Post Nominations For WZ Wrestling EOTY Awards

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Female of the Year
Vickie Guerrero

Best Angle of the Year
CM Punk Threatens to leave with WWE Championship
The Rock and John Cena's War of Words

Worst Angle of the Year
Michael Cole
Sting as Joker
John Laurinitis

News Story of the Year
The Rock returns to WWE
CM Punk's Contract with WWE

Best Match of the Year
Christian vs. Randy Orton (Over the Limit)
John Cena vs. CM Punk (Money in the Bank)
Christian vs. Randy Orton (SummerSlam)

Worst Match of the Year
Michael Cole vs Jerry Lawler (WrestleMania)
Jeff Hardy vs. Sting (Victory Road)

Feud/Rivalry of the Year
Christian vs. Randy Orton

Title Reign of the Year
WWE Champion The Miz
World Heavyweight Champion Mark Henry

Surprise of the Year
The Rock's Return
CM Punk's Raw Roulette Promo

Best Wrestler of the Year
CM Punk

Worst Wrestler of the Year
Jeff Hardy
Michael Cole

Best Show of the Year

Worst Show of the Year
Victory Road

Moment of the Year
CM Punk's Raw Roulette Promo

Tag Team/Stable of the Year
Beer Money

Promo of the Year
CM Punk's Raw Roulette Promo

I'll add a couple awards to the list already given...

Face of the Year
CM Punk

Heel of the Year
Mark Henry
What has been so good about Cody's IC reign? He has barely defended the belt.
His feud with Orton and how he's been developing. Same reason I put Dolph Ziggler there.
Better yet, What the fuck has Gail Kim done at all this year? Does she even exist anymore?

She started talking about how WWE mistreated her, did that stuff in the Battle Royal and went to TNA. I threw her name out for being the most outspoken woman in wrestling all year.
Female of the Year
Madison Rayne

Best Angle of the Year
CM Punk leaving with the WWE championship

Worst Angle of the Year
Michael Cole and Jerry Lawler

News Story of the Year
Randy Savage's death.

Best Match of the Year
John Cena vs. CM Punk @ Money in the Bank

Worst Match of the Year
I'm leaving this one blank.

Feud/Rivalry of the Year
Christian vs. Randy Orton

Title Reign of the Year
Cody Rhodes IC title reign

Surprise of the Year
CM Punk's first shoot.

Best Wrestler of the Year
CM Punk

Worst Wrestler of the Year
The Pope D'Angelo Dinero

Best Show of the Year
Destination X

Worst Show of the Year
Capitol Punishment

Moment of the Year
Hulk Hogan saving Sting post-match at Bound For Glory

Tag Team/Stable of the Year
Beer Money

Promo of the Year
CM Punk's first shoot promo
She started talking about how WWE mistreated her, did that stuff in the Battle Royal and went to TNA. I threw her name out for being the most outspoken woman in wrestling all year.

You'd say outspoken, I'd say whiny and unprofessional.
I don't know. Women's wrestling is shit. I don't see a problem with how she pointed that out once she was out of the company.
Female of the Year
Vickie Guerrero

Best Angle of the Year
CM Punk exits WWE with WWE Championship
Christian becomes World Heavyweight Champion

Worst Angle of the Year
Anonymous General Manager

News Story of the Year
The Rock Returns
CM Punk's worked shoot

Feud of the Year
CM Punk vs. John Cena
Christian vs. Randy Orton

Best Match of the Year
CM Punk vs. John Cena at Money In The Bank
Christian vs. Randy Orton(Smackdown, OTL and Summerslam)

Worst Match of the Year
Sting vs. Jeff Hardy, Victory Road

Title Reign of the Year
Dolph Ziggler as United States Champion

Surprise of the Year
CM Punk's worked shoot

Best Wrestler of the Year
Dolph Ziggler
John Cena
CM Punk

Worst Wrestler of the Year
Matt Hardy

Best Show of the Year
Extreme Rules

Worst Show of the Year
Victory Road

Moment of the Year
CM Punk wins WWE Title at MITB

Tag Team/Stable of the Year
The New Nexus
Beer Money
Motor City Machine Guns

Promo of the Year
CM Punk's worked shoot
CM Punk and Vince McMahon Contract Signing
John Cena and Roddy Piper in "Piper's Pit"
CM Punk and Triple H final confrontation before NOC
As of right now, for some of these categories, I'm not able to narrow it down to just one clear winner.

Female of the Year
Kharma - Kharma generated a lot of positive buzz & anticipation for the Divas. Her storyline was intriguing and the fact that she is such a polar opposite in looks from the typical WWE Diva gave people a significant hope that things were changing.

Vickie Guerrero - Vickie Guerrero is just excellent in her role. She's not a wrestler by any means but she generates massive heat from the crowd wherever she goes.

Best Angle of the Year
CM Punk's declaration & quest to "leave" the WWE with the WWE Championship - Following Punk's worked shoot, this was an angle that just had people flat out captivated. Punk's delivery on the mic was second to none and the angle itself had everyone from hardcore fans to wrestling insiders unsure as to what was ultimately going to happen.

Worst Angle of the Year
The Raw Walk-Out - This was an idea that sounded interesting on paper but it ultimately just finished out feeling like a half formed, half assed and outright lazy angle that everyone involved simply lost interest in right in the middle of it. It didn't make many of the talents look all that good, there was no real aftermath and the Raw following the Walk-Out was easily the worst tv that WWE's put out this year.

News Story of the Year
CM Punk's Worked Shoot - As I've said in other posts, Punk shined even more than usual here. He appealed to the IWC especially here and had lots of people wondering exactly what was real and what wasn't. It gave WWE a shot in the arm during the summer doldrums.

The Rock Returns - Pretty self explanatory. The Rock's intial return on Raw when he was announced as the celebrity Guest Host of WrestleMania was a huge moment and will be looked back on as a classic Raw moment.

Feud of the Year
John Cena vs. CM Punk[/B] - All the elements for a highly anticipated money feud was right here. Cena represented the corporate face of the WWE Machine while CM Punk was the rebel raging against said machine. The promos were great and they delivered arguably the two overall best matches of 2011.

Best Match of the Year
John Cena vs. CM Punk at MITB - The match will be looked at as a classic. All the elements were gathered in the right place to deliver an epic championship match and that's what happened.

The Undertaker vs. Triple H at WM XXVII - Some didn't like this match but I loved it because of the incredible story it told and the drama & suspense it generated. Two veterans, two future hall of famers in any wrestling HOF had 70,000+ on the edge of their seat as only two such veterans can.

Randy Orton vs. Christian - These two put out so many great matches over the course of this year that it's hard to go wrong with any of them. For me, I'm going with their match on SD! for the WHC on the first SD! taping after Extreme Rules. I knew it would be good but it's still, possibly, the best televised match of 2011.

CM Punk vs. Dolph Ziggler on Raw - This was a few weeks back and Ziggler & Punk put on a fantastic, near 20 minute back & forth clinic. In my view, it's probably the best match I've seen on Raw in 2011.

Worst Match of the Year
Sting vs. Jeff Hardy at Victory Road - Pretty self explanatory. We saw a star's career practically implode on itself before our very eyes and generate ridicule towards himself and the company he works for that might not ever fully go away.

Title Reign of the Year
Mark Henry as the World Heavyweight Champion - Mark Henry has been a source of endless surprises in 2011 and his run as WHC has been one of the most pleasant. Henry has not only been a respectable heel champion, he's been a feared & hated heel champion. He's sucessfully & cleanly defended his title against the likes of Randy Orton, Big Show, Christian & Daniel Bryan and it doesn't look like it's going to end anytime soon. Henry's run has taken him from 15 years of mediocrity to the most dominant WHC run of the title's near 10 year history.

The Miz as WWE Champion - Despite a near unprecedented level of IWC hate, The Miz had one of the single most memorable WWE Championship runs in years. Miz generated constant buzz, discussion, debate and all around renewed interest in what had been a pretty stagnant WWE Championship scene on Raw. While Miz was booked as a young, cowardly champion, he continued to keep people tuned in and interested in the title scene and I think demonstrated that he'll be a main event guy in WWE for the long haul.

Dolph Ziggler as WWE United States Champion - Ziggler's run as United States Champion has been one of the better ones since WWE has been using the title. Ziggler hasn't defended the title as often as he defended the IC title, but Ziggler has used his run to develop himself as a personality on the mic and his presence as a character. He continues to improve and has constantly put over the importance of being United States Champion

Cody Rhodes as WWE Intercontinental Champion - Easily the strongest IC champ since Ziggler, Cody Rhodes has done a good job of restoring prestige to the title following 3 consecutive weak runs by other wrestlers this year. Bringing back the classic design and feuding with the likes of Randy Orton have made Rhodes one of the brightest young heels in wrestling.

Surprise of the Year
CM Punk's Worked Shoot - It was completely & 100% unexpected. The delivery was perfect, Punk's mannerisms, his facial expressions, his body language sold his frustration beautifully and the mic being cut off just added to the believability of the entire promo.

Daniel Bryan wins the SD! MITB match - I don't think this will get a lot of votes, but I thought this should be mentioned. It was a great match and Bryan winning the MITB kicked off the MITB ppv in and of itself with a bang & a very pleasant surprise. Bryan's career was kind of in limbo at this point and the follow up as to how WWE has made use of the MITB win has been well done.

Best Wrestler of the Year
CM Punk - From an all around perspective, I think it's reasonable for anyone to give this to Punk. He has the skills inside the ring, he has the ability on the mic, he has the fans almost fanatically behind him at times and can just flat out deliver. He hasn't been proven as a draw really as of yet but that can only come about with time.

Dolph Ziggler - I just flat out love watching Ziggler wrestle in the ring. He looks great with anyone and can sell the effects of moves better than anyone else in the business.

Worst Wrestler of the Year
Tommy Dreamer - Tommy Dreamer, to me, is absolute crap. When I think of the many overrated, talentless hacks that came to prominence in ECW, Dreamer's name is the one that immediately springs to mind first. On his very, very very best day, Dreamer might be average inside the ring and his promos tend to consist of one long, whining sob story after another.

Best Show of the Year
Money in the Bank - From top to bottom, just an all around great ppv that delivered.

Worst Show of the Year
Bound For Glory - A lot of people will say Victory Road just for the main event debacle alone. For me, however, I'm going with TNA's version of WrestleMania. BFG really wasn't an awful show, it just felt 100% mediocre. Most of the matches were ok, nothing to write home about. They weren't awful but you didn't get the sense from the wrestlers or the booking in and of itself that this was TNA's biggest show of the year. There were no really memorable moments, no stand out matches and nothing really out of the ordinary. It was was just there.

Moment of the Year
Christian wins the WHC at Extreme Rules - I went with this one because not only was it a great ladder match between Christian & Alberto Del Rio, but Christian finally won a World Championship in WWE. A lot of us, myself included, had figured that Christian's best days were behind him and that if he was ever gonna be World Champion in WWE, it would've already happened. It was a great, emotional moment that I didn't really think was ever going to happen.

Tag Team/Stable of the Year
Beer Money - I just went with Beer Money for this. They've really been the only relevant tag team in TNA for a while now and even though they weren't at their best in 2011, they were still really all that mattered. As far as stables went, nobody really stood out. Immortal was comprised mostly of scrubs, Fortune didn't really need each other, New Nexus was a letdown as was The Corre.

Promo of the Year
CM Punk's Worked Shoot

Most Improved
Mark Henry - This is a category I thought I'd just throw out there. I don't know if anyone else has already posted it but I'm not trying to steal anybody's thunder if they have. At any rate, I don't see how anyone can really say that Mark Henry isn't the most improved wrestler of 2011. The first 14.5 years of the man's career were mostly an endless string of mediocre happenings. Over the last 6 months, the man's just been brilliant. His matches are actually entertaining, his character is interesting and he's been great on the mic. It's almost as if Henry was abducted by alien Pod People that left an exact duplicate of Mark Henry in his place, except one that's actually talented.

Biggest Flop
Alberto Del Rio - The year of 2011 started off great for Del Rio. He was a force on SD!, he had great matches, he delivered on the mic & he had interesting feuds. After he was drafted to Raw, that all started to do downhill. Del Rio looked like a star but that really changed after he became WWE Champion. Del Rio's time as champ was pretty mediocre as he was definitely second banana to the likes of Cena & Punk. What looked to be a year of promise and a great main event future didn't end so well.

Mr. Anderson - Mr. Anderson is someone a lot of internet fans have rallied behind over the years. The WWE has been ridiculed by internet fans at times for firing Anderson a few years back and were relishing what'd happen when and if he came to TNA. He did come to TNA and did make it to the TNA WHC scene, then it went downhill from there. Like Del Rio in WWE, Anderson's build towards becoming champion was far grander than his actual time as champion. Anderson's first run lasted barely a month and all of his televised appearances during that time were pretty mediocre. His second run was, if anything, as lame as his first. Anderson has never been weaker at any point in his career than when he's been TNA World Heavyweight Champion. He looked promising and now, as we near the end of 2011, he's not even remotely on the TNA radar when it comes to relevance.
Female of the Year- Kharma
Best Angle of the Year- CM Punk leaves MITB in Chicago with the WWE title
Worst Angle of the Year- Jeff Hardy at Victory Road
News Story of the Year- The Rock returns to the WWE
Best Match of the Year- CM Punk vs. John Cena MITB
Worst Match of the Year- Jeff Hardy vs. Sting, Victory Road
Title Reign of the Year- Edge as World Heavyweight Champion
Surprise of the Year- The Miz holding the WWE title throughout the Road to Wrestlemania and past Wrestlemania
Best Wrestler of the Year- CM Punk
Worst Wrestler of the Year- David Otunga
Best Show of the Year- Money In The Bank
Worst Show of the Year- Victory Road
Moment of the Year- Christian wins the World Heavyweight title at Extreme Rules
Tag Team/Stable of the Year- Beer Money
Promo of the Year- The Rock's return promo
Female of the Year- Beth Phoenix

Best Angle of the Year- Audience's effect on Cena

Worst Angle of the Year- No-Confidence and Walkout

News Story of the Year- Randy Savage's death

Best Match of the Year- CM Punk vs. John Cena MITB

Worst Match of the Year- Jeff Hardy vs. Sting, Victory Road

Title Reign of the Year- Dolph Ziggler

Surprise of the Year- Rock's return

Best Wrestler of the Year- Randy Orton

Worst Wrestler of the Year- Matt Hardy

Best Show of the Year- SummerSlam

Worst Show of the Year- Victory Road

Moment of the Year- Christian wins the World Heavyweight title at Extreme Rules

Tag Team/Stable of the Year- Beer Money

Promo of the Year- Edge's last promo
In No Particular Order:

Female of the Year:
Kelly Kelly
Mickie James

Best Angle of the Year:
Mark Henry's Hall of Pain
Cody Rhodes Is Disfigured
Will Punk Resign?
Christian Can't Beat Orton
Can Lawler Win It One More Time?

Worst Angle of the Year:
Eric Bischoff Attempts To take Out His Son Garrett
Who Texted Nash?

News Story of the Year:
Randy Savage Dies
Edge Retires

Best Match of the Year:
CM Punk vs John Cena - Money In The Bank
Cody Rhodes vs Rey Mysterio: Falls Count Anywhere - Extreme Rules 2011
CM Punk vs John Cena - Summerslam 2011

Worst Match of the Year:
Jeff hardy vs Sting - Victory Road
Michael Cole & Jack Swagger vs Jim Ross & Jerry Lawler - Extreme Rules 2011

Fued of The Year:
Christian vs Randy Orton
CM Punk vs John Cena

Title Reign of the Year:
Mark Henry as World Heavyweight Champion
The Miz as WWE Champion
Austin Aries as X-Division Champion

Surprise of the Year:
CM Punk Shoot
Rock Returns
Sheamus Becomes a Monster Babyface
Mark Henry Rises To Championship Glory

Best Wrestler of the Year:
John Cena
CM Punk
James Storm
Mark Henry
Cody Rhodes

Worst Wrestler of the Year:
Jinder Mahal
Kid Kash

Best Show of the Year:
Royal Rumble 2011
Money In The Bank 2011

Worst Show of the Year:
Capitol Punishment 2011
Victory Road 2011

Moment of the Year:
CM Punk Escapes Chicago With The WWE Title
Hogan Hulks Up One More Time At BFG 2011

Tag Team/Stable of the Year:
Awesome Truth
The Rock & John Cena

Promo of the Year:
John Cena Adresses His Haters - Raw 8/8/11
CM Punk Shoot Promo
John Cena Freestyle On The Rock

My Own Bonus Categories:

Biggest Fall From Grace:
Matt Hardy
Matt Hardy
Matt Hardy

Overcoming The Odds:
Mark Henry
Zack Ryder​
Except she really isn't.

She really is. She has delusions of grandeur and has been coasting off one good feud with one of the best woman wrestlers in the past decade. Mistreated by the WWE? Because they didn't book her for every show? She got the same treatment as just about any other Diva besides Eve, Kelly Kelly, Natalya, and Beth Phoenix. She was simply not that good to warrant the attention she thought she deserved.
This might be a bit unorthodox, but I'm going to list a few people for each catagory. Some of the options are obvious, and it's no doubt who will win the award. But others are closer than some might think, and I want to make sure everyone who deserves to be nominated, is. Besides, I'm not actually casting my vote yet, just nominating people to be voted upon... So nowhere does it say I have to pick just ONE person at this time.

Female of the Year: Beth Phoenix, Mickie James, and Kelly Kelly are the obvious choices in my opinion. Velvet Sky deserves some recognition for improvement, as does Layla. Although she was taken out of commission for the majority of 2011, she still made a huge impact with LayCool early on, and their break-up was great and led to a great match. It's really up to you, but in my book that at least merits the OPTION to vote for her. Karen Jarrett = super effective heel.

Best Angle of the Year: Kurt? :lmao: Are we defining "angle" as a short-term incident that took a feud in a different direction? It's a rather loose wrestling term, and I just want to make sure we're all in agreement on what it means. Have to give it up for the Bobby Roode heel turn, if that be the case.

Worst Angle of the Year: Mason you see him, now you don't. Either that or CM Punk abusing the New Nexus members as initiation, only for it to be ambiguously glossed over, and eventually forgotten... Great build, zero follow-through. Possibly the whole ROH Kevin Steen thing. No idea what happened there...

News Story of the Year: Matt Hardy's arrests...all of them

Best Match of the Year: HHH/Taker & Punk/Cena MITB are the two that will stand out in most people's minds. However, Miz/Morrison from the first episode of Raw in 2011 is up there, and Ziggler/Edge from the Rumble may very well be my favorite. Last week's 4-way w/ Ziggler, Rhodes, Ryder, and Bryan should be up there, as should Ziggler/Punk from two weeks ago. Davey Richards/Eddie Edwards would take this if ROH meant anything to the forums... Lots to choose from, plus the whole Orton/Christian rivalry, if you can pick one single match from that... I would include all of those as options, for the sake of having great variety.

Worst Match of the Year: I honestly can't single any out... There's so many poor matches they all blend together. $15 says it was a divas match included Kelly Kelly or Alicia Fox though.

Feud/Rivalry of the Year: Orton/Christian, Angle/Jarrett, Cena/Rock, Punk/Establishment, and Punk/Orton should make for some good debate.

Title Reign of the Year: Mark Henry as World Heavyweight champion, obviously. Cody Rhodes as Intercontinental champion, for sheer longevity and brining in a new, sexy belt. Miz as WWE Champion should be a possibility as he beat Cena at WrestleMania to retain the belt. I would say Ziggler, but his work outside of the title picture has been much better than his actual champion-related material. It's a possibility though... Honestly, nobody from TNA sticks out to me. MAYBE Beer Money or MCMG as tag team champions. Maybe.

Surprise of the Year: The return of the Rock. CM Punk's shoot promo. Kharma's debut. Kane's return. Edge's retirement.

Best Wrestler of the Year: Everyone is going to throw out there choices for CM Punk, Dolph Ziggler, Randy Orton, and Mark Henry from WWE, and probably Bobby Roode and Kurt Angle from TNA. And they should, those are all amazing choices for people that had GREAT years in pro wrestling. It's truly amazing how many people had great careers in 2011, but there are a couple of under-dog choices that I think I want to throw out there, in hopes they get nominated. Mainly R-Truth. Slow start to the year for sure, but he worked his way into a WWE title shot at a PPV, had the best heel turn of the year, re-invented his entire character, and found a way to truly connect with the audience. Went from being my least favorite to my most favorite. If he's not nominated for Wrestler of the Year, there needs to be a "most improved" award so he can win it... Bully Ray and the Miz deserve credit to, as does Christian. I wouldn't mind a huge list of candidates for this category. I doubt that there's much indie support here, but if we truly voted for "best wrestler of the year" Davey Richards would win this hands down.

Worst Wrestler of the Year: Always (always always) the Great Khali. Rosa Mendes and Mason Ryan need to be in the running. I'd say Hornswoggle, and he'll probably get the vote because he did compete in a few matches, but at least he was (mildly) entertaining. More so than usual anyways...

Best Show of the Year: I'm not sure if you're asking for Raw, Smackdown, Impact, ect. or specific episodes or PPVs. If that's the case: WWE Slammy Awards, WWE Money in the Bank, Edge's retirement Smackdown, TNA Bound for Glory, WWE Raw in Chicago before WrestleMania (I think it was 3/28?), and...Honor Takes Center Stage, hands down.

Worst Show of the Year: TNA Victory Road? Don't know...they all blend together.

Moment of the Year: Rock returns, Punk shoots, Kane returns, Hogan's Bound for Glory turn, Punk wins the WWE title at Money in the Bank, ADR wins the Royal Rumble, Shawn Michaels returning to Raw (again...3/28?), Edge's retirement.

Tag Team/Stable of the Year: Wow...what a terrible year for tag team wrestling in the WWE and TNA. Just awful. Beer Money and MCMG should be up there for their early work in 2011. Ink Inc wasn't terrible...that's how bad a year it was. Love the Usos, but they never once did ANYTHING. Immortal was a terrible faction, but Fortune was pretty great, especially with Flair a part of the ensemble. If Shelton Benjamin and Charlie Haas are not nominated, I will be slightly upset... Tag team wrestling is so dead in mainstream wrestling, so this award should go to a company that still considers it a focus.

Promo of the Year: Punk's shoot. The Rock's return promo. Triple H's promo on being able to beat the Undertaker. Edge's retirement speech. Anything R-Truth said...

I hope that gives you enough to work with... I have some ideas for categories that were not on your list too!

Rookie of the Year - Which noob reigned supreme?
Break-Out Star - Who came out of NOWHERE to have a killer year?
Most Improved - They used to they don't...ish
Best-Used Gimmick Match - Hell in a Cell? Money in the Bank? The Rumble? TLC?
Best Wrestling Company - WWE? TNA? ROH? Chikara? Show your support! Who had the best year!?
Most Extreme Wrestler - Who had you saying "OH MY GOD!"
Best Mic Worker - You have best promo, but why not best promo guy?
Female of the Year - ...
Best Angle of the Year - Truth's heel turn, Kevin Nash's return, Masked Kane return
Worst Angle of the Year - Kurt Angle Heel turn, Styles vs Daniels saga, all Samoa Joe put downs
News Story of the Year - ...
Best Match of the Year - Ortan/Christian Summerslam
Worst Match of the Year - Sting/Jeff Hardy, Victory Road
Feud/Rivalry of the Year - Sting/Hogan
Title Reign of the Year - The Miz
Surprise of the Year - Booker T/Kevin Nash at Royal Rumble
Best Wrestler of the Year - Kurt Angle, R-Truth, The Miz
Worst Wrestler of the Year - ...
Best Show of the Year - WrestleMania 27
Worst Show of the Year - Hell in a Cell
Moment of the Year - Rock/Cena WM28 Main Event Announcement, The Miz/Cena WM 27 Title Match end bits
Tag Team/Stable of the Year - Beer Money
Promo of the Year - Mystery Return Promo 'It Begins' Jan 2nd, 2012 # 1, Miz 'Hate Me Now' Promo
Female of the Year- Sara Del Rey
Best Angle of the Year- The CM Punk worked shoot angle through the summer
Worst Angle of the Year- Michael Cole vs. Jerry Lawler feud
News Story of the Year- The Rock returns to the WWE
Best Match of the Year- CM Punk vs. John Cena MITB 2011
Worst Match of the Year- Sting vs. Jeff Hardy, Victory Road
Title Reign of the Year- Takashi Sugiura's GHC title reign
Surprise of the Year- Daniel Bryan wins World Heavyweight title
Best Wrestler of the Year- CM Punk
Worst Wrestler of the Year- Ezekiel Jackson
Best Show of the Year- WWE Money in the Bank 2011
Worst Show of the Year- JCW Legends & Icons iPPV
Moment of the Year- CM Punk wins title at MITB
Tag Team/Stable of the Year- Bad Intentions (Giant Bernard & Karl Anderson)
Promo of the Year- CM Punk's initial "shoot" promo

And here are my nominations for the awards over at 411mania just for the fuck of it to give some people some ideas if they're forgetting things that happened this year:

1. Jim Ross(WWE)
2. Scott Stanford(WWE)
3. Booker T(WWE)

1. Michael Cole(WWE)
2. Jerry Lawler(WWE)
3. Taz(TNA)

OVERALL ROOKIE OF THE YEAR (applies to somehow who legitimate debuted in the last 18 months [6 month grace period])
1. Daichi Hashimoto (Zero-1)
2. Obariyon (CHIKARA)
3. Jakob Hammermeier (CHIKARA)

MAJOR FED ROOKIE OF THE YEAR (applies to someone who debuted in the last 12 months I the following: WWE, TNA, ROH, AAA, CMLL, NJPW, NOAH, AJPW, and Dragon Gate)
1. Kyle O'Reilly (ROH)
2. Alberto Del Rio (WWE) [Does Del Rio count as a rookie?]
3. Michael Elgin (ROH)

BREAKOUT OF THE YEAR (applies to a breakout by someone who – despite their time in the business – is a newcomer to the mainstream feds i.e WWE or TNA [Or has been around for a while but then just “broke out” a la Edge in 2005 or King Booker in 2006)
1. CM Punk(WWE)
2. Zack Ryder(WWE)
3. Bully Ray (TNA)

1. The Rock (WWE)
2. Sean Waltman (Indies)
3. Triple H(WWE)

DISAPPOINTMENT OF THE YEAR (you expected more, and it didn’t happen, be it via booking or the wrestler(s) just not showing up. Wrestler/Story/Feud/etc… all apply)
1. Christian's shortlived title reign(s)
2. Summer of Punk angle falls flat after a month
3. TNA in general

2. CHIKARA King of Trios Night 3
3. Dragon Gate Dead or Alive 2011

1. Randy Orton vs. Christian (Cage Match) [WWE Friday Night SmackDown] 8/30/11
2. John Cena vs. Rey Mysterio [WWE RAW] 7/25/11
3. The Miz vs. John Morrison (Falls Count Anywhere) [WWE RAW] 1/3/11

1. The Rock returns to the WWE
2. Zack Ryder gets himself over via YouTube
3. ROH sold to SBG

1. Macho Man's death
2. Both Hardy brothers downward spiral into drug addiction and arrests
3. The Taru/Super Hate locker room beat down in AJPW, resulting in Keiji Mutoh's resignation.

1. CM Punk "shoots" on RAW, quasi-Summer of Punk ensues vs Cena and others
2. Randy Orton vs. Christian put on a legendary feud with a string of ****+ matches.
3. Kevin Steen returns to ROH

1. Michael Cole vs. Jerry Lawler
2. Eric Young vs. Scott Baio
3. Matt Morgan vs. Hernandez

1. TNA
3. IGF

1. The Michael Cole Challenge (WWE)
2. Michael Cole pokes fun at Jerry Lawler's recently dead mother
3. R-Truth: "GREEN BAY WISCONSIIIIIIINN!!!"...*crickets*

1. JCW Legends & Icons iPPV
2. WWE Over the Limit
3. TNA Victory Road

1. Sting vs. Jeff Hardy (TNA Victory Road)
2. Michael Cole vs. Jerry Lawler (WWE Wrestlemania 27)
3. Michael Cole vs. Jim Ross (WWE RAW, April)

1. Brutal Bob Evans
2. Curt Hawkins
3. Cookie

1. Nigerian Nightmares
2. Mexican America
3. Tyler Reks/Curt Hawkins

1. Madison Rayne
2. Aksana
3. Miss Tessmacher

1. Ezekiel Jackson
2. The Great Khali
3. Mason Ryan

1. WWE
3. PWG

1. Punk's first "pipe bomb" shoot promo
2. The Rock's return promo
3. Kevin Steen hijacks the mic at Best in the World

1. WWE Money in the Bank 2011
2. NJPW Wrestling Dontaku PPV
3. ROH Honor Takes Center Stage: Chapter One

1. CM Punk vs. John Cena (WWE Money in the Bank)
2. Davey Richards vs. Eddie Edwards (ROH Best in the World)
3. Kotaro Suzuki vs. Eddie Edwards (NOAH 1/29/11)

1. Ricardo Rodriguez
2. Vickie Guerrero
3. Prince Nana

1. Bad Intentions (Giant Bernard/Karl Anderson)
2. Beer Money (Robert Roode/James Storm)
3. The Uso's (Jimmy & Jey Uso)

1. Sara Del Rey
2. Madison Eagles
3. Kharma

1. CM Punk
2. Randy Orton
3. Shinsuke Nakamura
I have a couple of extra nominations.

Moment Of The Year: Zack Ryder wins at TLC.

Angle Of The Year: Zack Ryder's fairytale year. Not an angle as such, but please put it somewhere as it really does deserve some recognition.
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