trying to use this tragic situation to get 15 more minutes of fame, and frankly, I find it pathetic and sickening.

Could that have been a factor? "No, it had to be steroids," says the media, when they know full well that steroids were not the only cause.

Guys like Chris Jericho, John Cena, Bret Hart, and Kevin Nash have done a great job defending wrestling when everybody else just wants to piss all over it.

That whole crying steroid thing... you took the works out of my mouth. And now that the media has been proven wrong on the Benoit situation and his taking steroids, or lack thereof, they have to change their focus onto the other wrestlers. And it makes me so angry because it seems like part of the reason they're making such a big deal is because it's an easy way to bury wrestling because they don't like it.

But I felt bad for Kevin Nash when he was on Fox. Like... just let him speak! Nancy Grace I felt was polite, just misinformed about wrestling and that's what Jericho was there for. I didn't see the Bret Hart interview. But that chick "interviewing" Kevin Nash was just ignorant and unprofessional and rude. But it's like... if that's how the media is going to act towards people who really know what they're talking about, they're just going to end up looking stupid in the end.
I stop watching all the Fox News/and CNN channels after the toxicology reports were released. It sickens me to watch the media have a field day all over wrestling when they don't have a damn clue what they are talking about and they don't think before they talk. For example a day after the tragedy, Nancy Grace was about to jump all over the fact that the WWE showed a 3 hour tribute show of Chris Benoit but thank god Y2J was there to remind her that the WWE didn't know the cause of death when they had aired it.

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