I hate that song!

Among the current "relevant" Superstars, my personal pick would be Daniel Bryan and that atrocious Flight of the Valkyries remix he uses as his entrance theme. They should have changed that long ago.

The official most annoying theme music of all time, however, would go to Right to Censor. There can be no debate on this.
3 - Kane: Not so much because I dislike the theme itself, but more because I miss the "Slow Chemical" theme SO MUCH that every other theme he's ever had just sounds like garbage to me.

Gotta agree with you there. That song rocks and puts every other version of it to shame. I wish he never stopped using it.

The official most annoying theme music of all time, however, would go to Right to Censor. There can be no debate on this.

Sure. it was definitely annoying but who better to have the most annoying theme ever than the most annoying stable ever? A lot of times, heel stables will get face pops for doing their jobs so well but with that music, no one was ever going to cheer for them. That was an A+ music selection.

I strongly dislike ADR's stereotypical Mexican heel music. Maybe because I strongly dislike Del Rio but whatever the case that music makes me cringe.
I am going to do a top ten worst themes, starting now.

10. Jim Ross' theme.
- I love Jim Ross, I have respect for him and all but his theme song is silly. Only because he is so tremendous as a commentator do I still take him seriously but when that song starts, I kinda' just wanna' laugh. Instead though, I cringe, lower my TV, and either fast forward or just do something to help the time go faster so I don't have to deal with the bad entrance.

09. JBL's theme.
- Fits his character well, but his character is an annoying douche bag, and that song with that random cow moo'ing and crap, is just.. bothersome.

08. Birtish Bulldog's theme
- This song just continues on, one of the loudest and busiest theme songs of all time. Just bangs in your ear, feels like I've been listening to it for hours after two minutes. It's annoying.

07. 3MB
- "IT'S THE THREE MAN BAAAAND!" Oh please shut the Hell up. Perfect jobber thing, can'ot get the crowd pumped, it's annoying and bland.

06. Los Matadores
- The "OLE!" and the stock hard salsa music that plays them to the ring in the most generic "We're a latin tag team" really gets on my nerves. I hate that theme song, very much.

05. Perry Saturn's theme/Cesaro's theme
- I actually really dislike Cesaro's other themes as well, but this new one reminds me a lot of Perry Saturn's theme song from the attitude era. Just that loud piercing alarm sound. I mean, it's cool if it happens only once but in Saturn's theme it just continues on. THAT'S NOT MUSIC! IT'S A NOISE! AN ANNOYING NOISE! Whose idea it was to put that on there? Like DAMN!

04. Al Snow's theme
- WHAT DOES EVERYBODY WANT?! For your entrance to be just a little bit shorter. Your theme song is awful. Shut up.

03. (This is a controversal pick..) The Undertaker's theme
- The Undertaker is one of my favorite wrestlers of all time, and his entrance is probably one of the best entrances of all time, but when he comes on now.. I go take a crap, or cook some soup and put a drink in the freezer to get it nice and cool, and then I sit back by my TV about 10 minutes later when his entrance starts, only to still hear the same thing tune play for another 2 minutes. I get it, it's creepy, it's slow, but I can't imagine hearing that theme like every week if he had a match on every Raw or something. It would annoy the crap out of me. It's not creepy anymore, WWE. We know who the Undertaker is. He has a goofy ass haircut, and he's older. We don't need the creep factor. Someone change the theme up like they did before, like to a Johnny Cash song or something, but his usual Rest In Peace theme.. I HATE IT!

02. All the WWE Diva's
- Except for Kharma, Lita, Paige, Emma, Alicia Fox's theme awhile back, Chyna's, and possibly Stephanie McMahon's old theme, I have to say that every single diva's theme, in the history of theme songs, are all the worst. Any woman with an entrance music can be considered number one for my most hated theme music, but then there is just one song that beats them all. Just one song that is so damn terrible, that no diva's theme, and no one else's theme can possibly measure up to the pure agony of this particular theme ...

- Just.. go listen to it. It.. is torture.

I'll give you this... Lots of people can go online and complain intensely about trivial things, but you, sir, have made ART complaining online about trivial things. I don't get caught up in the hate-part of it, I can feel the love behind the hate in this post.

I'm not a big fan of theme music (as opposed to theme songs), but The Real Americans' theme (not the Derringer-song) sounds especially cheap to me. I think it's because it's so synth-tastic. Some themes stand out and I love them (Rock's current one with the bitchin' guitar licks, for example), but themes that are basically a shat-out twenty-second loops are not what I enjoy.

By the same train of thought, I don't like Brock Lesnar's theme or Kurtis Axel's.
There are alot of songs already mentioned that I hate, such as the Right To Censor theme. However, as others have pointed out...this was supposed to be the most annoying, irritating song that could possibly be made, in order to make the fans boo the hated faction even more. It was perfect for the gimmick, so I can't pick that one.

I remember hating Rob Conway's theme that started with the words "Just look at me...", that really wound me up. It just didn't seem to fit for an entrance theme at all.

Other ones that jump to mind are The Great Khali's themes (all of them), most of the divas themes (with the exception of Lita, Trish, Victoria and Sable- the TNA Knockout themes are far superior in my opinion), Eugene's, Al Snow, Cade/Murdoch and increasingly...Zack Ryder.
Even though for me its very close to falling into the dull category im gonna have to pick randy ortons.its not actually such a bad song but imo its pretty crap as an entrance theme.its just the slow moving dreary beat combined with ortons equally slow arrogant walk to the ring.i imagine some people would say it suits him perfectly but for me it just gets on my nerves.

Interesting. I love Orton's entrance because of the arguments you just brought up. IMO great song, perfectly "worked" by the slow paced entrance of Orton.
Cena Cena Cena. Good grief his entrance music is horrific. It's the same exact two bars over and over and over again.

Adam Rose, Bo Dallas and Rusev. All of the newer NXT guys have gotten terrible music!
Smoke and Mirrors does me head in. I have a strong dislike of Batista's theme too. My problem with a lot of today's theme is they have no identity. If I'm playing WWE 13/14 and I hear them in the menu section, 9/10 I couldn't tell you who's theme was who's. A lot of it is just really heavy rock music, whereas when I was watching from 97-05 the themes were sort of catered to fit the characters a lot better.
Bret harts when he came back.

Why turn such a legendary song into some crappy re-mix. They did the same thing with Goldbergs. Leave it alone you fucktards!!!

Dolph Zigglers is enough for me to put the tv on mute. He isnt going anywhere with that crappy gimmick and horendous theme song.
My problem with a lot of today's theme is they have no identity. If I'm playing WWE 13/14 and I hear them in the menu section, 9/10 I couldn't tell you who's theme was who's. A lot of it is just really heavy rock music, whereas when I was watching from 97-05 the themes were sort of catered to fit the characters a lot better.

That hit the nail on the head right there, most of today's themes just don't match up to the good old days of music that matched the wrestler.

However because of that i think i will list some of the songs i hated back in the day even though most of these hit the spot character wise.

3:Money money money: Million Dollar Man, Now don't get me wrong the song fitted him perfectly but i hated it so much whenever i heard it. Maybe because he played the gimmick so well.

2: Scott Steiner's theme tune: Just the siren going off at the start was enough to put me off

1:The Mountie: I'm the Mountie: just YouTube it and you will see what i mean.
I am going to do a top ten worst themes, starting now.

10. Jim Ross' theme.
- I love Jim Ross, I have respect for him and all but his theme song is silly. Only because he is so tremendous as a commentator do I still take him seriously but when that song starts, I kinda' just wanna' laugh. Instead though, I cringe, lower my TV, and either fast forward or just do something to help the time go faster so I don't have to deal with the bad entrance.

09. JBL's theme.
- Fits his character well, but his character is an annoying douche bag, and that song with that random cow moo'ing and crap, is just.. bothersome.

08. Birtish Bulldog's theme
- This song just continues on, one of the loudest and busiest theme songs of all time. Just bangs in your ear, feels like I've been listening to it for hours after two minutes. It's annoying.

07. 3MB
- "IT'S THE THREE MAN BAAAAND!" Oh please shut the Hell up. Perfect jobber thing, can'ot get the crowd pumped, it's annoying and bland.

06. Los Matadores
- The "OLE!" and the stock hard salsa music that plays them to the ring in the most generic "We're a latin tag team" really gets on my nerves. I hate that theme song, very much.

05. Perry Saturn's theme/Cesaro's theme
- I actually really dislike Cesaro's other themes as well, but this new one reminds me a lot of Perry Saturn's theme song from the attitude era. Just that loud piercing alarm sound. I mean, it's cool if it happens only once but in Saturn's theme it just continues on. THAT'S NOT MUSIC! IT'S A NOISE! AN ANNOYING NOISE! Whose idea it was to put that on there? Like DAMN!

04. Al Snow's theme
- WHAT DOES EVERYBODY WANT?! For your entrance to be just a little bit shorter. Your theme song is awful. Shut up.

03. (This is a controversal pick..) The Undertaker's theme
- The Undertaker is one of my favorite wrestlers of all time, and his entrance is probably one of the best entrances of all time, but when he comes on now.. I go take a crap, or cook some soup and put a drink in the freezer to get it nice and cool, and then I sit back by my TV about 10 minutes later when his entrance starts, only to still hear the same thing tune play for another 2 minutes. I get it, it's creepy, it's slow, but I can't imagine hearing that theme like every week if he had a match on every Raw or something. It would annoy the crap out of me. It's not creepy anymore, WWE. We know who the Undertaker is. He has a goofy ass haircut, and he's older. We don't need the creep factor. Someone change the theme up like they did before, like to a Johnny Cash song or something, but his usual Rest In Peace theme.. I HATE IT!

02. All the WWE Diva's
- Except for Kharma, Lita, Paige, Emma, Alicia Fox's theme awhile back, Chyna's, and possibly Stephanie McMahon's old theme, I have to say that every single diva's theme, in the history of theme songs, are all the worst. Any woman with an entrance music can be considered number one for my most hated theme music, but then there is just one song that beats them all. Just one song that is so damn terrible, that no diva's theme, and no one else's theme can possibly measure up to the pure agony of this particular theme ...

- Just.. go listen to it. It.. is torture.

Let's get this out there to begin with, good as Jim Johnston is, themes are better when they are legit musicians and they pony up for some rights... Adam Rose with World Gone Wild compared to what he has now is a good case in point.

JR's theme was the Oaklahoma Sooners march and fit him perfectly due to his connection with the team, the state and actual fans themselves. "Good Ol' JR" fit a marching band great.

Your point on the Bulldog is shite... utter shite... Rule Britannia is the considered national anthem of England (not the UK which is of course God Save the Queen) and lets get another point clear, use of classical music actually raises your credibility and entrance. Flair using Also Sprach Zarathusa by Strauss, Bryan using Ride of the Valkyries and even Triple H at one point using Beethovens Ode To Joy elevated their characters and became part of them, just as Rule Britannia was for Davey... he was coming to the ring draped in his flag for gods sake, when he went to Johnson generic rock crap he lost so much...

JBL I kinda agree cos it wasn't a great attempt at faux classical but it did fit the "Long Horn" gimmick, that he was basically a cowboy made good and it did have echoes of the Dallas theme, which of course JR Ewing was the major inspiration for the character.


Diva's you are missing one out that DID work well, Victoria's use of "All The Things She Said" by Tatu. The way it was edited in a way that fit the character and again it was a current #1 song in some countries.

Where WWE gets it wrong so often is trying to come up with generic stuff that sounds like something rather than just ponying up some cash for the real thing... Cesaro's themes in general have been random to say the least, but his first was a clear, blatant instrumental knock off of "Chelsea Dagger" by the Fratellis, to the point it didn't fit a heel but as a face, the original song would have been perfect for him with it's singalong chorus... or even Adam Rose who now would fit that so perfect as the singing in his theme is ripped off the same song. It would have been cheap as this was not a massive band... but they did it cheaper and it didn't work.

When you do a theme that isn't the real thing, the wrestler doesn't look like the real thing but when you do it right and spend a bit of cash it makes a massive difference. When "Cult of Personality" first crackled into WWE the crowd erupted and it became as much a part of Punk as his tatts, wrist tape or ring persona. More recently an unknown Brit has made a massive impact with a song, sure WWE bought it, renamed it but Mark Crozer is arguably the 4th Wyatt... so much of the success Bray has had comes from finding the right theme for him rather than letting Jim Johnson write it. By the way I am a Music Marketer and singer so I do know a bit about this.

The worst themes I personally remember are The Steiners in 93 - again a "collegiate march" but not a real one, it was a WWE crap version of one and it didn't fit the Steiners at all. Indeed that period was just bad, using a duet of "We're Not The Mounties" is one thing cos it's meant to be bad but Bam Bam Bigelow, Lex Luger, The Owen Hart Boogie (which was so random it was awful) Razor Ramon (come on guys it's a bad theme, it does nothing at all) and even Diesel all suffered from generic, bad quality themes... now try the same 5 guys with these songs (maybe instrumental) or artists instead.

Bam Bam - Suicidal Tendencies or Motorhead - Institutionalised might fit

Lex Luger - Born In the USA - Luger coming out to that was almost a no brainer but they gave him some stupid theme that didn't fit him.

Razor Ramon - Something by Santana

Owen Hart - Baba O Reily - The Who - Lyrically it fit Owen's delusions and was anthemic enough it would have annoyed people... and the theme he got was so clearly based off the keyboard intro for this they may as well have used it.

Diesel - Five To One - The Doors/Scott Weiland or even the one they ended up using for Dan Severn later on...

Those are just ideas, but all would do the same thing but give credibility the characters missed at the time cos the themes just didn't quite fit.

Some times 2nd and 3rd goes work. Marc Mero's first theme was awful, then came the TKO theme and it was far better... Trips first theme was awful, then came the Ludvig Van which helped inform the "degenerate" in him (it was a great nod to Clockwork Orange most missed) then it went poor again before they ponied up for Motorhead.
R-Truth's "Time To Get Crunk" theme was just horrible. I'm glad he changed it back to his other theme shortly afterward. If he still used it, it would be my least favorite out of anyone on the main roster. I instantly muted the tv every time it played. I've ignored many awful themes over the years, that was one I couldn't ignore.

The worst of all time for me though is The Vaudevillains' theme over in NXT. That is the single worst piece of trash theme song I have ever heard in the 20+ years I have been watching wrestling. If I had the choice between listening to nothing but Right To Censor's theme for the rest of my life, or ever hearing The Vaudevillains' theme again, I'd pick Right To Censor. The Vaudevillains' song is pure torture to listen to.
I've come up with a few more themes I really don't/didn't like.

I hated Heidenreich's theme in WWE. The constant "HEI-DEN....HEIDENREICH" was really irritating, and definitely made me turn the sound down whenever that freak came onto the screen. Imagine "STONE-COLD...STEVE AUSTIN" or "CE-NA..JOHN CENA" in the same tune as the Heidenreich music, just as annoying isn't it. Old Heiders wasn't gonna go anywhere with a theme like that.

Also, who can forget the clasic TL Hopper theme. For those who haven't heard of this legend, his gimmick was that he was a toilet cleaner, and his entrance theme was simply the sounds of a toilet flushing and a person farting...seriously. It was a low point in a terrible period of gimmicks for the WWE.

Finally, Victoria's "I Aint A Lady To Mess With" theme. As most people on these forums know, I am a huge fan of Lisa Marie Varon (Victoria/Tara), but MY GOD I can't defend that theme. The "GO..GO...GO...GO!" after the first line drive me insane, it's painful to listen to. The TaTu theme she had earlier in her WWE career was a million times better than this piece of crap theme. Whenever she was on screen and it was playing, I'd just turn the sound down and just stare at her ass in silence haha!
R-Truth's "Time To Get Crunk" theme was just horrible. I'm glad he changed it back to his other theme shortly afterward. If he still used it, it would be my least favorite out of anyone on the main roster. I instantly muted the tv every time it played. I've ignored many awful themes over the years, that was one I couldn't ignore.

The worst of all time for me though is The Vaudevillains' theme over in NXT. That is the single worst piece of trash theme song I have ever heard in the 20+ years I have been watching wrestling. If I had the choice between listening to nothing but Right To Censor's theme for the rest of my life, or ever hearing The Vaudevillains' theme again, I'd pick Right To Censor. The Vaudevillains' song is pure torture to listen to.

Again, the whole point is that it IS meant to be bad... their gimmick is meant to be a throwback - no music doesn't work in todays WWE so they have what they have cos it evokes the "Vaudeville" era... most people don't know what the hell a Vaudevillian" is, but when they see the intro with the black and white, crackled effect and that music they get it... Charlie Chaplin, pratfalls, silent movies... it's not a great gimmick, but it IS a giimick that can work for some and the music is no worse than Rob Conway's "Con Man" gimmick.

Not everyone needs the "amazing" theme, they just have to be memorable and catchy for the fans to get behind... Kofi is a case in point... it'll never be "goosebumps" time, but it hits the right notes... Same for Barrett right now, it's not great but it gets the character over and once he started emphasising the "BOOM" himself it made sense... That the Manic Street Preachers (a BIG BIG band who he even has a lyric from tatooed) have offered a theme for him and they haven't taken them up on it is telling. Vince just doesn't want to pony up. The Preachers would probably donate it cos they like the guy... but record execs etc don't like that...

Absolute nadir of themes in the current roster is Emma... that is a CD no one will ever shoplift. As for Truth... just be glad Pretty Ricky never took off, cos I dread to think what he would have ended up with.

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