Nancy Grace

If Nancy Grace was truly a fan of pro wrestling, she wouldn't have done what she did. Sorry Nancy, but you had your chance and you blew it.
There is absolutely nothing to be gained from WWE having any further dealings with Nancy Grace.

As has already been stated, DDP's appearance generated quite the buzz and she wants to capitalize on it. In the 24/7 news cycle, no publicity is bad publicity.

Some hack like Marc Mero may very well jump at the opportunity. Fine, no one will bat an eye.

"Put me in an Atomic Elbow." Say there Nancy, at least try to sound authentic... If she's a wrestling fan, then I am the star of the next production of the Nutcracker on Broadway.
Nancy Grace NEVER said Owen Hart died of steroid/drug use. Never.
She was wrong in speculating that Warrior died of such causes, but honestly...who didn't REALLY have that cross their mind?

No she didn't. You're right. I saw the list the day after the interview. A lot of people assumed that list was a list of wrestlers who died of causes linked to steroids or other drugs/alcohol. When, I don't believe, it didn't say anything or the sort. But the assumption snowballed.

She basically said A LOT by saying nothing. She knew what she was doing. And if she is as big a wrestling fan like she says, she knew putting Owen's name on that list would have put people in an uproar.
She's old school and believes the present is still just as bad as the past I guess. And that just isn't true. At least in the WWE. But it wouldn't matter if even Vince himself educated her on everything the company now does, she would probably just sit there and say, "you're lying, prove it".

They could present her with facts about the wellness policy and she'd just continue to take it further and further. Having a debate is fine as long as both sides have facts to present their argument, but she doesn't care about that stuff. She's as stubborn as they come and will never budge or admit that she's wrong about the state of the WWE and steroids/drugs no matter how much proof is given to her.
Like a lot of you have already said, WWE should just ignore her. The only fear I have is that someone not under contract with WWE will go to the show and bash the company without them having a chance to defend themselves.

If WWE were to send someone I would love for it to be Paul Heyman. Not only is he very knowledgeable on the product and one of the most legendary wrestling personalities of all time, he is also a dick. You need someone to be an asshole when debating with Nancy Grace because of who she is. In my opinion Heyman is the perfect combination of intelligent and jerk. It would also be cool if Punk went on there for the same reasons. Can you imagine either (or both) of them on there? It would be a slaughter, even if it is her show.
The timing on this statement seems a little too coincidental. First Nancy Grace makes a broad generalization about steroids being such a major problem in wrestling and tries to make it seem as if its the only area where steroids is an issue. Then, a petition is started on to remove her from the air on CNN and television altogether and now she wants to clear up "any misconceptions"? It looks like Nancy Grace wants to save face with the wrestling portion of her audience[if there even were any wrestling fans watching her show to begin with].

If Nancy Grace is such an inquisitive and truthful reporter wanting to expose the truth, why doesn't she go after Hollywood for the amount of drug related deaths? I answer that easily: she knows she would get a big backlash on her ass and would be booted from television subsequent to the public outcry for doing that. Pro wrestling has always been considered the unsophisticated sport so it is very easy for Nancy Grace to grind a personal axe with it. There will be little to no consequence for her slander of an entire sport and the deaths of those along its evolution. But I wonder, how long before this dumb bitch gets herself into another similar situation? She reports inaccurately and often skews the facts only to sensationalize her stories. Someone with that kind of history will often repeat the same pattern until the cycle is broken and I for one, hope she is booted off of TV soon. Piers Morgan was another CNN "reporter" who did similar type of tactics and he no longer works there. As far as I'm concerned, these types of media personalities belong unemployed and far away from the masses. It is because of these kind of stereotypes that pro wrestling/entertainment continues to be considered an unsophisticated ignorant fake sport. So what? Hollywood is pre-scripted yet it is NEVER called out for being fake nor is it crusaded against for its own string of untimely deaths. It is easy to single out the simple target but it takes real effort and character to report accurately tackling all the big issues. Nancy Grace takes the low road more often than not and it'll be a great win for fair reporting when she is booted off of TV for good.
If anyone was to go on the show it would have to be the creator of WWE himself, Vincent K. McMahon. No one else would have the same insight or knowledge that Vince has. End of the day, its his product and he should be the one to defend it on a national stage.

One of the posters said Paul Heyman. That would be an excellent choice. The best manager in the history of professional wrestling and the best talker on a microphone that is not a wrestler.

Thing is, if anyone was to go on the show from WWE, then Nancy wins because she now gained viewership. Its better to ignore it and not let her gain any little fame out of it and move on.

I agree. That's the smart thing to do. I don't see what WWE could gain for it but I could see what Nancy Grace could. I'm sure the WWE will ignore her.
I think WWE should send someone to Nancy grace just one time, but it shouldn't just be anyone. They should send piper.... Just wind him up and turn him loose. I would pay to see that! If she gets piper riled up, there will be nothing left of her set!
Vince... enough said you saw what happened with Bob Costas, and Vince likes him. He would tear her apart.
Yo LMFAOOOOO is the quote in the OP real? She just begging for the DDP meat so blatantly?

Lol but if anyone goes on the show, it can't be anyone other than Vince. I gotta see him act out one more time. Or maybe HHH might be a better fit since he is gonna be the head honcho in time, plus he will make for a better watch since he was an active talent and "one of the guys" with Owen (who Nancy said died from steroid use).

Either way, I'm not hoping for political correctness, I'm hoping for ignorance and aggression from HHH or Vince. Then after that, feigned politeness and apology.
Imagine if Nancy Grace SOMEHOW landed an interview with CM Punk. That would by far be the most interesting interview I could ever watch.

There's so many possibilities and directions he could take with that. I'd watch it.

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