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Nancy Grace

Nancy Grace is the biggest joke of a "reporter" on any network news channel on television today! She is obviously biased on anything wrestling/sports entertainment related and history proves that she is an idiot. Her attempt to pin everything on steroids is tired and dated and she always put everything on steroids in some form or fashion. The fact that she lumped Owen Hart into the deaths of wrestlers on steroids shows just how oblivious and ignorant she really is. I remember when the Benoit tragedy happened and she proceeded to parade one irrelevant former wrestler out after another and tried to claim it was all "roid rage". She consistently twisted facts and outright lied about historical facts all to lend credibility to her story about steroids being the great evil of professional wrestling. She smeared all of the dead with her slanderous accusations which were totally without any proof and it pisses me off as a long time wrestling/sports entertainment fan!

I wonder, if this were a major scandal from the NFL, NBA, or MLB if she'd be doing the same types of inaccurate reporting? I guess since all of us who watch wrestling are dumb hillbillies, we won't notice? This bitch is exactly what is wrong with people who don't understand wrestling or its history and definitely should not be speaking on the topic. She damn sure should not be slandering the dead and pissing all over their memories so publicly and making it even more difficult on the families of the deceased. She has zero respect for anyone but herself and CNN should fire her misinformed and heavily biased ass just for the inaccuracy of her "reporting" alone. I already signed the petition on change.org and suggest that any fan of wrestling do the same. Show these types of people that there are consequences for screwing with us fans and I hope CNN does fire her over this.
Ok...i posted earlier about Nancy but I had not watched the video yet..

the video that I watched was about 3:45 long. So if this isnt the full clip than I apologize for what I'm about to say but my opinion is only based off of that video.

Honestly, I didn't see anything wrong. Owen Hart was on a list of wrestlers that died young and that is 100% accurate. In the video I watched, at no point did she say that everyone on the list died from steroids nor did she use any specific names in her argument. Owen Hart died young, so him being included on that list makes complete sense because the list itself had nothing to do with steroids.

Nancy, the women being attacked, actually didn't say a whole lot at all. She asked a couple questions and pointed out the steroid problem in pro wrestling. The doctors on the show really just explained how steroids could stay in a persons body, which is also what DDP said.

is there a longer video where she actually says something wrong?

I really don't understand why people are upset. Nancy grace is an idiot and says dumb stuff all the time but I don't see what she did wrong here. Maybe some of you are overreacting because of her reputation? Idk but she definitely didn't say anything that should get her fired.
I just sharpened my pitchfork, I have my tattered overalls and straw hat on. Let's have ourselves a good old fashioned witch burning! YAA-HAW!! Where's the clip of this evil woman?


Hmm. Well, I'd be a little more riled up if it wasn't already common knowledge among basically anybody with half a brain that Nancy Grace likes to jazz up her news stories with accusations of controversial circumstances, in this case steroids, even if her dwindling audience are only tuning in to hear her abrasive banter.

Let me just put my pitchfork away.

I'm not too keen on what, if anything, from that video should have offended me. Was Nancy Grace disrespectful when she said that Warrior "dropped dead"? I suppose, I've never heard how she describes a close friend of hers under similar circumstances. I don't see why that should upset me.

She was on the subject of steroids because it's about the only topic worthy of a sensationalist with literally nothing else to say about a pro-wrestler who dies at a young age. The list of pro-wrestlers who "died young" crawled upward and I believe that she was trying to indirectly but strategically associate their deaths with steroids for the shock value her typical viewership expects. She may have never said that Owen Hart died from taking too many steroids, but knowing her I think she wanted her viewership to make the connection (however false it would have been) on their own.

Have we forgotten what show we like to watch? Let me remind everyone, we watch a show where two young black men were put into a tag team called Crime Time where they joyfully steal the belongings of random people and note how silly their opponents are by saying "Silly white boy". We watch a show where during an anti-bullying campaign the top face wrestled a main event match versus a man who couldn't defend himself named John Laurinaitis and dumped garbage and barbecue sauce on him while taunting him the entire time. I realize that we don't all cheer during the more disturbing moments and that not everyone on this forum is a WWE fan, either way we're hardly the ones who should be throwing stones in regard to Nancy Grace just giving her viewership what they want to see.

I honestly think that this was Nancy Grace-Lite. Most of us were very sad to hear of The Ultimate Warrior's passing and I'm sure would have rather had comments regarding the occurrence left to the pro-wrestling community of fans, producers and performers. I can guarantee that if Nancy's life depended on it, she wouldn't have been able to run this program without upsetting us.

What do you do when Nancy Grace upsets you? The same thing you do when any over inflated cable news talking head upsets you. When Bill O'Reilly, Chris Matthews, Sean Hannitty, Rachel Maddow, Neil Cavuto, Keith Olbermann or Rush Limbaugh piss you off with their careless and misinformed perspective on a social issue you're passionate about you turn them off and keep on trucking.
DDP should've walked off the show after she disrespected Owen Hart.

DDP said he was unaware of the list of names scrolling across the screen during the interview. Although he probably should have done some research before going on there, because if he had he would have known that research is something Nancy Grace and her staff don't believe in. She's used that list of dead wrestler names every time there's been a wrestler's death discussed on her show. Which only shows that they've never bothered to do any research on any of the names on that list. They just lump them all together.

But Nancy Grace is actual typical of modern media. They're obsessed with false equivalencies and balance for balance's sake. That the left is just as violent and cruel as the right, that unions are just as powerful as corporations, that reverse racism is just as damaging as racism, or in this case that Eddie Guerrero's death from steroids is just like WCW referee Mark Curtis' death from cancer or Owen Hart's fall from the rafters, or JYD's car accident. All of the above are false equivalencies which at the end of the day is just lazy journalism.

Nancy Grace is an awful person. But she's not alone in the modern media.
At this point I only pity her, if that's what she has to do to get viewers then that's just sad. Unfortunately for her this time her discrepancies are possibly going to cost her the job she was trying to bolster. I'll tell you what though, you won't see a single tear shed from me or any other wrestling fan I know.

Ummm I hate to tell you, but a bunch of wrestling fans signing a petition to get her off the show isn't going to do anything. If anything, the producers are ecstatic that this one show is getting so much attention.

As sad as it is, she isn't going anywhere anytime soon. That petition is worthless.
Professional wrestling and its fans are idiotic to take the woman on. Professional wrestling will lose. If you go ahead and pump up the narrative on wrestlers that die young or WWE's general legacy of health of it's employees then best of luck. WWE doesn't have a leg to stand on.

If you are a fan and want the best outcome for professional wrestling, let it go. Vince appreciates that you are feeling bastardized but he doesn't want to have to discuss the mortality of professional wrestlers.
Professional wrestling and its fans are idiotic to take the woman on. Professional wrestling will lose. If you go ahead and pump up the narrative on wrestlers that die young or WWE's general legacy of health of it's employees then best of luck. WWE doesn't have a leg to stand on.

If you are a fan and want the best outcome for professional wrestling, let it go. Vince appreciates that you are feeling bastardized but he doesn't want to have to discuss the mortality of professional wrestlers.

I think the only way a movement like this can make waves is if others start catching on. Others who "aren't wrestling fans." Celebrities who actually matter, other public groups, etc. That won't happen. No one with clout wants to associate themselves with wrestling.

I know the recent report has 12,000 signatures, that's a drop in the bucket.

In the end, if you want her off, don't give her ratings. Don't watch the show. But people who want something gone always do the opposite and give the show and the person more exposure. Now those who have never heard of Nancy Grace will tune in.

It's going to have the opposite affect of what the original intention was for. And that's exactly what she wants.
Ok...i posted earlier about Nancy but I had not watched the video yet..

the video that I watched was about 3:45 long. So if this isnt the full clip than I apologize for what I'm about to say but my opinion is only based off of that video.

Honestly, I didn't see anything wrong. Owen Hart was on a list of wrestlers that died young and that is 100% accurate. In the video I watched, at no point did she say that everyone on the list died from steroids nor did she use any specific names in her argument. Owen Hart died young, so him being included on that list makes complete sense because the list itself had nothing to do with steroids.

Nancy, the women being attacked, actually didn't say a whole lot at all. She asked a couple questions and pointed out the steroid problem in pro wrestling. The doctors on the show really just explained how steroids could stay in a persons body, which is also what DDP said.

is there a longer video where she actually says something wrong?

I really don't understand why people are upset. Nancy grace is an idiot and says dumb stuff all the time but I don't see what she did wrong here. Maybe some of you are overreacting because of her reputation? Idk but she definitely didn't say anything that should get her fired.

Come on dude, you need to watch the whole thing before you comment on here. The whole time she was insinuating that the wrestlers on her list died from steroid or drug abuse. She said, "Rumors of alleged steroid and drug abuse, blah, blah, blah" numerous times and than said, "Just look at all the wrestlers who have died young"... No her list did not say "Wrestlers who Died Young from Steroid Use", but it was completely implied, anybody can see that.
She said multiple times , "Ultimate Warrior DROPS DEAD, Rumors of alleged blah" like he's just some sort of story. How inconsiderate can you be to just keep repeating that a man has "dropped dead" without taking into account how that might hurt THE FAMILY. She did not care about the portrayal of the legend the Ultimate Warrior, all she cared about was finding a story and in the process she is destroying a man's name and memory. DDP explained to her that the Wellness Policy in WWE is 100 times better than it was 20 years ago and she just ignores his point.

I don't understand how a wrestling fan can not be offended by the way this woman is portraying the business and The Ultimate Warrior.
Plus she kept calling him "Ultimate", what the hell is an ultimate? If she knew anything about Jim Hellwig she would call him by his name or by what he was known as, WARRIOR.
Come on dude, you need to watch the whole thing before you comment on here. The whole time she was insinuating that the wrestlers on her list died from steroid or drug abuse. She said, "Rumors of alleged steroid and drug abuse, blah, blah, blah" numerous times and than said, "Just look at all the wrestlers who have died young"... No her list did not say "Wrestlers who Died Young from Steroid Use", but it was completely implied, anybody can see that.
She said multiple times , "Ultimate Warrior DROPS DEAD, Rumors of alleged blah" like he's just some sort of story. How inconsiderate can you be to just keep repeating that a man has "dropped dead" without taking into account how that might hurt THE FAMILY. She did not care about the portrayal of the legend the Ultimate Warrior, all she cared about was finding a story and in the process she is destroying a man's name and memory. DDP explained to her that the Wellness Policy in WWE is 100 times better than it was 20 years ago and she just ignores his point.

I don't understand how a wrestling fan can not be offended by the way this woman is portraying the business and The Ultimate Warrior.
Plus she kept calling him "Ultimate", what the hell is an ultimate? If she knew anything about Jim Hellwig she would call him by his name or by what he was known as, WARRIOR.

what she did was no different than any other form of news reporting. I've seen the news say that the wrong candidate has won the presidential election before just to try and beat other stations to it, I've seen incorrect body counts on murders, ive seen a sports anchor say that an NBA game ended in a TIE??? and all types of stuff.

She is not a wrestling fan...she just talked about a hot topic. Journalist cant be experts on everything they report, that's just impossible.

So I found an 8 min video, I hope this is the full one...
She said, lets take a look at that scroll again, than asked why do so many wrestlers die young? and than states that we have to take steroids into consideration which is 100% TRUE!!!

Seriously, its very easy to say that someone implied something and to twist words...She never said owen hart died of steroids and imo she never even implied that. She, did however, imply that Warrior probably died from steroid usage, and if any wrestling fan had to take a guess of what actually killed Warrior i'm pretty sure we would all say the same thing because its the obvious choice.

Im not a fan of her style at all and I think she is an idiot but I think that wrestling fans overreact to anything negative that is said about wrestling. This is a women that has said MUCH WORSE things, and im talking about actually saying it not supposedly implying like you guys are accusing her of doing.

Im not trying to defend her or anything but I think its really ridiculous to try to get a women fired for something that you THINK she implied or for calling a man "Ultimate" instead of his actual name.

The problem I see in your argument, is that she didn't do anything wrong. It seems as though you guys are just mad at her for reporting the story at all, or you don't like her style of reporting. Nothing that she directly said was false, NOT ONE THING. Was she being inconsiderate of wrestlers families? YEA SURE...Is this grounds to be fired? HELL NO....there was people all over TV calling Trayvon Martin a "thug" after he had been killed and they weren't fired!!!

I get why people got upset at the interview..but saying she should be removed from tv and starting a petition is asinine.

And honestly, this was one of the least bias interviews i've ever seen by her..but maybe that is why my opinion is different because ive been following her nonsense for a couple years now so if I compare this to the countless other reports shes done, it doesn't look bad at all. DDP is actually pretty lucky, it seems like he either caught her on a good day or she likes the guy because anybody else would have been hammered to death with ridiculous questions and accusations.

Think about how ridiculous this sounds....a bunch of wrestling fans, you know the same people that glorify an era that promoted sex, drugs, extreme violence, homosexuality before it was widely accepted, somewhat satanic rituals, and the degradation of women are starting a petition to get Nancy Grace off the air for implying that steroids kill lots of wrestlers???? UM OK
what she did was no different than any other form of news reporting. I've seen the news say that the wrong candidate has won the presidential election before just to try and beat other stations to it, I've seen incorrect body counts on murders, ive seen a sports anchor say that an NBA game ended in a TIE??? and all types of stuff.

She is not a wrestling fan...she just talked about a hot topic. Journalist cant be experts on everything they report, that's just impossible.

So I found an 8 min video, I hope this is the full one...
She said, lets take a look at that scroll again, than asked why do so many wrestlers die young? and than states that we have to take steroids into consideration which is 100% TRUE!!!

Seriously, its very easy to say that someone implied something and to twist words...She never said owen hart died of steroids and imo she never even implied that. She, did however, imply that Warrior probably died from steroid usage, and if any wrestling fan had to take a guess of what actually killed Warrior i'm pretty sure we would all say the same thing because its the obvious choice.

Im not a fan of her style at all and I think she is an idiot but I think that wrestling fans overreact to anything negative that is said about wrestling. This is a women that has said MUCH WORSE things, and im talking about actually saying it not supposedly implying like you guys are accusing her of doing.

Im not trying to defend her or anything but I think its really ridiculous to try to get a women fired for something that you THINK she implied or for calling a man "Ultimate" instead of his actual name.

The problem I see in your argument, is that she didn't do anything wrong. It seems as though you guys are just mad at her for reporting the story at all, or you don't like her style of reporting. Nothing that she directly said was false, NOT ONE THING. Was she being inconsiderate of wrestlers families? YEA SURE...Is this grounds to be fired? HELL NO....there was people all over TV calling Trayvon Martin a "thug" after he had been killed and they weren't fired!!!

I get why people got upset at the interview..but saying she should be removed from tv and starting a petition is asinine.

And honestly, this was one of the least bias interviews i've ever seen by her..but maybe that is why my opinion is different because ive been following her nonsense for a couple years now so if I compare this to the countless other reports shes done, it doesn't look bad at all. DDP is actually pretty lucky, it seems like he either caught her on a good day or she likes the guy because anybody else would have been hammered to death with ridiculous questions and accusations.

Everything about her interview was just wrong. It was wrong to publicly air the names of every young dead wrestler (dead from drug abuse or not), while the clear topic of her show was steroid abuse. It was wrong of her to mislead DDP into why he was coming onto her show. It was wrong of her to imply that Warrior's death was due to steroids when nobody knows what happened. It was wrong of her not to do ANY research on the subject which is painfully obvious. Had she, I have no doubt in my mind she would have brought up Eddie Guerrero and Chris Benoit. And the reason people want her off TV is because she has been doing this type of shit for years now and it's just not right. Everybody says well what about all the other topics she's offended people on. Simply put WWE is a cult following of millions and they won't stand for some stupid, uneducated woman try and bash the industry that they have loved for years.
I'm sorry but I disagree with you and every time I watch the video I am offended as a wrestling fan
Everything about her interview was just wrong. It was wrong to publicly air the names of every young dead wrestler (dead from drug abuse or not), while the clear topic of her show was steroid abuse.

Wait a minute, why was this wrong (the bolded part in particular)? Don't you think the wrestling industry needs to turn the light on itself just a little bit with maybe, oh, i don't know, a little bit of honesty? Why is it wrong to air the names of wrestlers who died young, particularly if they died due to substance abuse?

It was wrong of her to mislead DDP into why he was coming onto her show.

Again, I'll say if anyone goes on Nancy Grace without wondering what the ulterior motive is, then they shouldn't be a spokesperson or representative of anything. If I walk into a lion's den, who's fault is it if I get mauled?

It was wrong of her to imply that Warrior's death was due to steroids when nobody knows what happened.

Yeah, that's wrong, but guess what, that's the reality when it comes to popular opinion. I didn't have to turn on Nancy Grace to know was going to be the first thing that people thought happened. I heard from a few people the next day, and everyone wondered aloud if it was due to years of steroid use.

You can fight that perspective all you want, but it's out there, and nothing the WWE did during the 80's and 90's did anything to dissuade people from that conclusion.

It was wrong of her not to do ANY research on the subject which is painfully obvious. Had she, I have no doubt in my mind she would have brought up Eddie Guerrero and Chris Benoit.

And Eddie Guerrero and Chris Benoit help your argument.....how?

You don't have to talk about steroids at all to imagine a storyline where years of wear and tear in the ring caused Eddie Guerrero to turn to drugs to cope with the lifestyle.

And as for Chris Benoit, how many times did people cheer when he nailed that top rope headbutt?

And the reason people want her off TV is because she has been doing this type of shit for years now and it's just not right. Everybody says well what about all the other topics she's offended people on. Simply put WWE is a cult following of millions and they won't stand for some stupid, uneducated woman try and bash the industry that they have loved for years. I'm sorry but I disagree with you and every time I watch the video I am offended as a wrestling fan

And there you have it.

I wonder how many people are genuinely offended and how many are just having a knee jerk reaction to an outsider lobbing criticism at one of their favorite pasttimes, and "circling the wagons", so to speak?
Wait a minute, why was this wrong (the bolded part in particular)? Don't you think the wrestling industry needs to turn the light on itself just a little bit with maybe, oh, i don't know, a little bit of honesty? Why is it wrong to air the names of wrestlers who died young, particularly if they died due to substance abuse?

Again, I'll say if anyone goes on Nancy Grace without wondering what the alterior motive is, then they shouldn't be a spokesperson or representative of anything. If I walk into a lion's den, who's fault is it if I get mauled?

Yeah, that's wrong, but guess what, that's the reality when it comes to popular opinion. I didn't have to turn on Nancy Grace to know was going to be the first thing that people thought happened. I heard from a few people the next day, and everyone wondered aloud if it was due to years of steroid use.

You can fight that perspective all you want, but it's out there, and nothing the WWE did during the 80's and 90's did anything to dissuade people from that conclusion.

And Eddie Guerrero and Chris Benoit help your argument.....how?

You don't have to talk about steroids at all to imagine a storyline where years of wear and tear in the ring caused Eddie Guerrero to turn to drugs to cope with the lifestyle.

And as for Chris Benoit, how many times did people cheer when he nailed that top rope headbutt?

And there you have it.

I wonder how many people are genuinely offended and how many are just having a knee jerk reaction to an outsider lobbing criticism at one of their favorite pasttimes, and "circling the wagons", so to speak?

Are you serious? What was wrong with her list? Let me sketch out a scenario for you. Say you died in a car accident, and the next day somebody focused their show on youth drug abuse. Than imagine the host of that show handing out a list with 40 names on it titled, "People Who Died Young" and yours is one of them. What are people going to assume? Of course they're going to assume you died from drug abuse even though you didn't right? Same thing goes for the list of dead wrestlers. More than HALF of those wrestlers either died from cancer, car accidents, or suicides and you say the wrestling industry needs a little bit of honesty? WTF was the point in putting those names up if the topic of the show was STEROID ABUSE. Wth was the point? Answer me that.

Secondly it's DDP's fault for being TOLD that he was being invited on the show to honor the memory of his friend, and than being absolutely blindsided? Yea that's logic for ya...

Thirdly, of course the, "Everybody is thinking it anyway so why not say it" argument. I might think your fat but am I going to bring it up? The point is, she has no clue what happened so she should not say ANYTHING WITHOUT DOING SOME RESEARCH. That's the biggest problem I have with her interview. And there is also a way of going about it, without disrespecting the dead man, his family, her guest on the show, and the entire wrestling industry.

Lastly, Eddie Guerrero and Chris Benoit are, yes, two people that have suffered from the wrestling indusrty, but you know what? People die in every industry. People OD in Hollywood and sports all the time, you can blame it on "pain" or "wear and tear" or whatever, the fact is, some people choose to turn to drugs and some don't. To blame the wrestling industry for what happened to Eddie Guerrero and especially Chris Benoit and his family is very ignorant.
When Barry Bonds dies are people going to attribute it to steroid use? Lance Armstrong? Mark McGuire? The answer is no because they are not wrestlers. They are athletes and apparently it's ok for "real athletes" to use steroids but not "fake ones" right?
Are you serious? What was wrong with her list? Let me sketch out a scenario for you. Say you died in a car accident, and the next day somebody focused their show on youth drug abuse. Than imagine the host of that show handing out a list with 40 names on it titled, "People Who Died Young" and yours is one of them. What are people going to assume? Of course they're going to assume you died from drug abuse even though you didn't right? Same thing goes for the list of dead wrestlers. More than HALF of those wrestlers either died from cancer, car accidents, or suicides and you say the wrestling industry needs a little bit of honesty? WTF was the point in putting those names up if the topic of the show was STEROID ABUSE. Wth was the point? Answer me that.

It's not the steroid abuse.


Take a bigger view: It's the DRUG abuse. It's the CONCUSSIONS. It's everything that goes into being a wrestler with the ONGOING DEMANDS OF THE INDUSTRY. Stop focusing on the steroids alone. Steroids are just one part of a bigger problem. It's a bad approach, because 1) It's just one factor 2) It's difficult to attribute cause of death to steroid abuse and 3) The wrestling industry would "love" for the extent of the problem to just be steroid abuse.

Instead, consider the number of people who have died due to drug related causes, and then ask the next question: Why? Is high drug use (steroid or not) endemic to the wrestling industry? If so, what needs to change?

Secondly it's DDP's fault for being TOLD that he was being invited on the show to honor the memory of his friend, and than being absolutely blindsided? Yea that's logic for ya...

Yes, that's logic. Inescapable logic. It's called "There's a sucker born every minute", and this time it was DDP.

Thirdly, of course the, "Everybody is thinking it anyway so why not say it" argument. I might think your fat but am I going to bring it up? The point is, she has no clue what happened so she should not say ANYTHING WITHOUT DOING SOME RESEARCH. That's the biggest problem I have with her interview. And there is also a way of going about it, without disrespecting the dead man, his family, her guest on the show, and the entire wrestling industry.

Respect the dead, I understand. Respect the industry? No. The industry needs some tough questions, and not just because of the Warrior's death. It's been overdue for tough criticism.

Lastly, Eddie Guerrero and Chris Benoit are, yes, two people that have suffered from the wrestling indusrty, but you know what? People die in every industry. People OD in Hollywood and sports all the time, you can blame it on "pain" or "wear and tear" or whatever, the fact is, some people choose to turn to drugs and some don't. To blame the wrestling industry for what happened to Eddie Guerrero and especially Chris Benoit and his family is very ignorant.
When Barry Bonds dies are people going to attribute it to steroid use? Lance Armstrong? Mark McGuire? The answer is no because they are not wrestlers. They are athletes and apparently it's ok for "real athletes" to use steroids but not "fake ones" right?

The entertainment industry in Hollywood isn't immune to criticism. They've received tons over the years. The problem is that the wrestling industry is tiny in comparison. Minuscule. If someone wants to a change of pace in Hollywood, they have options. An actor can accept a script or not, they can go to stage, they can do commercial work, they can do TV work. Same goes for all the people behind the scenes. There's a slew of options for people who want to get out of the fast lane. The problem with many celebrities is exactly that, celebrity status.

The wrestling industry has a different issue. It's less celebrity, and more a sustainability issue. If a wrestler has to work 4-5 days a week doing physical in-ring work plus the travel schedule, and training, what shortcuts is he or she going to take? And where are they going to go if they want to "take it easy"? The options for work in the wrestling world aren't many. If you think that's not on the WWE and other promotions, you're wearing blinders, kid.

As for baseball...time will tell, won't it? But why pick baseball? Let's pick something that has more similarity in terms of physicality, like football. How many of those guys are dying young? (answer: quite a lot) How many are suffering from physical and mental disabilities due to brain injury? (answer: again, quite a lot).

You think that wrestling is being singled out and they're not. They've got plenty of company in the NFL.
It's not the steroid abuse.


Take a bigger view: It's the DRUG abuse. It's the CONCUSSIONS. It's everything that goes into being a wrestler with the ONGOING DEMANDS OF THE INDUSTRY. Stop focusing on the steroids alone. Steroids are just one part of a bigger problem. It's a bad approach, because 1) It's just one factor 2) It's difficult to attribute cause of death to steroid abuse and 3) The wrestling industry would "love" for the extent of the problem to just be steroid abuse.

Instead, consider the number of people who have died due to drug related causes, and then ask the next question: Why? Is high drug use (steroid or not) endemic to the wrestling industry? If so, what needs to change?

Yes, that's logic. Inescapable logic. It's called "There's a sucker born every minute", and this time it was DDP.

Respect the dead, I understand. Respect the industry? No. The industry needs some tough questions, and not just because of the Warrior's death. It's been overdue for tough criticism.

The entertainment industry in Hollywood isn't immune to criticism. They've received tons over the years. The problem is that the wrestling industry is tiny in comparison. Minuscule. If someone wants to a change of pace in Hollywood, they have options. An actor can accept a script or not, they can go to stage, they can do commercial work, they can do TV work. Same goes for all the people behind the scenes. There's a slew of options for people who want to get out of the fast lane. The problem with many celebrities is exactly that, celebrity status.

The wrestling industry has a different issue. It's less celebrity, and more a sustainability issue. If a wrestler has to work 4-5 days a week doing physical in-ring work plus the travel schedule, and training, what shortcuts is he or she going to take? And where are they going to go if they want to "take it easy"? The options for work in the wrestling world aren't many. If you think that's not on the WWE and other promotions, you're wearing blinders, kid.

As for baseball...time will tell, won't it? But why pick baseball? Let's pick something that has more similarity in terms of physicality, like football. How many of those guys are dying young? (answer: quite a lot) How many are suffering from physical and mental disabilities due to brain injury? (answer: again, quite a lot).

You think that wrestling is being singled out and they're not. They've got plenty of company in the NFL.

1. Ok. Drug abuse. Than why put up names of wrestlers who's deaths are not related to drugs in the slightest or wrestlers who have never even touched drugs? Owen Hart did not do drugs (and you can say that I didn't know him personally but it is painfully obvious that Owen didn't touch drugs). Mark Curtis was a referee who never touched drugs and died in a car collsion.
And I will answer your question, "Is high drug use endemic to the wrestling industry?" with a solid no. Not anymore. With the Wellness Policy in WWE now, it's nearly impossible to get away with doing ANY sort of drug and the wrestlers are kept under tight supervision. You think wrestlers go to the bar every night, or beat the shit out of fans like they used to do 20-30 years ago? The answer is no because they would be in the middle of a media shitfest within a day. Look at CM. Punk, Daniel Bryan, Seth Rollins, Dean Ambrose, Bray Wyatt, etc. All these guys are not ridiculously big and I think it is pretty obvious that all (or most) of these guys don't do drugs. Compare that to the 80's and 90's with Warrior, Savage, Hogan, Luger, etc. and you can see that WWE has come a long way in cleaning up the industry.

2. Again your logic sucks. DDP's a sucker because he wanted to honor the memory of a fallen friend (nice guys are suckers right?) Not everybody is familiar with the "great" Nancy Grace. I'm sure DDP had no idea what was in store for him when he appeared and the fact that she does this to all of her guests means YES she should be off TV. It's not right to the people who give her all of her damn ratings.

3. You act as if wrestlers have absolutely no say in the matter of taking drugs. Like it's a given. Like I said above, look at most of the wrestlers on the roster, I'd bet my house that most aren't on serious drugs and they seem to make it work. And you say there are no options in the wrestling industry? Of course there is, TNA, ROH, NJPW, indy promotions, etc. Just because WWE is the biggest does not mean that there is no way out of the "fast lane". If things start to go too fast there are multiple things that a wrestler can do such as switch promotions, ask for time off, hell Vince will even put you in a rehab center if you need it. Contrary to popular belief, wrestlers don't need painkillers to have a good career. Just because it was something that wrestlers turned to in the 80s and 90s doesn't mean that it is necessary today.

4. The NFL is a completely different beast than the WWE. Every time a football player dies, drugs are not brought up and talked about on every news channel and the NFL takes NO heat compared to what WWE has to deal with. Face it, when it comes to wrestlers, steroids and drugs are just a more popular topic because WWE has been under scrutiny for years now. I'll give you an example, in the NHL last year 3 players died from drug related incidents. You know what happened? The 3 players were honored and nobody spoke about it again. Contradicting much.

This question isn't meant to offend but are you up to date with the latest product?
Professional wrestling and its fans are idiotic to take the woman on. Professional wrestling will lose. If you go ahead and pump up the narrative on wrestlers that die young or WWE's general legacy of health of it's employees then best of luck. WWE doesn't have a leg to stand on.

See, that is precisely the kind of look the other way type of rationalization that is the problem. People automatically see the worst side of professional wrestling and just decide it's a non-issue when "reporters" like Nancy Grace decide to slander the dead. Now I will agree with you to an extent that WWE doesn't have the best track record when it comes to taking care of their talents. That's not even the issue here. The issue here is that a so-called reporter is supposed to be objectively covering the news and instead she decides to tarnish those who died just because they happened to be pro wrestlers. Bias of that kind anywhere else would get her fired just on face value but not pro wrestling which is a double standard.

If you are a fan and want the best outcome for professional wrestling, let it go. Vince appreciates that you are feeling bastardized but he doesn't want to have to discuss the mortality of professional wrestlers.

After reading this, I am wondering if you are even a fan of pro wrestling at all. This whole controversy is about Nancy Grace the reporter deciding to grind an axe she has about professional wrestling and subsequently smearing the name of deceased wrestlers in order to further her own career and agenda. It is one thing to point out how awful WWE is at taking care of their past and present talents. It is quite another thing to publicly attack the reputation of the dead wrestlers who cannot defend themselves. And whether professional wrestling or Vince McMahon loses that debate is a non-issue here. Nancy Grace is a classless, ignorant, and biased member of the media and those types of people have no right being a part of the media in the first place. Any fan should be upset that those people who spent the biggest majority of their lives entertaining us are being degraded by some bitch who is hell bent on stereotyping a genre simply because she doesn't understand it. If that doesn't piss you off as a fan, you probably aren't a true fan to begin with......
1. Ok. Drug abuse. Than why put up names of wrestlers who's deaths are not related to drugs in the slightest or wrestlers who have never even touched drugs?

The list clearly said wrestler who died young. I admit that illiterate people may not catch that but those sane illiterates wouldn't be able to read the names.

Owen Hart did not do drugs (and you can say that I didn't know him personally but it is painfully obvious that Owen didn't touch drugs).

Bringing up Owen to defend WWE is idiotic. He died due to a horrible accident that was caused by WWE's incompetence. At least drug abusers have more of a choice to use drugs. Owen was doing his job and his employer's negligence killed him.

Mark Curtis was a referee who never touched drugs and died in a car collsion. And I will answer your question, "Is high drug use endemic to the wrestling industry?" with a solid no. Not anymore. With the Wellness Policy in WWE now, it's nearly impossible to get away with doing ANY sort of drug and the wrestlers are kept under tight supervision. You think wrestlers go to the bar every night, or beat the shit out of fans like they used to do 20-30 years ago? The answer is no because they would be in the middle of a media shitfest within a day. Look at CM. Punk, Daniel Bryan, Seth Rollins, Dean Ambrose, Bray Wyatt, etc. All these guys are not ridiculously big and I think it is pretty obvious that all (or most) of these guys don't do drugs. Compare that to the 80's and 90's with Warrior, Savage, Hogan, Luger, etc. and you can see that WWE has come a long way in cleaning up the industry.

You left off Cena, HHH, Kane, Orton, Batista, Mason Ryan, Lesnar, The Rock, Hogan, Sheamus, Reigns, and Titus. I'm not saying any do roids but I am saying you seriously cherry picked your list.

2. Again your logic sucks. DDP's a sucker because he wanted to honor the memory of a fallen friend (nice guys are suckers right?) Not everybody is familiar with the "great" Nancy Grace. I'm sure DDP had no idea what was in store for him when he appeared and the fact that she does this to all of her guests means YES she should be off TV. It's not right to the people who give her all of her damn ratings.

Are you serious that DDP thought Nancy Grace was going to designate a segment of her show to a dead former wrestler?

3. You act as if wrestlers have absolutely no say in the matter of taking drugs. Like it's a given. Like I said above, look at most of the wrestlers on the roster, I'd bet my house that most aren't on serious drugs and they seem to make it work. And you say there are no options in the wrestling industry? Of course there is, TNA, ROH, NJPW, indy promotions, etc. Just because WWE is the biggest does not mean that there is no way out of the "fast lane". If things start to go too fast there are multiple things that a wrestler can do such as switch promotions, ask for time off, hell Vince will even put you in a rehab center if you need it. Contrary to popular belief, wrestlers don't need painkillers to have a good career. Just because it was something that wrestlers turned to in the 80s and 90s doesn't mean that it is necessary today.

When did Nancy Grace say today's wrestling was full of drugs? She let DDP say it wasn't. But he also confirmed what went on during the 80's and 90's. Are you saying Warrior's death definitely had nothing to do with his past drug use? If that's the case, you are more sensationalistic than Nancy Grace.

4. The NFL is a completely different beast than the WWE. Every time a football player dies, drugs are not brought up and talked about on every news channel and the NFL takes NO heat compared to what WWE has to deal with. Face it, when it comes to wrestlers, steroids and drugs are just a more popular topic because WWE has been under scrutiny for years now. I'll give you an example, in the NHL last year 3 players died from drug related incidents. You know what happened? The 3 players were honored and nobody spoke about it again. Contradicting much.

This question isn't meant to offend but are you up to date with the latest product?

NFL, drugs are not brought up? Are you kidding?

Let it go. Professional wrestling can't defend it's past. It's full filth.
The list clearly said wrestler who died young. I admit that illiterate people may not catch that but those sane illiterates wouldn't be able to read the names.

Bringing up Owen to defend WWE is idiotic. He died due to a horrible accident that was caused by WWE's incompetence. At least drug abusers have more of a choice to use drugs. Owen was doing his job and his employer's negligence killed him.

You left off Cena, HHH, Kane, Orton, Batista, Mason Ryan, Lesnar, The Rock, Hogan, Sheamus, Reigns, and Titus. I'm not saying any do roids but I am saying you seriously cherry picked your list.

Are you serious that DDP thought Nancy Grace was going to designate a segment of her show to a dead former wrestler?

When did Nancy Grace say today's wrestling was full of drugs? She let DDP say it wasn't. But he also confirmed what went on during the 80's and 90's. Are you saying Warrior's death definitely had nothing to do with his past drug use? If that's the case, you are more sensationalistic than Nancy Grace.

NFL, drugs are not brought up? Are you kidding?

Let it go. Professional wrestling can't defend it's past. It's full filth.

Christ Almighty, do I really have to reiterate myself again? Yes the list was titled, "Wrestlers Who Died Young", but the whole segment was on drug and steroid abuse. What did putting those names on her list prove? That some wrestlers die young due to accidents and some die because of drugs? To any person who is not a fan of WWE, you would assume that all those wrestlers died from drug use. No?

And yes I did leave John Cena off my list because I have no doubt he uses, but almost every other wrestler coming into the business RECENTLY, looks clean.

HHH, Kane and The Rock debuted in the 90s when not using steroids was practically frowned upon... They can't be used to justify drug use today.
Batista and Lesnar can also fall under that category as they debuted over a decade ago
Orton, Sheamus, Reigns, and Titus don't look ridiculously big. I can completely believe that they don't use enhancement drugs but of course I don't know for a fact.

Using Owen to defend WWE? Did you even read my damn post? All I said was Owen Hart did not die from drug use and his death should never be related to drugs. It's disrespectful. Do you seriously not see that?
When did she say anything about drugs being in the WWE today? Come on... How many times did she negatively portray WWE by saying, "rumors of drug and steroid abuse are running rampant", if you seriously think she was only talking about Warrior, you're senseless.

As for DDP: “I was asked to go on her show and talk about Warrior the man. I was even given bullet points from her producers about the topics we would discuss. After seeing the topics which were pretty basic, I felt it would be great to go on and discuss the legend he was and how I got to know him." So yes I seriously believe that DDP thought Nancy Grace was going to designate a part of her show to a former dead wrestler.

NFL... We can go all day long. When was the last time you heard Nancy Grace discuss a dead former NFLer?

Can I please talk to some wrestling fans... How do you guys find these boards...
Christ Almighty, do I really have to reiterate myself again? Yes the list was titled, "Wrestlers Who Died Young", but the whole segment was on drug and steroid abuse. What did putting those names on her list prove? That some wrestlers die young due to accidents and some die because of drugs? To any person who is not a fan of WWE, you would assume that all those wrestlers died from drug use. No?

It didn't prove anything other than Nancy Grace is a sensationalist who had a particular axe to grind that night. There's no question about that.

The point that I'm making, and others are making is that if you just focus on Nancy Grace, or on whether Warrior used steroids or not is to miss the forest for the trees.

If you want a fairer representation, try this article from the Washington Post: http://www.washingtonpost.com/lifes...428b08-c02f-11e3-bcec-b71ee10e9bc3_story.html

And yes I did leave John Cena off my list because I have no doubt he uses, but almost every other wrestler coming into the business RECENTLY, looks clean.

Oh, it's more than just Cena. You can add Orton (you are aware he's a multiple time violator of their wellness policy, right?), Mysterio, Sin Cara, Dolph Ziggler, R-Truth, Booker T, Jeff Hardy, Kurt Angle, and others to that list. You may claim that no one "recently" has violated policy, but not enough time has passed to determine whether this issue has been put to bed like you suggest it has been.

As for DDP: “I was asked to go on her show and talk about Warrior the man. I was even given bullet points from her producers about the topics we would discuss. After seeing the topics which were pretty basic, I felt it would be great to go on and discuss the legend he was and how I got to know him." So yes I seriously believe that DDP thought Nancy Grace was going to designate a part of her show to a former dead wrestler.

NFL... We can go all day long. When was the last time you heard Nancy Grace discuss a dead former NFLer?

Can I please talk to some wrestling fans... How do you guys find these boards...

As for the rest of this, I'm going to chalk this up to remarkable naivety.
See, that is precisely the kind of look the other way type of rationalization that is the problem. People automatically see the worst side of professional wrestling and just decide it's a non-issue when "reporters" like Nancy Grace decide to slander the dead. Now I will agree with you to an extent that WWE doesn't have the best track record when it comes to taking care of their talents. That's not even the issue here. The issue here is that a so-called reporter is supposed to be objectively covering the news and instead she decides to tarnish those who died just because they happened to be pro wrestlers. Bias of that kind anywhere else would get her fired just on face value but not pro wrestling which is a double standard.

After reading this, I am wondering if you are even a fan of pro wrestling at all. This whole controversy is about Nancy Grace the reporter deciding to grind an axe she has about professional wrestling and subsequently smearing the name of deceased wrestlers in order to further her own career and agenda. It is one thing to point out how awful WWE is at taking care of their past and present talents. It is quite another thing to publicly attack the reputation of the dead wrestlers who cannot defend themselves. And whether professional wrestling or Vince McMahon loses that debate is a non-issue here. Nancy Grace is a classless, ignorant, and biased member of the media and those types of people have no right being a part of the media in the first place. Any fan should be upset that those people who spent the biggest majority of their lives entertaining us are being degraded by some bitch who is hell bent on stereotyping a genre simply because she doesn't understand it. If that doesn't piss you off as a fan, you probably aren't a true fan to begin with......

It doesn't piss me off, because I take two seconds and consider the source.

If this was a credible, reputable media member commenting, perhaps my reaction would be different. Luckily for me, it's Nancy Grace and as has been pointed out already in this thread, this isn't even close to the first time she's behaved like an ignorant asshole.

She's a caricature, engineered to attract a certain type of attention and a particular audience. She isn't the news, in spite of the network she works for.

I try make it a point not to let the opinions of ignorant assholes upset me. It's doubly effective to ignore her in this case when one considers that stirring up emotion, be it positive or negative, in people is her bread and butter. A petition signed by 12,000 wrestling fans isn't going to make Nancy Grace go away. People not caring about the total garbage that she says will, eventually. It's PART OF HER JOB to garner reactions like this.

Getting angry at what Nancy Grace has to say about wrestling, Whitney Houston, radioactive clouds from Japan, Casey Anthony or just about any other topic is like getting angry at Dennis Rodman's opinion on North Korea. None of it matters, because the people saying it don't matter.

EDIT TO ADD: How much do you really think that the WWE audience and the Nancy Grace audience overlap? I'm pretty sure every wrestling fan in the world could sign a petition saying that Nancy Grace is a mean old jerk who should be fired for saying nasty things about professional wrestling, and CNN wouldn't see even a modest dip in her popularity. In fact, they'd probably be pretty happy that Nancy Grace had raised her profile in a previously untapped market.

Anyways, moral of the story is that Nancy Grace should be ignored, as both a means to an end and so that nobody gets any dumber by listening to her.
I think it should be noted that CNN posted an article on Thursday in recognition of The Ultimate Warrior's passing. I haven't seen any mention of it on the front page or in this thread, so here it is:


I think this should be mentioned because CNN is the cable station that granted Nancy Grace a forum to draw out our cathartic rage, and CNN seems to have chosen to post that article the day after Nancy seized upon The Ultimate Warrior's passing for a chance to boost her ratings.

Typically when a person famous enough to make CNN's list of "Those We've Lost" for a particular year passes on, CNN is within seconds of the person's announced demise when they honor them with a mention. For that article, it seems like they were a couple days late. I realize that it's typical of a Nancy Grace addict to suggest potentially misleading associations, but I'm wondering if perhaps the over ten thousand people that signed her petition (I didn't sign, I just checked for verification) within one day may have inspired CNN to post a more glowing observation of his passing.

Note that nowhere in the article is there a mention of drug/steroid abuse, and I'm guessing that they actually bothered to hire a staffer with some knowledge of pro-wrestling to write the article. They apparently didn't bother to cite who wrote the article, so it seems to me that they're trying to placate those of us who want Nancy expunged from her place on tv us as best they can.
Anyways, moral of the story is that Nancy Grace should be ignored
Wrong. These people need to be taken to task or they will continue to mock and belittle wrestling fans. We need to stop accepting it. We need to start pushing back.

Here is the latest example, today on a morning radio show they were discussing the Pittsburgh Pirates adopting the Daniel Bryan "Yes" hand/arm movement as a team symbol for a good play.
One of the local hosts went on a rant attacking wrestlers and wrestling fans.
Basically calling Daniel Bryan a "brain dead idiot that can't think of anything more than a single word".
Saying wrestling fans were all stupid rednecks with the brain capacity of small children.
He went on and on with similar uninformed elitist remarks.

Here is his twitter account:
Wrong. These people need to be taken to task or they will continue to mock and belittle wrestling fans. We need to stop accepting it. We need to start pushing back.

Here is the latest example, today on a morning radio show they were discussing the Pittsburgh Pirates adopting the Daniel Bryan "Yes" hand/arm movement as a team symbol for a good play.
One of the local hosts went on a rant attacking wrestlers and wrestling fans.
Basically calling Daniel Bryan a "brain dead idiot that can't think of anything more than a single word".
Saying wrestling fans were all stupid rednecks with the brain capacity of small children.
He went on and on with similar uninformed elitist remarks.

Here is his twitter account:

honestly...who the f**k cares. Are u insecure about being a wrestling fan?

everybody gets made fun of...glee fans get made fun of, hip hop fans get made fun of, goth people get made fun of, video gamers get made fun of...

relax and enjoy what you enjoy instead of worrying about some random persons opinion. I love wrestling and I have my whole life and understand that its not cool to be a wrestling fan but while people are talking bad about wrestling and making fun of wrestling fans, I'm front row at wrestlemania making memories that will last a life time. Just ignore it and enjoy being a wrestling fan.
Wrong. These people need to be taken to task or they will continue to mock and belittle wrestling fans. We need to stop accepting it. We need to start pushing back.

Here is the latest example, today on a morning radio show they were discussing the Pittsburgh Pirates adopting the Daniel Bryan "Yes" hand/arm movement as a team symbol for a good play.
One of the local hosts went on a rant attacking wrestlers and wrestling fans.
Basically calling Daniel Bryan a "brain dead idiot that can't think of anything more than a single word".
Saying wrestling fans were all stupid rednecks with the brain capacity of small children.
He went on and on with similar uninformed elitist remarks.

Here is his twitter account:

The kicker is that I don't care what Nancy Grace thinks about wrestling or wrestling fans, because she's a blowhard talking head who happens to have a TV show. I definitely don't care what some local radio host I have never heard of before and likely will never hear of again has to say about the subjects either. They don't matter.

I don't have any compulsion to defend my interests to others. If Nancy Grace and this random radio host think wrestling and it's fans are stupid, then I guess that's just what they think. I think that "The Bachelor" is stupid and I don't understand why anyone would watch it, but I don't need it's fans trying to convince me that I'm wrong. Arguing taste is a pointless exercise.

Besides, I'm fairly certain that most people were upset by allegations Nancy Grace made about drug abuse in pro wrestling and it's role in the Warrior's death. Nancy Grace makes unfounded accusations and states her opinion as fact all the time, so to anyone familiar with her, this was not surprising. If people want Nancy Grace to go away, they need to vote with their viewing habits and not give her free publicity, however marginal it may be.

Let's also note that while she was wrong this time and her show was nothing more than sensationalizing a death, it's not exactly like professional wrestling hasn't had a disproportionate amount of lives cut short by drug abuse. I can understand being outraged by the manner in which Nancy Grace elected to speculate about the Warrior's death, but being outraged over the speculation itself isn't being realistic.

Go ahead and scream back at this radio guy. Maybe he'll save your tweets to read on the air and have a good laugh.

Wrestling doesn't need you to defend it and neither do wrestling fans.
According to RadarOnline, Nancy is bummed that WWE has blacklisted her and is sending an open invite to get anyone from the company to correct her on any misconceptions.

“I’m deeply, deeply saddened by the WWE unofficial ban from my show. I am a huge, huge wrestling fan.

Steroid use is rampant in WWE and professional sports. From the Tour de France to baseball to the NFL. So I invite whoever is brave enough and man enough to come on my show and tag team me. The truth will come out. Before they leave I want to see a spinning toe hold. They can even put me in the atomic elbow and we’ll see who comes out on top.

I am inviting everyone or anyone from the WWE on my show for a one-hour special so they can correct all of my misconceptions.

I invite Diamond Dallas Page and any of his WWE friends to come on my show. It was a great pleasure to meet my longtime hero Diamond Dallas Page. He is even more handsome in person and was a charming gentleman in every way, even inviting me to do yoga with him after the show. He can feel free to ambush me anytime."

So what do you guys think? Should WWE accept the offer?
First, thanks for this info.

As much as I would like to see Nancy Grace take a headshot on national TV, I don't think that it would happen, or should happen.

No matter what heavy hitter the WWE tries to throw at her, she will get the upper hand and spew her steroid abuse diatribe over them , or have one of her dim-witted selected panel of experts just shake their head and agree with her, and it will become a burial for an hour.

She won't let them be heard in the way they should be. She is like Judge Judy, you can't use logic or facts around them, they won't listen to you and simply talk over you, and if that won't work they will cut to a commercial about starving babies in Africa to stop you from talking. Cheers

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