Prison Troll Bingo

No, actually, you have completely missed the point that you are wrong. It's not about being profound. You claimed that the "sole purpose" of commas was the pause, and yet, the pause is not at all the "purpose" of a comma, it is occasionally the result when used correctly. You see, the purpose would be the reason we have them, which are grammatical reasons. The by-product is the coincidental result. The pause is a by-product.

And if the pause was not the by-product, why would we be using commas in the first place? Don't tell me to separate words, because you don't see people saying "Comma" out aloud when saying a normal sentence.
Oh no, I make typos. I am just human, and not the supernatural hero you'd like to think I am, lil bitch. But, again, don't go harming yourself because I make a few typos, here and there. There are plenty of other valid reasons for you to harm yourself.

The fact that you had to type "Oh no" three goddamn times is proof you are a deluded and thoroughly unoriginal poster with the creative compacity of a tribal tattoo.
The fact that you had to type "Oh no" three goddamn times is proof you are a deluded and thoroughly unoriginal poster with the creative compacity of a tribal tattoo.

Hey. Don't diss the tribal. I've got a tribal-marked Game Boy Advance SP, and back in its day it was the definition of cool.
In the time it has taken you to reply to all of these, you could have just killed yourself already. Lets play a game. Slit your wrist, type me a strongly worded response with as many catchphrases\zany theories you can muster & try to hit send before you pass out.
And if the pause was not the by-product, why would we be using commas in the first place? Don't tell me to separate words, because you don't see people saying "Comma" out aloud when saying a normal sentence.

You see, you are assuming that everything written is meant to be read aloud, and that every comma requires a pause. Neither is true. I told you what the purposes of commas really are. You were wrong. Find a way to deal with it, junior. I'm sure, by now, you're used to being wrong, after all, you get a lot of practice.
In the time it has taken you to reply to all of these, you could have just killed yourself already. Lets play a game. Slit your wrist, type me a strongly worded response with as many catchphrases\zany theories you can muster & try to hit send before you pass out.

You assume it takes me a long time to reply. It doesn't. Also, there you go talking about people killing themselves again. You'll want to get help with that, sicko.
The fact that you had to type "Oh no" three goddamn times is proof you are a deluded and thoroughly unoriginal poster with the creative compacity of a tribal tattoo.

"Compacity"?????? Ok, kid. The fact that all you have to make yourself feel better is a few typos I have made is a clear reflection of your lack of self-esteem.
You see, you are assuming that everything written is meant to be read aloud, and that every comma requires a pause. Neither is true. I told you what the purposes of commas really are. You were wrong. Find a way to deal with it, junior. I'm sure, by now, you're used to being wrong, after all, you get a lot of practice.

I actually did the opposite if you paid close enough attention. Also commas do require a pause, and unless you give me an example proving otherwise, I'm not going to believe the drivel frothing from your mouth.
"Compacity"?????? Ok, kid. The fact that all you have to make yourself feel better is a few typos I have made is a clear reflection of your lack of self-esteem.

I knew you'd attack that word. Let me teach you a something new today, then.

Compacity is the combination of the words "Compact" and "Density". It is used to define a measurement, such as sand, as the volume filled fraction. Therefore it was used correctly. I know you thought I meant capacity, but I did not.

You know you can look these words up someday.

And it hasn't been a few typos, LBK. We, both know, it's been, quite a few, now, don't we?

And the fact you have to make a thread sucking Paglino's cock every week shows how much self-esteem you personally have. Don't deflect.
I actually did the opposite if you paid close enough attention. Also commas do require a pause, and unless you give me an example proving otherwise, I'm not going to believe the drivel frothing from your mouth.

Commas do not always require a pause, moron.

When people tell you that you are a "fat, stupid, ugly, piece of shit moron who will amount to nothing in his so-called life", I doubt that they pause after each descriptor, and if they do, they need a lesson on how to speak.
Commas do not always require a pause, moron.

When people tell you that you are a "fat, stupid, ugly, piece of shit moron who will amount to nothing in his so-called life", I doubt that they pause after each descriptor, and if they do, they need a lesson on how to speak.

Nobody reads that as "fatstupiduglypiece of shit moron".
I knew you'd attack that word. Let me teach you a something new today, then.

Compacity is the combination of the words "Compact" and "Density". It is used to define a measurement, such as sand, as the volume filled fraction. Therefore it was used correctly. I know you thought I meant capacity, but I did not.

You know you can look these words up someday.

And it hasn't been a few typos, LBK. We, both know, it's been, quite a few, now, don't we?

And the fact you have to make a thread sucking Paglino's cock every week shows how much self-esteem you personally have. Don't deflect.

Hahahaha. You are claiming that you used the word on purpose? You're so full of shit you wouldn't know your ass from a can of gravy, kid. It's funny how you try to save face on here. This really is all you have, isn't it?

My use of commas, as has been proven, is correct and not a typo.

Where have I made a thread "sucking Paglino's cock"? Also, please explain how, in your delusional mind, that is a metaphor that makes any sense. Unless, of course, you actually think, or should I say hope, a thread on a message board can perform sexual acts, which would mean you still have hope.
You assume it takes me a long time to reply. It doesn't. Also, there you go talking about people killing themselves again. You'll want to get help with that, sicko.

See, if you are not going to follow the rules, then you must go play somewhere else. Step one: Slice. Step two: Type. Can you not follow simple directions? It dont matter how long it takes you to type, because its the secondary step. Numero Uno. Thats the important one.
See, if you are not going to follow the rules, then you must go play somewhere else. Step one: Slice. Step two: Type. Can you not follow simple directions? It dont matter how long it takes you to type, because its the secondary step. Numero Uno. Thats the important one.

Why don't you demonstrate, you sick lil bitch?
Commas do not always require a pause, moron.

When people tell you that you are a "fat, stupid, ugly, piece of shit moron who will amount to nothing in his so-called life", I doubt that they pause after each descriptor, and if they do, they need a lesson on how to speak.

Spider already proved you wrong there.
Nobody reads that as "fatstupiduglypiece of shit moron".

Only an idiot would put all the words together as one. The fact is that in a list of adjectives, you'd put no longer pause than you would between words that do not require a comma to be between them.
Hahahaha. You are claiming that you used the word on purpose? You're so full of shit you wouldn't know your ass from a can of gravy, kid. It's funny how you try to save face on here. This really is all you have, isn't it?

I give you a definition to a word you yourself can look up, and you say I typed it on accident?

You're a special kind of stupid, aren't you?

My use of commas, as has been proven, is correct and not a typo.

It hasn't been proven. Nobody has agreed with you yet. Usually someone has to believe you in order for you to be right.

Where have I made a thread "sucking Paglino's cock"?

Follow the Tim Ruled threads, genius. You stroke his shaft far more than anyone on here ever should.

Also, please explain how, in your delusional mind, that is a metaphor that makes any sense. Unless, of course, you actually think, or should I say hope, a thread on a message board can perform sexual acts, which would mean you still have hope.

So you claim you are human and make typos, but when someone says something figuratively, that should be taken seriously?

Question: Did your mom kill herself? That I can understand.
Spider already proved you wrong there.

No, he didn't. He claimed something that was false. In a list if adjectives, such as the example I gave, there would be no longer pause between the words than there would be between words in a sentence that do not require a comma between them.

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