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Nancy Grace

For reasons mentioned by DreamingInVerse above, I feel WWE should simply ignore her and her invitation. "I am a huge wrestling fan" and "DDP is very handsome" etc. are all bullshit to try and appear as a likable person to wrestling workers and fans- which she is not. They may send good, experienced talkers and intelligent representatives like Kane, John Cena or Paul Heyman, but once they get there, its her house and its her rules. Even the experts would be instructed beforehand to speak on her favour. She (thanks to the autopsy report) has already proved herself a moron; they shouldn't give her a second opportunity to spew even more shit.
WWE should ignore her. It's like an Internet troll, if you feed her she gets more content, if you neglect her she'll die of starvation, although of what I've heard/read of Nancy Grace who I didn't even know existed until a week and a half ago, she has a habit of taking situations, adding a controversial twist and then getting attention out of it.

If they do send someone though, I'd send Dutch Mantell/Zeb Colter or Paul Heyman. Fight fire with fire. Sadly I assume someone from outside the WWE will wind up accepting this, or should I say someone not under WWE contract in the wrestling business who wants five minutes of fame.
I'd actually be curious to see if David Otunga could get onto the show and earn his keep. I know being a Harvard graduate doesn't automatically make him an authority on all matters, but I imagine he will be quick-witted and knowledgable enough to put her in her place in an articulate manner.

If Otunga shuts up Nancy Grace, I would completely support a world title reign for him.
If anyone was to go on the show it would have to be the creator of WWE himself, Vincent K. McMahon. No one else would have the same insight or knowledge that Vince has. End of the day, its his product and he should be the one to defend it on a national stage.

One of the posters said Paul Heyman. That would be an excellent choice. The best manager in the history of professional wrestling and the best talker on a microphone that is not a wrestler.

Thing is, if anyone was to go on the show from WWE, then Nancy wins because she now gained viewership. Its better to ignore it and not let her gain any little fame out of it and move on.
“I’m deeply, deeply saddened by the WWE unofficial ban from my show. I am a huge, huge wrestling fan."

If you were a huge wrestling fan, we wouldn't be having this discussion because you wouldn't have called out the entire professional wrestling community for being on steroids for your own benefit of obtaining ratings to make news.

"Steroid use is rampant in WWE and professional sports. From the Tour de France to baseball to the NFL. So I invite whoever is brave enough and man enough to come on my show and tag team me. The truth will come out. Before they leave I want to see a spinning toe hold. They can even put me in the atomic elbow and we’ll see who comes out on top."

Wrong again. Steroids use WAS rampant in WWE and other professional sports. Over the last 5-7 years, this has completely changed with strict wellness policy and frequent random drug testing.

"I am inviting everyone or anyone from the WWE on my show for a one-hour special so they can correct all of my misconceptions."

So, in other words, you want to admit you are wrong? Or is this simply you just taking advantage of the situation, hoping the WWE or wrestling community accepts your offer, knowing that you will get a better rating because now people will want to watch you get ripped a new one?

"I invite Diamond Dallas Page and any of his WWE friends to come on my show. It was a great pleasure to meet my longtime hero Diamond Dallas Page. He is even more handsome in person and was a charming gentleman in every way, even inviting me to do yoga with him after the show. He can feel free to ambush me anytime."

Your longtime hero? You couldn't even name his finishing move and to be perfectly honest, he's lucky he didn't give it to you on Live TV after the shit you pulled.
By her doing this, but not acknowledging her error it simply proves that she likes the ratings WWE bring to her show and doesn't want to lose that.

Frankly WWE or anyone would be foolish to trust the woman and while a "blacklist" is perhaps strong it is also a very strong message that their "house is in order thank you" and they don't NEED to justify themselves any longer.

WWE HAS cleaned it's act up immensely, from the drug side of things to how they are handling concussions... they may tighten up even further in the wake of Warrior and Lawler's issues in the past 18 months to include all on air talent but in the main the issue Nancy Grace has is that it's "old news" to yell steroids when Sly has been busted for it and everyone including Arnie has admitted taking them.

A lot of wrestlers have died, but so do a lot of actors at similar ages from far worse drug issues like Phillip Seymour Hoffman recently... Nancy Grace isn't commenting on that.
It's a silly thing that obviously WWE will just ignore.

Not that I want to stick up for her but it still stands to reason that maybe Warrior dying at 54 could have been related to steroid use. Everyone seems to be having this smug attitude "cancel Nancy Grace, it was a heart attack not drugs". Well.... the question is do steroids contribute to the hardening of arteries, heart damage, and people having massive heart attacks at 54? It's not a cut-and-dry thing just because it was confirmed that he died from "natural causes". It didn't literally have to be that he took steroids the day before and that's what killed him, it's about the cumulative effect. Maybe he told the truth when he said he hadn't taken any since 91. Still doesn't mean the question is off the table. People are acting just as pig-headed as Nancy Grace when they so vehemently deny that there is anything to be discussed here.

I'd be interested in seeing an open conversation about this topic. Of course it's not going to happen. Nancy Grace is annoying and abrasive so I'm not sure the conversation needs to involve her, anyway. But many guys have come forward and said that the wellness policy is still just a farce put in place for appearances, so that when things like this come up WWE is able to tell the media "We have a system of checks in place".

So I'm not gonna take the diehard wrestling fan approach of trashing Nancy Grace and implying that there isn't a discussion that needs to take place here. There still is. There is no way the locker room is 100% clean and while yes it's possible to die of a massive heart attack in your 50s naturally, it seems strange that guys who are in the gym every day and eating clean like Warrior would have massive heart issues. Even if it's a hereditary issue and ran in his family, things like diet and exercise are supposed to be the strategies that prevent you from succumbing to it.
I want to see an unexpected appearance from CM Punk on the Nancy Grace show. He's got nothing to lose and the back and forth would be hilarious. Wishful thinking..
If anyone was to go on the show it would have to be the creator of WWE himself, Vincent K. McMahon. No one else would have the same insight or knowledge that Vince has. End of the day, its his product and he should be the one to defend it on a national stage.

Apparently you never saw the interview with him and Bob Costas. Unless McMahon has turned his demeanor around, it won't take much to set him off. And she's the perfect person to do it. She'd wrap rings around him and make him look like an idiot.
I agree with the folks before me; Nancy Grace has no authority to put WWE on trial and her attempts to lure one of their performers onto her show wreak of desperation. She's trying to crack a story that was already beaten to death twenty years ago, so she can frig off completely.

Hypothetically, if I were going to send someone over there to put her in her place it'd be Trips cos he's had his [giant] nose up the business's ass longer than anyone. See if he can take the heat as he moves up the corporate ladder. Also, Steph is with him 98% of his life so bring her along, too. Grace versus Steph could be a lot of fun, I'd like to see which of those two "winds up on top" while putting moves on each other. Am I right? Huh? Huh? Guys help me out here.......

Or if we're going the "not under contract" route, Chris Masters could step up. He was busted and later humilated on Raw for using that stuff, wasn't he?
I'm sure Honkey Tonk man is standing at the side of a highway trying to hitch a ride to her studio as we speak. XPac had probably drunk dialed her several times a day since this message came out. Terry Funk is probably threatening to come out of retirement for the 74th time for one last match.

This is what happens for fans give media more power than they are worth. That petition and pathetic boycott of a show no one watched was foolish. You don't want to make war with these news people. They thrive off it and can dedicate their whole show to it. WWE can't do the same. Throw in the fact that their history is marred by a ton of drugs and other unfortunate deaths and Grace would kill any WWE guest they could throw at her.
I definitely agree with the consensus in that WWE shouldn't accept the invitation. Nancy Grace has absolutely zero interest in doing anything approaching an unbiased interview that results in WWE correcting her on mistakes that she made and explaining anything from their perspective. Nancy Grace is the very model of an opportunistic "journalist" who doesn't give a shit about what the truth is, her primary goal is to be controversial and combative in order to generate headlines for herself.

As someone else pointed out, Grace hasn't apologized for the mistakes that she made during her interview with DDP. She's not interested in apologizing for her mistakes because, in her mind, it's just not what she does. As I stated in the first thread talking about her, she conducted an ambush interview on Melinda Duckett back in 2006 and practically came right out and accused her of being involved in the disappearance of her 2 year old son despite the fact that there was absolutely no evidence whatsoever, then or now, that she had anything to do with it. Duckett was so distraught over this, coupled with the stress of her son's disappearance, that she committed suicide the day before the interview was to air. Grace did what she always does, she generates headlines for herself regardless of the damage she causes to other people.

I've little doubt that this would be another ambush interview in which she started dragging up all of these various past issues, such as Vince being on trial back in the early 90s in regards to providing steroids to talent and insinuating that he was guilty even though a jury thought otherwise. She might even try to track down past talent that have a heated grudge against WWE or Vince like Kevin Wacholz, AKA "Mr. Magnificent" Kevin Kelly or Nailz. He testified at the trial I mentioned against Vince, claiming that Vince had sold him steroids, the jury didn't believe him because of his well known personal dislike for Vince. Hell, he even stated in open court as part of his testimony "I hate Vince McMahon's guts." If Grace can track him down and get him on her show, he'll give her exactly the kinda stuff she wants to hear regardless of whether any of it's true.
She made this situation to get a reaction and attention, Now she wants this for the same reason, Its best to not feed the troll in my experience.
I can see 2 things playing out of this.

1- we get some funny skit making fun of her on Raw

2- Some ex WWE guy wanting some money and to bury the WWE will go on her show, and spill the beans about something.
I can see 2 things playing out of this.

1- we get some funny skit making fun of her on Raw

2- Some ex WWE guy wanting some money and to bury the WWE will go on her show, and spill the beans about something.

To your point number 2, someone like Justin Credible.
It'll end with WWE sending someone like Hornswoggle out dressed as her with JBL using slurs such as troll and so forth. There is no way the WWE will allow her to gain ratings at the expensive of themselves, more reverse it the more they react to her on their show, the chances are she either a) shuts up or b) her reactions brings it to the attention of her viewers who then watch the show.
If anything, what most likely happens is that someone like Mero goes on her show again to justify her opinions in a one sided 'debate'.

The WWE blacklist said that anyone in the business that goes on her show does so at the risk of not working with the WWE again, so that'll take the usual list of suspects that normally would jump at her offer off the table. Those guys still want a piece of the WWE pie. It'll be guys like Mark Mero, who have no intention of going back to Vince, who look to get their last 15 minutes from Nancy Grace.

WWE should, and probably will just ignore this though, because they have nothing to gain from it. Grace will want to be talking about the past. WWE would rather talk about the present and the future. Grace's whole schtick is ambush journalism coupled with an opinion she feels is correct, instead of a mindset that she wants to learn the truth.

If they actually did take her up on this though, there is only one guy in the company I'd trust to 'win' the debate. Paul Heyman. Well spoken, knowledgeable, passionate, competitive and he likes to debate. Put Pauly across a table from someone like Nancy Grace, and it would be a train wreck for her.

You don't use Otunga because regardless of how educated he is, and how well he can speak... his physique looks like someone who's on steroids. She would zone in on that and put him on the defensive. It wouldn't matter if he shuts her down right away, because Grace's act is like a pit bull in the sense that once she states an opinion as fact, she doesn't let go of it. You wouldn't get anywhere in the end.

I wouldn't use Dutch either because he can have a tendency to go off the rails a bit and she could side track him.

Heyman would hold onto his argument, he'd force her to clarify her position and then he'd interject some real facts into it to show how far off she was. He'd be the guy, if anyone, to beat her at her own game... so much so that I'd expect a lot of sudden commercial breaks if it ever happened.
If she wants to have an actual debate with someone from WWE, do it on mutal ground, not on her turf where she can call all the shots & control where the debate goes to fit her agenda. Oh & nobody believes she's a fan of pro wrestling. The bullshitting is strong in that hosebag.
Wow first things first. It took Nancy along time,to cough admit her errors cough. This is like a double edged sword in a way. IF the wwe gives in,they feed the monster known as nancy grace she will run roughshot over most. IF they ignore her,then she can gloat and say stuff like "See I told you so."

As far as her being a wrestling fan,i am ashamed if she is truly a fan of our sport. Her interview was tasteless,and a complete disgrace no pun intended. WWE has busted its ass to clean up its image,they have a tough wellness policy,and help out their former stars if they are having trouble. People like Philip Seymour Hoffman,Heath Ledger died of overdoses yet she never brought that up once..

But if someone would to go on her show,fight fire with fire theres only four people that pop to my mind. One would be Triple H. A current guy,someone who Nancy would not dare to mess with.. Paul Heyman,has been there and done it all. Someone who would put her in her place the minute she stepped out of line. Zeb Coulter would be another choice,an old school manager,who is as smart as they come.

Vinnie Mac would be my obvious choice. What better host than the owner of WWE himself Vince McMahon. Vince would turn the interview on her in a heartbeat and make Nancy grovel and probably be the only person who could make her apologize publicly.

But at the end,the WWE should not address this. Distance themselves as far from that Bitch as much as they can! The WWE would gain nothing from doing an interview from her. Nancy can send her worthless apologies and stick it up her candy ass
Obviously, WWE shouldn't accept this invitation. But what they could do is invite her to be part of a panel on the WWE Network. Put her next to guys like John Cena, David Otunga, Paul Heyman, and Michael Hayes - along with a few "experts," of course - with JR or Mean Gene as the host. Tell her she can simulcast it on her show, but WWE will go ahead and take care of the production at their own expense.
It's on CNN.... From the looks of their ratings, it isn't like anyone watches it anyway.

They should go a step further... Not just a ban on Nancy Grace, but a full ban on any of WWE's talent or former talent (who want a chance to ever get paid by WWE again) appearing on any show associated with Time-Warner until the bitch is fired.

Wouldn't be the first time Vince went head to head with Time-Warner...
I can see 2 things playing out of this.

1- we get some funny skit making fun of her on Raw

2- Some ex WWE guy wanting some money and to bury the WWE will go on her show, and spill the beans about something.

That would be funny and much deserving. The Law & Order show made fun of her in an episode, calling it "The Faith Yancy Show" with a woman clearly resembling her.
See I made the mistake of listening to all the wrestling fans' perspective of this whole Nancy Grace thing and after finally seeing the footage, I have to admit I was wrong.
While I will never defend her, I feel she accomplished exactly what she wanted to accomplish by being very media savvy.

Nancy Grace NEVER said Owen Hart died of steroid/drug use. Never.
She was wrong in speculating that Warrior died of such causes, but honestly...who didn't REALLY have that cross their mind?

What she did do was very slick.
While she ranted and raved about steroid and drug use running rampant through wrestling (true), she ran a screenshot titled "Wreslters who died before age 35" or died early...but never mentioning the causes.
While that lists ran while she talked about drugs...it gives someone not really paying attention to think that that list is of those who died of drugs......and there is your uproar.

Truth: Owen Hart died at age 33
Truth: Warrior died of a heart attack
Truth: Many wrestlers who have died of heart attacks were due to enlarged hearts because of steroid use. (Eddie/possibly Savage and others)
Truth: When you blend all 3 true statements together you give the impression that Owen died because of drugs...a wrong impression, but enough circumstantial evidence to lay that claim.

She should still be ignored...because it won't help anyone's causes to "take her down". It's clearly her sandbox and her rules...but she didn't give any misinformation. She presented true statements in a way to steer you in a direction.

Go 'head...flame me.

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