Posters Union

Mods on here are very fair. Somebody voiced their dislike for KB and they are still here (forget who exactly it was). They will not ban us for anything unless we fully deserve it.

i do believe that was me *smug*

i dont remember why i did it...
and i dont really feel anything about KB now ._.

i didnt even get an infraction or warning or whatever for it :O
My fellow posters, I come to you today a very bored man. But a very bored man with an agenda. Lately there has been a lot of talk of moderators abusing power, not being fair, and other such things. I propose a "Wrestlezone posters union" much like a regular workers union.

Who's with me?

I'm in. Damn the ..

Wait, fuck I'm the Man in this situation. You fucking bastard, what have I ever done to you?!

If someone in a position of power does something questionable, the union can fight it.

Yeah.. thing is.. you can't though. Because the forum is ran effectively through the eyes of the Owners. (Well, the ones who take the time to give a shit about this forum to begin with) And while some questionable issues may honestly be there.. sadly, nothing will change.

Honestly, I'm not gonna lie or play cover-up..

Nothing is fair. Nothing is ever going to be fair. But that's life, and this is a forum. It's not the end of the world. And if you're still posting here, then obviously you aren't being banned outright.

Now don't misunderstand how I deem "fair". You see, fair to most regular posters is getting by with anything and everything. Whereas fair to the Staff is allowing so much, until it's too much.
People get annoyed because this website has a lot of banning/prison/humiliation. But a)It's for a good reason, the mods only ban when you do something against the rules and b)This is what separates us from the sites like WWE Universe, which have a post a week that isn't spam. Without the mods infracting and banning we would have nothing but spam in the wrestling discussion.


I'm in. Damn the ..

Wait, fuck I'm the Man in this situation. You fucking bastard, what have I ever done to you?!

Again, :lmao:

But, for totally different reasons.
I won't put a negative sign in front of CCS's name, because the shiny red bar attracts as much attention as the shiny green one.

Nope, instead, he now has to start over.

Vive le Revolucion!
Is this the one where I did a fake PRH alt?

Actually it the one that all the moderators are banning together to try to rid the forum of "OGDS"

btw, I was just screwing around about the union stuff. I personally dont have a problem with anyone here.
I dont think there's a need for a union thing.if you have a problem with a mod take it up with them via pm.Now i got an infraction for spam once from NorCal and at first i thought it was stupid but when i went back and looked at it he was right,and i did pm him,he answered,and he was fair and right for giving me the infraction.So he was fair,he was just doing what he is suppose to do.i think for the most part the mods are quite fair,while it may not seem like they are at first and if you go back and look at the infraction you more than likely will realize they were right.
If you dont joing the union they very well could erase your beloved reputation next. :eek2:

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