Which Release Will Come Back To Bite WWE: The Pope D'Angelo Dinero Or Matt Morgan?

Mitch Henessey

Deploy the cow-catcher......
Staff member
Both D'Angelo Dinero and Matt Morgan used to be with WWE. Elijah Burke was more recently released from WWE back in 2008, while Morgan was released back in 2005. Lets review both of their tenures in WWE.

Matt Morgan- Morgan started out with promise in WWE. He was a part of team Lesnar going into Survivor Series 2003, and would go on to have sort of an alliance with Brock and others. After a return from OVW, and something I still don't get till this very day, Morgan returns....with a stuttering gimmick? Imagine this giant of man, with an awesome physique, stuttering? It was so stupid. He aligned him self with Carlito back when he had the whole Caribbean cool thing going. Shortly after that he was released.

Elijah Burke- Burke started out as the trainer of sorts for Sylvester Terkay. Don't know if any of you remember this guy, but he had an MMA fighter gimmick, and the ironic thing about that is, he was actually an MMA fighter in real life. He would eventually be on the ECW brand after a while. Terkay got released, and he was on his own. I remember Vince called Burke the future of ECW on tv once during the rivalry between the ECW originals and the new breed.....Anyway, I guess you can say Burke's biggest highlight in WWE was facing CM Punk at Unforgiven '07 for the ECW title, a match that he lost.

Now ever since joining TNA, these two have had a tremendous re-birth. Throughout 2009, Morgan was given a monster push. He feuded with Angle, The MEM, was put into the world title picture a couple of times, and had a very good series of matches with AJ Styles on impact. The Blueprint is one of the hottest things going in TNA. I don't know where TNA is going with him and Hernandez as a tag team, but I hope they will split up because I want to see them get back into singles competition.

I thought Elijah Burke in WWE was very stale, boring, and that character had no depth at all. Seeing him debut as the Pope was so refreshing.As The Pope, his promos are better, and he is far more entertaining. He started off feuding with Suicide, and later on, after a face turn, aligned himself with Matt Morgan and Hernandez. He recently picked up a big win over Desmond Wolfe.

My question is, do you think either one of these releases will come back to bite WWE? If you don't think either will come back to bite WWE, then please explain why. If you do think one of these releases will come back to bite WWE, then who do you think it will be? Pope or Morgan? Or Both?

I'm going to pick one,and that one is....Matt Morgan. Once he gets out of this tag team with Hernandez, I think he will be pushed in the world title picture again. Plus, Morgan has the size, athleticism, and look to be a main eventer. Pope on the other hand, is built to be an upper mid card guy if you ask me. There's a chance he might get some X-Division title shots or reigns in the near future, but I don't see him being in the main event in TNA. It's too crowded.

What are your thoughts?
Neither will come back to bite the WWE. It's not like they released guys that were doing anything of note. Morgan debuted as a monster, became a comedy guy, and then got the axe. Burke debuted as a lackey, actually became a solid mid carder, but then his push disappeared and so did he.

So far neither guy has really impressed me much in TNA. Of the two I prefer Burke and believe he has more talent, but talent doesn't always turn into a push. As far as Matt Morgan goes I think he fucking sucks. I've never been entertained by him in the ring. His promos are average at best and that is being generous. He's getting pushed because of his size. That's it. Eventually everyone will realize how shitty he is and he'll become a jobber to the stars before being released.

Neither Morgan nor Burke will ever make the WWE regret the fact that they released them. They are both better off in TNA and are now somewhat relevant, but not to the point where the WWE would care.
I think Burke will prove to be the bigger blow of the two because the man has unlimited talent. His in ring/mic work is simply stunning. I just can't get enough of this dude, his promos are fuking hillarious, and in the ring he is all over the place, he was one of the best in WWE when he was there. Also, he is SO over with the fans, I mean he was supposed to be a heel, but the fans just cheered for him anyway because he's fucking awesome. He also seems to be a very bright guy, he thought of his whole D'angelo Dinero charecter himself, he could probably come up with better storylines than half of the WWE and TNA creative writing staff for crying out loud. The 'E made a HUGE mistake when they released him and they know it by now.
I haven't necessarily seen anything out of either of these two yet that makes believe that the WWE is going to be sorry to have let them go.

Matt Morgan: Morgan has shown himself to be an athletic big guy that's had potential in TNA. For a while, it looked as though Morgan was going to be pushed heavily as a main eventer. He has a great look and is very athletic for someone of his size. Morgan's best of three series with AJ Styles made him look great and him coming out with the win during that series is probably his biggest success in TNA. Morgan has been in two TNA World Championship matches, one at Hard Justice against Sting and Kurt Angle and one at No Surrender in a five-way match. He didn't win, but he looked good during both matches. After No Surrender, Morgan started to lose momentum and lose it quickly. At Bound For Glory, he loses to Kurt Angle in a one on one match and has been nowhere near the main event scene since. He hooks up with Hernandez, Dinero and Suicide against the Dudleyz, Rhino and Jesse Neal in an eight man feud and now it looks as though he and Hernandez are gonna be a team. Morgan I think does still have potential, but he's lost a lot of steam in my view. As of right now, I don't particularly see anything that's happened to cause the WWE to go "Damn, we shouldn't have let him go."

D'Angelo Dinero: Dinero's biggest accomplishment in TNA was his win over Desmond Wolfe. It was an upset and, quite frankly, I don't think very many fans saw it coming. I think Dinero has shown some promise as well but, as with Morgan, I just don't see anything that would wind up ultimately being a mistake for the WWE. Dinero spent his time in 2009 mostly either feuding with Suicide or was involved in the same eight man feud that Matt Morgan was.

In the end, Matt Morgan has lost momentum and D'Angelo Dinero hasn't generated nearly enough for me to look at either of them and think that the WWE's release of them is going to come back and bite them in the collective ass.
I think that the releases of BOTH Morgan and Dinero will come back to bite the WWE because both guys have had career rebirths in TNA. The problem came down to their gimmicks. They are still the same guys otherwise. I think that if they had their current gimmicks back when they were in WWE then they would have gotten massive pushes and gotten over. Much like what's beginning to happen to them in TNA right now. It might take a while since the main event scene in TNA is a bit crowded, but I think we will eventually see both of these guys as world champion someday. WWE lost two potential main eventers when they released these guys because a gimmick change over in TNA has shown us how awesome they are.
Matt Morgan only recently had his best match and that match was a very average one with Kurt Angle. When exactly is he going to live up to this potential that I've heard lots of people talk about? Probably never, because he's pants. He's been a full time wrestler for 8 years now and I don't see how he's progressed since 2005. Being Carlito's lackey was a nothing role, but his performances aren't much different now than they were then. He's just pushed more strongly now.

Elijah Burke was give a stable to lead in WWE and he blew it. There's nothing for him to blow in TNA but there's also nothing for him to do which will elave him to the status that people thing he should be at.
I think they both have talent and potential, but I don't think Morgan will ever reach the hype people have given him. He's got a great look, he's above average on the mic, but he's nothing special when it comes to wrestling ability or that "it" factor. I don't think he'll become the next big star, and I think when people look back on his career years down the road it'll always be talking about how he never quite lived up to this 'potential' people thought he had.

Elijah Burke has it all in my mind and in the past several weeks I think he's beginning to hit his stride and really impress me in TNA. He's got a good look, he's got charisma, he's got personality and mic ability, and he can certainly wrestle.. so there is no downside to Burke. I think he showed glimpses of his true potential in the WWE but they gave up on him far, far too soon. I don't think either of them are going to come back to bite WWE, because TNA's not competition and I really don't believe they're going to be in the future. But clearly, I think, Burke is the bigger loss and had much more to offer WWE if they'd actually pushed him further and given him the ball fully.
Uh I think WWE is already regretting letting Morgan go, I mean... I never understood why they let him go in the first place, even when he was in the WWE I though he was good for big guy, if they were willing to waste time on average guys like Snitsky and Mike Knox and Kevin Fertig, I definately can't see why they wouldn't put something more into Morgan.

Pope, I don't know how much they regret letting him go, I doubt they'd ever let him do anything like his Pope character in WWE and he more than likely wasn't going to be having any wrestling clinics with anyone. I think Vince see's him as somebody that wouldn't be a "star" in the WWE. However if TNA becomes more successful and takes Pope with it than this could be an Eric Bichoff/Stone Cold situation.

At the very least, Morgan would've made an awesome candidate for being Undertaker's son(or at least heir of some sort) in that SD Thread from a while back.
I think that Matt Morgan has more of a long-term potential for the company. If used correctly, he could be headlining within a couple months. He just won the tag titles with Hernandez, it can only go up for him
They both will come back to haunt them because they're already doing way more than they did in WWE. The Impact Zone atmosphere is crap so you can never really gauge a person's pop unless they're like Sting or Kurt Angle, but with Matt Morgan he does come of as being real popular.

He went from a nothing guy in WWE, I barely remember when he did anything besides walk. In TNA, it seems he has been allowed to put input into his character and has given birth to an excellent one in the BluePrint. WWE wants him back now, I'm sure of that.

His matches against Kurt Angle and AJ and Sting were all awesome and even though he is with Super Mex now as the Tag Champs does not mean he has lost steam. Super Mex is considered another future heavyweight champ and main eventer, so the team of them together makes perfect sense.
Out of the two I got to with Burke. Personally I think he is much more talented than Morgan in the ring and on the mic. Pope also seems to be much more over than Morgan. Like someone said above, I think the Pope character is really starting to hit full stride, and while he is doing that Mogan is in a team with Hernandez, which I am not a fan of either Hernandez or make shift tag teams.

Now I really think if anyone has a chance to haunt WWE it would be Mr. Anderson could potentially that SCSA guy. If not him I also think Brian Kendrick could also be a viable possibility.
To anyone who's saying Burke is anything but PHENOMENAL on the stick, I don't think you're watching the same promos as man. The man is a genius. His promos are getting close to Rock-quality, and he's well above average in the ring (at least as good as the Rock). D'nero is going to save TNA, as soon as Hogan gives him the push he deserves.
Neither one will come back to bite WWE. What will come back to bite them is Vince constantly reliving his old mistakes in the form of refusing to believe he does not decide when someones career is over. I do not care about their ages people will tune in to see Hogan and Flair. The fans liked seeing these wrestlers come back and Vince has refused to acknowledge this for the better part of 20 years now. People will tune in to see Flair and Hogan because people still enjoy seeing them. Those who tune in will likely find something else to their liking. They will keep tuning in and TNA will continue to grow and will become a viable option for those who do not want to work for WWE and gradually talent will leave WWE. This may happen slowly and it may take years but eventually TNA will become a major company and legitimate competition.

I will admit I am not impartial when I say this as I actually hate TNA. I hated the joke that was the six sided ring, I hated the even bigger joke that was trying to consider Jeff Jarrett an icon in this business. I hate the X-Division and those wrestlers who are a part of it such as Amazing Red. I have found nothing they have done up to this point entertaining. What I hated most was their idea that they needed to be different from WWE. They did not and all they really needed was to make clear there was a great deal of talent available and all of it could not be showcased on Raw and Smackdown. They could have simply put on another wrestling program showcasing their talent, highlighting the strengths of those on the roster. I say all this to make clear I do not even have a rooting interest and am just trying to give an impartial opinion.

The failure to maintain agreements with wrestlers who maintain fan interest will be the biggest mistake. Hogan, Flair, Hardy on a different level will have viewers tuning in to watch and building an audience is what will lead to competition.
Neither The Pope "Elijah Burke" nor Matt Morgan will be missed in WWE. Vince McMahon tried Morgan with Team Lesnar about 7 years ago and it failed. He was terrible and still is terrible.

Burke was just another guy on the ECW roster. Nobody really cared about him. Vince does not care about him either. His memorable moment was getting speared off the top rope by Batista! LOL!
Neither man will ever be a draw, so the WWE won't regret getting rid of either. Dinero will carve out a bit of a niche for himself in the upper midcard I think, but Morgan will just be one squandered push after another. Very few releases are regretted in wrestling, because most of them are just run of the mill. WCW losing Austin and Foley are the archetypal ones that people mention, and to be honest with you, these two men put together will have less of a career than either of those two men.

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