Potential Government Shutdown

In short, there's a set amount the US can borrow. Think of it as our credit limit like on a credit card. We're rapidly approaching that limit (we do every year) and the Tea Party doesn't want to raise it. If they don't, the US defaults on its loans and the world economy has a huge ripple effect because it looks like we can't pay our bills. This would be less of a problem with more money from a thing called taxes, but we've been taxed enough already right?
Another West Wing plot, but no serious political entity is dumb enough to fuck around with the debt ceiling. There'll be some posturing beforehand, but no way in hell will it come to anything.
I hope you're right. This Tea Party is nuts though. Granted they're all wealthy so why would they care? Granted taking them seriously is a big stretch.
Government shutdown will delay pay to troops, slow the processing of tax returns and limit small business loans and government-backed mortgages during peak home buying season.
Boehner: said:
'The President Isn't Leading'

Imagine that, he doesn't think Obama has done enough to make negotiations simple. I think he means Obama hasn't done enough to convince Senate Dems to cave on all his parties demands no?

I want to punch him in his orange face.
Imagine that, he doesn't think Obama has done enough to make negotiations simple. I think he means Obama hasn't done enough to convince Senate Dems to cave on all his parties demands no?

I want to punch him in his orange face.

Well of course Obama hasn't done enough. He's still in the WHite House and we still have a federal government. Of course he hasn't listened to the people enough or lead enough or whatever that big fried freak wants him to do.
Nah. Beat up the Tea Party so we can get some actual tax revenue going so we can pay some of this debt off.
Step one, up corporate tax rate.

Step two, close the loopholes so that all these corporations actually pay tax. I mean seriously, how can I as a college student with barely any income end up paying more than GE. That's criminal right there.
Step one, up corporate tax rate.

Step two, close the loopholes so that all these corporations actually pay tax. I mean seriously, how can I as a college student with barely any income end up paying more than GE. That's criminal right there.

Donate money to a campaign and you can avoid the taxes too.
Oh I know. It would solve a lot of the issues but that's not going to happen at all because they've decided that Americans havae suffered enough taxes already. Those poor corporations. Imagine asking them to pay some taxes on their money.
Under rules adopted by the House Republicans, the chamber must allow for 72 hours of debate before voting on legislation. There is disagreement as to whether the rule means that, literally, 72 hours have to pass. If that’s the case, then the window to avert a government shutdown has already passed.

Got an update here.

The House passed a one week extension. What they don't want known is it includes 12 billion dollars in cuts. In other words, in exchange for an extra week, they want approximately 20% of their demands for a year met in a week. To the shock of no one, Obama has more or less said no way.
And yet this is nothing compared to the debt ceiling limit coming up soon. That'll be insane.
Next month or America defaults. I have a feeling they will just raise the ceiling, both sides know it is impossible to create a surplus to avoid the debt going up within such a short period.

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