Pope Calls Out Marty Jannetty


Ooh baby I like it roooaaaaw!
This is my first post so forgive me if I put this in the wrong section.

I just got through reading this article here on WZ by Nick Paglino regarding Pope D'Angelo Dinero's thoughts on a a chairshot delivered by Marty Jannetty to Balls Mahoney this past weekend.


Now, Pope goes on to post a pretty hostile rant towards Jannetty for his actions that occurred. I'm not sure what to make of this, especially this is the first I've heard of a friendship between Pope and Mahoney. I will say that at a lot of wrestling shows similar to PWS, sometimes there will be use of chairs or other "foreign objects". Pope mentions that he has seen video footage of this chairshot, yet there's no link to this. So I'm wondering if this is a work for a future bout between Pope and Jannetty or if Pope's FB comments were sincere. Your thoughts?
To begin with a believe the link bellow is the video The Pope is talking about


I'm assuming that The Pope and Balls (which would be a sweet tag team name) became friends during their days in WWE's ECW. Now since those days chair shots directly to the dome have been banned (and for good reason) from the top promotion the WWE, although I'm not sure on TNA actual policy behind it I'm sure its pretty similar and although I haven't seen an ROH show in awhile I'm assuming that they've taken a similar stand based on their reputation for taking care of their young talent.

So yes, Ol' Marty should have known better, he drove a steel chair as hard as he could directly to the brain. Even though he's been out of the Pro-level of the biz for some time, he's not blind to the swirling reports of long term brain damage caused by head injuries in sports that has been all the news in recent years. What makes it worse was that this wasn't a move that inadvertedly resulted in Balls banging his head, it was a purposeful direct shot to his brain.

That being said does Marty really need to be buried for this incident? Well to begin with Marty was buried almost twenty years ago in the mid-early 90's and has never come close to bringing any cred back to his name. Lets also not forget that Balls became famous in a tag team with Axle Rotten known as "THE HARDCORE CHAIR SWINGING FREAKS", he's literally built his career and name around this sort of thing and its what the fans come to expect. To add to this Balls literally begged Marty to do it, and even extended his head right to the direction of the chair. So to totally kill on Marty for hitting a CHAIR SWINGING FREAK with a chair who was literally asking for it is a little much.

Remember this is an INDY show where fans come with a sense of nestolgia and want to see the preformers do the things that made them famous all those years before. These shows resemble the "old-ways" of wrestling because thats what it is, old guys getting one last pop out of the signature moves and gimmicks that made them. Had Marty hit one of the young up and comers that was just trying to get a foot in the door than yes I'd say form a mob and chase him out of town with pitch forks, however in this specific situation I think Balls shares just as much blame as Marty.

P.s. The Pope was right about one thing, Balls does seem to be in the best shape of his career which is crazy considering his age, he also did a great job working the crowd at an Indy show with a fairly large audience, Kudos to Balls

p.s.s- I didn't really have much interest in this story I just wanted to write something that allowed me to type BALLS as many times as my heart desired, especially the phrase "Kudos to Balls" which i will now spend the rest of the afternoon relentlessly trying to work said phrase into everyday conversation, wish me luck!!!
Wasn't the Pope's posting a joke?

I doubt it. And I agree with PagingMrAss that Balls has made his name on taking and giving chair shots in ECW. Just seems that at indy shows these things tend to happen, and is there cause for alarm. I do take any type of blow to the head seriously and don't wish any performer to be injured. Looking at this objectively though if Pope is being sincere then I'm not sure if this was the way to go about it.
I doubt it. And I agree with PagingMrAss that Balls has made his name on taking and giving chair shots in ECW. Just seems that at indy shows these things tend to happen, and is there cause for alarm. I do take any type of blow to the head seriously and don't wish any performer to be injured. Looking at this objectively though if Pope is being sincere then I'm not sure if this was the way to go about it.

I dunno it sure seemed like a joke to me. He started the post talking about people who spend more time on the internet "Caring" about important issues than they spend caring about important issues.

The rest of the post was an attempt to "care" about an important issue drenched in sarcasm.

At the end he even took a shot at the people who "care" about the Kony 2012 campaign.
Im sure Balls Mahoney has had worse happen than a stiff chairshot to the head in his career, being that like others have said, he made his name in hardcore wrestling. I'm sure the chairshot was planned, and Jannetty was just trying to make it look as devastating as possible, so the fans didn't shit on him ala Lance Storm v RVD at ECW barely legal 97. Pope just has his knickers in a twist.
This feels like a work.

It's kinda Balls Mahoney's thing to give and receive chairshots. He can go, but usually throws in the standard garbage wrestling in his no dq matches in ECW and the indy scene. Looking at the video, Balls has taken worse. He seemed to lean over too much and get hit in the back of the head instead of the top of the head, which where you would want to absorb the blow. I could see it messing up his equilibrium fierce and causing him to puke.

Pope then cuts a promo blasting Janetty on his facebook page of all places. I know that cause I read wrestlezone headlines daily.

And now I am posting to a thread about a "creative has nothing for you" TNA wrestler, a guy who's name is synonymous with weak link on the team, and Balls Mahoney, who I actually like, over a chairshot and vomit.

A day ago these guys were not even close to being on my radar. Social media era.
After watching that video, I don't see what the big deal is.

Balls is a hardcore wrestler who has spent his whole career doing that type of stuff. He was the one calling for the chair shot.

And it's not like Marty tried to take his head off. Looked to me like he a stiff chair shot, but clearly not at full strength.
Pope's got to be doing a work. We've seen Balls take stiffer chair shots. The only thing I noticed was that balls moved his head down before the impact. If he took the shot with his forehead instead of the back of his head it would've been easier on his noggin.
Pope's got to be doing a work. We've seen Balls take stiffer chair shots. The only thing I noticed was that balls moved his head down before the impact. If he took the shot with his forehead instead of the back of his head it would've been easier on his noggin.

I don't think it's a work as much as it's just the pope trolling people.
What is the outcome if this is a work? Does Pope confront Marty in a steel barb wire cage on a pole match in OVW? Or is he just trying to stay relevant now that he's been shifted to developmental. Or just mental.

I haven't gone through the video and all, but Pope calling out Marty doesn't really peak any sort of interest. I'd rather hear how it is a work/shoot/woot by armchair pundits.

Bottom line, I do think it is just Pope trying to stir it to get some attention. No harm in that. Guess there is some gripe here if it's 'real'.
I am really surprised that there is any talk about this. Balls clearly leant in and asked for the chairshot, which was not delivered at full speed from Jannetty, but hit Balls in the back of his head which caused him to throw up.

I'm sure Mahoney is over the incident. He is stupid for still taking these unprotected shots to the head after all these years, but that was nowhere near one of the worst he has received.

Pope is just stirring the pot here I think, but this has given Marty Jannetty more attention than he has had in every year in the last decade combined!

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