Outside Interference


Occasional Pre-Show
I know this is pro wrestling we are talking about here, and things always change. But I was thinking, I notice nowadays whenever there is an interference about to happen, before the guy comes out to interfere in the ring, his entrance music plays, which is a total giveaway. I remember back in the day, whenever guys came out to interfere in the match they didn't have their entrance music play right before they came out.

I know it's wwe and we aren't supposed to use much logic, but I always thought it was better if A guy came out to interfere, he did it without his theme song playing, to me it takes away from the realism. Wonder why they switched to doing that.
Not all the time. For instance, this past Monday on Raw saw Kane interfering in Cena vs. Rollins without any sort of entrance music playing. In fact, if I think about it, most of the time, I don't really recall all that many instances of entrance music playing. When it does play, it usually serves some sort of purpose such as setting up a feud between the guy interfering and the intended target, especially if there's been some sort of tease that they're gonna start feuding.

Also, a lot of the time, when entrance music hits and the guy comes out on the stage, it's used to serve as a distraction rather than blatant interference, especially if the referee isn't knocked out as it'd result in a DQ finish.
I prefer for heels to actually win clean most of the time. Heels should be built up as awesome. You didn't see Johnny Lawrence in The Karate Kid have to cheat to beat Daniel Larusso through the entire film. No. Larusso had to go through the journey of getting better before he could take him on and win. Wrestling should be just like that.

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