Pick Your Poison: Shawn Michaels or Bret Hart

Pick your poison: HBK or the Hitman

  • HBK Shawn Micheals

  • The Hitman Bret Hart

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are you serious .. have you ever heard of the "montreal screwjob" .... it was all because bret didn't want to lose the belt ... HBK is the best wrestler of all time ... it is ironic though that the best match ever to take place is Shawn Michaels Vs. Bret Hart Wrestlemania XII ... HBK should be Vince's favorite employee .. He has never sold out and gone to another promotion and has put on some of the best matches of all time ... so my answer is The Heartbreak Kid Shawn Michaels

learn what happened mate and then comment

vince agreed to let bret keep the belt that night so how is it brets fault??
do you think if bret knew this would happen that he would be so upset
and why would HBK say "i didnt know that was going to happen" when confronted by bret if he was meant to win the title

get a clue then coment
Bret lost all his passion and love for the business when he left to WCW. He killed his career by going over there. Shawn is loyal to WWE and has never left. By the way, before closing this off, who has more ''Matches of the Year''? Shawn? or Bret? That's right. The Heartbreak Kid.

1993- Shawn Michaels Vs Marty Jannetty

1994- Shawn Michaels Vs Razor Ramon

1995- Shawn Michaels Vs Diesel

1996- Shawn Michaels Vs Bret Hart

2004- Shawn Michaels Vs Chris Benoit Vs Triple H

2005- Shawn Michaels Vs Kurt Angle

2006- Shawn Michaels Vs Vince McMahon

That's all the proof you need. Bret has only won 3...

-as for ur classic matches here.. marty jannety has never had a classic match in wwe, i dunno about anywhere else, they were both young then and had to be split up.
-the razor ramon match was good, lead the way for tlc's
-deisel- this is y wwe tries to get these big bulked up guys, deisel was better as his body guard, classic match :S i dunno about that one
-no dissagreements with the angle matches
- dont even think hbk should have been in mania with benoit/hhh (just cuz it took away from benoit being in the main event)
-vince mcmahon, c'mon, everyone could see that hbk was gonna destroy him at mania

bret did lose his passion in wcw, cuz he wasnt used properly like ALOT of ppl in wcw, and i doubt bret really wanted to leave wwe

bret fought half the guys u mentioned plus owen/bulldog/perfect/yokozuna/ vader/ rock/austin/ i'm sure i'm missin much more

bret hart all the way
yeah difference is between the 2 is bret would make his opponent look great in the ring and would job if needed be

hbk would make himself look good in the ring and wont job to anyone he doesnt like

So? How does that make Bret the better wrestler overall? HBK chose to make himself look good over the years, that doesn't mean he couldn't make others look good (which he's done and still does). In fact I find that argument detrimental to the pro-Bret guys. It's his own fault for not taking a match once in a while to make himself look better and look like the bigger star. If he hadn't "made" Austin, like it's been argued, and made himself look better in their matches, maybe we wouldn't be talking about Austin as much these days? Maybe we'd be talking more of Bret?

I don't find that to be a legitimate argument as to why one was better than the other, if anything I find it to work against Bret. Your destiny is in your own hands most of the time in the WWE.
-as for ur classic matches here.. marty jannety has never had a classic match in wwe, i dunno about anywhere else, they were both young then and had to be split up.
-the razor ramon match was good, lead the way for tlc's
-deisel- this is y wwe tries to get these big bulked up guys, deisel was better as his body guard, classic match :S i dunno about that one
-no dissagreements with the angle matches
- dont even think hbk should have been in mania with benoit/hhh (just cuz it took away from benoit being in the main event)
-vince mcmahon, c'mon, everyone could see that hbk was gonna destroy him at mania

bret did lose his passion in wcw, cuz he wasnt used properly like ALOT of ppl in wcw, and i doubt bret really wanted to leave wwe

bret fought half the guys u mentioned plus owen/bulldog/perfect/yokozuna/ vader/ rock/austin/ i'm sure i'm missin much more

bret hart all the way

1. I suggest you get your hands on some tape of HBK's feud with Jannety. One of the best segments in wrestling was when HBK turned on him. And yes Jannety has had classic matches as part of his tag team with HBK.

2. The ladder match was the first of it's kind and it paved the way for EVERY other ladder match to date. of course it's a classic.

3. Diesel was a BIG name in WWE at that time and he had some classic matches, regardless of what his late days in WCW and his second WWE run said of him. He held the WWF title for a while and he made his mark, and had some classic matches, including the one with HBK.

4. Just because you thought he shouldn't have been in it doesn't make it a classic match? HBK worked hard and made that match to be one of the best WrestleMania matches in history. To deny him that is just cruel/

5. So just because you knew he was going to win doesn't make it a classic match or a classic feud? I guess Austin's feud with McMahon wasn't classic because you knew Austin would beat him in a match?? Come on!!
learn what happened mate and then comment

vince agreed to let bret keep the belt that night so how is it brets fault??
do you think if bret knew this would happen that he would be so upset
and why would HBK say "i didnt know that was going to happen" when confronted by bret if he was meant to win the title

get a clue then coment

What Vince did was dirty, don't get me wrong. But Bret deserved it.

Bret was "screwed" because he refused to drop the belt when McMahon wanted him to. That is my definition of not doing a job. What owner of a wrestling company would want anyone, regardless of who they are, to beat their biggest star (or even have a Snafu ending, not elevating anyone) when they know they are leaving the company?

I wouldn't be surprised if you really were Bret, with how much crying that guy STILL does to this day.

Again, don't get me wrong, Bret Hart was an amazing wrestler and I enjoyed watching him very much. But it's very obvious that HBK was/is the much better wrestler/performer/entertainer. He innovated the Ladder match, HIAC, Elimination Chamber, had an amazing Casket Match at RR 98. Hell, he even made a RR with barely any stars in it one of the most memorable Rumbles ever, that being RR 95.

And saying he doesn't job...he's jobbed to Angle, HHH, Benoit, Sid, soon-to-be (unfortunatly) Cena, and many others. Besides...why would you want your biggest star (and yes, he was just that from 96-early 98) jobbing all the time?

HBK gets my vote, and aside from almost every Canadian, almost any fan that wants to be entertained's vote.
1. I suggest you get your hands on some tape of HBK's feud with Jannety. One of the best segments in wrestling was when HBK turned on him. And yes Jannety has had classic matches as part of his tag team with HBK.

2. The ladder match was the first of it's kind and it paved the way for EVERY other ladder match to date. of course it's a classic.

3. Diesel was a BIG name in WWE at that time and he had some classic matches, regardless of what his late days in WCW and his second WWE run said of him. He held the WWF title for a while and he made his mark, and had some classic matches, including the one with HBK.

4. Just because you thought he shouldn't have been in it doesn't make it a classic match? HBK worked hard and made that match to be one of the best WrestleMania matches in history. To deny him that is just cruel/

5. So just because you knew he was going to win doesn't make it a classic match or a classic feud? I guess Austin's feud with McMahon wasn't classic because you knew Austin would beat him in a match?? Come on!!

-hbk/ janetty was a good idea because everyone liked the rockers back in the day, and to have michaels turn on him was a great idea, but to say they had classic matches i think is over stating it. if janetty was able to put on classic matches, what happen to him after his fued with michaels.. he dissappeared (i'm not counting his partnership with 1,2,3 kid or his 2 week ic title reign for obvious reasons)
-i agreed with the ladder match, open the doors for alot of younger wrestlers
-diesel was a big name, i cant deny it, but the ability to put on a classic match, i dont think so
-ok, i'll give u this one here with hbk, i guess its juss my bias opinion that i thought he shouldnt have been in there with benoit/hhh
-i see your point here too about the match being predictable, but theres no way hbk's fued with mcmahon was anywhere near classic, making the guy take a urine test in the ring?, drugging ppl and finally sticking heads up each others asses? NOT CLASSIC, austins fued was classic because he raised hell all the time and mcmahon would get him back with the corporation or cheating to win the royal rumble.... things like that make for intresting plots which i think lead to classic fueds, but the match at wm22 was good, i just dont believe it was classic.

i think we juss have differences in what a classic match/fued is
What Vince did was dirty, don't get me wrong. But Bret deserved it.

Bret was "screwed" because he refused to drop the belt when McMahon wanted him to. That is my definition of not doing a job. What owner of a wrestling company would want anyone, regardless of who they are, to beat their biggest star (or even have a Snafu ending, not elevating anyone) when they know they are leaving the company?

I wouldn't be surprised if you really were Bret, with how much crying that guy STILL does to this day.

Again, don't get me wrong, Bret Hart was an amazing wrestler and I enjoyed watching him very much. But it's very obvious that HBK was/is the much better wrestler/performer/entertainer. He innovated the Ladder match, HIAC, Elimination Chamber, had an amazing Casket Match at RR 98. Hell, he even made a RR with barely any stars in it one of the most memorable Rumbles ever, that being RR 95.

And saying he doesn't job...he's jobbed to Angle, HHH, Benoit, Sid, soon-to-be (unfortunatly) Cena, and many others. Besides...why would you want your biggest star (and yes, he was just that from 96-early 98) jobbing all the time?

HBK gets my vote, and aside from almost every Canadian, almost any fan that wants to be entertained's vote.

its always gonna be 2 sided
i grew up watching bret and loved his style and yes he can be boring on the mike but id rather watch him wrestle anyday over hbk

hbk is awesome on the mike and is good in the ring but is also very predictable in the ring every week

vince told bret all along he could keep the belt and last minute tried to change that, so why should bret look bad after vince renegged on his what was it? 20 million dollar deal
so not only now has vince taken away the hitmans big money offer vince says last minute "hey i want hbk to beat you tonight also and hey and in front of your home crowd"
the only mistake about that whole night was bret should of punched vince then instead of after the match

hbk going along with it just makes him a weasel just like hhh
they dont care who they hurt as long as they stay at the top themselves
and i tell you now HBK will beat cena at wrestlemania
as will the undertaker beat batista as both are near retirement and both deserve another title shot like them or not

i just cant wait until the new hart foundation is bought in and kick dx's arse
Bret's the best there is, the best there was, and the best there ever will be!
Bret is not the best there ever was.Or ever will be..He is great but not the best.World Wrestling Entertainment.Sure maybe he could outwrestle Shawn but does it make him any better no.I bolded and underlined "Entertainment" because that was what I thought Bret lacked in.
Im going to put this out there, I don't think I have posted on this thread. as to hbk&triple h we can tell your biases in your name. HBK is great and so is Bret Hart. Neither can be differentiated in terms of numbers of fans, you ill find each wherever you go.
HBK:Positives: Is a veteren in the ring and has trained some of the best young wrestlers of today in the vein of Paul London, Brian Kendrick, Bryan Danialson. Has had a good number of MotYs, can turn it on for his moments.
Bret Hart:Positives: Also a Veteren, one of the premeire technical wrestlers of all time. Has had a number of matches that are considered classics including the first ever Ladder match with HBK and the first ever Iron man match with HBK. Retired because of injuries so we can't ever say his matches got repetitive.
HBK:Negatives: Matches on RAW get repetitve, no heel turn in years, (you can work as a heel with his real life beliefs just by the idea that he is better than everyone because he is a born again), Injured so can't work at the rate he used to.
Bret Hart:Negatives: annoying in his continuing whining. Can't add anymore because I haven't been able to watch many of his matches.

My opinion is that the careers of both of these men is intertwined to the point that you can not mention the Career of HBK without mentioning Bret HArt and Vice Versa. so the answer to whos better is that they are each as good as the other.
I'd have to go for HBK as he's one of few babyfaces worth cheering for nowadays. Bret was great but I'd just prefer HBK. Not totally sure why.
HBK 4 CHAMP! (or Edge, Orton or anyone on the roster besides Cena or Lashley)
The fact of the matter is, HBK is a better all-around star. The guy had

100 times more charisma than Bret and was better on the mic. Bret was more of a technical wrestler but I still

think that if you compare the 2 up, Shawn had more wrestling skills than Bret had mic skills. Bret may have been

pretty good, but once he got in to his routine, he didn't change it up. It was the same old thing with him every

match and at least HBK got to change it up. In 1996, Shawn Michaels was the main event EVERY WEEK. Bret didn't

have to work that hard because when he was champion, WCW wasn't big yet. Shawn was working his ass off every

night and was pulling off as good a match as he possibly could.

Bret was very,very boring in all other things in wrestling besides actually wrestling. Owen Hart was a much, much

better wrestler than Bret in my mind because Owen could always change it up in the ring and he could adjust his

style to whoever he was wrestling. Owen was better than Bret. I thought so when I first saw him wrestle and I

still think so today. Shawn is an all-around better guy and it's bullshit when people talked about Shawn screwed

Bret. The fact is, Bret doesn't want to admit that he screwed himself.

Bret came in with a huge attitude about not wanting to drop the title in Canada. No offense to Canadians, but

Canadians are so proud of other Canadians that it's almost obnoxious. Bret was so rude in not wanting to drop the

belt so Vince had to do it. It wasn't Shawn's fault in my opinion. Shawn was just doing the job and it had no

reflection on him. Shawn wasn't the most innocent and loved man in the back but he was pretty smart.

Bret lost all his passion and love for the business when he left to WCW. He killed his career by going over

there. Shawn is loyal to WWE and has never left. By the way, before closing this off, who has more ''Matches of

the Year''? Shawn? or Bret? That's right. The Heartbreak Kid.

1993- Shawn Michaels Vs Marty Jannetty

1994- Shawn Michaels Vs Razor Ramon

1995- Shawn Michaels Vs Diesel

1996- Shawn Michaels Vs Bret Hart

2004- Shawn Michaels Vs Chris Benoit Vs Triple H

2005- Shawn Michaels Vs Kurt Angle

2006- Shawn Michaels Vs Vince McMahon

That's all the proof you need. Bret has only won 3...

Im going to go even further with that my friend.

Shawn Michaels will be held in higher regard than Ric Flair when he is his age . . .and this is from a HUGE Bret Hart mark.

You need to look at what they both done for the business and the matches they put on.

I won't list Harts but I could probably count them within one and a half hands.

I defy anyone to prove me wrong by providing Hart's matches over the course of a decade or more that where anywhere near as impressive as these.

Shawn Michaels Vs Davey Boy Smith

- This match at Saturday nights on Oct 27, 1992 main event was the one that made me, even way back then, really

appreciate just how good Michaels could become. Fantastic match, track it down(as with the rest) if you don't

believe me.

Shawn Michaels Vs Marty Jannetty

-Anyone who dismisses their May 17, 1993 match as anything other than a bona fide 5 Star quality match only

started watching wrestling in 99/00.

1994 Shawn Michaels Vs Razor Ramon

-Enough said.


The Royal Rumble
Shawn Michaels Vs Diesel -Wrestlemania
Shawn Michaels Vs Jeff Jarrett -In Your House 2
Shawn Michaels Vs Razor Ramon (Ladder Match:2) -Summerslam


The Royal Rumble
Shawn Michaels Vs Bret Hart(Iron Man Match) -Wrestlemania
Shawn Michaels Vs Diesel( No Holds Barred) - In Your House: Good Friends Better Enemies
Shawn Michaels Vs British Bulldog - In Your House: Beware Of Dog
Shawn Michaels Vs Marty Jannety- Raw, July 96
Shawn Michaels Vs Vader -Summerslam
Shawn Michaels Vs Mankind -In Your House: Mind Games
Shawn Michaels Vs Sid -Survivor Series


Shawn Michaels Vs Sid -Royal Rumble
Shawn Michaels Vs Stone Cold -King Of The Ring
Shawn Michaels Vs Mankind -Raw, Aug 97
Shawn Michaels Vs Brittish Bulldog -One Night Stand
Shawn Michaels Vs Undertaker -In Your House: Bad Blood
Shawn Michaels Vs Ken Shamrock - In Your House: Degeneration X


Shawn Michaels Vs Undertaker -Royal Rumble
Shawn Michaels Vs Stone Cold -Wrestlemania

Due to the injury he suffered when he fell on the corner of the Casket at the Rumble, HBK never wrestled again until mania in which he still put in an incredible performance with Austin.

He wouldn't wrestle again mainstream in the WWF/E until 4 years later in 2002.


Shawn Michaels Vs Triple H -Summerslam
Elimination Chamber Match -Survivor Series
Shawn Michaels Vs RVD -Raw, Nov 25
Shawn Michaels Vs Triple H -Armageddon


Shawn Michaels Vs Chris Jericho -Wrestlemania
Shawn Michaels Vs Randy Orton -Raw, Nov 10
Shawn Michaels Vs Batista -Armageddon
Shawn Michaels Vs Triple H -Raw, Dec 29


Shawn Michaels Vs Triple H -Royal Rumble
Shawn Michaels Vs Triple H Vs Chris Benoit -Wrestlemania
Shawn Michaels Vs Triple H Vs Chris Benoit -BackLash
Shawn Michaels Vs Triple H -Bad Blood


Shawn Michaels Vs Kurt Angle -Wrestlemania
Shawn Micahels Vs Hulk Hogan(he even made HIM look good) -Summerslam
Shawn Michaels Vs Kurt Angle -Homecoming
Shawn Michaels Vs Kurt Angle Vs John Cena -Taboo Tuesday
Shawn Michaels Vs Rey Mysterio -Raw Eddie Tribute


Shawn Michaels Vs Shane McMahon -Saturday Nights Main Event
Shawn Michaels Vs Vince McMahon -Wrestlemania
Shawn Michaels and Triple H Vs Randy Orton and Edge -New Years Revolution


Royal Rumble Match
Shawn Michaels Vs John Cena -Wrestlemania
"Bret was "screwed" because he refused to drop the belt when McMahon wanted him to."

Bret also had that creative control clause in his contract,and was well within his rights to refuse to drop the belt to Michaels. Especially after Michaels told Hart and McMahon that he wasn't doing the job for anybody. To be honest with you if I was Bret Hart I would have kicked the shit out of Michaels for going on air and saying that Hart was having an affair with Sunny.
I HATE Shawn Micheals..I may be biased..I'm Canadian, as is Bret Hart, and of course I respect that, but that's beside the point. I have always just loved, loved, loved Bret. I watched him when he was wrestling in WWE, and I rarely watched him in WCW, however Shawn Micheals who has always been in WWE, I've hated him the whole time..I maybe liked him for like a week back in '92, but that's about it. I like DX..but HHH is my "favorite" in the faction. If some one were to ask me,
"Bret or Shawn?" Well yah i'd pick Bret..I'll even agree that he's gotten whiny over the years, Whatever..Shawn Micheals should have just disappeared long ago..I could go on and on..for now that's what I think.
Its such a tough one but i do think shawn as given more to the business.
At the end of the day bret went to WCW and shawn didn,t.
I mean if we were talking about just the 90s maybe bret would edge it but were in 2007 and hbk is still main eventing for wwe so thats gotta say something
hmm tough decision.

I would give a slight nod to Hart on technical moves.
I'd give Michaels an advantage on the promos.

Bret Hart wrestled 12 wrestlemanias in a row, without taking much time off. That's almost impossible to do in the wrestlign business.

Michaels on the other hand played politics for a lot of the middle of his career. He didn't want to job and would take a bunch of time off in the middle of important business, 1997.

Michaels is definetly the better man now I belive. Hart just seems to be bitter and broken down, whereas Michaels has apologized for his involvment and seems to have moved on from the Screw job.

Now I would take Shawn Michaels, but the overall careers, I would take Hart. He was simply a better worker, didn't politic, and just shut up and did his job.
Michaels. Bret was awesome but always the same. He worked a totally different style than hbk, and played to his strengths. Bret worked great on the mat and shawn was great at making the other guy look good. Its too bad they hated each other and couldnt work together. HBK sayin bret slept with sunny was retaliation for bret repeated public bashin of him. He mentioned her in his documentary and I read something of her sayin "she was the best ass bret ever had" at a show or something. Why wouldnt bret just drop the title 'Taker dropped to him. The title is a privlage not a right.
Bret was a beast but HBK has more charisma. I think when it comes down to it, Bret was a better technical wrestler but we all know HBK has put on very very great matches. Tough one...I love Bret more but I would have to give the edge to HBK because this is pro wrestling, after all. HBK is still main eventing and he really hasn't lost a step at all...he had a classic match with VINCE MCMAHON. I don't think anybody else not named Stone Cold could do that.

How about somebody start a Stone Cold or The Rock thread?
Actually I can remember a lot of classic matches with Vince Mcmahon.

HBK obviously, Stone Cold Obviously, I really liked the match with Hogan, the match with the Undertaker was pretty good, the match with Flair was really good and the Hell in the Cell with DX was great too.

I know this is off topic, and HBK was great in the match with Vince, but Vince doesn't do matches he knows won't be good.
^^ I give you that. But the McMahon match with HBK was possibly the best match at Mania last year. That's true, a lot of McMahon matches are good.

I think that's why HBK gets the edge over Bret, just his ability to work with anybody. Bret hasn't wrestled in what, 6 or 7 years now? So we really don't know how good he would be. HBK is still in great shape, he still cuts great promos, and he is still just as entertaining as he was pre-back injury. So I gotta say he's the man between the two of em. But I still prefer The Hitman. Maybe it's the colors.
Bret Hart was the best ever. He could work with anyone and have a great match with them. Just look at KOTR '93 for example, he wrestled 3 completely different styles of wrestlers and had 3 great unique matches with all 3 of them. He brought out the absolute best in all of his opponents. Michaels was very good at this too, but not as good as Hart in my opinion. Michaels is one of the greatest ever, no doubt about it, but these past few years he's become too much of a one trick pony in his matches, like Ric Flair. True, Michaels is the better entertainer/showman, there's probably no better showman in WWE history than Michaels, but Hart is definitely the better mat wrestler. No one could tell a great story in the ring like Hart, even Vince McMahon himself has called Bret the greatest storyteller the business has ever seen. And when you look at who was the greater champion, Hart gets the edge again. There's no denying the credibility Hart always gave the WWF title when it was around his waist. Michaels was obviously better at promos, but in my opinion Bret Hart's promo work is underrated. Hart's career was cut short, and Michaels got his career back on track in 2002, which is why he may have had more classic matches than Hart. But if Hart never left the WWF and never had his head kicked in by Goldberg, i think a lot more people would agree with me that he was the greatest of all time.
Both are 2 of the greatest wrestlers of all time, but Bret's the best there is, the best there was, and the best there ever will be!!!!!!!!!! No one could put on a great wrestling match like the Hitman!

WRESTLER- Bret hitman hert

HBK is a great showman - entertainer
To answer this question you have to determine what your looking for when you say the "best". I've seen alot of people refer to HBK's matches as being repetitive and calling him a "one trick pony". If you look closely and study pro wrestling the same can be said about alot of people. There are certain spots that people are going to hit pretty much in every match they are in. Whether it be Austin always somehow stomping his opponent in the corner and flipping them the bird, HBK hitting the flying elbow "out of nowhere" and nipping up or even the Hitman hitting that elbow drop off the second rope. That's just the way it is.

The purpose of pro wrestling is to put on a show, that's why its called sports entertainment. It's all a story and the purpose of a match is to further that story. Take Goldberg for instance. His character was built as someone who just ran through his opponents a no nonsense beat you up kinda guy. His matches furthered that character. He didn't use alot of armbars and hip tosses he just speared you, hit the jackhammer and asked who was next and it worked. DDP was someone who had that never quit attitude. He would find an opportunity and take it. How many times did you see him getting his ass kicked for fifteen minutes and hit the diamond cutter out of nowhere and win the match?

Bret Hart was built up as a technical wrestler. He didn't use alot of power moves but instead he wore you down usually trying to focus on the legs in order to apply to the sharpshooter. When he said he was the best there is the best there was the best there ever will be he was saying that if you put him in the ring with anybody that his wrestling skills would be better than whoever he was facing. And he went toe to toe with some of the best from Mr. Perfect to Chris Benoit. This is one reason that in my opinion he never really worked as a heel.

Shawn Michaels overall goal as a character was to win. He didn't/doesn't nessacarily care how he wins as long as he wins. When he won the IC title from the British Bulldog in 93 he won by blocking an attempted superplex into a crossbody block and picked up the win. He didn't care that he didn't "outwrestle" Bulldog or that he didn't get to hit sweet chin music, he won and thats all that mattered. In my opinion that makes him a more versatile character.

My favorite match of all time is the iron man match at wrestlemania 12. If you look at the match both men did there job perfectly. They told the story of their character. Bret went into that match thinking that there was no way HBK could compete with him in that type of enviornment where it wasn't just one fall that mattered. He knew that his abilities were superior to Shawn's and that HBK would not gain more falls within the time limit then he would. That's why at the end of time limit he was ready to leave. He motioned at his wrist saying sixty minutes. They were deadlocked at zero when the time limit expired and a draw says the champ keeps the title. On the other hand Michaels wanted that title. That was his dream and he saw his chance to achieve it. He had been in the sharpshooter before and had tapped out alot quicker in shorter matches. He stayed in it for the amount of time he did because he knew that would be the end. He could only hope that the time limit would be extended because they were tied.

So really and truly I believe that trying to determine who is the best is like comparing apples to oranges. These are two of my favorites for different reasons. If I want one thing I look to Bret and if I want something else I look to Shawn.

Now onto Survivor Series. I believe that all three individuals (Bret, Shawn and Vince) all played their part in this. You could say that Bret was in the wrong for refusing to do the job. And maybe he was. It's tradition that if your leaving the company for you to drop the belt cleanly to put over the new champion but its not a rule so he really didn't do anything "wrong" by refusing to do the job especially since he had creative control at that time. You could say that Shawn shouldn't have gone along with it because it was dishonest and immoral which it was. But if you look at the people involved Shawn had no choice professionally. Had he disagreed with the boss he took the risk of being buried for the rest of his contract to the point where nobody cared about him even if he did jump to WCW. Vince is the real bad guy here. He is the owner of WWE/WWF. Bottom line: what he says goes. If he had it in his mind that Bret was not going to leave Montreal as champion then Bret was not going leave Montreal as champion.

And that's all I have to say about that.

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