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Orton is worse then Cena...


Dark Match Winner
Everybody always comes on here complaining about Super Cena, and how it's complete crap how he can "Hulk" up and turn the tide of a match in a heartbeat...

I'm no Cena supporter, but Orton is getting absolutely ridiculous. If I do recall, Cena has been getting his ass handed to him almost constantly for the last year between Wade Barrett and Nexus and now Miz, Cena doesn't seem to have a problem putting this guys over and looking weak.

Orton on the other hand? It seems as if he has magical pull backstage and refuses to look weak to Nexus. The beat down backstage this week had me feeling like this was actually a back and forth fued finally, and then out of no where he hits an RKO and it's over? (SELF HIGH FIVVVVE!)

Cena was in a program with Nexus for over half a year and made them seems legit, and Orton is taking them out one a week with a weak looking kick to the head? How could Cena be the top guy in the company and keep his credibility when Orton is doing what he couldn't in 3 weeks time?
In fairness the original Nexus was a lot stronger as opposed to the ''New'' Nexus. Also Cena roughed everyone of them up in the Royal Rumble when Khali, Booker T etc could not.

Orton was attacked backstage by three guys wasn't it, in comparison to Cena getting beaten by 7? And they're billing the RKO to be a move that can be hit at any time, any place, any situation.

They can't afford to make Orton look weak, especially with Cena getting storylines with The Rock, despite the fact he publicly dissed him a few times. Cena and Orton are the ''Rock and Austin'' of their generation, so see it from that point of view. You do raise a fair point though!
I agree to a certain extent, but they always said Cena couldn't win because of the numbers game, the Raw GM eliminated that aspect. Are you saying that Otunga, Harris, and Henning should be able to beat Orton 1 on 1?

WWE wants to get rid of Nexus and repackage its members, this is the way the writers came up with. I would rather see this than a 5 on 1 beat down at Mania.
I disagree Miz kicked the living crap out of Orton last month. Then Punk GTS him and cost him the title. The following night on RAW Punk and the Nexus beat him down and he received another GTS. This week was no different. I am not the biggest Orton fan, but I don't think he has a Superman gimmick.

In fact I believe the WWE has done a great job of making Punk & Orton both look strong going into this match. Would not be surprised to see Orton lose at Mania to make Punk the biggest heel in the WWE.
In fairness the original Nexus was a lot stronger as opposed to the ''New'' Nexus. Also Cena roughed everyone of them up in the Royal Rumble when Khali, Booker T etc could not.

Orton was attacked backstage by three guys wasn't it, in comparison to Cena getting beaten by 7? And they're billing the RKO to be a move that can be hit at any time, any place, any situation.

They can't afford to make Orton look weak, especially with Cena getting storylines with The Rock, despite the fact he publicly dissed him a few times. Cena and Orton are the ''Rock and Austin'' of their generation, so see it from that point of view. You do raise a fair point though!

If Cena and Orton are the Rock and Austin of this generation than that is pretty sad for the future of wrestling. But your probably right as I dont see a single wrestler in the WWE right now who has the potential to be bigger stars than Cena and Orton.

Cena cant impress me with spectacular matches and Ortons promos are horrible, dude has no charisma whatsoever, he just makes that stupid ass face when he gets pissed.
i mostly disagree with you. orton is beating the members of nexus individually. he has shown signs of weakness, punk eliminated him in the chamber, the beatdown backstage last week, and two weeks before the elimination chamber when punk got his nose broken the nexus beat the shit out of orton. the nexus isnt nearly as strong as they once were. by the way the punt to the skull does not look weak.
Ever since oh, HIAC, Orton has been terrible.

People talk about SuperCena well welcome to SuperOrton!

His booking has been crazy. As OP pointed out getting beat up backstage and then magically talking out Otunga in a few minutes.

Nexus is looking dumber and dumber every passing week.

Cena has done a great job, with some niggles, this year working with younger talent.

Orton though, ugh, awful, just awful.

CM Punk has got to beat him at Wrestlemania.
ok orton has charisma u guys are just stupid watch him as the legend killer and u will see and just because orton is gettin a stong push that he deserves, u guys are complaining how stupid cena has been supercena for so many years, orton only been lookin unstoppable for like wat a month, orton has great talent and he keeps showing that every week, his gimmick is one of the best
It can't really be compared to Cena vs Nexus because its barely even the same group. Plus, the RKO can be hit at any time and Orton at least sold a little. Cena does the whole 5 move combo and gets the pin and really has no talent. Cena is a terrible in ring wrestler while Orton has skill. They just need to get rid of this "im a viper and I randomly have outbursts" gimmick and let him talk as a normal person.
I'm not saying the guy doesn't have the talent, it's just not being packaged that way. I like nothing about him at his current stage. I hate the viper gimmick, I think the stupid looks and tantrums he throws in the ring look childish and foolish, his RKO looks pretty rough most the time (Not his fault all the times) and I really think that the punt looks weak, and is a stupid concept.

The point I was making was they really took the time and built up Nexus with the Cena fued and all they're doing with Orton is running them out of town... the punt's are getting ridiculous...

I really hope CM Punk wins at WM and Orton takes a break to film a "Funniest _____ of the year!" movie for the E... maybe then when he comes back he can have a personality and not look like a pissed off turtle.
A lot of guys raise a good point by getting beat by the Miz... He also went over clean to Swagger when he was WHC. Also, saying Cena puts over guys isn't actually true.. Whenever he wins a match he walks around as if hes just got out of bed... He doesn't sell anything after a match, thus rendering it stupid and pointless.... Atleast Orton shows emotion!
Well I guess the putting people over thing is that with Orton I always feel like it's a squash match (More recently that is) His matches just seem repetitive and stale to me.
Orton is my favorite wrestler so I am a little biased but I can admit that his last 3 matches have been a little repetitive. To his credit, it's not his fault, it's the fact that Creative is putting over his finisher as deadly and unpredictable so he's just hitting it after assaults. Orton's in-ring ability is one of the best in the WWE so he's able to sell before after and during the RKO unlike Cena and his little spurts, so I'd say Orton isn't worse than CEna
First off:

I really hope CM Punk wins at WM and Orton takes a break to film a "Funniest _____ of the year!" movie for the E... maybe then when he comes back he can have a personality and not look like a pissed off turtle.

HILARIOUS! But I would add the constipated part because it rings true. As for Orton he has done some really good promos early in his career, especially when he was with Evolution and then as a part of Rated RKO. I am not sure why he has lost so much of that energy in his features, speaking ability or posturing. I almost wonder if he is on medication that makes him come off that way. My neighbor used to be more expressive and then went monotone after taking some meds (prescribed by a doctor, nothing illegal). Not that I know but it seems he is having problems in that area of work and it used to not be that way at all.

His booking has been terrible but look at what happened between Orton and Kennedy and then Orton and Kofi Kingston. No matter what you think about the events during either episode, he does not sell others work very well.

Personally, I'm loving Orton right now.
Orton's finisher, The RKO, is a move that needs pretty much no setting up, he can just hit it at anytime. The Attitude Adjustment though needs MUCH more prep (and to me, doesn't look as "devastating").
I think what they are doing Orton right now is great. Orton usually uses more moves than Cena.
Im just gonna say this. This entire thread, and most ppls response to it is proof that no matter what the WWE does, there is absolutely NO pleasing the IWC. It doesnt matter who gets pushed, its always an issue. We had Orton taking on the viper gimmick back around WM25 and everybody LOVED it. Then all of a sudden, he boring...Then Everybody was riding the Miz's sack (which is beyond me) and when he wins the title, Oh he's not ready yet....CM Punk is next. As soon as he gets to where you guys want him to be ur gonna turn on him too smh..to me it just sounds like alot of you are just madd cuz ur favorites arent where you want them.

Lets face it, Cena and Orton are facing 2 completely different versions of Nexus. On top of that, The Nexus at this point have run their coarse. Their was an oppurtunity for them to get over in a huge way, but they didnt. now its too late for them to come back. So thats why they are being disband. I personally dont see any other way to do this then have Orton punt them all out of action...i also dont see anything wrong with ortons work as of late. He and punk are all around the best in wwe. And i also dont think his promos are boring. They arent any worse than Jake the Snake, but thats just me...His in ring work is great, he's wun of the few ppl that can actually put on a good wrestling match...
his RKO looks pretty rough most the time (Not his fault all the times) and I really think that the punt looks weak, and is a stupid concept.

Umm First of all imo the RKO hasn't looked rough at all and even if it does 9 out of 10 times its the person taking it.

and the punt looks weak? and a stupid concept? go outside have your friend run at you and kick you in the head with all his strength. THEN tell me its weak and a stupid concept.
ok lets be real here. cena killed all momentum that nexus had by:
beating them at summerslam
beating them down when he was "fired"
and eliminating them single handedly in the rumble, cena ,one guy, took out otunga ryna and migilicutti in a minute and a few minutes later took out punk making punk look weak.
and he hasn't lost cleanly to them once
Cena killed nexus

and if they actually let miz win at mania it won't be clean.
orton let miz have a clean reverse of the rko into a scf to win the wwe title.
and its typical cena to get beat up almost every week before the ppv he does it all the time. i like cena but its getting out of hand.

orton has taken them out over a number of weekes individually.
and how many people were complaining that nexus was dead and needed to be scrapped, well guess what, orton is sending them to the scrap heap
and this only helps punk cause if he wins at mania then he did it on his own, he's gonna be a main event heel on his own he needs to drop nexus.

for those who don't like his character, to each his own, but its not the worst character. granted i liked it better when he first turned last year but its still fine now.
and lets see, when he was on smackdown a few weeks ago he had the crowd hooked on every word he said and got a huge laugh when he made fun of vickie. his promo the other week where he threatened punk put emotion into the fued and really showed the hate for one another. he's no y2j on the mic, but he's not below average. he is average. and he has a great moveset to go with the gimmick.
One thing no one has pointed out yet is that we're on the road to WrestleMania right now. It's time to build up the featured stars like Cena and Orton to sell the PPV, not time to be putting rookies over and planning for the distant future.
ONCE AGAIN ANOTHER DUMB ASS THREAD BY A IWC CRY BABY. Just can't win. DO you people know that if any face is in the main event, 10 times out of 10 they will turn into a (What you people call) Super wrestler. I mean no matter what people are gonna find every little thing wrong with everything and everybody. This thread is a perfect example. Orton is way more entertaining and viscous then John Cena. He is no way in the world worse then Cena. And for those dumb asses saying he has no personality or no mic skills LOOK AT HIS DAYS WITH EVOLUTION OR RATED RKO!!! Its called a gimmick, he's told to sound the way he sounds and talk the way he talks.
This thread is complete shit and needs to be deleted. Just another stupid dumb ass who complains about everything.

I'm not saying the guy doesn't have the talent, it's just not being packaged that way. I like nothing about him at his current stage. I hate the viper gimmick, I think the stupid looks and tantrums he throws in the ring look childish and foolish, his RKO looks pretty rough most the time (Not his fault all the times) and I really think that the punt looks weak, and is a stupid concept.

The point I was making was they really took the time and built up Nexus with the Cena fued and all they're doing with Orton is running them out of town... the punt's are getting ridiculous...

I really hope CM Punk wins at WM and Orton takes a break to film a "Funniest _____ of the year!" movie for the E... maybe then when he comes back he can have a personality and not look like a pissed off turtle.

I have to agree with the Viper thing being kind of silly. I just don't like it. I'm definitely not an Orton hater as I really do like his look and in ring talent. I don't, however, like the RKO out of nowhere. I think most of the time it's because the match doen't even get going and has no momentum at that point...and then it's over. I am also a heel at heart (Storm 1:08 represent! lol) and sometimes just don't like the faces. During the attitude era (and I hate brining that up because it's like flogging a dead horse at this point) the faces were kind of heelish and I dug that. I'm probably just biased in my opinion because aside from a few faces (Christian, Bourne, and Bryan some to mind) I don't like them. It takes a special kind of person to be a great face and I don't think Orton has that. He can't talk and I can't cheer for a crappy kick to the head. I like being able to suspend disbelief and cannot do that when I've seen guys fall from the Cell, take 18 chair shots to the head, and get set on fire then come back the next night pissed off when all it takes now is a kick to the head to put a guy out. I know we are all in a different era now but let's at least keep some consistency here. Like I said before I like Orton and I don't turn the channel when he's on but kind of expect more from him after some of the greatness I have seen. I suppose my apathy towards Randy right now is just disappointment.
I hate when people say Orton is awful on the mic and has no charisma go look at his promos from 2004-2007 when he was "The Legend Killer" His gimmick as the viper doesnt allow him to show any emotion on the mic so stfu
I hate when people say Orton is awful on the mic and has no charisma go look at his promos from 2004-2007 when he was "The Legend Killer" His gimmick as the viper doesnt allow him to show any emotion on the mic so stfu

I would agree with this also but again I always liked heels better and when was The Legend Killer he was heel and got to be antagonistic which I enjoyed more.
Randal Keith Orton has gotten stale and redundant w/ his crap. At least Cena will lose to the Future while Orton just only gives a damn about himself. The last time Orton lost to a rookie was back in Aug 2010 to Justin Gabriel. I've hated Orton since he debuted back in 2003 and always will hate him. Orton is this Gen's Hogan not Cena. As Cena let himself get "fired" by a rookie. Randy would never do that. Plus he's nothing but a whiny ass wannabe like his daddy and The Punt should be banned.
I like Orton. You can't deny his talent. He has solid mic work, and is a legend in the ring. Has a lot of ring psychology and charisma.

However, I do wish he'd go back to his Legend Killer gimmick. At least let him grow his hair back out. He can keep him Viper gimmick if he wants, but dial down the whole psychotic tone. With hair.

Randal Keith Orton has gotten stale and redundant w/ his crap. At least Cena will lose to the Future while Orton just only gives a damn about himself. The last time Orton lost to a rookie was back in Aug 2010 to Justin Gabriel. I've hated Orton since he debuted back in 2003 and always will hate him. Orton is this Gen's Hogan not Cena. As Cena let himself get "fired" by a rookie. Randy would never do that. Plus he's nothing but a whiny ass wannabe like his daddy and The Punt should be banned.

That's not Orton's fault. It's booking. He's been booked to fight for the WWE CHAMPIONSHIP. Usually rookies don't fight for that. Now he's in a high profile feud with CM Punk.

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