Potential Government Shutdown

Step one, up corporate tax rate.
No. The US already has one of the highest corporate tax rates in the world.

mr. Truth said:
Step two, close the loopholes so that all these corporations actually pay tax. I mean seriously, how can I as a college student with barely any income end up paying more than GE. That's criminal right there.
Fine, actually make them pay. However, raising the tax rate for them would be a killer for our job market. You want companies to COME BACK and invest here, not tax them to overseas.
The Tea Party doesn't get that.
Since their plans all call for us to reach a balance over a period of years, seems like they do. I personally think the ones saying they won't vote to raise are just using that as a bullying method to scare the other side into caving.
I'm not sure. Those people don't get it and haven't yet.

As for the corporate tax rate, make them pay something. These corporations paying zero isn't getting us any help at all.
I'm not sure. Those people don't get it and haven't yet.
They don't get a lot, but even the biggest fool should be able to get that it is impossible to make over 1.3 trillion in cuts in under a month. Have you seen them demand it? Seems like they want around 60 billion. Why not go for over a trillion now? This budget goes well beyond next month.

Klunderbunker said:
As for the corporate tax rate, make them pay something. These corporations paying zero isn't getting us any help at all.
Some do pay zero, but the key is NOT raise it higher than it already is in terms of tax rate, but to close loopholes so they have to pay the rate and then lower it. Still higher than 0.
Well I would like to say us in Canada are a lot more stable in governmnet right now but considering we are having our fourth election in seven years, I cannot say so.
They don't get a lot, but even the biggest fool should be able to get that it is impossible to make over 1.3 trillion in cuts in under a month. Have you seen them demand it? Seems like they want around 60 billion. Why not go for over a trillion now? This budget goes well beyond next month.

Keep in mind that these are grown men and women that wear 1770s clothes to rallies. They're not exactly rational people. I wouldn't consider anything for sure with them, even if it makes sense.

Some do pay zero, but the key is NOT raise it higher than it already is in terms of tax rate, but to close loopholes so they have to pay the rate and then lower it. Still higher than 0.

Whatever actually gets money in. However as long as Boehner is Speaker the taxes aren't going anywhere and we won't get out of the problems we're having, because the GOP's economic policies are failures.
Closing the loopholes will piss off corporations as much as raising the actual rate would. Those in charge of these companies will complain as much about closing loopholes as they would about an actual tax increase, so it's basically a lose/lose situation with these people.

The loopholes should be done away with, but I doubt corporations will be happy. It's to the point where all these companies need to do is sort of, kind of threaten to stop hiring, and taxes either stay where they are, or even decrease. It's ridiculous.
Well maybe corporations should get pissed off a bit. Heaven forbid they can't make 10 billion dollars a year and have to settle for 9.8.
Closing the loopholes will piss off corporations as much as raising the actual rate would. Those in charge of these companies will complain as much about closing loopholes as they would about an actual tax increase, so it's basically a lose/lose situation with these people.

The loopholes should be done away with, but I doubt corporations will be happy. It's to the point where all these companies need to do is sort of, kind of threaten to stop hiring, and taxes either stay where they are, or even decrease. It's ridiculous.

Lord knows if they leave there is no way to fill that void :rolleyes:
The Senate passed the resolution 99-1. The 1? Rand Paul.

I have got to get out of this state where McConnell might be the more competent senator.
Ok so the Senate has passed it and the House has 16 minutes to get it done. It's possible but they have to FLY.

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