Hail Sabin!

He should just go to Japan with Shelley. X division sucks now and I doubt he will be involved in anything with aces and eights because Hogan can't stand him for some reason.
This is good to hear, but will he be back in TNA? I'm not up on when his contract expires, but I agree with PsychoBlack in saying he could do wonders over in Japan. The X division is a work in progress now; there's no telling how long guys like Petey Williams and Sonjay Dutt will stick around if they don't win the X division belt. But I would like to see Sabin back in TNA.
I love Chris Sabin; The moves he can do is amazing. He wrestled against people bigger, smaller, and the same size as him, and looked fantastic in all of them. Dolph Ziggler doesn't even come close.
He should just go to Japan with Shelley. X division sucks now and I doubt he will be involved in anything with aces and eights because Hogan can't stand him for some reason.

Where the fuck did you get that information from? I swear, am I the only person on this forum that doesn't work for TNA, or are you people making shit up as you type it in.

And that's great support for Sabin. Go to Japan so I can't watch you. If I do, I'll have to go through thick and thin to find a way to watch the match. Screw seeing you almost every Thursday. Convenience? Blah.

Yes, TNA might misuse him or they might not. Either way, he's better off in TNA.

Also, I really doubt that him coming back after Velvet Sky did a few months ago is a coincidence. Part of me thinks she convinced him to resign. Took a while, it seems.

The things us men do for pussy. Amazing.

Hope Shelley comes back as well. MCMG versus Aries & Roode?

Where the fuck did you get that information from? I swear, am I the only person on this forum that doesn't work for TNA, or are you people making shit up as you type it in.
He and Shelley have done multiple interviews on how Hogan can't stand the X division guys because "They don't look like pro wrestlers"

And that's great support for Sabin. Go to Japan so I can't watch you. If I do, I'll have to go through thick and thin to find a way to watch the match. Screw seeing you almost every Thursday. Convenience? Blah.
Dude this is 2013 we have youtube. Thats all it takes and you can find any match from any japanese or indy promotion for that matter in under a second.

Yes, TNA might misuse him or they might not. Either way, he's better off in TNA.
Not when he could go to Japan and be treated for what he's worth

Also, I really doubt that him coming back after Velvet Sky did a few months ago is a coincidence. Part of me thinks she convinced him to resign. Took a while, it seems.
I don't even know if his contract was up they said he tore his ACL.

Hope Shelley comes back as well. MCMG versus Aries & Roode?
No Shelley is tearing shit up in NJPW. He's half of the IWGP tag team champs and just had a great match with Prince Devitt for the IWGP Jr heavyweight title. He'll be fine where he is. Hell Aries would do better over their and Roode needs to just bring his ass to WWE he's not getting any younger
The things us men do for pussy. Amazing.

I dunno about you, but if Velvet Sky gave me the option of banging her brains out or sleeping on the couch, signing a bit of paper would be a fairly easy choice :p

Great news though, hopefully he doesnt go all out and eases back into it and stays healthy this time. Its really exciting to see Sabin back as well as Petey and Dutt. Really exciting.

Hell Aries would do better over their and Roode needs to just bring his ass to WWE he's not getting any younger

So he should give up TNA because hes not getting younger so he can go to WWE and job to mid carders? Dont know how these types of posts arent considered spam.
Chris Sabin is a great talent. I loved watching him as X Division champion in the early days of TNA, and obviously his partnership with Shelley in the MCMG was awesome. It's a shame Shelley is over in Japan as a MCMG reunion would have been fantastic- a feud with Bad Influence could have rivalled their series of matches with Beer Money a few years ago.

Still, Sabin will be a great addition to the roster as a singles wrestler too. With Sonjay and Petey seemingly back in the X-Division, hopefully the addition of Sabin as well will help TNA to rebuild what was their biggest attraction. Sabin has had shocking luck with injuries, so hopefully he can stay injury free and become the top dog in the X-Division.

Hail Sabin!
Sabin's a great talent, no doubt. However, given that he's had knee injuries that have kept him sidelined for somewhere in the neighborhood of 2 years, it makes me wonder if he's going to adopt something of a different style. Given that he suffered the same injury that put him on the shelf only weeks after coming back, it might be something he has to do.

As far as his return to TNA, I'll decide whether or not to get excited once I see what they do with him. TNA could pair him up with someone to make a tag team. They're certainly needed. After Thursday, either LAX 3.0 will win the tag titles again, something I don't think many people are all that interested in, or they'll be forced to disban, leaving only two actual teams to make up the roster.

He could be brought in as a member of Aces & Eights. Generally speaking, he's already a bigger star than 80% of their membership. They could use an athletic, smaller guy and use him to sort of represent them in the X Division.

If they bring in Sabin and simply make him another interchangeable high flyer to be used in an occasional X Division match, then it's just a waste whether or not he were to come back as a member of Aces & Eights.

As to whether or not Hogan likes or dislikes Sabin, it wouldn't surprise me if he doesn't. Hogan has been alleged to say that guys like Sabin, Shelley, Generation Me don't have the kind of look he thinks a wrestler should have. Granted, they don't have the best looks. The fact that they made practically zero use of Alex Shelley while he was on the roster, despite being perfectly healthy & capable of being a benefit to the roster while Sabin was on the shelf, does make you wonder if it's true.
First, to address the point about Sabin "re-signing", he is and has been under contract. He was only out to rehab his knee.

Moving on...
Sabin's a great talent, no doubt. However, given that he's had knee injuries that have kept him sidelined for somewhere in the neighborhood of 2 years, it makes me wonder if he's going to adopt something of a different style. Given that he suffered the same injury that put him on the shelf only weeks after coming back, it might be something he has to do.
I get what you're saying, but they were two different knees. One happened arguably because of a botch by Anarquia, and the other was just a freak thing. I can't see Sabin changing a large amount, he has a million moves, but really only one gear.

As far as his return to TNA, I'll decide whether or not to get excited once I see what they do with him. TNA could pair him up with someone to make a tag team. They're certainly needed. After Thursday, either LAX 3.0 will win the tag titles again, something I don't think many people are all that interested in, or they'll be forced to disban, leaving only two actual teams to make up the roster.
I agree completely, and I have a suggestion: TNA should form a Sabin and Storm tag team. They can play off their longstanding in the company, and past as tag rivals. It gives them both something relevant to focus on, and feuds with Bad Influence and especially Roode/Aries could be incredible.

As to whether or not Hogan likes or dislikes Sabin, it wouldn't surprise me if he doesn't. Hogan has been alleged to say that guys like Sabin, Shelley, Generation Me don't have the kind of look he thinks a wrestler should have. Granted, they don't have the best looks. The fact that they made practically zero use of Alex Shelley while he was on the roster, despite being perfectly healthy & capable of being a benefit to the roster while Sabin was on the shelf, does make you wonder if it's true.

But the point was that there is no proof of this. Only speculation based on how they perceive Hogan to be behind the curtain.

The fact is that MCMG didn't get the tag belts until during the Hogan/Bischoff-era and that is also when they had their great series with Beer Money- a series that the guns won, going over two guys that we know now the current regime is/was quite high on. How they treated Shelley could have been a commentary on how they felt about featuring him as a single's competitor or how they felt about the X-division as a whole. The fact still remains that anytime Sabin has been healthy since Hogan and Bischoff have been in control he has been used well and mostly booked strongly, albeit as a tag team wrestler.
He and Shelley have done multiple interviews on how Hogan can't stand the X division guys because "They don't look like pro wrestlers"
Must be why they became Tag Team Champions and got X Division pushes under Hogan while they were just lingering from 2007 to 2009.

Dude this is 2013 we have youtube. Thats all it takes and you can find any match from any japanese or indy promotion for that matter in under a second.

Yeah, I'd rather be told when my shows come on. I shouldn't have to scour the internet for them.

Not when he could go to Japan and be treated for what he's worth
Like a tag team wrestler and a Cruiserweight? JUST LIKE IN TNA?!

I don't even know if his contract was up they said he tore his ACL.

It did.

No Shelley is tearing shit up in NJPW. He's half of the IWGP tag team champs and just had a great match with Prince Devitt for the IWGP Jr heavyweight title. He'll be fine where he is.
Who? Exactly. I know who Prince Devitt is, I'm just making a point.
Hell Aries would do better over their and Roode needs to just bring his ass to WWE he's not getting any younger.
Why would the hottest talents in TNA give up their spots on a growing company and head other to a larger one where they will most likely have to start over and probably have to wait over a year to get to a similar spot they are now?
Well it seems my thread about X-Division talents they could use is coming through. Petey Williams and Chris Sabin are back, now all they need is Alex Shelley and maybe Brian Kendrick and I'm sold.

As to what to do with Sabin when he comes back. What he's always done is a good start. Both the tag and X-Division scenes are a bit shit so they could benefit from an established name like Sabin. I'd personally rather see him in the X-Division, they seem to be really wanting to do something with it (bringing back guys like Dutt and Williams indicate this) And Sabin can play off of that. But the tag scene is hurting as well. It's just who would he tag with is the more complicated question.
Well it seems my thread about X-Division talents they could use is coming through. Petey Williams and Chris Sabin are back, now all they need is Alex Shelley and maybe Brian Kendrick and I'm sold.

As to what to do with Sabin when he comes back. What he's always done is a good start. Both the tag and X-Division scenes are a bit shit so they could benefit from an established name like Sabin. I'd personally rather see him in the X-Division, they seem to be really wanting to do something with it (bringing back guys like Dutt and Williams indicate this) And Sabin can play off of that. But the tag scene is hurting as well. It's just who would he tag with is the more complicated question.

Please, no Brian Kendrick. Please.

And actually, the X-Division doesn't need people. At any given time it's always had a few solid dudes who could really go. The division needs time and storylines. That's it.

ALL of those guys can flip around. Well, except for York. I still don't know what's so X-Division about him when Samoa Joe is more nimble than he is. I'm not even over-exaggerating.

The Division needs exposure and enough time on TV to seem like a relevant part of the programming. When you cram a match with no build up (or no good build up) and you immediately follow it with 10 commercials and a knockouts match like it never happened, you could have dudes with super powers in that ring, it's still not going to matter.

Sabin has always been great. He needs to be repackaged I think (been wearing the same gear for 6 years) maybe try to cut more promos and essentially increase your spectrum of what you do.

C'mon X-Division guys, it's 2013. Learn from Aries. Learn from AJ. HAVE A CHARACTER.
I am glad to see Sabin back. Hopefully he can stay healthy this time. I could see him toning down his style a bit this time around. I am hoping he can make the X division competitive. It is kind of a cluster right now, and I hope he doesn't get lost in that. I am still positive about his return though as it is always exciting to see him in the ring.
Although I have enjoyed newcomers to the X-Division such as Kenny King or Zema Ion, having guys like Sabin or Petey Williams return will do wonders for boosting the quality of matches in that division. I still don't like the whole 3 way matches only because that is a lame concept that is forced in reality by people like Bruce Pritchard who are out of touch with what the fans actually want from the X-Division. Still, I'm happy older X guys are coming back to make it exciting again. Only if TNA can somehow manage to book it right and not screw it up.
I know some folks are going to blast me for this and that's okay...but, I wish they would just scrap the x-division. Now, I was a major fan of the X-Division in the Pre-Hogan/Bischoff TNA days. I looked forward to those matches more than the Jarrett Title Matches. The difference was that's where TNA's most talented guys were. Styles, Daniels, Petey, Sabin, Kaz, Lynn, Joe, etc.

Now, it's a half-hearted attempt by TNA's brass to keep a division of fans happy. But, in the end, nobody's happy. It's almost like Vince's version of ECW. It's just not the same because it's not organic anymore. It's forced.

Now, what I would like for them to do is bring back Sabin...Have him compete for the TV title. Let the handful of guys in TNA, including x-division guys, who have some actual CHARISMA compete for it. This would do 3 things. Make the TV Title seem more important and useful. Stop the complaining about how the x-division isn't what it used to be. Finally, it would diminish the need for two segments for two irrevelant titles to just one segment. I for one would enjoy seeing King, Sabin, Joe, Magnus, Storm, Anderson, etc. competing for this title. With Bischoff's vision of a cruiserweight division being limited to little guys, we should scrap it. Give guys like Sabin, who can handle it, a chance to fight guys that are bigger.

Personally, I think Sabin has the talent to get over as a singles guy. I actually like the heel Sabin of days of old. I think he could be a good tweener as well. But, putting him in matches with guys like York, Dutt, Ion and giving them no time to develop characters or story lines will be a flop.
He should just go to Japan with Shelley. X division sucks now and I doubt he will be involved in anything with aces and eights because Hogan can't stand him for some reason.

Do you watch TNA or are you just saying TNA sucks? Sabin, Dutt, Kenny King, Petey Williams, Zema Ion, and maybe a possible return of Suicide and Mason Andrews? Yea the X-divison sucks. WWE mark alert.
I am hoping to see Sabin put straight into the X division Title picture. The guy had some amazing X division matches over the years and with Petey Williams now back I am hoping its not to long before the division is back where it should be.
Now, I believe we can all agree that what we want to see is Sabin's work in the ring after being shut down for so long. There should be SOME ring rust (if not, great!) but will he be able to keep up? And will he return to the form a lot of people love him for? I personally hope so. He would be a great addition to the X roster. And most of all, I just wish him better luck health-wise in the future, the man simply cannot afford a third major injury right now.
He and Shelley have done multiple interviews on how Hogan can't stand the X division guys because "They don't look like pro wrestlers"

So they aired some grievances out once or twice... big deal. CM Punk's talked ill mannered about Triple H, John Cena, Vince McMahon, and even The Rock for a while now and there's nothing going wrong with him now is there? Not to mention, if Hogan wasn't so keen on X-Division guys then why is he

A) Using Daniels, Kazarian, Aries, Styles, Abyss, and Samoa Joe in main event feuds all of whom are former X-Division stars?

B) Working behind the scenes and adding new concepts to the division [ie making every X-Division match a 3 Way Dance now] to help give it more life?

C) Continuously helping TNA sign new talent like Jigsaw that will only help improve the division?

Dude this is 2013 we have youtube. Thats all it takes and you can find any match from any japanese or indy promotion for that matter in under a second.

Dude, this is 2013 and New Japan's been around since 1972... if they were worth anything to other audiences, they would already have a TV slot right now. Or at least a strong DVD presence like PWG, Chikara, Dragon Gate USA/Evolve, and ROH before they went to syndicated television.

TNA is currently available in 31 countries across the world. It's a bigger success statistically in the United Kingdom than the WWE, making it arguably the bigger company there. How does Sabin leaving a company with such a strong following for another company that's a national level company help him? Unless it's the middle man between his jump from TNA to WWE, it doesn't help at all.

Plus, Sabin's been to NJPW already. Why would going backwards help him?

Not when he could go to Japan and be treated for what he's worth

How do you know that TNA doesn't have anything planned for him? How do you know that he can't be used in the main event? Maybe his past speak outs on Hogan helped him get recognized.... it's worked for other wrestlers in the past. Or maybe he and Kenny King, as well as maybe Sonjay Dutt, could help rebuild the X-Division... who knows what he will be doing except for TNA?

No Shelley is tearing shit up in NJPW. He's half of the IWGP tag team champs and just had a great match with Prince Devitt for the IWGP Jr heavyweight title. He'll be fine where he is. Hell Aries would do better over their and Roode needs to just bring his ass to WWE he's not getting any younger

Are you serious? Right now, Aries and Roode are involved in possibly one of the bigger storylines on the second biggest company in the world. They've also been teasing a possible involvement with the entire Aces and Eights group. Why would leaving TNA help them?

As for Shelley, he may be putting on great matches, but if nobody's able to see them then he might as well be wrestling in his own bedroom with a blowup doll. Personally, I can find entertainment in some Japanese promotions. I wouldn't have been able to know who Riho is if I hadn't... but to say moving anybody from TNA or WWE to Japan would be a better move is ridiculous.


And here's a thought for anybody who wants to talk about it... what do you guys think of the chances that Sabin might become one of TNA's next "heroes" as Bully Ray puts it? He's been given a lot of hype and I think TNA could try to capitalize on it by putting him in a feud with someone like Devon. Even if he doesn't win the belt, at least it'll bring him back in and give him momentum.
Last Thursday was Sabin's first match since seemingly ever. He was not as high octane as we've known him to be but he got the job done. It could all be attributed to ring rust. Nothing flashy but nothing sloppy either. Glad to have him back. Sabin with Petey and Sonjay could really inject new life in the X-Division. Or rather a return to the old ways since those three men were main contributors to the division's popularity. Eager to see where he goes from here. Hail Sabin!
Something special's happening right now in the X Division with Kenny King at the the helm. King is really coming into his own. He was always a confident young guy but as he keeps racking up these X Division title wins, I really think the sky is the limit for him. His promo last week on the returning Chris Sabin was one of the best segments of the wrestling week. I am really enjoying this King dominant champion, Sabin hungry for the title and redemption dynamic. And throwing Petey Williams and the Canadian Destroyer in there can't hurt either.
I completely agree with you on the points of King and Sabin, but Williams is a problem. Fact is, as excited as I was over the proposed X Division rule changes, this "every match is a three-way match" thing has actually hurt the division, quite a bit in fact. It's almost completely eliminated the concept of the feud, because there will always be a third wheel tagging along even if you do build drama between two performers well (like they did with Sabin and King).

Fact is, King v. Sabin for the title with Sabin starved to win the title again after two major ACL injuries is a classic storyline, but it's being interrupted ad nauseum with all these forced additions of a third party. It doesn't matter who it is — Williams, Suicide, whoever. They have no purpose in the picture, and actually cut the legs out from what would otherwise be the best singles feud over the X Division title we've seen in probably three or four years.

Sorry, TNA, but I think you need a bit of a mea culpa on those rules. Maybe revise them to the point that it's not a rule that every match be a three-way, but that every x division match on IMPACT be a three-way, so we can at least get something brewing by means of singles feuds for Pay-Per-View. I mean, personally, I'd rather you just bail on it entirely, but I want to see Sabin v. King, not Sabin v. King v. oh yeah, there has to be this other guy because of the new rules.
Fact is, as excited as I was over the proposed X Division rule changes, this "every match is a three-way match" thing has actually hurt the division, quite a bit in fact. It's almost completely eliminated the concept of the feud, because there will always be a third wheel tagging along even if you do build drama between two performers well (like they did with Sabin and King).

Fact is, King v. Sabin for the title with Sabin starved to win the title again after two major ACL injuries is a classic storyline, but it's being interrupted ad nauseum with all these forced additions of a third party. It doesn't matter who it is — Williams, Suicide, whoever. They have no purpose in the picture, and actually cut the legs out from what would otherwise be the best singles feud over the X Division title we've seen in probably three or four years.

After paying attention to the concept and watching the matches for a few weeks, I have to say I agree, and last night's match was the best example of it, to date. As much as I like Petey, he just didn't belong there and I couldn't shake off that feeling of misplacement while watching.

One other very important facet of the whole concept that, in my opinion, can only hurt TNA is that the guy that gets pinned is literally out of the title picture. That's basically shooting yourself in the foot by deliberately limiting your matchup options. Some would argue that it encourages the arrival of new faces and even the setting up of new feuds but, especially in the case of new feuds (see aforementioned argument), it just doesn't hold water. In the end, you just thin down the herd until there are so many wrestlers out of the chase that you've hurt your own concept. Mind you, TNA is certainly not above disregarding all that and changing the rules along the way so...

Sabin is already proving he is back to form and if you're going to launch him into a feud with the X champ right from the start, he deserves more than a half-assed, logistically confused forum to take that feud and run with it. The three-way match is just silly compared to the division's golden years and doesn't do wrestlers like Sabin justice.

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