Posters Union


Getting Noticed By Management
My fellow posters, I come to you today a very bored man. But a very bored man with an agenda. Lately there has been a lot of talk of moderators abusing power, not being fair, and other such things. I propose a "Wrestlezone posters union" much like a regular workers union. If someone in a position of power does something questionable, the union can fight it.

Who's with me?
Apparently there's not much communication within your union. The main two people with issues have talked about them and the problem is over.
*walks in* Yeah I'm not gonna touch this I tired something like this before at another forum. Lets just say it didn't end pretty for me..Now I know better then fighting people with power on a forum. I mean if I got payed to do this then yeah I might but on a forum kinda...meh if you ask me.
Unless we posters choose to make a new forum or something, I think we're screwed. What exactly would bitching get you? The mods don't give a shit what we do and they can ban us whenever they want.
Unless we posters choose to make a new forum or something, I think we're screwed. What exactly would bitching get you? The mods don't give a shit what we do and they can ban us whenever they want.

Where would that get us? Seriously this image you all have of the mods needs to stop, we're not going to ban you for voicing your opinion.

If anyone truly has a problem with the way this site is run then you should tell us, my PM box is always open...
Mods on here are very fair. Somebody voiced their dislike for KB and they are still here (forget who exactly it was). They will not ban us for anything unless we fully deserve it.
That's not what I meant at all. I meant that you don't care if we form a "union", ya, you might listen to our opinion. But you won't do whatever we tell you. And if someone really started stirring up trouble you can ban us. I understand that you guys put a lot of time into this place and all the stuff you do is for our best interest, but that doesn't mean you couldn't stop us if we tried to make too much trouble.
They're not that bad lol

You just all wish you could be mods too.

Stop yerr bitching & go post some wrestling.
All I have to do is put "-" in front of all of the union members Rep, and that would break it.
I'm having trouble figuring out what the point of this would be.

It's not like we're hard to get ahold of if you have an issue. If someone thinks I'm abusing my power, come talk to me. It's not like I'm here once a week or something.
People get annoyed because this website has a lot of banning/prison/humiliation. But a)It's for a good reason, the mods only ban when you do something against the rules and b)This is what separates us from the sites like WWE Universe, which have a post a week that isn't spam. Without the mods infracting and banning we would have nothing but spam in the wrestling discussion.

When I have issues with rules I just address it. I don't really encounter problems with mods as much as I have problems with the rules at times. I've toned it down to abandon the Modfish stigma.

Yeah, just handle your own problems.
I don't have much issues with the mods anymore, I admit that they do a pretty darn good job.

Hell, you do have to do a lot of shit to get banned, even I havn't been banned and i've bitched about a couple of the mods on here.
I was unjustifiably banned. I also remember when I tried to reach someone of power they ignored the message. So I strongly disagree with all that fair shit.
Maybe your an asshole that no one really gives a fuck about. You are just a little pimple on someones ass.
Maybe your an asshole that no one really gives a fuck about. You are just a little pimple on someones ass.

The first part of your comment is true, and I don't give a fuck that no one cares about me, it's a fuckin forum i'd prefer it that way.

The second part, however, is just you being a man-child. A bitchy one, at that. If me calling you a deuchebag warrants such an angry response out of you, well sir you have some emotional issues you might want to take up with Dr. Phil.

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