People make me want to bang my head up against the wall


Sit Upon The Frozen Heavens
Kind of like this: :banghead:

read this and you'll understand.

Read that and please tell me how people can be so insanely fucking stupid
theres nothing wrong with that Trips is far from mediocre he's one of the greats.
I know that. The person I'm trying ot get through to however refuses to look at the facts I gave him and i don't know what else to say. It's why i made this thread i can call him a fucking moron with out getting in trouble
don't get down milenko, its just the foolish smarks saying stupid things like cena only knows five moves, trips only got to be champ cos he married steph and that the only good wrestling is japanese cruiserweight wrestling. he's just showing that he knows nothing about not only wrestling but also real life.
He was spamming that whole thread. Future prisoner. Anyway, take it as a victory to silence someone so bad.
People make me wanna bang... Oh. Not that kind of thread.

Triple H would have been an infrequent main eventer, ala Benoit or Jericho, had he never gotten together with Steph. To pretend he didn't gain anything is silly.
I don't give a hoot whom HHH is screwing, but I am definitely confident in saying that he is nothing more than an above average wrestler. I heard someone the other day say that HHH currently gets cheered so much because WWE fans have a form of Stockholm Syndrome, whereby we have had to endure him for so long that we've actually started to sympathize with him. I couldn't agree with this statement more, and I think it's a perfect counterargument to anyone who thinks that HHH is actually popular because of what he brings to the table.

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