One less thing i can be made fun of for.

Just when I thought you couldn't come across as any more pathetic, and go & make a thread like this :disappointed:

Pretty sure no woman really is going to ever appreciate it much when they have sex with a guy & he runs off & brags about it to a bunch of people on an internet wrestling forum.

Dude have a little self respect, & show a little respect for the poor girl who was willing to lower her standards enough to let you violate her, & act like you've been there before. Nobody needs to know nor cares if/when you ever get your dick wet.

I cannot believe it took four pages for somebody to point this out.

You're a fucking tool Milenko.
This whole fucking thread has just made my day so much better. Helped a bro move around about half a ton of cinder blocks yesterday. Fucked up my shoulder to the point ware if I move it it hurts so fucking back. Come in here, instant smile.
Is it me or has Prison made Anus much worse as a poster? Isn't Prison meant to make you reflect on yourself and improve as a poster?
I didn't do anything to warrant getting put in here so I stopped giving what little shit i gave in the first place.
You actually posted her picture on a wrestling forum. I'm not exactly the go-to guy on what's cool, but man, I can say with complete certainty that that is not cool.
take a look around and you'll see I'm not the first person to post a picture of his girlfriend.
I'll give you that.

Hindsight being what it is and all this thread was a horrible idea but I know for a fact they won't take it down so there isn't much i can do besides not post in it and wait for it to die.
I'm not going to come in here and bash you like the rest Mil. I'm above that. I'm just going to go ahead and say it: this thread = bad idea.

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