Popular Movies You Haven't Seen

The Brain

King Of The Ring
There are a lot for me but the one that surprises people most is probably the Star Wars series. I saw the first one in the theatre when they rereleased them for the 20th anniversary in 1997. That’s the only time I saw it and I haven’t seen any of the others. By the way I was disappointed when the movie ended without the scene where Vader tells Luke he’s his father. I didn’t know that was the second movie. I could list a bunch more. I’ll wait for some responses and see how many of the ones that get posted I haven’t seen.
That reminds me, someone gave me all three Godfather movies a while ago. Totally forgot about that. I have yet to watch any of them but I have them so I'll get around to it eventually.
Any American blockbuster that has come out in the past 3 years. I've probably seen one or two but I haven't seen even a significant minority of them. Haven't seen Avatar, Transformers 2, Up, Star Trek, Toy Story 3, Alice In Wonderland, Tron Legacy, Shutter Island, or the last two Harry Potters. I have yet to see a Hollywood movie at the theaters this year.
^ That. And Taxi Driver. And a few other notable ones, but that's off the top of my head.

Got both of these of Netflix over the past few months. I thought both were ok but I wasn't overly impressed with either.

Any American blockbuster that has come out in the past 3 years. I've probably seen one or two but I haven't seen even a significant minority of them. Haven't seen Avatar, Transformers 2, Up, Star Trek, Toy Story 3, Alice In Wonderland, Tron Legacy, Shutter Island, or the last two Harry Potters. I have yet to see a Hollywood movie at the theaters this year.

Pretty much same here. My sister makes fun of me because my Netflix queue is full of moves that are 20-30 years old. I have a lot of catching up to do and not much over the last few years has interested me. Of your list I've only seen Toy Story 3 and Shutter Island.
I haven't seen any Lord of the Rings either. Zero interest in that. No interest in Harry Potter or Avatar either.
So, based off a list from IMDb - and the notion that when I seen the titles, I instantly knew of them but have not seen them.. here is my Top 20 list.

1. The Godfather series
2. Shawshank Redemption
3. Pulp Fiction
4. Schindler's List
5. Fight Club
6. Casablanca
7. The majority of Indiana Jones films. (I've seen clips here and there)
8. Silence of the Lambs
9. Psycho
10. American History X
11. Apollo 13
12. Saving Private Ryan (almost any military based movie, for that matter)
13. The Shining
14. A Clockwork Orange
15. Reservoir Dogs
16. Kill Bill (either)
17. The Green Mile
18. Full Metal Jacket (again, see #12)
19. Braveheart
20. Sin City
Gone With The Wind, Casablanca & Citizen Kane are the only massive films that spring to mind. I've owned them all for years, but I just can't be arsed with them.
I have never seen any of The Godfather films, which is really surprising as I love most other gangster films like Scarface, Goodfellas etc


The Shining

Clockwork Orange- started to watch this on TV yesterday and it was shit
I haven't seen Se7en or Leon (though its sitting on my shelf)

Se7en is a FANTASTIC film, so clever. I enjoyed Leon, but if I had to recommend one I would say Se7en is the one to see first.

Re. Clockwork Orange, it had already started when I turned it on, so I didnt see the initial violent scenes. It just seemed really strange, the language being used, the weird colours and characters just didnt appeal to me. I know it is regarded as a classic though, but maybe not just my thing
Man, you guys need to watch the first two Godfather movies. I know it's kind of hard to set your mind to watch a 3 hour movie from the sixties/seventies, but trust me... you won't regret it. They truly hold up.

As far as what movies I haven't seen... I've seen a couple of minutes I'm sure from all 3 original Star Wars movies, but I never watched any of them entirely.

There are some really old popular movies I haven't seen like Casablanca and most of Alfred Hitchcock's movies.

And Goldeneye is actually the only James Bond movie I ever watched, and that was only because I loved the video game so fucking much, lol.
Using the IMDB method for the top 40

1. 9.2 The Shawshank Redemption (1994) 609,894
4. 8.9 The Good, the Bad and the Ugly (1966) 192,487
8. 8.8 One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest (1975) 252,026
13. 8.8 Seven Samurai (1954) 110,610
15. 8.7 Goodfellas (1990) 266,878
18. 8.7 Casablanca (1942) 187,967
19. 8.7 City of God (2002) 197,155
20. 8.7 Once Upon a Time in the West (1968) 88,498
32. 8.6 Sunset Boulevard (1950) 63,668
36. 8.6 Apocalypse Now (1979) 196,776
38. 8.5 Citizen Kane (1941) 153,364
39. 8.5 North by Northwest (1959) 105,450

Can't say I'm too bothered about seeing any of these either.
I haven't seen Se7en or Leon (though its sitting on my shelf)

You need to see Se7en, magnificent movie. Haven't seen Leon myself.

I haven't seen The Hurt locker, The Fighter, Raging Bull, Fight Club, Airplane and I haven't seen Taxi Driver.

EDIT: Also I haven't seen Apocalypse Now, Braveheart, We Were Soldiers and The Shawshank Redemption.

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