Power Rangers

I figured since the original Power Rangers came back today on ABC. I'd start a thread to talk about the series. The very last series just ended like a month or so ago after 700 episodes and having new episode since 1993. Today they started with the very first one Day at the Dumpster then after that they showed the second one. It has a new opening not theme but like video opening but its still sorta the same. Just newish updated. Anyone else here a fan of the show. Which Ranger was your favorite. Which Series was your favorite.

Mine was MMPR and also The Green Ranger was my favorite of them all. Tommy kicked ass.

So lets talk about a great show.
I fucking loved Power Rangers when I was a kid.

My favourite was MMPR. Everything about that show was awesome. From the theme music to the rangers. They were all awesome. Tommy is arguably the greatest ranger of all time and was most definetly my favourite. When he was green and white I thought he was fantastic. I thought he looked immense in them. He was also great as the red ranger and even when he was the black ranger in Dino Thunder.
Yeah. If you wanna watch ABC is gonna be showing MMPR on Sat at Noon and 12:30.

I for one can't wait for it to get to the Green Ranger part of it. It was like its own little series and it was awesome. But yeah Tommy has to be consider the greatest Ranger of all time. He was there the longest he had the most colors. Heck he was the leader what 2...3..or 4 times. He just was that f'n awesome.
If I lived in america. I would most definatly watch it.

The green ranger was just amazing. I loved his mega zord. Every colour he was, was just flat out awesome. Everything about him screamed awesome. Ahh god I loved Tommy.
My favorite series of course was the original show and all the variations of it leading up to Power Rangers Turbo. I loved all the zords and rangers equally, however, my favorite rangers had to be the original Red Ranger, Jason, and the Green Ranger, Tommy.

My favorite moments in ranger history are when Tommy gave his powers to Jason and Jason gained the gold chest piece and control of the Dragonzord. I also loved the Forever Red episode that took place after ten seasons of Power Rangers.
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I am gonna have to say that MMPR is one of my top 5 all time of ALL TIME! Everything about that show just reeked awesome. I loved the zords the transformation the morphing the characters EVERYTHING! But unlike many I feel the blue ranger was always my favorite because now that I think back to it...I really relate to his character. BTW, Kimberley was my first celebrity crush.
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I think anyone who watched that show loved Kimberley. Well any guy haha..

and she is still hot to this day. WOW..But yeah whats funny when I watched today I relized how bad the acting and voice over was but tbh I kept watching and will keep watching as its just an awesome show that makes me feel young again it takes me back to my child hood and I love the show. I got it set to DVR all the MMPR that come on.

Two a week should be good. Might not take to long until the Green Ranger WOOOOO
Loved Power Rangers growing up as a kid. My favorite was always The White Ranger. Tommy was just always so bad ass. I would remember going on recess and playing Power Rangers with all my friends, and then subsequently getting detention because of it. I didn't care, it was so worth it. I watched all the way up until the season finale of Power Rangers: In Space, or whatever it was called...1998 was the last full season. I did however catch that "Forever Red" episode, man...now that was cool. Loved Power Rangers with my favorite being the original, but coming in a close second was Power Rangers: Turbo.

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