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Orton's Pose


Dark Match Jobber
This is just a minor thing that's been bothering me for the past few weeks. Has anyone else noticed that Orton hasn't been doing his trademark pose on the turnbuckle and instead is just doing a very generic looking pose where he raises his arms and points to the ceiling? At first I thought he might be doing it because his neck has been hurting him and it may have pained him to do the pose, but after watching him compete over the past few weeks and having him jerking his neck around like he always does, it's pretty obvious that wasn't the issue. I'm wondering if he's just trying to change the pose because he adopted it when his character was very cocky and that isn't his character now.

Don't get me wrong, Orton has been great lately. I've been really enjoying his program with The Miz, and I'm loving the way he's picking up the pace and adding moves to his repertoire (Angle Slam, Powerbomb), but I'm a big fan of the "vintage" Orton pose. If he's not gonna do it, I'd rather he not do anything at all like he did during his heel run. To me, it's kinda like Triple H not doing the water spitting or Undertaker not raising the lights at the ring steps. Maybe I just fear change too much. What do you guys think? Do you miss the Orton pose? Like the new one?
iv been holding off on regestiring even though iv visited this sight since 2006.
SCSA use to be my favorite and randy my second. when scsa "passed the torch" to cena i put randy first. Randy is my fav and i even went to another city to get his 7 eleven summer slam cup lol but anyway yea iv been noticing that too and i agree its just as important as takers lights and the one who sleeps with the bosses daughter AKA only reason hes 13 time champ water spitting. It shows ortons classic arrogance and that he is confident no matter what. i understand hes been working hard on his face since him and cena are now the biggest ticket drawers right now but still its just classic orton.
I noticed this tonight for the first time and the first thing I thought was SCSA pose without the middle fingers. I didn't realize that he has been doing it for weeks and I've always thought heel or face once you get a signature pose you should stick with it especially one as well known as Ortons
I also noticed this last night and I was disappointed to say the least, I mean Orton isn't Orton without that trademark pose. It could be showing that he has changed for the better with his new 'Viper' gimmick rather than his old cocky 'Legend Killer' gimmick, but that pose fits well with his 'Legend Killer' gimmick but not very well with his 'Viper' gimmick so perhaps because he has given up with the old gimmick, he has given up with his old pose.
I think it's just a case of his trademark 'Legend Killer' pose not really fitting in with his current 'Viper' gimmick, but WWE still wanting him to do something that pops the crowd once he gets in the ring. Having a guy who's meant to be a total badass get in the ring and do a very cocky "Look at me! Look at me! Aren't I fabulous?!" type pose seems really out of place.
true with the viper gimmick BUT stone cold was still arrogant with his rattlesnake gimmick. It still fits him but maybe if he went to the barracade where the fans were outside the ring it would fit him better as its more faceish
Ortons new pose is stone cold steve austins pose . Scsa did that all the time , before fans threw him beers , maybe orton acknowledges stone colds greatness .
Danger3-"Don't get me wrong, Orton has been great lately. I've been really enjoying his program with The Miz, and I'm loving the way he's picking up the pace and adding moves to his repertoire (Angle Slam, Powerbomb)"

I miss the pose as well, his new thing is totally a carbon copy of the Austin pose, sans middle fingers

You know, (and this is off topic, I'm sorry) I don't know if I like the fact that Orton added new moves to his arsenal. I'm a big fan of his, but it seems unecessary and overkill that he's now using 2 new "finishing moves" as normal moves in his matches. The "angle slam" and powerbomb would be much better suited for guys who have shitty finishers right now. I don't know who could use them, but I just feel that moves like that should be saved for the ending of a match, not to set up a series of DDT off the ropes, snap powerslam, "garvin stomp" (love when he does that), triple clothesline into the RKO. It just seems like it's too much, am I crazy?
I don't really know why he stopped it, because to me the pose never really seemed to come across as arrogant so much as it did that he was soaking up the crowd's energy like he's almost inhaling the reaction. I think that could still work for a face or heel, so it doesn't really make any sense to adopt another pose to me.
Orton still does the pose, however he does not do it as often. I've only really seen him do it after a long, grueling match lately, and at house shows.
Can I put this to rest please? Orton himself has stated that he doesn't do the pose much because he sees it as too inviting to the fans, and his character is not one that plays to the fans. He may get cheered as a face, but what has he changed since being a heel other then having lackeys doing his bidding? Absolutely nothing. Orton always felt the pose was one of playing to the crowd, which he acknowledged that even in the here and now isn't what his character is about. Have you ever heard Orton address the fans as the "WWE Universe" the way the rest of the superstars do? I surely haven't. His gimmick wasn't about playing to the fans before, and it certainly isn't now, no matter how much he may be cheered. He's said so himself.

I just don't feel the pose is that significant in any circumstance as it doesnt really enhance Orton's character. As the OP said, he's enhanced his moveset right now. I feel he's done so in a way that he's one of the most versatile wrestlers within the WWE. Id rather see a wrestler work on enhancing those aspects about themself then worry about what type of pose they do on the turnbuckle before or after a match.
I also noticed this last night and I was disappointed to say the least, I mean Orton isn't Orton without that trademark pose. It could be showing that he has changed for the better with his new 'Viper' gimmick rather than his old cocky 'Legend Killer' gimmick, but that pose fits well with his 'Legend Killer' gimmick but not very well with his 'Viper' gimmick so perhaps because he has given up with the old gimmick, he has given up with his old pose.

Anytime, a wrestler changes from a heel to face or vise versa. You have do something different. When Jericho turned heel he doesn't do his pose at his entrance. My opinion Orton's pose is one of a kinda. However, i think he should of came up with something better.
Honestly, it doesn't matter. Whether heel or face, or in between, either pose is about as boring as he is. And just because he added 2 more moves to his repertoire doesn't mean he's still not the same old "BLANDy BOREton...
Can I put this to rest please? Orton himself has stated that he doesn't do the pose much because he sees it as too inviting to the fans, and his character is not one that plays to the fans. He may get cheered as a face, but what has he changed since being a heel other then having lackeys doing his bidding? Absolutely nothing. Orton always felt the pose was one of playing to the crowd, which he acknowledged that even in the here and now isn't what his character is about. Have you ever heard Orton address the fans as the "WWE Universe" the way the rest of the superstars do? I surely haven't. His gimmick wasn't about playing to the fans before, and it certainly isn't now, no matter how much he may be cheered. He's said so himself.

I just don't feel the pose is that significant in any circumstance as it doesnt really enhance Orton's character. As the OP said, he's enhanced his moveset right now. I feel he's done so in a way that he's one of the most versatile wrestlers within the WWE. Id rather see a wrestler work on enhancing those aspects about themself then worry about what type of pose they do on the turnbuckle before or after a match.

This is the best answer that has been given.

Has anyone ever heard Orton address the crowd? Has ever played to the crowd? That's something I've never heard or seen. Orton hasn't changed anything about his character to try and please the crowd. He may be cheered, but its not anything he's done to do it. His pose did get the crowd going, and with is character being who he is, it wasn't/isn't something he felt he should do. Big deal. He's going to do what fits him, and if the pose doesn't, then it doesn't. Its not going to make or break him.
I also feel that this new pose of his is a step backwards. His classic pose was something that when people saw it, they thought of him. Now, he's doing a generic pose with no feeling or personality to it. It kinda bothers me seeing him do that instead. I understand if he doesn't want to play to the crowd, but wouldn't posing for a crowd in some way, shape, or form be considered playing to the crowd? I agree that he should do nothing at all like his heel gimmick, if he feels like he doesn't want to play to the crowd.

I do like Orton somewhat, but it kills me sometimes how generic he comes across as. His deliveries in promos are very monotone and flat, his body language is dull and non-existent (except for his little spaz attacks and freakouts, which are cool), and this new pose of his doesn't help matters. It's one thing to go for the whole cold-and-calculated schtick, but it's another to just come off as bland and with no personality. It's a good thing for him that he's gotten as over as he has, because that kind of deal lands people in WWE Superstars.
who cares what 'pose' he does? he is still the same guy. in fact he has started to evolve his moveset which is vastly more relevant than what taunt he does.

old or new, orton hasnt shown crowd reaction has anything to do with changes in his character. its just simply a change. its nt as relevant as eddie & his taunt, or the undertaker dropping to one knee. those are iconic poses. it dosent seem to matter either way what orton does with his arms unless its hitting the rko.
I agree with Ezekyo. If you don't want to play to the crowd, then why do any kind of pose at all? Someone mentioned Jericho not doing his pose during his latest heel run. While that bothered me at first, at least he just walked down the ramp. He didn't do some random generic pose because he "didn't want to play to the crowd." That makes absolutely no sense. There shouldn't be a middle ground here. Either play to the crowd and do the pose that everyone knows and loves, or don't and just stare out at them like you did when you were a heel.
The reason he ain't doin the 2 arms up like a world pose is he's probably has a sore upper body n The reason Stone Cold didn't do the Stone Cold salute was the PG Movement and all and Orton and no where near like Austin Orton is a Hogan/Jake Roberts type not an Austin cause Stone Cold didn't need to steal anybodies finishers like Orton.ANd ! ther thing is Orton is A damn hypocrite when he says he didn't have to have any help getting or keeping his Titles all BS lies by that.
i dont mind him doing this pose but i dont think he should stop doing his original pose. i hope he isnt changing his character i like the fact hes added new moves but i hope he keeps his image.
The last couple of weeks.... where have you been? Orton has been doing that pose since the beginning of his last reign. It's simply a case of where he use to have the WWE title in his hands, he simply uses finger pointing up. Its nothing new but of course someone started a bandwagon about Orton trying to be Austin and then they see that like Austin invented raising your arms!
I actually didn't notice this until tlc.Sad,I know, but true. I think it's because he's trying to move away from the "legend killer" gimmick. His old pose came up in that time. People think of that era of orton's career when they see it. It doesn't have anything to do with scsa.
So it's safe to say, the majority of ppl agree the Legend Killer Pose, does not fit in with his current Viper personality. Also, his current Stone Cold pose / is too generic and perhaps to close to Austin.

So then the question for this thread should evolve to, what pose would be good for his Viper gimmick.

Should he go to the middle rope like previous?

Should he stay in the middle of the ring like HBK?

Should he go to the ropes like Jericho's spin and HHH water spit?

I initially say, going to the middle rope already is a pander to the crowd... un-viper like. So middle of the ring, would probably be best- perhaps something that will seem like he isnt making an effort to pose.

I would say something like, sliding into the ring, and staying very still on one knee, one fist down on the ground, eyes to the mat, then slightly peering up with his devious eyes. Sort of like the coiling before the RKO, but not moving.

Any other suggestions.
I think we can debate about this all we want, should he pose or not? All I have to say is, Does it really matter? As long as he delivers in the ring, and we know he's doing his best, who cares if he does a 'signature pose' on the turnbuckle or wherever it is. I'm sure he knows that true fans of the wrestling in its purest form will appreciate what he brings to the ring, whether he's doing a promo directed to the fans, or just doing it for the sheer passion behind it. As others have said on here before, Orton has never claimed to be one for the people, or against the people. He's for himself. Nothing wrong with that and I won't fault him either. At the end of the day, as long as he's living up to his personal best, and living up to the best for the execs in the back, then that's all that should matter, and as many people who want to bitch about 'he's not doing his signature pose' there will be as many people who don't really care if he does it. That's my honest opinion about that.
I agree with LSN80, he's always tried to dissuade his fans from liking him, and now as a face, he is just doing his thing but getting cheered, but he doesn't play to them. He doesn't yell "TONIGHT IN XXX CITY, XXX STATE" to get a crowd reaction... he just does his thing.

Regarding the actual pose himself. Randy has started using the Angle Slam alot recently before he goes into "hunting mode" for the RKO. At first I thought it was Kurt Angle's pose in the WWE since I couldnt remember what it actually was.

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