Pokémon GO

Mostly it stops around 6 (starts at 8 in the morning).

Hoping to get a Ho-oh this weekend. Is there any way to know if a 5* egg will have Ho-oh or Raikou?
For the UK it used to be 9pm (so 8 would be last hatch) then it got moved to 8 with 7 last hatch. Then when the clocks changed they went back further so they finish about 6.30-7atm.
Ever since daylight savings, it's stopped at 7:00PM here. It really sucks. Most of my raid group doesn't get off work until 5 or so. And the people who are available during the day tend to be people who suck and will go into a Ttar raid with a fucking army of Blisseys.

Here in a few in gonna post a shot of my top 12. I've got "a squad!!" as the kids like to say.
For fuck's sake. You all put mine to shame. I have a solid collection, but they are not nearly as strong or rare as those.
Ever since daylight savings, it's stopped at 7:00PM here. It really sucks. Most of my raid group doesn't get off work until 5 or so. And the people who are available during the day tend to be people who suck and will go into a Ttar raid with a fucking army of Blisseys. .

I've tweeted and e-mailed Niantic asking for the change back to the normal time. Trying to get a lot of my group to as well. Three people I know have stopped playing due to the raid change times.
Damn. I am 3/4 now. 76%, 80%, and 87%.

I did get a 100% Larvitar though. All of my effort will now go toward getting that bitch maxed out. I have 9 10k eggs incubating, so that'll hopefully net a couple.
3/6 now with that one being 87%. Still had a 2209 flee as well. So 4/6 I've seen have been 85+
What's the deal with EX Raid Passes? My father and I got one today for a raid on the 11th. I know it's an exclusive raid but I've never heard of these.
There should well be. And get their details for raiding!
Did three raids today and caught 2 Ho-ohs. The third one had a Solar Beam and almost all of us had Rock/Water Pokemon and got slaughtered :(
Solar Beam is an absolute bitch. My Ho-Oh line up is:
Omastar with RockThrow

Though I tried a Tangela for a joke and it weirdly worked well on Solar Beam.

Solar Beam I've found you need 10. Others doable with 7.
The first two ones that I did had 20 people, and we managed to kill the Ho-Oh within 1 min (I somehow managed to catch the first one with just 1 Pokeball). The one with Solar beam had about 10 people...
It also depends on your levels. I'm level 36 and most of my raid party range from 33-40. I'm usually in the middle but on raids where I'm top level it's harder.

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