Pick Your Poison: Matt Hardy or Jeff Hardy

Which Hardy do you like better?

  • Matt

  • Jeff

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Matt Hardy all the way. Jeff is the high flyer, no doubt. But what else is jeff? Compared to matt on the mic, he is little in comparison. Matt is the rising star, and is a huge US states contender. He and MVP are THE rivalry on smackdown at the moment, a phrase I haven't said for Jeff in years. Whether it was his Mattitude era with Shannon moore, or his long winded Lita/Edge rivalry, or his now MVP rivalry, Matt is the man.
I chose Jeff but that was a tough decision as both are great in there own way Matt the more technical of the two Jeff being the high flyer. Both of these guys are decent on the mic (watch some of the promos between jeff and trish back in the day they were decent not great but still decent) Both of them get pops like they are main eventers probably a pops across the board instead of for example John Cena with his pre pubescent boys and girls demographic cheering for him. I find Jeff jsut slightly more exciting of the two but just barely.
I would have to say that Jeff is more exciting to watch in the sense that he picks his spots and follows through with near perfection. However, I am going to have to go with Matt Hardy. He is passionate about this business and it shows in the ring. I hope to see Matt in the World Title picture sooner than later. He deserves it. So Matt Hardy it is!
well... if u asked me this question like 7 years ago i would say jeff no doubt, he was much better then, maybe its because of the gimmick matches that were always amazing and the fun tag team matches, we really didnt see much of him as a singles, though he did have that great undertaker match.... anyway, since hes been back though i still like him i dont think hes as entertaining as he was.. b4 he was more agile, age is catching up to him, or maybe WWE banned so many moves that now he has little to work with, b4 he even did the 450 splash

but nowadays hes way too sloppy and bothy, still i look forward to his matches and love his entrance, he has that insane style that many, including myself, enjoy... but who would i rather pick judging by nowadays? id say Matt

matt is the better wrestler, i think every1 agrees with that, and dont get me wrong, i love the high flying style, but like i said jeff isnt what he use to be, and matt just keeps growing, i actually enjoy his matches a lot latley in these last 2 years, even with some feuds that went nowhere i found his matches entertaining, and his feud with MVP is really the only reason i wath SD! nowadays, easily the best feud in the WWE at the moment... his match against MVP for the US title was great, dont remember wich ppv it was but i remember i really enjoyed it and thought matt might have one, best match of the night IMO...

while ill always enjoy both, Matt just keeps getting better while jeff is getting worse, sad to say this but its true, thats the problem with high flyers... though he still hits the swanton as perfect as b4 and thats probably my fav finisher in WWE, its so damn insane! lol
OK I've read some good responses to this question, however I think that somewhere along the line, some of you may have missed the point of the question, when I created the thread my intention was for everyone to pick who they prefer to watch, not who the thought was the better wrestler (if that makes any sense), I've read alot of responses that say things like "well I prefer Jeff's matches and like him better, but Matt is the better wrestler, talker, etc., basically I just wanted to know who you liked to watch better, but good answers for the most part I really didn't think this thread would be as successful as it is:headbanger:
Jeff is easily the better wrestler to watch, I find Matt's matches are all the same he gets the crap kicked out of him then he hits the twist of fate 1-2-3. I'm not a big fan of Jeff but his spots are pretty cool.
Have you ever read Matt's MySpace Blogs? If you haven't, read them. You can't not love Matt after that. I completly fell in love with him. I equally love Matt and Jeff. If I had to pick one, I'd dieeeee! They're both amazing wrestlers, have lots of charisma, and are truely awesome men outside of WWE. And have you heard Jeff sing? It's guhhh-reat.
As a tag team they bore me. But as singular wrestlers I only like Matt. Personally I dont think eithers is terribly charismatic. Matt was to a degree when he was heel, but he was a jobber. What is the point of a charismatic jobber? Mic time is for stars. He's also the one who holds together The Hardy Boys tag matches. Jeff does all the flashy stuff, but it's Matt who generally leads them through it.
despite jeff been one ov the most daredevil starz in the wwe i feel matt is more entertaining and wwe is not giving him a big enough push, thats why i feel he deseres a us or heavyweight title shot
Matt will definitely get his title shot from MVP, and I expect it to be an awesome match. It will be a travesty if he doesn't win the belt, though. At the least, Matt deserves a run with the US title. It is hard to see him in the world heavyweight championship division, but stranger things have happened.
I dont think its hard to see matt in any world title divison, i consider him in the same boat as christian was, in the wwe everyone thought that he wouldnt be a world title contender even though he had those awesome matches with cena and Jericho, then what happened, he went to tna and became a world champion, so never say never, matt is certanly better then Khali or Batista, and i consider JEFF more of a spot monkey, he can wrestle when he wants to but usually you can set you watch to the spots in jeffs matches so im going with matt all the way and i cant wait to see him beat mvp for the title
I am more of a fan of Technical Wrestling rather than the whole Human Highlight Reel stuff that guys like Sabu, RVD and Jeff Hardy bring to the table. Matt is definitely more technically sound plus he has better promo skills than Jeff who basically never talks. So for me Matt Hardy wins it.
Matt Hardy is miles ahead of Jeff. Jeff does not know how to put a match together, all he can do is take the big bumps. Jeff is better at the high spots, but he is horrible when it comes to technical ability, ring psychology, and mic work. Matt is better on the mic, and can actually wrestle. And JamesK, you described Jeff's matches there, not Matt's. Jeff is the best in the world at taking the 10 minute beatdown. He then steals his brother's finisher, and hits the Swanton. Its the same every damn match. I hope someone takes the IC belt from him soon.
I prefer Jeff over Matt any time of the week. But Matt has been doing better lately with the fued with MVP and its shaping up to be a very good fued. A negative side to Jeff is he always screws himself over in big matches.
Matt and Jeff are both great but i hate how they have never really used them right.

I mean come on Jeff has been a how many time Intercontinental Champion and logically should be moved up to main event.

Matt has basically just been the golden boy of WWE and dosnt get anything out of it. He just does his job does it well and dosnt get into trouble.

He should be getting the US title seeing as how long hes been in the WWE and works hard.

Jeff usually gets a push never past top mid carder and i dont see him getting a high proflie feud because he never gets promo time or a chance to use the mic.

Matt is more mat based and Jeff is a high flyer, Jeff just has his big moments in matches but Matt can go all out and wrestle a full match Jeff is more of a few big spots guy. I think because Matt has worked hard and never gotten into trouble like taken drugs or gotten into a row or anything i choose Matt. I think he will get to the main event sooner than Jeff i mean Jeff only returned this year and Matt has been recently given some stuff to do on the mic like with the contests.
I may have to disagree with the guy above me. (though its kind of hard to with a guy thats got a taker picture,my fav wrestler, lol) not on his opinion but about how Jeff is not getting promo time/pushed past top midcarder. from what i've seen on raw recently they've been testing out Jeff to see if hes capable of puting on a good promo and if he can handle the spotlight. i know hes in a feud with Shelton but they gave him a match against Cena for the belt at a house show around a month ago so hey might be pushing him real soon. besides with Cena gone this would be a good oppertunity to try him, I think WWE would have not problem with doing what they always do and push Shelton aside so someone can go over him big. or they can do the Half-Assed WWE thing and have Shelton beat Jeff for the belt then have Jeff win the WWE title, i doubt it though.

And my opinion on Matt or Jeff. Matt has better over all wrestling talent, but hes about as exciting in the ring as Batista, and Jeff is a lot more entertaining, so i'll pick Jeff.
I think its odd how Matt never gets into trouble backstage yet history has shown that Jeff always gets put over Matt in the WWE.Jeff Hardy got fired for not having any passion for the business & went to wrestle for the enemy(TNA) Yet in his first weeks back,he was already the IC champ.Its weird how Matt has never had a singles title,while his peers like Edge have gone on to become World Champions.I think the only way he can become a major player is to turn heel.He had alot on momentum as a heel back in 2003& he was even moved to RAW ala-Mr.Kennedy.But his career took a nose dive when he turned face & feuded with Kane over Lita.
Jeff has actually had more world title matches historically than Matt,I pick him to make it to the big time before his brother
ive always prefered jeff over matt. even tho matt clearly is the better technical wrestler, how many main eventers can do what jeff hardy does?? i dont see HHH or Cena landing any Swantons. matts got no style and is really quite boring. ive always considered matt to be the marty jannety to jeff's hbk. even tho they both get possibly the biggest pops on their respective shows and they'll eventually both be main eventers and world champions, i pick jeff over matt hands down.
I picked jeff because to me he is more exciting. He's all over the place when he wrestles. Sure he might not have great mic skills but he is damn sure entertaining. I think matt is picking it up a little though cause of his little stint with mvp
This one is tuff. I recently watched the Ladders Match dvd and they had some of the original Hardy's matches on there, when they first debuted and feuded with Edge & Christian. At that time, both Matt and Jeff were high risk takers. I'd like to see more of that from Matt now-a-days, but purely on th excitement factor, i'm gonna have to go with Jeff. When it comes to mic work, it's Matt all the way. I'm currently enjoying Matt's feud with MVP though, they don't seem to be putting Jeff in any longterm feud, he gets these one-off matches every week. not much story behind his character
this iz way harder than i thought it would b...i lik both hardys...u have the pure wrestler matt that iz way over with the crowd and iz due for a major push...and u have the super spotty but very entertaining in the ring jeff who iz the i.c. champ but iz also do for a major push...i will go with matt tho jus because...lol...no real reason except mayb b-cuz he iz the better wrestler
I would have said Jeff maybe around 2000 when they were fighting with Edge and Christian. Jeff is fun to watch and what not but ever since he put weight on and started doing that stupid dance during his entrance he's become annoying and boring. Matt Hardy speaks much better and can wrestle even that much better. Jeff Hardy is the dullest knife in the drawer, the last time i even heard him speak was when the whole "hornswoggle is the son" thing went down and Jeff came out saying "people always lookin up when im about to do a swanton of a ladder" or some shit like that then he said "thank you lord" or something, it was soooooooo bad it made me feel embarrassed for his dumb ass. Again Jeff is fat, boring, and veryyyyyyy overrated
This is easy. Matt "Fricken" Hardy.

He is a very good wrestler probably the most underrated on the roster. He is decent on the mic. He is also involved in one of the more interesting fueds in years against MVP. He also seems to be on the verge of winning the U.S. Title and maybe one day the World Title.

Matt is leap and bounds above Jeff in every aspect. Hopefully one day Vince will realize that.
A lot of people on this forum seem to think Jeff Hardy is the next main eventer waiting to happen. But I have to say all you that your dreaming. I think Jeff is entertaning but just doesn't have wahat it takes to be in the mainevent.

hey but wait before this turns into a thred bashing imo on jeff hardy herees the facts. Jeff Hardy as of late, has been having some extreamy one way matches. With him basicly getting on offence than all of a sudden out of nowhere swanton bomb and then getting the pin. or Jeff Hardy is just being what i have titled this thred a complete spot fest..

I mean if you have been watching Jeff for a long time, you will notice that it is the same old pardictable stuff all the time when he does get offence.
Since WWE has moved away from the hardcore style of wrestling Jeff has become one of the most prdictable wrestlers in resent memory. But don't think that iam just bashing Jeff Hardy here, there are most likley a lot of facts that way in to account to make Jeff so pardictable.

Such as WWE's way of booking Jeff as of late.

plz give some feedback, on what you think and the reasons behind what you think... Not because you are not a fan or a fan of Jeff Hardy, just if you think that he is pradictable and just a plain old spot fest.
actually there are a lot of ppl here that agrees with u on jeff being a spot monkey.. IWC loves to hate them XD

even though i enjoy jeff, he really has no place in a main event scene.. at all.. neither does shelton or carlito, i dont know why ppl want to see the mid carders as WWE champ, they are entertaining but they dont have what it takes to be WWE champ

its not because jeff is a high flyer that he cant be WWE champ, its cuz he lacks almost everything a wrestler needs to be champ, hes only good in ring.. he doesnt even cut promos or use the mic, he could never be WWE champ

and yes he is predictable but i still enjoy him as a IC champ, i just never get tired of seeing him hit the swanton, i dont, sometimes i go on youtube and watch videos of his swantons 13483051 times.. its just so damn cool that i cant not enjoy it, but if ur gonna say u dont like jeff cuz hes predictable, well sorry to tell ya but pretty much every WWE booking for the last 2-3 years has been way too predictable, i cant think of one guy on the roster that isnt predictable

and even though u know whats coming, u enjoy watching him do the swanton or whisper in the wind or jumping over the top rope to out side of the ring, many fans enjoy thats, its a different style, and i disagree about him being a babyface, usually his matches also have him do a lot of offense, just watch his last match on RAW with MR kennedy, he did most of the offense

but anyway, i agree hes not WWE champ material, but even though he is a spot monkey i find him entertaining as a mid carder...

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