Posters you'd never bad mouth or don't like disagreeing with?


Pre-Show Stalwart
I think this is an interesting topic and I have a number of names that I can add.

As a prisoner(and I suppose as any member of the forum), it's best you refrain from insulting or disagreeing with Sly or kB. But who are other posters you refrain from insulting or disagreeing with?

I hear a lot of times people will call another poster a dumbass or say 'that's the stupidest thing I've ever heard,' so who are the guys you wouldn't say that too. Also, who are the guys you don't like disagreeing with whether your friends or whatever, as disagreements can become bad blood.

I'm going to name people who I feel have been like buddies or I like their character as well as opinion, as posters, even if I don't know them well.

-Artist Formerly Known as Prince Iaekea
-Bill Lesnar
-Wicked Valentine
-Shattered Dreams
-The Best

There's prolly a few more, but I can't think of their names.
Remembered one, Joe's Gonna Kill You!
I really respect that guy and I hate it when I've made a TNA thread and I rip on Samoa Joe and say something like he's worthless and then look and see JGKU is the first reading it :banghead: It's happened a couple of times.
Title should of read "Posters you don't bad mouth..."
Btw, I just remembered another name ... is there a guy named HandjobLarry on the forum? He was always nice to me.
Hmm Poster I don't disagree with. Some out of fear (KB) some cause we share opinions.

Uncle Phatso
Ugh, sorry for making this thread. I didn't know it was a duplicate b/c I rarely read the other forums anymore. I just wanted to give a shout to some people as well as try and make a thread to gets people to come into the prison.
Ugh, sorry for making this thread. I didn't know it was a duplicate b/c I rarely read the other forums anymore. I just wanted to give a shout to some people as well as try and make a thread to gets people to come into the prison.

At least you're a humble prisoner (or appear to be).

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