Pick Your Poison: Matt Hardy or Jeff Hardy

Which Hardy do you like better?

  • Matt

  • Jeff

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Ive got mixed feelings about Jeff. True he is basically a spot monkey but he is consistant with giving an ok standard of matches.

I cant really remember the last bad Hardy match I saw but I cant remember the last great one I saw either. Plus hes got no mic skills.
I think Jeff has reached his limit at Intercontinental championship level, his IC title reigns have been pretty boring to be fair so I doubt hell make a good champ.
If talking about beign so preditctable , well in that case i see no problem in it as we have a had the most predictable wrestler for the past year as a champ, cant cut promos ? Can Khali even talk...nope.

Yes Jeff Hardy does that lack one thing a wwe champ needs to have but if u look at HArdy on now and the one of the attitiude era u can completley notice he has become more of stable than before and less of a spot monkey. In no time he will def be in the main event scene and the guy has basiclly killed him self in the ring for the past 8 years just to make the fans say ''wow''. He is def goign in the right track that will lead him to the big one in no time.
Jeffs mic skills arent great. but i think if he did more he would get better. he just simply doesnt. Matts mic skills arent the best either but he has improved vastly. if Jeff could get on the mic, add a few more moves to the repetoir,he could go along the HBK route.another man who doesnt have the size of Hulk Hogan but is the ultimate performer.
actually jeff has a pretty big move set... just by the top of my head, almost every match he does like 8 to 9 moves... but theres no strategy to them, its really random...

the problem is that khali doesnt need to cut a promo or be good on the mic, hes the monster champ, on the ''A'' show it will be very hard for u to find a normal guy that cant talk, cut a promo, or tell any story, be WWE champ..

if jeff was on smackdown or ECW, then ya i could see him as champ, if rey rey was champ on SD any1 can be... but on RAW i dont think jeff should be champ, i love that he puts his body on the line every night for us and has givin me such classic moments but what can i say he doesnt cut it to be a WWE champ...

if he was one, he would be one for like.. a day... then thats it, though his ladder match with taker for the belt was f***ing incredible lol
Jeff is more ariel than matt but matt has put on some good matches prior to the tag team crap. him and kennedy's matches were pretty good and looked skilled but jeff will always be more entertaining to most people
Not that i'm a big fan of either but for the sake of this debate i'd have to vote for Matt.Jeff is the more flashy of the two which makes him stand out a bit more but if you watch their matches you'll see that Matt is the better wrestler technically of them.As for their work on the mic Jeff's talent is non-existent.Matt isn't a great deal better but he seems to be trying to improve himself all the time.His series of matches with MVP have shown what he can be capable of in the ring and each match seems to be better than the last.One thing that has always bothered me about Jeff is that he never seems to add any new moves to his arsenal whereas Matt has added quite a few over the course of time.Maybe Jeff is just to lazy to do so and just prefers to rely on what got him to where he is , he definetly doesn't have as much passion for the wrestling business as his brother does.

:headbanger: :headbanger: :headbanger:
Matt Hardy is a solid, balls to the wall performer...I also like Finlay too...I enjoy good workers...

Jeff is a great bumper and flies very well, but I just like the anchor of the team better
I mean if you have been watching Jeff for a long time, you will notice that it is the same old pardictable stuff all the time when he does get offence.
Since WWE has moved away from the hardcore style of wrestling Jeff has become one of the most prdictable wrestlers in resent memory. .

but then again who isnt predictable? nowadays basically no one changes their moveset and to me, i only find about three or four wrestlers really entertaining anymore: jeff, rey, angle (when i used to see him in wwe), and shawn michaels. to me jeff keeps his matches entertainging, and yea, he does have the same moves but he still knows how to put on good matches in my eyes. hes one of the few wrestlers who actually has a style that is jsut his own and hes charismatic.

but yea, i think its wishful thinking to hope that jeff is gonna be a world champ. if he hasnt been pushed to the main event at this point, i dont think he will be. its clear his popularity isnt a factor (see: rvd)
I like Matt Hardy. WWE blew their chance to make Matt Hardy at Main Eventer or Upper Midcarder by screwing up the angle with him and Edge.
i just saw a shoot interview with jeff hardy recently and his interview was good, in his interview he said that in his tag team days with matt that he did most of the high flying stuff in the team and i agree with that statement, matt was just mostly a ground wrestler the only high flying move he did was a legdrog while jeff did a whisper in the wind, a 450 splash, swanton bomb and he jumped off the ladders, matt is a good wrestler but jeff is much better, jeff should become world champ before matt does
I don't understand peoples logic by saying that just because Jeff flings his body around and does some kind of trapeze artist gymnist style moves that he should be World Champ. To be World Champ you have to have the total package where as Jeff Hardy doesn't have what it takes. Is he good on the mic...hell no he is one of the worst and he actually speaks english so whats his excuse...*crickets* He doesn't do hardly any ground or grapple type wrestling moves and just does arial manuevers for the most part. His brother on the other hand has what it takes, Matt has charisma and can wrestle just about anyone.

Take for example when Edge and Christian were watching the Hardys home movie it was hilarious but hey even Matt did a way better job then Jeff did when they were kids even. Jeff Hardy sux now, give Matt Hardy a title shot after all he is Version 1.
I don't understand peoples logic by saying that just because Jeff flings his body around and does some kind of trapeze artist gymnist style moves that he should be World Champ. To be World Champ you have to have the total package where as Jeff Hardy doesn't have what it takes. Is he good on the mic...hell no he is one of the worst and he actually speaks english so whats his excuse...*crickets* He doesn't do hardly any ground or grapple type wrestling moves and just does arial manuevers for the most part. His brother on the other hand has what it takes, Matt has charisma and can wrestle just about anyone.

Take for example when Edge and Christian were watching the Hardys home movie it was hilarious but hey even Matt did a way better job then Jeff did when they were kids even. Jeff Hardy sux now, give Matt Hardy a title shot after all he is Version 1.

i think both guys have a valid argument for the world championship, they both are way over with the fans, they both sell merchandise, and they both have good mic skills, in regards to ability i will go with matt, just for the fact that he can put on better wrestling matches, jeff is working on his ability now and using less and less spots but i do think that both guys need a good mid card title run before they go into a world title program at the moment, but for me it will always be with matt, he loves the business more i feel, and is the most dedicated worker in the wwe at the moment
I completely agree with you Max, that they should get Mid Card title runs which both are getting right now. Jeff isn't doing so great with it but Matt, once Matt gets the US title I think we see a future world champion in him. Again with the mic skills that Jeff Hardy has........none what so ever.
i went with matt hardy. jeff is not as high risk as he used to be, yea he still does the swanton bomb and he can do a poor whisper in the wind but he's not hardcore anymore. jeff hardy dosent have feuds because he has no mic skills. at least matt can have memorable feuds like his ones with Edge,Kane or his current one with MVP but i cant remember a single memorable jeff hardy feud.
Jeff Hardy bores the living hell out of me. He has zero mic skills for a start off which is stupid, especially for a champion. At least Matt has some ability to talk on the mic, Jeff completely sucks the only thing which would be worse than what he is like now would be if he started shaking uncontrolably because he was soo nervous, had a heart attack and died.

In the ring Jeff is boring as well, all he seems to do is his crappy old watered down lucha-libre style which is becomming increasingly watered down as he gets older. He is exactly like Rey Mysterio, someone I can't stand. There routines, in ring style, and moves are just so routine now that nobody cares about them. Instead of making the crowd go wooooah which is what high flyers are meant to do, they make them yawn. I like Matt Hardy better because he seems to have a much better understanding of what goes on in the ring. You rarely if ever see him botch a move, and he can make his opponent look a million dollars without making himself look like a jobber. If given the chance to Matt Hardy has proven that he can put on a top quality match as much as anyone else in the WWE at the moment can. With Jeff I don't see that ability, thats why I prefer Matt. On a side note both the Hardy's enterance music suck.
Like I stated in an earlier post, I dont think either of them belong anywhere near a World Championship. I think theyre both very talented but only on a mid-card and tag level. They dont have the size or personality to be World Champions and I dont think they could draw and headline a Wrestlemania.

But If I had to choose one I would choose Jeff over Matt just for entertainment purposes. I think Matt Hardy is a bland wrestler and I prefer to see a spot monkey fest over his wrestling. I am not knocking his ability, it just bores me. It reminds me of listening to the Football game on the radio with my grandparents. Eh. Jeff over Matt.
Like I stated in an earlier post, I dont think either of them belong anywhere near a World Championship. I think theyre both very talented but only on a mid-card and tag level. They dont have the size or personality to be World Champions and I dont think they could draw and headline a Wrestlemania.

First of all been a World champion and headlining two wrestlemania's are two completely different things. No-one can say how either would do with the World title around their waist. Jeff Certainly doesnt have the mic skills to be champion, but that is not to say that he doesn't have a large fan base among the WWE fans. We will have to wait until the result for Cyber Sunday to see how popular he is with the current set of fans. With a large fan base you don't need mic skills as much because they will pretty much cheer for you whatever you do because you are a super face. I probably agree with you on Jeff Hardy, I just don't see enough in-ring for him to be a champion, and it would be very hard for somebody with his style of wrestling to become, and have a run as world champion. Jeff probably could headline Wrestlemania, as long as it was a LADDER match.

As for Matt I do really rate him in the ring, and his recent feud with MPV is showing he does have some mic skills. I would like to see Hardy get a run with the title, maybe not with the WWE title, but prehaps with the World title. The world title has virtually zero creditibility at the moment anyway, so having a guy who is over with the fans like HArdy, somebody who can wrestle a top match, and a guy with mic skills that could probably just about be a champion.

You don't know how a guy will be with a world championship though until he actualy wins the title and has held it for say 2 month. Then you can make an acurate assesment of whether he is a main eventer or not, In my opinion...
Matt Hands Down. Jeff is not that great of a wrestler. The only thing he can do is jump off things. Matt is a great technical wrestler. And Matt has been commited to the WWE for a long time and hasn't got as much as a push that Jeff has and Jeff left the WWE. Matt is the better Hardy hands down.
I'd say Matt is better of the two, he showed better in ring skills, in recent feud/tag run with MVP he showed very nice mic skills, both of which Jeff cannot match. I like spot monkeys nonetheless.

As of World Champion run, both of them deserves one, I guess Jeff is improving his in ring skills, and needs to build up a mid-card Champ reign, so that run would be later. But Matt really deserves one, see, he is dedicated, he is skilled, and if Batista and Khali contested for the belt, why not Matt Hardy?
I simply cannot choose between either wrestler. Matt and Jeff Hardy both got me interested in wrestling, Matt's got the underrated wrestling skills and much like Kane is an under appreciated veteran. Jeff on the other hand has taken bump after bump for the fans. Both deserve respect.
I think they're both great but Matt is better not just because he's a good wreslter but is good on the mic. And for those who think Jeff Hardy can just "jump off of things" look at Rey Mysterio, if you think about it he started out alot like Jeff is doing now, and as many of you said he needs some mic skills but he's entertaining to watch.
jeff is far more entertaining then fatt hardy, jeff tries to put on a main event match no matter the opponent pulling out risk after risk
I prefer Jeff, I can't think of another wrestler who is willing to put his body on the line more so than Jeff
you must have never seen sabu in the original ecw. and to answer the original post i enjoy matts matches a lot better. jeff is a spot fest with no ring psychology. he couldnt tell a good story in the ring unless someone carried him through it.
is it just non-posters who prefer jeff? cos i'v read and most ppl r picking matt yet jeff's winning?

Anyway... my two cents. neither'll make it beyond midcard champion.
the 3 guys whose names with respect to jeff are appearing are sabu, rvd and rey. the 1st 2 never made it to the top gold in wwe and rvd's ecw win was purely because it looked gd giving an original the gold. Rey, athletic as he is, in my opinion only got to where he was because of what happened with eddie, it sells wwe to the hispanic and kids market, and as an overcoming the odds story they love so much in wwe creative (eg cena vs show, cena vs khali, cena vs umaga, cena vs every other guy who kicks his ass for 3 wks then gets beat on ppv).
Matt and christian both busted their asses to try to get a shot but wwe's nearly always gonna give the batistas, HHH, Cenas and co the shot 1st. and y? they're big, they'v got a reputation and they have fans in all the big areas for marketing and given wwe likes the money...

Matt is a better wrestler, less entertaining to watch but u can see the passion he has for what he does. jeff has his moments but sometimes u get the feeling his heart isnt entirely in it. both have contributed a lot to the company and deserve the midcard pushes they're getting. just send jeff to SD! and finally have them go at it with each other over US title!
i agree with pollywally on some things here. As far as the reasons RVD and Rey were given the titles (not that they didnt deserve them) he's right on. And yes, matt and jeff need to be on the same show. not to reunite as a tag team (which jeff prefers), but to fued in singles competition. that would tell a great story and they would have great matches.
Ive heard people say that Jeff is a spot monkey, but then again, matt isnt? I like both the hardys but i think jeffs natural style and ability are past matt's. matt on the other hand has much better mic skills. i dont understand whats so hard for jeff to not be better than he is.
There, a jeff hardy voter has now posted, PW. :)

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