Pretty interesting turn of events.

Serious Mozzarella

Special Victims Unit
So this weekend I went down south with a friend so she could pick up a car her mom bought for her, so she could drive it back up to Gainesville.

Long story short, the car broke down in Port St. Lucie, and we're currently crashing at my roommate's sister's house. Another long story short, the weekend that was filled with "holy shit we have no idea how we're going to get back home," turned into, "yeah... we're at a drag queen show at a gay club."

Yeah, my weekend went from, "Yeah, I'm probably going to relax this weekend, and finish Kingdom Hearts 2 so I could start on Halo Reach," to "Chicks get fucking wild herpy derpy crazy at gay-bar parties for some reason."

List of new experiences.
1. The drag queen that opened the show, opened with a stand-up comedy routine to get the crowd pumped. It ended with her buying me a shot and telling me she's going to give me a blow job for being the only asshole there that's never been to a gay bar.

2. Got to watch three separate drag queens do a full lip sync/dance routine to typical "gay" songs (Dancing Queen, a few pop songs like California Girls, etc.).

3. Watched a small group of drunk girls try to "convert" a somewhat larger group of heavily gay men by simultaneously whip out their tits and dance up on them. That ended well for everybody involved.

4. Got a call from BEN (the haunted Majora's Mask ARG) and listened to the Song of Healing in reverse at an absolute comical time of the night. Made 300% better when the drag queen over the mic wanted me to give her my phone so she could put it on speaker and talk to that person over the mic. She got a blast of a fictional ghost instead.

So I end with

A. Ask me anything.
B. How were your Saturday nights?
I danced a lot, struck out five times, hurt my foot, and thoroughly enjoyed myself.

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