Presidential Address on Iraq

I wont be, I believe I have heard enough of his speeches for the rest of his term. On top of that he is just going to take credit for the success of a strategy he openly disapproved of and attempted to block while he was in the Senate. The fact of the matter is that he is still keeping troops in Iraq, and there is no real reason for him to sit there and tell me "I won the war" when he did everything in his power while in Senate to block provisions and negatively effect it.

Not that I am a fan of this war, and it never should have happened in the first place, but Obama should not really expect me to believe that he won anything or is pulling everyone out when he is most certainly not and did not.
I wont be, I believe I have heard enough of his speeches for the rest of his term. On top of that he is just going to take credit for the success of a strategy he openly disapproved of and attempted to block while he was in the Senate. The fact of the matter is that he is still keeping troops in Iraq, and there is no real reason for him to sit there and tell me "I won the war" when he did everything in his power while in Senate to block provisions and negatively effect it.

Not that I am a fan of this war, and it never should have happened in the first place, but Obama should not really expect me to believe that he won anything or is pulling everyone out when he is most certainly not and did not.

He's pulling more out than Bush did. Better to have 100,000+ troops home than over there.
I sure could use some help in Poli Sci. Durn ole' Texas Gov't.
I bet some girl would be happy to have you.She would never have to worry about you straying,you're always right at home in front of the TV/Comp
I sure could use some help in Poli Sci. Durn ole' Texas Gov't.
I bet some girl would be happy to have you.She would never have to worry about you straying,you're always right at home in front of the TV/Comp

Girls and I don't work well in that sense.
He's pulling more out than Bush did. Better to have 100,000+ troops home than over there.

I totally agree with you, and I didnt care for Bush or his waging of unconstitutional wars. But I think that EVERY troop should be pulled out, not this illusion that Obama and his cabinet are painting.
I totally agree with you, and I didnt care for Bush or his waging of unconstitutional wars. But I think that EVERY troop should be pulled out, not this illusion that Obama and his cabinet are painting.

Which is why he said there will be about 50,000 staying in Iraq until next year when all of them are out?
These wars are endless and should be ended post haste. America's military duties are to its defense, not nation building and policing other nations. The Founders were against these types of actions.
I just turned it on, but not paying any attention. I should go back to the rerun of Burn Notice I've seen 4 times.
Which is why he said there will be about 50,000 staying in Iraq until next year when all of them are out?

They will not all be leaving, they will keep other troops there as "Peacekeepers" or just in case as they do in all of these other nations around the world.
These wars are endless and should be ended post haste. America's military duties are to its defense, not nation building and policing other nations. The Founders were against these types of actions.

Which is the issue I have with the GOP: they have zero issue with more or less endless war it seems. Obama said he would end the Iraq war in his term and that's what he's done. This is new and is actual change. Granted it's change back to what happened before Bush, but it is in fact something different.
They will not all be leaving, they will keep other troops there as "Peacekeepers" or just in case as they do in all of these other nations around the world.

So in other words it'll be just like everything else instead of like it is now? Sounds fine to me.
Which is the issue I have with the GOP: they have zero issue with more or less endless war it seems. Obama said he would end the Iraq war in his term and that's what he's done. This is new and is actual change. Granted it's change back to what happened before Bush, but it is in fact something different.

Not really, I dont think our troops should be in their nations in any capacity, as a matter of fact studies show that violence is brought on because of our capacity in those nations.

So in other words it'll be just like everything else instead of like it is now? Sounds fine to me.

It doesnt to me. Do you know we spend one trillion dollars a year keeping our troops in the 180 nations they are in? If we wanted to help our economy and reduce the over-stretching of our military this would be a great place to start.
Not really, I dont think our troops should be in their nations in any capacity, as a matter of fact studies show that violence is brought on because of our capacity in those nations.

It doesnt to me. Do you know we spend one trillion dollars a year keeping our troops in the 180 nations they are in? If we wanted to help our economy and reduce the over-stretching of our military this would be a great place to start.

Better than spending trillions of dollars and costing thousands of lives.
Better than spending trillions of dollars and costing thousands of lives.

You dont seem to be understand my point. I am saying that we would nopt be spending the money OR losing lives if we simply pulled our own troops out of these nations. It is not in our nations interests to nation build or keep the peace in other nations. Throughout our history it has come back to bite us. WW2 because of Wilson's involvement in WW1, Cuba, Iran.

Its not good. I want the brave men and women whom fight for our freedom pulled out of these nations so they dont have to continue dieing for false causes and so we dont have to continue to spend trillions of dollars and wrecking our economy through inflation.
It seems the easy solution would be to pull the troops, and bomb the entire Middle East. I think it was the Denny Crane solution.
As almost everyone has said, this is all Bush's mess. He got us into these two wars which just HAD to happen. There's no clean way out of these and if you just pull out entirely then the countries are going to fall withing a year at best. Obama is moving slowly because he has to.
But then the oil wells would be blown up too and Texas would probably revolt.

Drill new wells. Start a new American colony, and boost the American economy. Everyone wins. Well, except for those in the Middle East, but it's not like we really care about them.
As almost everyone has said, this is all Bush's mess. He got us into these two wars which just HAD to happen. There's no clean way out of these and if you just pull out entirely then the countries are going to fall withing a year at best. Obama is moving slowly because he has to.

You know Ive heard the slow withdrawal argument many times, and I think Im on the fence.

People say the main reason is that the nation will fall into chaos. But that may very well happen anyway when we have left, so in a way it may be delaying the inevitable.

Another thing is really its not our issue whether or not that happens. Yes we caused this situation in the first place, but thats not the point. The point is that we should not be there, be it another year or another day. If these people want to bring destruction upon themselves then so be it. We have certainly given them enough to to be able to stand up on their own two feet. If they can not do that alone then that is that nations issue, not ours.

The only reasons for slow withdrawal effect them, not us. If we removed everyone right away we would lose no more lives nor would we lose any more money. And the fact that the doomsday scenario of total and immediate collapse is not a 100% occurrence also adds to this.

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