Prison Troll Bingo

I give you a definition to a word you yourself can look up, and you say I typed it on accident?

You're a special kind of stupid, aren't you?

It hasn't been proven. Nobody has agreed with you yet. Usually someone has to believe you in order for you to be right.

Follow the Tim Ruled threads, genius. You stroke his shaft far more than anyone on here ever should.

So you claim you are human and make typos, but when someone says something figuratively, that should be taken seriously?

Question: Did your mom kill herself? That I can understand.

First, the term is "by accident" not "on accident". Second, yes, I doubt you used that word on purpose. And, by the way, one of the first things that comes up when looking for "Compacity" is that it is often the misspelling of the word capacity, which means the same thing, idiot.

It has been proven. Just because a collective of idiots doesn't agree with it doesn't make you/them right. Take a fucking English course, moron. My use of commas is correct and no one has proven otherwise.

So, in your mind, people telling someone they are wrong, an idiot and useless, I s equivalent to "sucking his cock"? I guess that is why you think you get action.

Your metaphor was a typo then? Ok, kid. The fact is that your metaphor made no sense. I have made a few typos. One has nothing to do with the other.
LBK walks into a casino, and sits down at a Texas Hold 'Em table. Bets go out, the cards are flopped, the bets are called. There's trash on the table as players start flipping their hands.

Spideraynmareallout flips over an in-suit seven and king for a flush.
Slyfox and his five accounts flips over an ace and a three for a full house.
LBK refuses to flip his cards, says he has a royal flush, and claims the pot is his.

Can you prove that he doesn't have two cards in his hand which could possibly make a royal flush? You can't, can you? Therefore, he clearly does have a royal flush, and you're a lying lil bitch ******.

Wait for it....
Only an idiot would put all the words together as one. The fact is that in a list of adjectives, you'd put no longer pause than you would between words that do not require a comma to be between them.

Bullshit. I bet I can make you pause every time you see a comma, because one use of the comma is that it gives the reader a break, and when read aloud the reader knows when to stop, give emphasis, and most importantly not make it sound like they're reading a fucking run-on sentence, which I am sure you can even agree with me there, unless of course you're still in complete, ridiculous, asinine denial. Well, are you, lil bitch?

You're arguing grammar with an English major. What the fuck have you done with your life to give you such a big head on things, if I may ask? Why go out of your way to blog, start threads, and randomly post about wrestling writers nobody in their right mind would give a shit about? Are you so hard-up on being right about everything that when things like facts and evidence rears their ugly heads, you have to continue disputing what has already been made obvious?

Are you such a basket case that you have to continue to post on a forum that no longer sees you as anything other than entertainment; repeating already juvenile insults and making a complete mockery of the English language? Is this your idea of having fun online- being restricted here and Tim Ruled (which only 3 or 4 posters have ever been) until you figure out you can go to another wrestling forum?

Seriously. If you were half the genius you claim you are, you would have already left. Face it- you're not that smart, you lack the ability to compromise, and there's a good chance you keep your dead mom's body sitting in the basement.
Bullshit. I bet I can make you pause every time you see a comma, because one use of the comma is that it gives the reader a break, and when read aloud the reader knows when to stop, give emphasis, and most importantly not make it sound like they're reading a fucking run-on sentence, which I am sure you can even agree with me there, unless of course you're still in complete, ridiculous, asinine denial. Well, are you, lil bitch?

You're arguing grammar with an English major. What the fuck have you done with your life to give you such a big head on things, if I may ask? Why go out of your way to blog, start threads, and randomly post about wrestling writers nobody in their right mind would give a shit about? Are you so hard-up on being right about everything that when things like facts and evidence rears their ugly heads, you have to continue disputing what has already been made obvious?

Are you such a basket case that you have to continue to post on a forum that no longer sees you as anything other than entertainment; repeating already juvenile insults and making a complete mockery of the English language? Is this your idea of having fun online- being restricted here and Tim Ruled (which only 3 or 4 posters have ever been) until you figure out you can go to another wrestling forum?

Seriously. If you were half the genius you claim you are, you would have already left. Face it- you're not that smart, you lack the ability to compromise, and there's a good chance you keep your dead mom's body sitting in the basement.

You're arguing grammar with an English professor. What's your point? The fact is that you are wrong, and I am right. I have explained this and given you remedial English lessons. If you're an "English major", which I highly doubt, then you must not be doing well. It's like the old joke about calling the person that graduates last in medical school "Doctor". You can claim to be, and MIGHT be, an English major, it doesn't mean you're any good with the language, kid.

You, also, have again confused me with someone who cares what you, your alters and the power rangers "think" of me. I don't.
Bullshit. I bet I can make you pause every time you see a comma, because one use of the comma is that it gives the reader a break, and when read aloud the reader knows when to stop, give emphasis, and most importantly not make it sound like they're reading a fucking run-on sentence, which I am sure you can even agree with me there, unless of course you're still in complete, ridiculous, asinine denial. Well, are you, lil bitch?

You're arguing grammar with an English major. What the fuck have you done with your life to give you such a big head on things, if I may ask? Why go out of your way to blog, start threads, and randomly post about wrestling writers nobody in their right mind would give a shit about? Are you so hard-up on being right about everything that when things like facts and evidence rears their ugly heads, you have to continue disputing what has already been made obvious?

Are you such a basket case that you have to continue to post on a forum that no longer sees you as anything other than entertainment; repeating already juvenile insults and making a complete mockery of the English language? Is this your idea of having fun online- being restricted here and Tim Ruled (which only 3 or 4 posters have ever been) until you figure out you can go to another wrestling forum?

Seriously. If you were half the genius you claim you are, you would have already left. Face it- you're not that smart, you lack the ability to compromise, and there's a good chance you keep your dead mom's body sitting in the basement.

You claim that you are an English major and yet you don't know how to use commas and you think that the term is "on accident"? Ummmmm, being an "English major" but failing at English sounds about right for you.
You're arguing grammar with an English professor. What's your point? The fact is that you are wrong, and I am right. I have explained this and given you remedial English lessons. If you're an "English major", which I highly doubt, then you must not be doing well. It's like the old joke about calling the person that graduates last in medical school "Doctor". You can claim to be, and MIGHT be, an English major, it doesn't mean you're any good with the language, kid.

You, also, have again confused me with someone who cares what you, your alters and the power rangers "think" of me. I don't.

Shut up, furry.

See? I too can claim you're something without any grounds. And you haven't given any scientific proof on anything to be right. When you do that, come back to me.

Until then, wear your animal costume with pride, furry.
You claim that you are an English major and yet you don't know how to use commas and you think that the term is "on accident"? Ummmmm, being an "English major" but failing at English sounds about right for you.

Get back to me when you learn how to reply to me only one time, Professor Furry. Learn to say what you need to say.
Shut up, furry.

See? I too can claim you're something without any grounds. And you haven't given any scientific proof on anything to be right. When you do that, come back to me.

Until then, wear your animal costume with pride, furry.

You claimed to be an "English major", but I showed how that is either not possible, or that you are a failure at it. You had already claimed something without any grounds when you claimed to be an English major. The "scientific proof" you want is in the general rules of English grammar and comma usage. Now, granted, you used the word "scientific" incorrectly, since, well, I have offered logical and English proof. But, if you'd like Science to prove it, then go to a lab, mix 2 parts of "you're an idiot" with 3 parts " go fuck yourself" and see what you come up with. Oh, wait, you'll not come up with anything since English is a language based on knowledge and ability, not Science.

You get fresh material when you start giving fresh material, leech.
My use of commas is correct and no one has proven otherwise.

Since there are two independent clauses in the sentence, shouldn't there be a comma before the conjunction?

You can claim to be, and MIGHT be, an English major, it doesn't mean you're any good with the language, kid.

Since there are two independent clauses here, isn't this sentence grammatically incorrect? Shouldn't the comma between "major" and "it" either be accompanied by a coordinating conjunction or replaced with a semicolon?
Since there are two independent clauses in the sentence, shouldn't there be a comma before the conjunction?

Since there are two independent clauses here, isn't this sentence grammatically incorrect? Shouldn't the comma between "major" and "it" either be accompanied by a coordinating conjunction or replaced with a semicolon?

Yes, in both cases. It's a shame Mr. "I'm an English major" failed the test.
The funny thing about the truth is that it doesn't change.

Saying something over and over again doesn't make it true. Links, data, etc. makes things true. You've never given any of those things.

And Jesus kid, learn some new material. You've said that same idiotic line like 5 times now.
The correct expression is "I highly doubt" not "I have high doubts", Mr "English major". To be clear, I do know what it means, and it is being used correctly.

So it's okay to correct the smallest things people do and then insult them, but when it's you you're a human who only made a typo?


And having high doubts is a correct way of saying that, by the way. Both phrases are correct. But please continue trying your best to correct someone who is leaps and bounds above you, furry.

And also, it's Mr., not Mr but then again you'll claim you're right about that, too.
So it's okay to correct the smallest things people do and then insult them, but when it's you you're a human who only made a typo?


And having high doubts is a correct way of saying that, by the way. Both phrases are correct. But please continue trying your best to correct someone who is leaps and bounds above you, furry.

And also, it's Mr., not Mr but then again you'll claim you're right about that, too.

Using an incorrect expression is different than making a typo, moron. I guess "hypocrite" is another word for which you don't know the meaning,
Saying something over and over again doesn't make it true. Links, data, etc. makes things true. You've never given any of those things.

And Jesus kid, learn some new material. You've said that same idiotic line like 5 times now.

The difference between you and me is that I don't have to look things up to know when I'm right. I have known the rules of comma usage since I was in Grade 4. I have given you factual explanations of how commas are used and you cannot refute those with your "links and data", can you?

I can use the same line over and over for the simple reason that the truth doesn't change. Do you really think that I am Jesus, lil bitch?
No, because "Mr." when used correctly is a sign of respect, and I wouldn't want you to think I respect you.

No, it's not. There's no such thing as Mr now quit trying to make shit up.

You don't know your abbreviations. You've failed 1st Grade English. The game is over. Why you're still on the field is beyond anyone's guess right now.
No, it's not. There's no such thing as Mr now quit trying to make shit up.

You don't know your abbreviations. You've failed 1st Grade English. The game is over. Why you're still on the field is beyond anyone's guess right now.

Actually, no, as I said, to use the term correctly would imply that I respect you, which I do not. I chose to use it incorrectly in order to express that lack of respect, at the same time, making fun of your claim of being an "English major". I know such subtle things will always be lost on you, but it was funny.

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