Potential Government Shutdown


Unregistered User
More confusing than a double rainbow. What does it mean? Who's on which side? Does this mean I don't have to pay my taxes if it lasts past the 18th? That seems counter productive...

My understanding is that the US government is going to shut down all non-absolutely essential federal government services. You won't be able to go to the National Zoo, but you'll still be able to send them a letter asking them to send you a Koala.

That said, I think this is a terrible idea. The US government employs millions of civilians, and right now it's supposed to be about "jobs, jobs, jobs," yet tons of people are going to be going without paychecks until this whole thing is resolved.

1. This has happened before and about 96% of Americans had no idea of it. It's bad but it's not the worst thing in the world.

2. What it means is there's no budget and the government can't be funded. This Does not apply to what are considered essentials, as in Social Security and Medicare. Also the military is funded. Things like national parks and subsidies aren't paid though. The big one will be the post office. I dont' think it shuts down but it'll be slow as Christmas.

3. Depending on who you listen to, both sides can be blamed here.

The GOP and namely the Tea Party is obsessed with cutting spending. The problem with that is they also don't want to EVER tax anyone (Tea = Taxed Enough Already if you didn't know). This is like trying to balance a checkbook and not have any money coming in. it gets really complicated really fast. The Tea Party wants 61 Billion dollars in cuts, the Dems want to keep things roughly the same.

The Dems said ok, we'll give you 30 billion in cuts (translation: meeting in the middle. Translation: compromising.) The Tea Party shouts them down, saying you're not listening to the America people because they sent us here to lower the deficit. Basically it's a big mess with the Tea Party saying our way or no way at all and them wanting to shut the government down, which they don't get is more or less political suicide and will cause a lot more problems than it solves.

4. This basically will result in Congress getting blasted all around and the Tea Party made to look like fools that won't stop throwing a tantrum long enough to make things work, meaning they'll get blasted next fall.
Actually it's been stated (not certain if true) that in fact, there will not be any SS checks going out after they run out of funds (Ie. about a month+ if the shutdown happens on friday).
I don't know, people are stupid and don't follow news. I'm thinking Obama will probably get most of the blame here, at least from the uninformed.
That's why the Dems need to do som.....yeah Obama is screwed.

It wouldn't surprise me if SS runs out. I mean after all, this is about saving AMERICA and if some AMERICANS have to starve, it's worth it to save AMERICA right?
I partially blame the dems for their piss poor excuse for compromises when they control 2/3 of government.

When the Repubs have gotten so much by sticking to their guns in the past and since they don't give a fuck about the people this will hurt anyway, why would they be in any rush to give up their demands now?
I partially blame the dems for their piss poor excuse for compromises when they control 2/3 of government.

When the Repubs have gotten so much by sticking to their guns in the past and since they don't give a fuck about the people this will hurt anyway, why would they be in any rush to give up their demands now?

Bingo. Theyv'e gotten everything they've wanted so far so the dems are going to keep caving and caving and caving and the GOP knows it.
I'm actually quite surprised that the Tea Party has the power you're saying they do. I figured that enough of America was smart enough to realize that most of these people are batshit crazy and would prefer to keep them out of office.

That being said, Real Time With Bill Maher should be pretty hilarious this week.
I hate to say it because I can't imagine the hardships that people will have to go through because of it, but maybe, just maybe it needs to happen. dems have to draw a line somewhere and if the ramping up of legislation is any indication, the line to to be drawn sooner rather than later.
I'm actually quite surprised that the Tea Party has the power you're saying they do. I figured that enough of America was smart enough to realize that most of these people are batshit crazy and would prefer to keep them out of office.

That being said, Real Time With Bill Maher should be pretty hilarious this week.

Without going into a long explanation, in short the Tea Party is WAY to the right of anything else so they'll say if anyone agrees at all with the Dems they're not conservative enough so we'll get the Tea Party and Sarah Palin and Newt Gingrich and the Koch Brothers together to challenge you in the primaries. In other words, the Tea Party is a bunch of bullies.
The problem isn't that the general populace is isn't smart enough to see the Tea Party congressmen for what they are (insane), it's that they are mired in such political apathy and distractionary entertainment and gossip they can't seem to bring themselves to stop them.

That being said, Real Time With Bill Maher should be pretty hilarious this week.

Always is man. Last Word might finally get a chuckle out of me though.

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