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Playboy Storyline?


[This Space for Rent]
Does anyone else get the feeling that with Maria doing a playboy shoot in the up-coming future, that we're about to go back down the Eddie Guerrero/Chyna road.. with Santino (playing the role of Eddie Guerrero) being upset & jealous of Maria (playing the role of Chyna) doing the shoot?

I think this could completely work even better than the Eddie/Chyna one did, to be honest. I also think it'll allow Santino one last push, before he'll likely be released. Personally, I'll hate when Santino gets cut, because I think he's one of the best workers on the mic. in today's company, however you need to be more than just "good on the mic." to get over in the business.

Another thought is that Carlito will turn face, by accepting Maria in playboy, & getting into a scuffle with Santino about it.

What are everyone else's thoughts on this matter? Please try to give detailed opinions & explain as much as you can. Thank you.
Personally, I think it would go the other way around.

Carlito would try and get a "sneak peek" at Maria, and Santino would step in to defend her honour, turning him face. Leading to a series of matches that would rival Kane vs X-Pac.
I hate this.It happens every year.Who can forget Melina/Ashley last year.That was AWFUL.Basically it wastes time.But I hope Santino can make a good angle out of this.It may actully be the only time were WWE have Maria in a good storyline.
Hopefully they don't even bother making it into an angle feud. I'd much rather make it a sort of thing where Santino is even more interested in Maria and starts becoming a bit of a pervert on top of all his mic work. Since Carlito isn't doing much, I'd like to see him stick with Santino for a while, so they'd have to stay partners for that to happen.

Whatever happens, I'm far more interested in seeing Maria's pics than seeing an angle played out because of the spread.
If Santino is part of the angle, than defiently yes, i would love to see the angle happen. Santino is one of the best on the mic, and he is so funny he will make this angle work and make it funny for everyone to enjoy. And i hope that add carlito to it aswell, as Santino and Carlito together seem to be a good team.
Playboy seems to give one of the divas a push each year. I don't see why. Playboy has nothing to do with them as wrestlers, which means I'm sure the WWE is supposed to endorse the divas as much as possible before the release and gets paid for it.

Ah the Eddie Chyna storyline brings back memories. It was truely awesome. The 2 worked great together. It was completely original and made some great storylines, feuds and matches. And because of that I doubt it'll be able to be recreated. Not with Maria anyway.

However the idea with Santino and Carlito is good. IMO I think the 2 could have some good matches, and it would be something fresh for the WWE to use. This could go on for quite some time. I think Carlito being face would be great against a heel Santino. Face is definately the better option for Carlito. Although his heel gimmicks before have been good, I just get the impression face is where he should be at, by his style of wrestling.
Playboy seems to give one of the divas a push each year. I don't see why. Playboy has nothing to do with them as wrestlers, which means I'm sure the WWE is supposed to endorse the divas as much as possible before the release and gets paid for it.

Ah the Eddie Chyna storyline brings back memories. It was truely awesome. The 2 worked great together. It was completely original and made some great storylines, feuds and matches. And because of that I doubt it'll be able to be recreated. Not with Maria anyway.

However the idea with Santino and Carlito is good. IMO I think the 2 could have some good matches, and it would be something fresh for the WWE to use. This could go on for quite some time. I think Carlito being face would be great against a heel Santino. Face is definately the better option for Carlito. Although his heel gimmicks before have been good, I just get the impression face is where he should be at, by his style of wrestling.

Divas who pose in Playboy get pushes so that they can be in the spotlight the same time they're issue comes out. That way they can drill into everyone's minds that the Playboy issue with *insert name* is coming out on *insert date." Same thing happened with Ashley (ugh), Candice, and Christy.

Now if Maria does pose for Playboy, then she's definitely going to be getting a push. I think that a jealous Santino against Carlito with Maria in the center of it could be the best kind of push for Maria. It still promotes the whole Playboy thing, but keeps Maria far, far away from the Women's Championship. The last thing we need is another horrendus Women's Title match. And then there's the bonus of seeing a Carlito vs Santino feud. I can already imagine the genius promos to come out of that one. :lol2:

Flames Out
Divas who pose in Playboy get pushes so that they can be in the spotlight the same time they're issue comes out. That way they can drill into everyone's minds that the Playboy issue with *insert name* is coming out on *insert date." Same thing happened with Ashley (ugh), Candice, and Christy.

Now if Maria does pose for Playboy, then she's definitely going to be getting a push. I think that a jealous Santino against Carlito with Maria in the center of it could be the best kind of push for Maria. It still promotes the whole Playboy thing, but keeps Maria far, far away from the Women's Championship. The last thing we need is another horrendus Women's Title match. And then there's the bonus of seeing a Carlito vs Santino feud. I can already imagine the genius promos to come out of that one. :lol2:

Flames Out

Yeah I know they get the pushes, I just hate the fact they get it because they're posing in a magazine, whicch has nothing to do with wrestling.

Yeah I agree with you about the Santino and Carlito feud. It would be really original and the WWE needs something like that right now. If Maria gets anywhere near the WWE championship, I swear that just proves what you have to do to get the championship - bare as much body as possible and look as 'pretty' as you can. Along with the cruiserweights, the womens division is another which has become pretty much extint. IMO the only good female is Pheonix, and when there's only her, along with maybe one competitor who could at least give her a decent match, things are going to get boring pretty quickly.
Yeah I know they get the pushes, I just hate the fact they get it because they're posing in a magazine, whicch has nothing to do with wrestling.

Yeah I agree with you about the Santino and Carlito feud. It would be really original and the WWE needs something like that right now. If Maria gets anywhere near the WWE championship, I swear that just proves what you have to do to get the championship - bare as much body as possible and look as 'pretty' as you can. Along with the cruiserweights, the womens division is another which has become pretty much extint. IMO the only good female is Pheonix, and when there's only her, along with maybe one competitor who could at least give her a decent match, things are going to get boring pretty quickly.

I know Maria's been training for a while, but she's still as sloppy as Ashley. Despite the fact that does take the time to go to OVW, I don't think we'll ever see Maria become a good female wrestler. And seeing her go against Beth would be a train wreck. There are a lot of good females in the division, like Melina, Mickie, and Jillian, but having to work with the Marias and the Kellys doesn't exactly help them out.

Anyways, back to the topic of a Santino/Carlito feud- I think it'd be even more interesting to see something along the lines of a heel vs heel or even a heel vs tweener feud with them. Carlito bored me as a face, and I don't want to see him revert back to that if this kind of feud was to ever happen. Besides, it was horrible to see a face Carlito with Torrie, and I'm betting it would be just as bad as a face Carlito with Maria (and an interesting note- they were both together in real life... and Maria is with Santino now!).

Flames Out
I didn't know any of them were with anyone else. I though Maria was with CM Punk. Oh well, No Big Deal. But if this is even Maria doing Playboy, they'lkl push her for sure. And with her being with Santino, it probably won't be the Womans Championship match. And like all the divas before her, after the storyline, she's fall into the shadows. And thats why I respect Candice so much. She fell to the depts of the WWE hell after her shoot, but climbed back up again to become Womans Championship, and to some quite possibly the next Trish Stratus. Maybe Maria will do the same? I always though she as super hot, and I'll definatly be buying her spread.
I don't know about anyone else, but if you seen Raw tonight, then you should've noticed how Carlito wouldn't quit staring at Maria the entire time. Santino is acting so oblivious to the whole situation, but seriously, I think they're building to an angle, where Santino will hate Maria posing.. but Carlito will try to "persuade" him.

Its going back to the old Eddie Guerrero/Chyna/Billy Gunn storyline. Although I can't see Santino ending up with two ho's in a shower. hahahaha
I don't know about anyone else, but if you seen Raw tonight, then you should've noticed how Carlito wouldn't quit staring at Maria the entire time. Santino is acting so oblivious to the whole situation, but seriously, I think they're building to an angle, where Santino will hate Maria posing.. but Carlito will try to "persuade" him.

Its going back to the old Eddie Guerrero/Chyna/Billy Gunn storyline. Although I can't see Santino ending up with two ho's in a shower. hahahaha

I can, Santino comes off as a piece of shit like that

I think they are going with something like this, I beleive I said that they would probably go with a storyline similar to the Eddie/Chyna one already, and I still think they will go with this, I think Maria will get the "invite" to do playboy, and the Santino will come out and cut some ******ed promo saying he wouldn't allow it or something, and things will go from there, I don't know about this leading to a Carlito/Santino feud though, just can't see the point of doing all this just to have two jobbers feud with each other, I think having Rhodes & Holly come in would be more likely, the it would lead to a Tag Title match, with Maria eventually having to chose between going with Rhodes/Holly or Team Sanlito
im sick of the divas posing in playboy, everyone is complaining with them not being able to wrestle and wwe making it sound/ look as though they have been workin hard just so they can go and pose in playboy and get a crappy push from that, i respect diva such as trish stratus that refuse the do playboy so they can be remembered for their wrestling career, and thats exactly what she is remembered for.

as said before is doesnt have anything to do with wrestling. it not really a good impresion being given to the young fan either, especially the young girls.
My idea was that instead like a women's championship push, maybe a different push.

You know how they have Ashley and Maria chatting in a video on WWE.com? Well, I thought that they might turn that into a tag team... you can already see them working together last week, and tonight. And lets face it -- Maria IS improving in the ring, but not nearly as much as she should in order to get a Women's Championship match at Wrestlemania.

I think that at Wrestlemania 24 it'll be Candice Michelle vs. Beth Phoenix for the championship (WZ already posted that as an idea brewing). And then I think it would be something with Ashley and Maria vs. Melina and Jillian Hall... with the two heel divas being pissed and jealous of all the attention Ashley and Maria keep getting.

I know some of you might read this and go, "well that's a stupid idea," but I thought I'd post it nonetheless.
Well it certainly seems that WWE is going to be hinting/promoting/w.e. for Maria to be in playboy. Santino will continue to go on and do hilarious segments week in and week out. Then eventually I can see Santino flipping a shit when Maria actually does it. When she does, expect a mad push for the Women's title. It appears that it has already began with Maria's decisive win over Melina. All I can do is hope that they do not allow Maria to beat Beth for the title. As far as this storyline is concerned though. It's going to be the same thing as every other playboy one... With the execption of Santino. Only instead of Melina targeting Ashley, it'll be Beth saying she doesn't need playboy to be great or something like that. Or who knows we could have a jealous Candice return or something different then last time?
Santino getting cut? Please tell me this won't happen. I hate when WWE cuts superstars that i actually like. Bobby Lashley---> Gone. Khali--->Who cares. Santino--->NO!

I think that storyline would work, but where does that leave the tag team of Carlito and Santino. I remember Carlito saying he likes being a heel and Carlito is a good heel. He doesn't make a good face at all.

That storyline would work but I doubt it would happen. The storyline of Carlito-Santino vs. Holly-Rhodes will just fall apart.

For Santino's future I see him winning the tag titles with Carlito. Than Santino turns on Carlito and the playboy angle starts.
I personally feel this playboy storyline is showing some traits of the Eddie/Chyna storyline, but to me it is starting to show more similar traits to that of Jeff Jarrett/Debra. The whole jealousy has been done over and over, but i feel no more so than the Jarrett/Debra/Owen storyline, I doubt this 'newer version' will be quite as good, but the combination of characters I feel works really well. Maria isn't the most talented female wrestler, but she has a character, and can work on the mic, and both Carlito and Santino have good mic skills. It won't be the best 'wrestling' storyline, but because of the characters involved I feel this could work quite well.
Ok God me and you have had some rough patches but please please do me a solid on this one and dont let Maria challenge for the womens championship. Cmon big guy, shes a terrible wrestler and her winning even one match against beth phoenix would be horrendous. Ok talkin to the rest of the IWC now. I really hope they turn Carlito face again against a heel santino. Firstly it would allow Carlito to use his catchphrases again since someone seems to have yanked his mic time , and he could probably even use more than punches and the backstabber during his matches. And then just let Santino do what he does best. That feud would be a classic. Even just for the comedy value, In a period of time where we're treated to DX "Humour" every week, this could bring back real comic relief at points on raw, and it might actually be entertaining. But instead we'll probably get nothing of the kind, Maria will win the title and Hornswoggle will continue to get a big paycheck and double the airtime of carlito and santino put together. And then the two will probably be simultaneously released to make room for a big daddy v booby shakin segment. Sadly, for WWE these days, that isnt even farfetched.
For one second let us all be honest. Maria and Playboy...HECK YEAH BOY!!!

Now that is the end of my hype and should be the end of the WWE hyping it. I can handle the Santino antics, I can even handle the King screaming Puppies until he turns blue in the face, but do I have to see Ashley (who now looks like a hooker...my heavens please make that woman go back to the way she was with brown hair and no lip rings) be the middle person trying to sell her on the idea and waste even more TV time. I already feel like turning off Raw when Flair comes out and makes a goodbye speech before each and every single stupid match. Can we fill the schedule with actual wrestling action?

Maria's Boobies!!!!!!! Okay one more quick cheap pop.

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