Pet Peeves

Slim Pickns

Has Been Drafted To RAW
What are some little things that annoy the crap out of you?

I hate when the people who live behind me have their friends park on the street in front of my house and then they walk through my yard to get over there. If you wanna park in front of my house there is nothing I can do about that, but don't cut through my yard, thats rude.
when people fucking stare. That drives me fucking bonkers. Generally happens while im in the gym, or parralell parking. Like im a dinosaur in jurassic park or some shit.

When you are looking for something at a cd store, and the person who works there comes and asks you if you would like help, and then proceeds to look in the same EXACT FUCKING SPOT THAT YOU WERE JUST LOOKING as if you cant figure out that they are fucking alphabetized.

When you hold the door open for people, and they dont say thankyou when they walk through it
When you are looking for something at a cd store, and the person who works there comes and asks you if you would like help, and then proceeds to look in the same EXACT FUCKING SPOT THAT YOU WERE JUST LOOKING as if you cant figure out that they are fucking alphabetized.

This drives me fucking nuts, and happens all the fuckiong time, I'll just looking around a CDs, DVDs, Games, or whatever, and some douche that works at the store always seems to think I need help finding something, if I needed fucking help I'd ask for it, what's even more annoying is when you tell them no, and they insist on helping you find shit anyway, or suggest you buy something cause they liked it, this happened all the time when I used to go to Gamestop, they'd constantly suggest games and they were always games that I had absolutely no interest in what so ever, and they wouldn't let up, can't even begin to tell you how many times they lost my business doing that shit

another thing that annoys me is when I'm watching Wrestling, hockey, or football and the fucking channel has fucking technical difficultys, like during tonights SD!, shit fine until the MVP/Jericho segment, then all of a sudden channel goes to shit, really starting to piss me off, I don't pay a cable bill so the damn station can constantly fuck up during the shit that doesn't get re-runned

Oh and old people in parking lots, I was about ready to run some stupid old lady down today cause she wouldn't get the fuck out of the way, just stop in front of my car, stared at me, pointed at her car for like two minutes, then started walking again...very slowely might I add, then stopped turned around and starred at me again...WTF!?!?!, get your raggedy old ass the fuck out my danm way!!!! Justin has shit to fucking do!!

there are more I'm sure, and I'm sure I'll probably post them later
Reverse woman. I hate when people leave the damn toilet seat DOWN. You wake up in the middle of the night, your eyes crusted shut, and you end up pissing all over the seat!

I do not understand why women seem to get the preference. It is just as annoying to a guy to have to lift the seat. Can't someone design a seat that allows both without being moved? I've seen those seats with the notch cut out of the front, which I assume allows you to pee without lifting it, but I still hit the seat!

I think a law should be passed about the default status of the lid, and, whichever is decided, breaking that law would be 25 to life in jail.
Reverse woman. I hate when people leave the damn toilet seat DOWN. You wake up in the middle of the night, your eyes crusted shut, and you end up pissing all over the seat!

I do not understand why women seem to get the preference. It is just as annoying to a guy to have to lift the seat. Can't someone design a seat that allows both without being moved? I've seen those seats with the notch cut out of the front, which I assume allows you to pee without lifting it, but I still hit the seat!

I think a law should be passed about the default status of the lid, and, whichever is decided, breaking that law would be 25 to life in jail.

Sounds like somebody needs his and hers toilets;)
Another one. People who keep asking to repeat yourself NOT because of a hearing problem, but because they just aren't paying attention. Me: "So, that's how you prevent Satan from rising and the world ending. You got that?" Them: "WHUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUTTT?" Repeat 6 times. I HATE that shit, and this post is making me tap into some very deep anger. My hands are shaking and I may turn violent. I'm alone, so I'll have to settle for self-mutilation.
people who are rude as shit to waitresses, or the folks who work at the front counter at BK or Taco Bell or whatever. That really pisses me off, and makes me want to slap people.

Likewise for various folks working at those counters who act like they could care less about giving you good service.
People who leave their freakin trolleys in the way at the supermarket, their not even their with their crap, and they leave it in the way, makes me so mad for some reason:dark2:
Oh I have a fucking list.

1. Lazy People/Shopping Carts: People who are too fucking lazy to put the shopping cart in the fucking holder in the parking lot. example: Lady parks NEXT to the fucking stall, my car is next to her's. She leaves her cart BEHIND my car, as I'm coming out of the store I literally run, yelling, at her. It goes a little something like "Hey! You crazy ass lazy bitch! Move that fucking cart or I'll ram it straight up your ass."

She looks at me like I'm nuts. She proceeds to get IN her car, as if to think I'm lying. I grab the cart, RAM it into her bumper. She gets out asking what my problem is.. I reply with.. "Nothing, I was helping you move your cart, have a nice day." And get in my car.

2. Fresh Food: I'm EXTREMELY picky about getting fresh fries when I go to McDonald's. I will literally wait, 10 minutes or longer if I have to.. as long as I know my food is going to be fresh. I dispise morons who think I'm fucking ******ed. I ask for fresh food.. I get the reply.. "Oh, they just came up." I get that reply after I've been standing in line for 10 minutes, staring directly at the fries. I seen no fries come up, I seen no fries get trashed. Which leads me to believe one of two things.

1. They're lying (another peeve) or 2. Their fry basket has the unearthly ability to recreate fresh food without refilling itself.

Overall, if I'm paying any amount of money for something, I'm getting the absolute best quality out of it I possibly can. Just because they're too fucking lazy to yell over "Hey, this guy wants fresh food." Isn't my fucking problem.

I likely have a lot more, but I'm running short on time. These two things alone piss me completely off though.
What are some little things that annoy the crap out of you?

I hate when the people who live behind me have their friends park on the street in front of my house and then they walk through my yard to get over there. If you wanna park in front of my house there is nothing I can do about that, but don't cut through my yard, thats rude.

I hate people who ask me the same question over and over again. Like do you have girfriend, will you settle down, or is that baby yours.

My answers:
Why buy the cow when you can get the milk for free
Settle down, hell no
DNA test proved that is not my baby,

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