Paul Bearer Passed Away

This is very sudden. May he Rest in Peace.

I'd like for the E to now put him in the HoF this year so that he goes in in a year that we're guaranteed Taker has a match.
My condolences to his family and anyone who grew up watching him. Strangely its so befitting that he pass away just weeks before what is probably Taker's last WM match. It always hurts when a figure from your childhood passes away. Ever since the End of an Era gimmick last year I've come to the realization that these men arent immortal and while we havent had a prominent death in pro wrestling in the recent years, there comes a time when you log into whatever dirtsheet you visit and you get some heartbreaking news. It happened with Guerrero and I will never forget that day. RIP Paul.
Such sad news. Even thought last night with Old School Raw that we'd see him after we heard the gong for Taker. He was a damn fine individual outside of the ring as well and never heard a bad word about him. RIP Paul/Percy.
This is so sad. Last night I watched the match between Undertaker & The Dudley Boyz back in 2004, where Undertaker "killed off" Paul Bearer because he was his only weakness. It reminded me what an incredible manager he was, and even got my hopes up to see him in Taker's corner at WM29. Maybe even have a small spot in the match with Paul Heyman. Then today I read this... What a shame. He was by far one of the best managers in the history of WWE, and he will never be forgotten.
It is always sad when one of the guys you grew up watching passes away. It is almost like you know them especially if you watched them as a kid as I did. I always hoped we would see Paul Bearer accompany The Undertaker to the ring for his last Mania match. My thoughts and prayers to him and his family. RIP
Just the thing to snap you back to reality!!

Here's something that dating myself...

I can still remember when he was Percy Pringle III
down in Texas

He won't be there for Taker's match,BUT I bet he'll still have the best seat in the house!!
Wow. I just saw him at a wrestling show in Chicago two weeks ago. That's very sad to hear. One of the best managers ever.
This ruined my day. Wow, when I started watching WWE back in around 2004 I was and still am and always will be a big fan of Paul Bearer. I started watching WWE in 2004 but I know all of WWE's past and present (since it was created till now lol) to its core and Paul Bearer was to The Undertaker and Kane almost like Paul Heyman is to CM Punk and Brock Lesnar. Very tragic event...very sudden. I was about to go to sleep and refreshed my facebook newsfeed and BAMN the news hit me. :| I won't be sleeping good tonight. Hope this man rests in peace and hope his family get over this. I'm curious as to what we will see on RAW this monday. Maybe a tribute to Bearer? From The Undertaker and Kane? I hope. RIP Paul, I think I speak for almost everyone when I say that you have earned a spot in the WWE hall of fame.
Sad never be there with Undertaker for last match, always wanted Undertakers career to end with Paul. I remember when I used to only watch Nitro and one night in summer of 97 I turned to RAW and saw Paul Bearer do promo where he first told story of Kane. His delivery was amazing. That one always stuck with me, the way he said, Undertaker you are a murderer, a murderer, you're a goddamn murderer! was just so shocking to me at the time, hooked me on wwf.
Very sad. He struggled his whole life with his weight...there was, in fact, a time he seemed like he might win that battle. Sad, RIP
It saddens me to hear about the death of Paul Bearer. Arguably one of the WWE's greatest managers in it's history. I was hoping for Paul Bearer to make an appearance in this fued with CM Punk and Undertaker but my thoughts are with Paul's family as well all who have worked closely with him.

It may not be this year but Paul Bearer needs to go into the Hall of Fame and Undertaker should be the one to induct him.
Damn this sucks! I absolutely loved this guy when he managed the undertaker. This is very devastating to read i had no idea until i pulled up the website. God so many memories of this man. Being takers manager,accusing taker of killing Kane's and takers parents! Then being undertakers confidant and finally taker killing off his character in 2004 at the GAB!

I could go on and on about this guy. He should have been in the HOF yrs ago IMO! Is it fitting that he passes away from possibly takers last match ever? Possibly yes it is. Damn my prayers go out to his family. It does suck when someone who you watched (in my case early teen years till now it sticks with you) RIP Mr Moody!
Very sad news. I met him at Survivor Series 1993, when I was 10 years old. My dad's cousin, then a WWF employee, let me go backstage before the event. I was standing in the entrance way in front of the curtain, when he came out, in character, and told me he had a coffin waiting for me. I will never forget that moment. Rest in Peace.
Sad news. Bearer really complimented Taker and Kane's characters as a manager, and Moody really immersed himself in the Paul Bearer character.

Hopefully, WWE and Taker can find a way to squeeze in some sort of tribute to Bearer after his match with Punk at Mania 29.
Very sad news, and I just finished watching Wrestlemania 20 and Paul Bearer was making his return. My condolences go out to his sons and the rest of his family. It's so hard to watch these guys growing up pass on. You think they'll be around forever but in reality they won't. He's defiantly a perfect candidate for the H.O.F that's for sure. I just hope they don't put this in the Taker/Punk feud so soon just to give Punk cheap heat. I guess if both sides consent it shouldn't be that bad.

My favorite memories of Paul Bearer is the very first Funeral Parlor segment with Ultimate warrior (My earliest memory of Paul Bearer) and how he used to freak me out lol. The times when he was with Vader and how he'd rock and jive to his music showed a humorous side to him. Wrestlemania 15 when he was outside of the cell talking smack to the ref arguing with him before the match, and to the Bossman "You're the one gonna serve hard time", and at Wrestlemania 2000 after Kane choke slammed Pete Rose and Bearer does the suck it, crotch chop. LOL.............R.I.P Bill Moody, thank you for all the laughs, freak outs and other great memories.
I like so many others was hoping to see Paul walking the Undertaker down the ramp this Wrestlemania and to instead hear of this is absolutely heartbreaking. He was always so dedicated to the character he was playing and he is easily one of the better managers wrestling has seen. I hope to see him one day inducted into the HOF and hope that he truly does rest in peace. Some sort of acknowledgement on Raw next week would be nice; he truly deserves to be recognized for all that he did and all that he was. Who could ever forget Paul Bearer?
This is pretty shocking. R.I.P. buddy.

We just lost one of the greatest wrestling managers in history.

I wonder if WWE will put him in the HOF this year now.
This is such a shame.

I was hoping to see him get inducted in the Hall with Taker when he goes in (or be the one to induct him). Now he won't be here for it. Hell, I was even hoping for him to make one more Mania appearance with Taker, so that they can both go out together, the way it should have been.

Sad day. As The Undertaker used to say...

That's sad. It appears he did have some health problems concerning his weight, although I'm sure more details will come in the in the near future. I found him tremendously entertaining like so many of us and he really the icing on the cake that helped the Undertaker come off the screen. had these sentiments to say about the man we knew as Paul Bearer.
Our friend Scott Christ of and Tape Machines Are Rolling remembered a poem Bearer wrote and read for Owen Hart on Monday Night Raw the night after he died in 1999:

"He will not grow old, like we who are left grow old/Age shall not weary him, nor the years condemn/... "After going down of the sun, and in the morning/We will remember him, goodbye old buddy."

Rest in peace, Paul Bearer.
hopefully we'll find out more info in the coming days and WWE will do a tribute on RAW from his last WWE days to his WCW or WCCW days.. He probably had a heart issue but who knos..
Paul Bearer was the most ridiculous managerial gimmick in the history of professional wrestling. Absurdly, insanely over the top. Just ridiculous...

... and I've loved every single second in which he appeared during the last twenty years. It took utter genius to make that gimmick not only work, but work so damn well. Thank you and rest in peace.
Can't believe this. Just earlier today I posted in the Wrestlemania 29: Punk vs. Taker thread that I wanted to see him return in Taker's corner at the pay-per-view since Paul Heyman is gonna be in Punk's, and now I hear of this. This is truly a sad day for wrestling, we've lost one of the greatest managers ever. I grew up watching Paul when he was feuding with Taker, I'm really gonna miss him. My condolences go out to Paul's family, Taker, Kane, and Paul's other friends.

Thank you for all your great work over the years, William Moody. Rest in peace!

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